Expand description

The pallet module in each FRAME pallet hosts the most important items needed to construct this pallet.

The main components of this pallet are:

  • Pallet, which implements all of the dispatchable extrinsics of the pallet, among other public functions.
    • The subset of the functions that are dispatchable can be identified either in the dispatchables module or in the Call enum.
  • storage_types, which contains the list of all types that are representing a storage item. Otherwise, all storage items are listed among Type Definitions.
  • Config, which contains the configuration trait of this pallet.
  • [Event] and [Error], which are listed among the Enums.


  • pub use __tt_error_token_121 as tt_error_token;
  • pub use __tt_default_parts_127 as tt_default_parts;
  • pub use __tt_extra_parts_127 as tt_extra_parts;
  • pub use __tt_default_parts_v2_127 as tt_default_parts_v2;


  • Auto-generated docs-only module listing all defined dispatchables for this pallet.
  • Auto-generated docs-only module listing all (public and private) defined storage types for this pallet.


  • The Pallet struct, the main type that implements traits and standalone functions within the pallet.


  • Contains a variant per dispatchable extrinsic that this pallet has.


  • Configuration trait of this pallet.

Type Aliases§

  • The validator account keys of the validators actively participating in parachain consensus.
  • The earliest session for which previous session info is stored.
  • ModuleDeprecated
    Type alias to Pallet, to be used by construct_runtime.
  • Executor parameter set for a given session index
  • Session information in a rolling window. Should have an entry in range EarliestStoredSession..=CurrentSessionIndex. Does not have any entries before the session index in the first session change notification.