Type Definition pallet_nfts::pallet::Item

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pub type Item<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> = StorageDoubleMap<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageItem<T, I>, Blake2_128Concat, T::CollectionId, Blake2_128Concat, T::ItemId, ItemDetails<T::AccountId, ItemDeposit<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as SystemConfig>::AccountId>>::Balance, <T as SystemConfig>::AccountId>, BoundedBTreeMap<<T as SystemConfig>::AccountId, Option<BlockNumberFor<T>>, <T as Config<I>>::ApprovalsLimit>>, OptionQuery>;
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The items in existence and their ownership details.

Storage type is StorageDoubleMap with key1 type T :: CollectionId, key2 type T :: ItemId and value type ItemDetails < T :: AccountId, ItemDepositOf < T, I >, ApprovalsOf < T, I > >.