// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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//! Off-chain logic for creating a proof based data provided by on-chain logic.
//! Validator-set extracting an iterator from an off-chain worker stored list containing historical
//! validator-sets. Based on the logic of historical slashing, but the validation is done off-chain.
//! Use [`fn store_current_session_validator_set_to_offchain()`](super::onchain) to store the
//! required data to the offchain validator set. This is used in conjunction with [`ProvingTrie`]
//! and the off-chain indexing API.
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use sp_runtime::{
offchain::storage::{MutateStorageError, StorageRetrievalError, StorageValueRef},
use sp_session::MembershipProof;
use super::{shared, Config, IdentificationTuple, ProvingTrie};
use crate::{Pallet as SessionModule, SessionIndex};
/// A set of validators, which was used for a fixed session index.
struct ValidatorSet<T: Config> {
validator_set: Vec<IdentificationTuple<T>>,
impl<T: Config> ValidatorSet<T> {
/// Load the set of validators for a particular session index from the off-chain storage.
/// If none is found or decodable given `prefix` and `session`, it will return `None`.
/// Empty validator sets should only ever exist for genesis blocks.
pub fn load_from_offchain_db(session_index: SessionIndex) -> Option<Self> {
let derived_key = shared::derive_key(shared::PREFIX, session_index);
.get::<Vec<(T::ValidatorId, T::FullIdentification)>>()
.map(|validator_set| Self { validator_set })
fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Implement conversion into iterator for usage
/// with [ProvingTrie](super::ProvingTrie::generate_for).
impl<T: Config> core::iter::IntoIterator for ValidatorSet<T> {
type Item = (T::ValidatorId, T::FullIdentification);
type IntoIter = alloc::vec::IntoIter<Self::Item>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
/// Create a proof based on the data available in the off-chain database.
/// Based on the yielded `MembershipProof` the implementer may decide what
/// to do, i.e. in case of a failed proof, enqueue a transaction back on
/// chain reflecting that, with all its consequences such as i.e. slashing.
pub fn prove_session_membership<T: Config, D: AsRef<[u8]>>(
session_index: SessionIndex,
session_key: (KeyTypeId, D),
) -> Option<MembershipProof> {
let validators = ValidatorSet::<T>::load_from_offchain_db(session_index)?;
let count = validators.len() as u32;
let trie = ProvingTrie::<T>::generate_for(validators.into_iter()).ok()?;
let (id, data) = session_key;
trie.prove(id, data.as_ref()).map(|trie_nodes| MembershipProof {
session: session_index,
validator_count: count,
/// Attempt to prune anything that is older than `first_to_keep` session index.
/// Due to re-organisation it could be that the `first_to_keep` might be less
/// than the stored one, in which case the conservative choice is made to keep records
/// up to the one that is the lesser.
pub fn prune_older_than<T: Config>(first_to_keep: SessionIndex) {
let derived_key = shared::LAST_PRUNE.to_vec();
let entry = StorageValueRef::persistent(derived_key.as_ref());
match entry.mutate(
|current: Result<Option<SessionIndex>, StorageRetrievalError>| -> Result<_, ()> {
match current {
Ok(Some(current)) if current < first_to_keep => Ok(first_to_keep),
// do not move the cursor, if the new one would be behind ours
Ok(Some(current)) => Ok(current),
Ok(None) => Ok(first_to_keep),
// if the storage contains undecodable data, overwrite with current anyways
// which might leak some entries being never purged, but that is acceptable
// in this context
Err(_) => Ok(first_to_keep),
) {
Ok(new_value) => {
// on a re-org this is not necessarily true, with the above they might be equal
if new_value < first_to_keep {
for session_index in new_value..first_to_keep {
let derived_key = shared::derive_key(shared::PREFIX, session_index);
let _ = StorageValueRef::persistent(derived_key.as_ref()).clear();
Err(MutateStorageError::ConcurrentModification(_)) => {},
Err(MutateStorageError::ValueFunctionFailed(_)) => {},
/// Keep the newest `n` items, and prune all items older than that.
pub fn keep_newest<T: Config>(n_to_keep: usize) {
let session_index = <SessionModule<T>>::current_index();
let n_to_keep = n_to_keep as SessionIndex;
if n_to_keep < session_index {
prune_older_than::<T>(session_index - n_to_keep)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{
historical::{onchain, Pallet},
mock::{force_new_session, set_next_validators, NextValidators, Session, System, Test},
use codec::Encode;
use sp_core::{
offchain::{testing::TestOffchainExt, OffchainDbExt, OffchainWorkerExt, StorageKind},
use sp_runtime::{testing::UintAuthorityId, BuildStorage};
use sp_state_machine::BasicExternalities;
use frame_support::traits::{KeyOwnerProofSystem, OnInitialize};
type Historical = Pallet<Test>;
pub fn new_test_ext() -> sp_io::TestExternalities {
let mut t = frame_system::GenesisConfig::<Test>::default()
.expect("Failed to create test externalities.");
let keys: Vec<_> = NextValidators::get()
.map(|i| (i, i, UintAuthorityId(i).into()))
BasicExternalities::execute_with_storage(&mut t, || {
for (ref k, ..) in &keys {
crate::GenesisConfig::<Test> { keys, ..Default::default() }
.assimilate_storage(&mut t)
let mut ext = sp_io::TestExternalities::new(t);
let (offchain, offchain_state) = TestOffchainExt::with_offchain_db(ext.offchain_db());
const ITERATIONS: u32 = 5u32;
let mut seed = [0u8; 32];
offchain_state.write().seed = seed;
fn encode_decode_roundtrip() {
use super::super::{super::Config as SessionConfig, Config as HistoricalConfig};
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
let sample = (
22u32 as <Test as SessionConfig>::ValidatorId,
7_777_777 as <Test as HistoricalConfig>::FullIdentification,
let encoded = sample.encode();
let decoded = Decode::decode(&mut encoded.as_slice()).expect("Must decode");
assert_eq!(sample, decoded);
fn onchain_to_offchain() {
let mut ext = new_test_ext();
const DATA: &[u8] = &[7, 8, 9, 10, 11];
ext.execute_with(|| {
b"alphaomega"[..].using_encoded(|key| sp_io::offchain_index::set(key, DATA));
ext.execute_with(|| {
let data = b"alphaomega"[..].using_encoded(|key| {
sp_io::offchain::local_storage_get(StorageKind::PERSISTENT, key)
assert_eq!(data, Some(DATA.to_vec()));
fn historical_proof_offchain() {
let mut ext = new_test_ext();
let encoded_key_1 = UintAuthorityId(1).encode();
ext.execute_with(|| {
set_next_validators(vec![1, 2]);
// "on-chain"
assert_eq!(<SessionModule<Test>>::current_index(), 1);
set_next_validators(vec![7, 8]);
ext.execute_with(|| {
assert_eq!(<SessionModule<Test>>::current_index(), 2);
// "off-chain"
let proof = prove_session_membership::<Test, _>(1, (DUMMY, &encoded_key_1));
let proof = proof.expect("Must be Some(Proof)");
assert!(Historical::check_proof((DUMMY, &encoded_key_1[..]), proof.clone()).is_some());