
Module arithmetic

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The arithmetic types used for safe math.

This is already part of the prelude.


  • Infinite precision unsigned integer for substrate runtime.
  • Decimal Fixed Point implementations for Substrate runtime. Similar to types that implement PerThing, these are also fixed-point types, however, they are able to represent larger fractions:
  • Some helper functions to work with 128bit numbers. Note that the functionality provided here is only sensible to use with 128bit numbers because for smaller sizes, you can always rely on assumptions of a bigger type (u128) being available, or simply create a per-thing and use the multiplication implementation provided there.
  • Types that implement PerThing can be used as a floating-point alternative for numbers that operate within the realm of [0, 1]. The primary types may you encounter in Substrate would be the following:
  • Primitive traits for the runtime arithmetic.



  • A fixed point number representation in the range. Fixed Point 64 bits signed, range = [-9223372036.854775808, 9223372036.854775807]
  • A fixed point number representation in the range. Fixed Point 128 bits signed, range = [-170141183460469231731.687303715884105728, 170141183460469231731.687303715884105727]
  • A fixed point number representation in the range. Fixed Point 64 bits unsigned, range = [0.000000000, 18446744073.709551615]
  • A fixed point number representation in the range. Fixed Point 128 bits unsigned, range = [0.000000000000000000, 340282366920938463463.374607431768211455]
  • A fixed point representation of a number in the range [0, 1].
  • A fixed point representation of a number in the range [0, 1].
  • A fixed point representation of a number in the range [0, 1].
  • A fixed point representation of a number in the range [0, 1].
  • A fixed point representation of a number in the range [0, 1].
  • A wrapper for any rational number with a 128 bit numerator and denominator.
  • A wrapper for any rational number with infinitely large numerator and denominator.



  • A meta trait for arithmetic.
  • A meta trait for arithmetic. Same as AtLeast8Bit, but also bounded to be unsigned.
  • A meta trait for arithmetic.
  • A meta trait for arithmetic. Same as AtLeast16Bit, but also bounded to be unsigned.
  • A meta trait for arithmetic.
  • A meta trait for arithmetic. Same as AtLeast32Bit, but also bounded to be unsigned.
  • A meta trait for arithmetic type operations, regardless of any limitation on size.
  • Numbers which have upper and lower bounds
  • Performs addition that returns None instead of wrapping around on overflow.
  • Performs division that returns None instead of panicking on division by zero and instead of wrapping around on underflow and overflow.
  • Performs multiplication that returns None instead of wrapping around on underflow or overflow.
  • Performs negation that returns None if the result can’t be represented.
  • Performs an integral remainder that returns None instead of panicking on division by zero and instead of wrapping around on underflow and overflow.
  • Performs a left shift that returns None on shifts larger than or equal to the type width.
  • Performs a right shift that returns None on shifts larger than or equal to the type width.
  • Performs subtraction that returns None instead of wrapping around on underflow.
  • Performs addition that returns ArithmeticError instead of wrapping around on overflow.
  • Performs self addition that returns ArithmeticError instead of wrapping around on overflow.
  • Performs division that returns ArithmeticError instead of wrapping around on overflow.
  • Performs self division that returns ArithmeticError instead of wrapping around on overflow.
  • Extends FixedPointNumber with the Ensure family functions.
  • Similar to TryFrom but returning an ArithmeticError error.
  • Similar to TryInto but returning an ArithmeticError error.
  • Performs multiplication that returns ArithmeticError instead of wrapping around on overflow.
  • Performs self multiplication that returns ArithmeticError instead of wrapping around on overflow.
  • Meta trait that supports all immutable arithmetic Ensure* operations
  • Meta trait that supports all assigned arithmetic Ensure* operations
  • Performs subtraction that returns ArithmeticError instead of wrapping around on underflow.
  • Performs self subtraction that returns ArithmeticError instead of wrapping around on underflow.
  • Something that implements a decimal fixed point number.
  • Integer types that can be used to interact with FixedPointNumber implementations.
  • A trait implementing integer square root.
  • A collection-like object that is made of values of type T and can normalize its individual values around a centric point.
  • Defines a multiplicative identity element for Self.
  • Something that implements a fixed point ration with an arbitrary granularity X, as parts per X.
  • Convenience type to work around the highly unergonomic syntax needed to invoke the functions of overloaded generic traits, in this case SaturatedFrom and SaturatedInto.
  • Saturating arithmetic operations, returning maximum or minimum values instead of overflowing.
  • Useful functions for signed numbers (i.e. numbers that can be negative).
  • Trait for comparing two numbers with an threshold.
  • Just like From except that if the source value is too big to fit into the destination type then it’ll saturate the destination.
  • Just like Into except that if the source value is too big to fit into the destination type then it’ll saturate the destination.
  • A trait for values which cannot be negative
  • Defines an additive identity element for Self.


  • Raises a value to the power of exp, returning None if an overflow occurred.
  • Raises a value to the power of exp, returning ArithmeticError if an overflow occurred.
  • Normalize input so that the sum of all elements reaches targeted_sum.

Type Aliases§

  • Get the inner type of a PerThing.
  • Get the upper type of a PerThing.