// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Cumulus.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
// Cumulus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Cumulus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Cumulus. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use codec::Decode;
use polkadot_primitives::Hash as RelayHash;
use cumulus_primitives_core::{
relay_chain::{BlockId as RBlockId, OccupiedCoreAssumption},
use cumulus_relay_chain_interface::{RelayChainError, RelayChainInterface};
use sc_client_api::{Backend, HeaderBackend};
use sp_blockchain::{Backend as BlockchainBackend, TreeRoute};
use sp_runtime::traits::{Block as BlockT, Header as HeaderT};
const PARENT_SEARCH_LOG_TARGET: &str = "consensus::common::find_potential_parents";
/// Parameters when searching for suitable parents to build on top of.
pub struct ParentSearchParams {
/// The relay-parent that is intended to be used.
pub relay_parent: RelayHash,
/// The ID of the parachain.
pub para_id: ParaId,
/// A limitation on the age of relay parents for parachain blocks that are being
/// considered. This is relative to the `relay_parent` number.
pub ancestry_lookback: usize,
/// How "deep" parents can be relative to the included parachain block at the relay-parent.
/// The included block has depth 0.
pub max_depth: usize,
/// Whether to only ignore "alternative" branches, i.e. branches of the chain
/// which do not contain the block pending availability.
pub ignore_alternative_branches: bool,
/// A potential parent block returned from [`find_potential_parents`]
pub struct PotentialParent<B: BlockT> {
/// The hash of the block.
pub hash: B::Hash,
/// The header of the block.
pub header: B::Header,
/// The depth of the block with respect to the included block.
pub depth: usize,
/// Whether the block is the included block, is itself pending on-chain, or descends
/// from the block pending availability.
pub aligned_with_pending: bool,
impl<B: BlockT> std::fmt::Debug for PotentialParent<B> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("hash", &self.hash)
.field("depth", &self.depth)
.field("aligned_with_pending", &self.aligned_with_pending)
.field("number", &self.header.number())
/// Perform a recursive search through blocks to find potential
/// parent blocks for a new block.
/// This accepts a relay-chain block to be used as an anchor and a maximum search depth,
/// along with some arguments for filtering parachain blocks and performs a recursive search
/// for parachain blocks. The search begins at the last included parachain block and returns
/// a set of [`PotentialParent`]s which could be potential parents of a new block with this
/// relay-parent according to the search parameters.
/// A parachain block is a potential parent if it is either the last included parachain block, the
/// pending parachain block (when `max_depth` >= 1), or all of the following hold:
/// * its parent is a potential parent
/// * its relay-parent is within `ancestry_lookback` of the targeted relay-parent.
/// * its relay-parent is within the same session as the targeted relay-parent.
/// * the block number is within `max_depth` blocks of the included block
pub async fn find_potential_parents<B: BlockT>(
params: ParentSearchParams,
backend: &impl Backend<B>,
relay_client: &impl RelayChainInterface,
) -> Result<Vec<PotentialParent<B>>, RelayChainError> {
tracing::trace!("Parent search parameters: {params:?}");
// Get the included block.
let Some((included_header, included_hash)) =
fetch_included_from_relay_chain(relay_client, backend, params.para_id, params.relay_parent)
else {
return Ok(Default::default())
let only_included = vec![PotentialParent {
hash: included_hash,
header: included_header.clone(),
depth: 0,
aligned_with_pending: true,
if params.max_depth == 0 {
return Ok(only_included)
// Pending header and hash.
let maybe_pending = {
// Fetch the most recent pending header from the relay chain. We use
// `OccupiedCoreAssumption::Included` so the candidate pending availability gets enacted
// before being returned to us.
let pending_header = relay_client
.and_then(|p| B::Header::decode(&mut &p.parent_head.0[..]).ok())
.filter(|x| x.hash() != included_hash);
// If the pending block is not locally known, we can't do anything.
if let Some(header) = pending_header {
let pending_hash = header.hash();
match backend.blockchain().header(pending_hash) {
// We are supposed to ignore branches that don't contain the pending block, but we
// do not know the pending block locally.
Ok(None) | Err(_) if params.ignore_alternative_branches => {
"Failed to get header for pending block.",
return Ok(Default::default())
Ok(Some(_)) => Some((header, pending_hash)),
_ => None,
} else {
let maybe_route_to_last_pending = maybe_pending
.map(|(_, pending)| {
sp_blockchain::tree_route(backend.blockchain(), included_hash, *pending)
// If we want to ignore alternative branches there is no reason to start
// the parent search at the included block. We can add the included block and
// the path to the pending block to the potential parents directly (limited by max_depth).
let (frontier, potential_parents) = match (
) {
(Some((pending_header, pending_hash)), true, Some(ref route_to_pending)) => {
let mut potential_parents = only_included;
// This is a defensive check, should never happen.
if !route_to_pending.retracted().is_empty() {
tracing::warn!(target: PARENT_SEARCH_LOG_TARGET, "Included block not an ancestor of pending block. This should not happen.");
return Ok(Default::default())
// Add all items on the path included -> pending - 1 to the potential parents, but
// not more than `max_depth`.
let num_parents_on_path =
for (num, block) in
let Ok(Some(header)) = backend.blockchain().header(block.hash) else { continue };
potential_parents.push(PotentialParent {
hash: block.hash,
depth: 1 + num,
aligned_with_pending: true,
// The search for additional potential parents should now start at the children of
// the pending block.
vec![PotentialParent {
hash: *pending_hash,
header: pending_header.clone(),
depth: route_to_pending.enacted().len(),
aligned_with_pending: true,
_ => (only_included, Default::default()),
if potential_parents.len() > params.max_depth {
return Ok(potential_parents);
// Build up the ancestry record of the relay chain to compare against.
let rp_ancestry =
build_relay_parent_ancestry(params.ancestry_lookback, params.relay_parent, relay_client)
maybe_pending.map(|(_, hash)| hash),
/// Fetch the included block from the relay chain.
async fn fetch_included_from_relay_chain<B: BlockT>(
relay_client: &impl RelayChainInterface,
backend: &impl Backend<B>,
para_id: ParaId,
relay_parent: RelayHash,
) -> Result<Option<(B::Header, B::Hash)>, RelayChainError> {
// Fetch the pending header from the relay chain. We use `OccupiedCoreAssumption::TimedOut`
// so that even if there is a pending candidate, we assume it is timed out and we get the
// included head.
let included_header = relay_client
.persisted_validation_data(relay_parent, para_id, OccupiedCoreAssumption::TimedOut)
let included_header = match included_header {
Some(pvd) => pvd.parent_head,
None => return Ok(None), // this implies the para doesn't exist.
let included_header = match B::Header::decode(&mut &included_header.0[..]).ok() {
None => return Ok(None),
Some(x) => x,
let included_hash = included_header.hash();
// If the included block is not locally known, we can't do anything.
match backend.blockchain().header(included_hash) {
Ok(None) => {
"Failed to get header for included block.",
return Ok(None)
Err(e) => {
"Failed to get header for included block.",
return Ok(None)
_ => {},
Ok(Some((included_header, included_hash)))
/// Build an ancestry of relay parents that are acceptable.
/// An acceptable relay parent is one that is no more than `ancestry_lookback` + 1 blocks below the
/// relay parent we want to build on. Parachain blocks anchored on relay parents older than that can
/// not be considered potential parents for block building. They have no chance of still getting
/// included, so our newly build parachain block would also not get included.
/// On success, returns a vector of `(header_hash, state_root)` of the relevant relay chain
/// ancestry blocks.
async fn build_relay_parent_ancestry(
ancestry_lookback: usize,
relay_parent: RelayHash,
relay_client: &impl RelayChainInterface,
) -> Result<Vec<(RelayHash, RelayHash)>, RelayChainError> {
let mut ancestry = Vec::with_capacity(ancestry_lookback + 1);
let mut current_rp = relay_parent;
let mut required_session = None;
while ancestry.len() <= ancestry_lookback {
let Some(header) = relay_client.header(RBlockId::hash(current_rp)).await? else { break };
let session = relay_client.session_index_for_child(current_rp).await?;
if required_session.get_or_insert(session) != &session {
// Respect the relay-chain rule not to cross session boundaries.
ancestry.push((current_rp, *header.state_root()));
current_rp = *header.parent_hash();
// don't iterate back into the genesis block.
if header.number == 1 {
/// Start search for child blocks that can be used as parents.
pub fn search_child_branches_for_parents<Block: BlockT>(
mut frontier: Vec<PotentialParent<Block>>,
maybe_route_to_last_pending: Option<TreeRoute<Block>>,
included_header: Block::Header,
pending_hash: Option<Block::Hash>,
backend: &impl Backend<Block>,
max_depth: usize,
ignore_alternative_branches: bool,
rp_ancestry: Vec<(RelayHash, RelayHash)>,
mut potential_parents: Vec<PotentialParent<Block>>,
) -> Vec<PotentialParent<Block>> {
let included_hash = included_header.hash();
let is_hash_in_ancestry = |hash| rp_ancestry.iter().any(|x| x.0 == hash);
let is_root_in_ancestry = |root| rp_ancestry.iter().any(|x| x.1 == root);
// The distance between pending and included block. Is later used to check if a child
// is aligned with pending when it is between pending and included block.
let pending_distance = maybe_route_to_last_pending.as_ref().map(|route| route.enacted().len());
// If a block is on the path included -> pending, we consider it `aligned_with_pending`.
let is_child_pending = |hash| {
.map_or(true, |route| route.enacted().iter().any(|x| x.hash == hash))
included_num = ?included_header.number(),
?pending_hash ,
"Searching relay chain ancestry."
while let Some(entry) = frontier.pop() {
let is_pending = pending_hash.as_ref().map_or(false, |h| &entry.hash == h);
let is_included = included_hash == entry.hash;
// note: even if the pending block or included block have a relay parent
// outside of the expected part of the relay chain, they are always allowed
// because they have already been posted on chain.
let is_potential = is_pending || is_included || {
let digest = entry.header.digest();
let is_hash_in_ancestry_check = cumulus_primitives_core::extract_relay_parent(digest)
.map_or(false, is_hash_in_ancestry);
let is_root_in_ancestry_check =
.map(|(r, _n)| r)
.map_or(false, is_root_in_ancestry);
is_hash_in_ancestry_check || is_root_in_ancestry_check
let parent_aligned_with_pending = entry.aligned_with_pending;
let child_depth = entry.depth + 1;
let hash = entry.hash;
"Checking potential parent."
if is_potential {
if !is_potential || child_depth > max_depth {
// push children onto search frontier.
for child in backend.blockchain().children(hash).ok().into_iter().flatten() {
tracing::trace!(target: PARENT_SEARCH_LOG_TARGET, ?child, child_depth, ?pending_distance, "Looking at child.");
let aligned_with_pending = parent_aligned_with_pending &&
(pending_distance.map_or(true, |dist| child_depth > dist) ||
if ignore_alternative_branches && !aligned_with_pending {
tracing::trace!(target: PARENT_SEARCH_LOG_TARGET, ?child, "Child is not aligned with pending block.");
let Ok(Some(header)) = backend.blockchain().header(child) else { continue };
frontier.push(PotentialParent {
hash: child,
depth: child_depth,