pub type Winning<T: Config> = StorageMap<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageWinning<T>, Twox64Concat, BlockNumberFor<T>, [Option<(<T as Config>::AccountId, Id, <<<T as Config>::Leaser as Leaser<BlockNumberFor<T>>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance)>; 36]>;
Expand description

The winning bids for each of the 10 ranges at each sample in the final Ending Period of the current auction. The map’s key is the 0-based index into the Sample Size. The first sample of the ending period is 0; the last is Sample Size - 1.

Storage type is [StorageMap] with key type BlockNumberFor < T > and value type WinningData < T >.

Aliased Type§

struct Winning<T: Config>(/* private fields */);