// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
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//! Types and helpers to define and handle election bounds.
//! ### Overview
//! This module defines and implements types that help creating and handling election bounds.
//! [`DataProviderBounds`] encapsulates the upper limits for the results provided by `DataProvider`
//! implementors. Those limits can be defined over two axis: number of elements returned (`count`)
//! and/or the size of the returned SCALE encoded structure (`size`).
//! [`ElectionBoundsBuilder`] is a helper to construct data election bounds and it aims at
//! preventing the caller from mistake the order of size and count limits.
//! ### Examples
//! [`ElectionBoundsBuilder`] helps defining the size and count bounds for both voters and targets.
//! ```
//! use frame_election_provider_support::bounds::*;
//! // unbounded limits are never exhausted.
//! let unbounded = ElectionBoundsBuilder::default().build();
//! assert!(!unbounded.targets.exhausted(SizeBound(1_000_000_000).into(), None));
//! let bounds = ElectionBoundsBuilder::default()
//! .voters_count(100.into())
//! .voters_size(1_000.into())
//! .targets_count(200.into())
//! .targets_size(2_000.into())
//! .build();
//! assert!(!bounds.targets.exhausted(SizeBound(1).into(), CountBound(1).into()));
//! assert!(bounds.targets.exhausted(SizeBound(1).into(), CountBound(100_000).into()));
//! ```
//! ### Implementation details
//! A default or `None` bound means that no bounds are enforced (i.e. unlimited result size). In
//! general, be careful when using unbounded election bounds in production.
use codec::Encode;
use core::ops::Add;
use sp_runtime::traits::Zero;
/// Count type for data provider bounds.
/// Encapsulates the counting of things that can be bounded in an election, such as voters,
/// targets or anything else.
/// This struct is defined mostly to prevent callers from mistakenly using `CountBound` instead of
/// `SizeBound` and vice-versa.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct CountBound(pub u32);
impl From<u32> for CountBound {
fn from(value: u32) -> Self {
impl Add for CountBound {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
impl Zero for CountBound {
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
self.0 == 0u32
fn zero() -> Self {
/// Size type for data provider bounds.
/// Encapsulates the size limit of things that can be bounded in an election, such as voters,
/// targets or anything else. The size unit can represent anything depending on the election
/// logic and implementation, but it most likely will represent bytes in SCALE encoding in this
/// context.
/// This struct is defined mostly to prevent callers from mistakenly using `CountBound` instead of
/// `SizeBound` and vice-versa.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct SizeBound(pub u32);
impl From<u32> for SizeBound {
fn from(value: u32) -> Self {
impl Zero for SizeBound {
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
self.0 == 0u32
fn zero() -> Self {
impl Add for SizeBound {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
/// Data bounds for election data.
/// Limits the data returned by `DataProvider` implementors, defined over two axis: `count`,
/// defining the maximum number of elements returned, and `size`, defining the limit in size
/// (bytes) of the SCALE encoded result.
/// `None` represents unlimited bounds in both `count` and `size` axis.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct DataProviderBounds {
pub count: Option<CountBound>,
pub size: Option<SizeBound>,
impl DataProviderBounds {
/// Returns true if `given_count` exhausts `self.count`.
pub fn count_exhausted(self, given_count: CountBound) -> bool {
self.count.map_or(false, |count| given_count > count)
/// Returns true if `given_size` exhausts `self.size`.
pub fn size_exhausted(self, given_size: SizeBound) -> bool {
self.size.map_or(false, |size| given_size > size)
/// Returns true if `given_size` or `given_count` exhausts `self.size` or `self_count`,
/// respectively.
pub fn exhausted(self, given_size: Option<SizeBound>, given_count: Option<CountBound>) -> bool {
self.count_exhausted(given_count.unwrap_or(CountBound::zero())) ||
/// Ensures the given encode-able slice meets both the length and count bounds.
/// Same as `exhausted` but a better syntax.
pub fn slice_exhausted<T: Encode>(self, input: &[T]) -> bool {
let size = Some((input.encoded_size() as u32).into());
let count = Some((input.len() as u32).into());
self.exhausted(size, count)
/// Returns an instance of `Self` that is constructed by capping both the `count` and `size`
/// fields. If `self` is None, overwrite it with the provided bounds.
pub fn max(self, bounds: DataProviderBounds) -> Self {
DataProviderBounds {
count: self
.map(|c| {
c.clamp(CountBound::zero(), bounds.count.unwrap_or(CountBound(u32::MAX))).into()
size: self
.map(|c| {
c.clamp(SizeBound::zero(), bounds.size.unwrap_or(SizeBound(u32::MAX))).into()
/// The voter and target bounds of an election.
/// The bounds are defined over two axis: `count` of element of the election (voters or targets) and
/// the `size` of the SCALE encoded result snapshot.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)]
pub struct ElectionBounds {
pub voters: DataProviderBounds,
pub targets: DataProviderBounds,
impl ElectionBounds {
/// Returns an error if the provided `count` and `size` do not fit in the voter's election
/// bounds.
pub fn ensure_voters_limits(
count: CountBound,
size: SizeBound,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match self.voters.exhausted(Some(size), Some(count)) {
true => Err("Ensure voters bounds: bounds exceeded."),
false => Ok(()),
/// Returns an error if the provided `count` and `size` do not fit in the target's election
/// bounds.
pub fn ensure_targets_limits(
count: CountBound,
size: SizeBound,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match self.targets.exhausted(Some(size), Some(count).into()) {
true => Err("Ensure targets bounds: bounds exceeded."),
false => Ok(()),
/// Utility builder for [`ElectionBounds`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct ElectionBoundsBuilder {
voters: Option<DataProviderBounds>,
targets: Option<DataProviderBounds>,
impl From<ElectionBounds> for ElectionBoundsBuilder {
fn from(bounds: ElectionBounds) -> Self {
ElectionBoundsBuilder { voters: Some(bounds.voters), targets: Some(bounds.targets) }
impl ElectionBoundsBuilder {
/// Sets the voters count bounds.
pub fn voters_count(mut self, count: CountBound) -> Self {
self.voters = self.voters.map_or(
Some(DataProviderBounds { count: Some(count), size: None }),
|mut bounds| {
bounds.count = Some(count);
/// Sets the voters size bounds.
pub fn voters_size(mut self, size: SizeBound) -> Self {
self.voters = self.voters.map_or(
Some(DataProviderBounds { count: None, size: Some(size) }),
|mut bounds| {
bounds.size = Some(size);
/// Sets the targets count bounds.
pub fn targets_count(mut self, count: CountBound) -> Self {
self.targets = self.targets.map_or(
Some(DataProviderBounds { count: Some(count), size: None }),
|mut bounds| {
bounds.count = Some(count);
/// Sets the targets size bounds.
pub fn targets_size(mut self, size: SizeBound) -> Self {
self.targets = self.targets.map_or(
Some(DataProviderBounds { count: None, size: Some(size) }),
|mut bounds| {
bounds.size = Some(size);
/// Set the voters bounds.
pub fn voters(mut self, bounds: Option<DataProviderBounds>) -> Self {
self.voters = bounds;
/// Set the targets bounds.
pub fn targets(mut self, bounds: Option<DataProviderBounds>) -> Self {
self.targets = bounds;
/// Caps the number of the voters bounds in self to `voters` bounds. If `voters` bounds are
/// higher than the self bounds, keeps it. Note that `None` bounds are equivalent to maximum
/// and should be treated as such.
pub fn voters_or_lower(mut self, voters: DataProviderBounds) -> Self {
self.voters = match self.voters {
None => Some(voters),
Some(v) => Some(v.max(voters)),
/// Caps the number of the target bounds in self to `voters` bounds. If `voters` bounds are
/// higher than the self bounds, keeps it. Note that `None` bounds are equivalent to maximum
/// and should be treated as such.
pub fn targets_or_lower(mut self, targets: DataProviderBounds) -> Self {
self.targets = match self.targets {
None => Some(targets),
Some(t) => Some(t.max(targets)),
/// Returns an instance of `ElectionBounds` from the current state.
pub fn build(self) -> ElectionBounds {
ElectionBounds {
voters: self.voters.unwrap_or_default(),
targets: self.targets.unwrap_or_default(),
mod test {
use super::*;
use frame_support::{assert_err, assert_ok};
fn data_provider_bounds_unbounded_works() {
let bounds = DataProviderBounds::default();
assert!(!bounds.exhausted(None, None));
assert!(!bounds.exhausted(SizeBound(u32::MAX).into(), CountBound(u32::MAX).into()));
fn election_bounds_builder_and_exhausted_bounds_work() {
// voter bounds exhausts if count > 100 or size > 1_000; target bounds exhausts if count >
// 200 or size > 2_000.
let bounds = ElectionBoundsBuilder::default()
assert!(!bounds.voters.exhausted(None, None));
assert!(!bounds.voters.exhausted(SizeBound(10).into(), CountBound(10).into()));
assert!(!bounds.voters.exhausted(None, CountBound(100).into()));
assert!(!bounds.voters.exhausted(SizeBound(1_000).into(), None));
// exhausts bounds.
assert!(bounds.voters.exhausted(None, CountBound(101).into()));
assert!(bounds.voters.exhausted(SizeBound(1_001).into(), None));
assert!(!bounds.targets.exhausted(None, None));
assert!(!bounds.targets.exhausted(SizeBound(20).into(), CountBound(20).into()));
assert!(!bounds.targets.exhausted(None, CountBound(200).into()));
assert!(!bounds.targets.exhausted(SizeBound(2_000).into(), None));
// exhausts bounds.
assert!(bounds.targets.exhausted(None, CountBound(201).into()));
assert!(bounds.targets.exhausted(SizeBound(2_001).into(), None));
fn election_bounds_ensure_limits_works() {
let bounds = ElectionBounds {
voters: DataProviderBounds { count: Some(CountBound(10)), size: Some(SizeBound(10)) },
targets: DataProviderBounds { count: Some(CountBound(10)), size: Some(SizeBound(10)) },
assert_ok!(bounds.ensure_voters_limits(CountBound(1), SizeBound(1)));
assert_ok!(bounds.ensure_voters_limits(CountBound(1), SizeBound(1)));
assert_ok!(bounds.ensure_voters_limits(CountBound(10), SizeBound(10)));
bounds.ensure_voters_limits(CountBound(1), SizeBound(11)),
"Ensure voters bounds: bounds exceeded."
bounds.ensure_voters_limits(CountBound(11), SizeBound(10)),
"Ensure voters bounds: bounds exceeded."
assert_ok!(bounds.ensure_targets_limits(CountBound(1), SizeBound(1)));
assert_ok!(bounds.ensure_targets_limits(CountBound(1), SizeBound(1)));
assert_ok!(bounds.ensure_targets_limits(CountBound(10), SizeBound(10)));
bounds.ensure_targets_limits(CountBound(1), SizeBound(11)),
"Ensure targets bounds: bounds exceeded."
bounds.ensure_targets_limits(CountBound(11), SizeBound(10)),
"Ensure targets bounds: bounds exceeded."
fn data_provider_max_unbounded_works() {
let unbounded = DataProviderBounds::default();
// max of some bounds with unbounded data provider bounds will always return the defined
// bounds.
let bounds = DataProviderBounds { count: CountBound(5).into(), size: SizeBound(10).into() };
assert_eq!(unbounded.max(bounds), bounds);
let bounds = DataProviderBounds { count: None, size: SizeBound(10).into() };
assert_eq!(unbounded.max(bounds), bounds);
let bounds = DataProviderBounds { count: CountBound(5).into(), size: None };
assert_eq!(unbounded.max(bounds), bounds);
fn data_provider_max_bounded_works() {
let bounds_one =
DataProviderBounds { count: CountBound(10).into(), size: SizeBound(100).into() };
let bounds_two =
DataProviderBounds { count: CountBound(100).into(), size: SizeBound(10).into() };
let max_bounds_expected =
DataProviderBounds { count: CountBound(10).into(), size: SizeBound(10).into() };
assert_eq!(bounds_one.max(bounds_two), max_bounds_expected);
assert_eq!(bounds_two.max(bounds_one), max_bounds_expected);
fn election_bounds_clamp_works() {
let bounds = ElectionBoundsBuilder::default()
.voters_or_lower(DataProviderBounds {
count: CountBound(5).into(),
size: SizeBound(20).into(),
.targets_or_lower(DataProviderBounds {
count: CountBound(30).into(),
size: SizeBound(30).into(),
assert_eq!(bounds.voters.count.unwrap(), CountBound(5));
assert_eq!(bounds.voters.size.unwrap(), SizeBound(10));
assert_eq!(bounds.targets.count.unwrap(), CountBound(20));
assert_eq!(bounds.targets.size.unwrap(), SizeBound(30));
// note that unbounded bounds (None) are equivalent to maximum value.
let bounds = ElectionBoundsBuilder::default()
.voters_or_lower(DataProviderBounds {
count: CountBound(5).into(),
size: SizeBound(20).into(),
.targets_or_lower(DataProviderBounds {
count: CountBound(10).into(),
size: SizeBound(10).into(),
assert_eq!(bounds.voters.count.unwrap(), CountBound(5));
assert_eq!(bounds.voters.size.unwrap(), SizeBound(20));
assert_eq!(bounds.targets.count.unwrap(), CountBound(10));
assert_eq!(bounds.targets.size.unwrap(), SizeBound(10));