pub fn bid<T: Config>(
    para: Id,
    auction_index: AuctionIndex,
    first_slot: <<T as Config>::Leaser as Leaser<BlockNumberFor<T>>>::LeasePeriod,
    last_slot: <<T as Config>::Leaser as Leaser<BlockNumberFor<T>>>::LeasePeriod,
    amount: <<<T as Config>::Leaser as Leaser<BlockNumberFor<T>>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance
Expand description

Make a new bid from an account (including a parachain account) for deploying a new parachain.

Multiple simultaneous bids from the same bidder are allowed only as long as all active bids overlap each other (i.e. are mutually exclusive). Bids cannot be redacted.

  • sub is the sub-bidder ID, allowing for multiple competing bids to be made by (and funded by) the same account.
  • auction_index is the index of the auction to bid on. Should just be the present value of AuctionCounter.
  • first_slot is the first lease period index of the range to bid on. This is the absolute lease period index value, not an auction-specific offset.
  • last_slot is the last lease period index of the range to bid on. This is the absolute lease period index value, not an auction-specific offset.
  • amount is the amount to bid to be held as deposit for the parachain should the bid win. This amount is held throughout the range.

§Warning: Doc-Only

This function is an automatically generated, and is doc-only, uncallable stub. See the real version in Pallet::bid.