pub type SignedSubmissionOf<T> = SignedSubmission<<T as Config>::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, <<T as Config>::MinerConfig as MinerConfig>::Solution>;

Aliased Type§

struct SignedSubmissionOf<T> {
    pub who: <T as Config>::AccountId,
    pub deposit: <<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance,
    pub raw_solution: RawSolution<<<T as Config>::MinerConfig as MinerConfig>::Solution>,
    pub call_fee: <<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance,


§who: <T as Config>::AccountId

Who submitted this solution.

§deposit: <<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance

The deposit reserved for storing this solution.

§raw_solution: RawSolution<<<T as Config>::MinerConfig as MinerConfig>::Solution>

The raw solution itself.

§call_fee: <<T as Config>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance