
Module pallet_staking::benchmarking::v1::v2

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Contains macros, structs, and traits associated with v2 of the pallet benchmarking syntax.

The v2::benchmarks and v2::instance_benchmarks macros can be used to designate a module as a benchmarking module that can contain benchmarks and benchmark tests. The #[benchmarks] variant will set up a regular, non-instance benchmarking module, and the #[instance_benchmarks] variant will set up the module in instance benchmarking mode.

Benchmarking modules should be gated behind a #[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")] feature gate to ensure benchmarking code that is only compiled when the runtime-benchmarks feature is enabled is not referenced.

The following is the general syntax for a benchmarks (or instance benchmarks) module:

§General Syntax

#![cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]

use super::{mock_helpers::*, Pallet as MyPallet};
use frame_benchmarking::v2::*;

mod benchmarks {
	use super::*;

	fn bench_name_1(x: Linear<7, 1_000>, y: Linear<1_000, 100_0000>) {
		// setup code
		let z = x + y;
		let caller = whitelisted_caller();

		extrinsic_name(SystemOrigin::Signed(caller), other, arguments);

		// verification code
		assert_eq!(MyPallet::<T>::my_var(), z);

	fn bench_name_2() {
		// setup code
		let caller = whitelisted_caller();

			something(some, thing);
			my_extrinsic(RawOrigin::Signed(caller), some, argument);
			something_else(foo, bar);

		// verification code
		assert_eq!(MyPallet::<T>::something(), 37);

§Benchmark Definitions

Within a #[benchmarks] or #[instance_benchmarks] module, you can define individual benchmarks using the #[benchmark] attribute, as shown in the example above.

The #[benchmark] attribute expects a function definition with a blank return type (or a return type compatible with Result<(), BenchmarkError>, as discussed below) and zero or more arguments whose names are valid BenchmarkParameter parameters, such as x, y, a, b, etc., and whose param types must implement ParamRange. At the moment the only valid type that implements ParamRange is Linear.

The valid syntax for defining a Linear is Linear<A, B> where A, and B are valid integer literals (that fit in a u32), such that B >= A.

Anywhere within a benchmark function you may use the generic T: Config parameter as well as I in the case of an #[instance_benchmarks] module. You should not add these to the function signature as this will be handled automatically for you based on whether this is a #[benchmarks] or #[instance_benchmarks] module and whatever where clause you have defined for the module. You should not manually add any generics to the signature of your benchmark function.

Also note that the // setup code and // verification code comments shown above are not required and are included simply for demonstration purposes.

§#[extrinsic_call] and #[block]

Within the benchmark function body, either an #[extrinsic_call] or a #[block] annotation is required. These attributes should be attached to a block (shown in bench_name_2 above) or a one-line function call (shown in bench_name_1 above, in syn parlance this should be an ExprCall), respectively.

The #[block] syntax is broad and will benchmark any code contained within the block the attribute is attached to. If #[block] is attached to something other than a block, a compiler error will be emitted.

The one-line #[extrinsic_call] syntax must consist of a function call to an extrinsic, where the first argument is the origin. If #[extrinsic_call] is attached to an item that doesn’t meet these requirements, a compiler error will be emitted.

As a short-hand, you may substitute the name of the extrinsic call with _, such as the following:

_(RawOrigin::Signed(whitelisted_caller()), 0u32.into(), 0);

The underscore will be substituted with the name of the benchmark (i.e. the name of the function in the benchmark function definition).

In case of a force_origin where you want to elevate the privileges of the provided origin, this is the general syntax:

_(force_origin as T::RuntimeOrigin, 0u32.into(), 0);

Regardless of whether #[extrinsic_call] or #[block] is used, this attribute also serves the purpose of designating the boundary between the setup code portion of the benchmark (everything before the #[extrinsic_call] or #[block] attribute) and the verification stage (everything after the item that the #[extrinsic_call] or #[block] attribute is attached to). The setup code section should contain any code that needs to execute before the measured portion of the benchmark executes. The verification section is where you can perform assertions to verify that the extrinsic call (or whatever is happening in your block, if you used the #[block] syntax) executed successfully.

Note that neither #[extrinsic_call] nor #[block] are real attribute macros and are instead consumed by the outer macro pattern as part of the enclosing benchmark function definition. This is why we are able to use #[extrinsic_call] and #[block] within a function definition even though this behavior has not been stabilized yet—#[extrinsic_call] and #[block] are parsed and consumed as part of the benchmark definition parsing code, so they never expand as their own attribute macros.

§Optional Attributes

The keywords extra and skip_meta can be provided as optional arguments to the #[benchmark] attribute, i.e. #[benchmark(extra, skip_meta)]. Including either of these will enable the extra or skip_meta option, respectively. These options enable the same behavior they did in the old benchmarking syntax in frame_benchmarking, namely:


Specifies that this benchmark should not normally run. To run benchmarks marked with extra, you will need to invoke the frame-benchmarking-cli with --extra.


Specifies that the benchmarking framework should not analyze the storage keys that the benchmarked code read or wrote. This useful to suppress the prints in the form of unknown 0x… in case a storage key that does not have metadata. Note that this skips the analysis of all accesses, not just ones without metadata.

§Where Clause

Some pallets require a where clause specifying constraints on their generics to make writing benchmarks feasible. To accommodate this situation, you can provide such a where clause as the (only) argument to the #[benchmarks] or #[instance_benchmarks] attribute macros. Below is an example of this taken from the message-queue pallet.

		<<T as Config>::MessageProcessor as ProcessMessage>::Origin: From<u32> + PartialEq,
		<T as Config>::Size: From<u32>,
mod benchmarks {
	use super::*;
	// ...

§Benchmark Tests

Benchmark tests can be generated using the old syntax in frame_benchmarking, including the frame_benchmarking::impl_benchmark_test_suite macro.

An example is shown below (taken from the message-queue pallet’s benchmarking module):

mod benchmarks {
	use super::*;
	// ...

§Benchmark Function Generation

The benchmark function definition that you provide is used to automatically create a number of impls and structs required by the benchmarking engine. Additionally, a benchmark function is also generated that resembles the function definition you provide, with a few modifications:

  1. The function name is transformed from i.e. original_name to _original_name so as not to collide with the struct original_name that is created for some of the benchmarking engine impls.
  2. Appropriate T: Config and I (if this is an instance benchmark) generics are added to the function automatically during expansion, so you should not add these manually on your function definition (but you may make use of T and I anywhere within your benchmark function, in any of the three sections (setup, call, verification).
  3. Arguments such as u: Linear<10, 100> are converted to u: u32 to make the function directly callable.
  4. A verify: bool param is added as the last argument. Specifying true will result in the verification section of your function executing, while a value of false will skip verification.
  5. If you specify a return type on the function definition, it must conform to the rules below, and the last statement of the function definition must resolve to something compatible with Result<(), BenchmarkError>.

The reason we generate an actual function as part of the expansion is to allow the compiler to enforce several constraints that would otherwise be difficult to enforce and to reduce developer confusion (especially regarding the use of the ? operator, as covered below).

Note that any attributes, comments, and doc comments attached to your benchmark function definition are also carried over onto the resulting benchmark function and the struct for that benchmark. As a result you should be careful about what attributes you attach here as they will be replicated in multiple places.

§Support for Result<(), BenchmarkError> and the ? operator

You may optionally specify Result<(), BenchmarkError> as the return type of your benchmark function definition. If you do so, you must return a compatible Result<(), BenchmarkError> as the last statement of your benchmark function definition. You may also use the ? operator throughout your benchmark function definition if you choose to follow this route. See the example below:

#![cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]

use super::{mock_helpers::*, Pallet as MyPallet};
use frame_benchmarking::v2::*;

mod benchmarks {
	use super::*;

	fn bench_name(x: Linear<5, 25>) -> Result<(), BenchmarkError> {
		// setup code
		let z = x + 4;
		let caller = whitelisted_caller();

		// note we can make use of the ? operator here because of the return type

		extrinsic_name(SystemOrigin::Signed(caller), other, arguments);

		// verification code
		assert_eq!(MyPallet::<T>::my_var(), z);

		// we must return a valid `Result<(), BenchmarkError>` as the last line of our benchmark
		// function definition. This line is not included as part of the verification code that
		// appears above it.

§Migrate from v1 to v2

To migrate your code from benchmarking v1 to benchmarking v2, you may follow these steps:

  1. Change the import from frame_benchmarking::v1:: to frame_benchmarking::v2::*, or frame::benchmarking::prelude::* under the umbrella crate;
  2. Move the code inside the v1 benchmarks! { ... } block to the v2 benchmarks module mod benchmarks { ... } under the benchmarks macro (#[benchmarks] for a regular module, or #[instance_benchmarks] to set up the module in instance benchmarking mode);
  3. Turn each v1 benchmark into a function inside the v2 benchmarks module with the same name, having either a blank return type or a return type compatible with Result<(), BenchmarkError>. For instance, foo { ... } can become fn foo() -> Result<(), BenchmarkError>. More in detail:
    1. Move all the v1 complexity parameters as ParamRange arguments to the v2 function, and their setup code to the body of the function. For instance, let y in 0 .. 10 => setup(y)?; from v1 will give a y: Linear<0, 10> argument to the corresponding function in v2, while setup(y)?; will be moved to the body of the function;
    2. Move all the v1 setup code to the body of the v2 function;
    3. Move the benchmarked code to the body of the v2 function under the appropriate macro attribute: #[extrinsic_call] for extrinsic pallet calls and #[block] for blocks of code;
    4. Move the v1 verify code block to the body of the v2 function, after the #[extrinsic_call] or #[block] attribute.
    5. If the function returns a Result<(), BenchmarkError>, end with Ok(()).

As for tests, the code is the same as v1 (see Benchmark Tests).

As an example migration, the following v1 code

#![cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]

use frame_benchmarking::v1::*;

benchmarks! {

  // first dispatchable: this is a user dispatchable and operates on a `u8` vector of
  // size `l`
  foo {
    let caller = funded_account::<T>(b"caller", 0);
    let l in 1 .. 10_000 => initialize_l(l);
  }: {
    _(RuntimeOrigin::Signed(caller), vec![0u8; l])
  } verify {
    assert_last_event::<T>(Event::FooExecuted { result: Ok(()) }.into());

would become the following v2 code:

#![cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]

use frame_benchmarking::v2::*;

mod benchmarks {
  use super::*;

  // first dispatchable: foo; this is a user dispatchable and operates on a `u8` vector of
  // size `l`
  fn foo(l: Linear<1 .. 10_000>) -> Result<(), BenchmarkError> {
    let caller = funded_account::<T>(b"caller", 0);

    _(RuntimeOrigin::Signed(caller), vec![0u8; l]);

    // Everything onwards will be treated as test.
    assert_last_event::<T>(Event::FooExecuted { result: Ok(()) }.into());



  • The results of a single of benchmark.
  • The results of a single of benchmark, where time and db results are separated.
  • Configuration used to setup and run runtime benchmarks.
  • A list of benchmarks available for a particular pallet and instance.
  • Records the time and proof size of a single benchmark iteration.
  • Result from running benchmarks on a FRAME pallet. Contains duration of the function call in nanoseconds along with the benchmark parameters used for that benchmark result.
  • Used by the new benchmarking code to specify that a benchmarking variable is linear over some specified range, i.e. Linear<0, 1_000> means that the corresponding variable is allowed to range from 0 to 1000, inclusive.



  • Runtime api for benchmarking a FRAME runtime.
  • The pallet benchmarking trait.
  • The required setup for creating a benchmark.
  • Trait that must be implemented by all structs that can be used as parameter range types in the new benchmarking code (i.e. Linear<0, 1_000>). Right now there is just Linear but this could later be extended to support additional non-linear parameter ranges.
  • The recording trait used to mark the start and end of a benchmark.


  • Grab an account, seeded by a name and index.
  • show error message and debugging info for the case of an error happening during a benchmark
  • This caller account is automatically whitelisted for DB reads/writes by the benchmarking macro.

Attribute Macros§

  • An attribute macro used to declare a benchmark within a benchmarking module. Must be attached to a function definition containing an #[extrinsic_call] or #[block] attribute.
  • An attribute macro that can be attached to a (non-empty) module declaration. Doing so will designate that module as a benchmarking module.
  • An attribute macro used to specify that a block should be the measured portion of the enclosing benchmark function, This attribute is also used as a boundary designating where the benchmark setup code ends, and the benchmark verification code begins.
  • An attribute macro used to specify the extrinsic call inside a benchmark function, and also used as a boundary designating where the benchmark setup code ends, and the benchmark verification code begins.
  • An attribute macro that can be attached to a (non-empty) module declaration. Doing so will designate that module as an instance benchmarking module.