pub type PayAccountId32OnChainOverXcm<DestinationChain, Interior, Router, Querier, Timeout, Beneficiary, AssetKind> = PayOverXcm<Interior, Router, Querier, Timeout, Beneficiary, AssetKind, AliasesIntoAccountId32<(), Beneficiary>, FixedLocation<DestinationChain>>;
Expand description

Specialization of the PayOverXcm trait to allow [u8; 32]-based AccountId values to be paid on a remote chain.

Implementation of the [frame_support::traits::tokens::Pay] trait, to allow for XCM payments of a given Balance of AssetKind existing on a DestinationChain under ownership of some Interior location of the local chain to a particular Beneficiary.

This relies on the XCM TransferAsset instruction. Beneficiary must implement Into<[u8; 32]> (as 32-byte AccountIds generally do), and the actual XCM beneficiary will be the location consisting of a single AccountId32 junction with an appropriate account and no specific network.

PayOverXcm::pay is asynchronous, and returns a QueryId which can then be used in check_payment to check the status of the XCM transaction.