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RFC-0112: Compress the State Response Message in State Sync

Start Date14 August 2024
DescriptionCompress the state response message to reduce the data transfer during the state syncing
AuthorsLiu-Cheng Xu


This RFC proposes compressing the state response message during the state syncing process to reduce the amount of data transferred.


State syncing can require downloading several gigabytes of data, particularly for blockchains with large state sizes, such as Astar, which has a state size exceeding 5 GiB (https://github.com/AstarNetwork/Astar/issues/1110). This presents a significant challenge for nodes with slower network connections. Additionally, the current state sync implementation lacks a persistence feature (https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/issues/4), meaning any network disruption forces the node to re-download the entire state, making the process even more difficult.


This RFC benefits all projects utilizing the Substrate framework, specifically in improving the efficiency of state syncing.

  • Node Operators.
  • Substrate Users.


The largest portion of the state response message consists of either CompactProof or Vec<KeyValueStateEntry>, depending on whether a proof is requested (source):

  • CompactProof: When proof is requested, compression yields a lower ratio but remains beneficial, as shown in warp sync tests in the Performance section below.
  • Vec<KeyValueStateEntry>: Without proof, this is theoretically compressible because the entries are generated by iterating the storage sequentially starting from an empty storage key, which means many entries in the message share the same storage prefix, making it ideal for compression.


None identified.

Testing, Security, and Privacy

The code changes required for this RFC are straightforward: compress the state response on the sender side and decompress it on the receiver side. Existing sync tests should ensure functionality remains intact.

Performance, Ergonomics, and Compatibility


This RFC optimizes network bandwidth usage during state syncing, particularly for blockchains with gigabyte-sized states, while introducing negligible CPU overhead for compression and decompression. For example, compressing the state response during a recent Polkadot warp sync (around height #22076653) reduces the data transferred from 530,310,121 bytes to 352,583,455 bytes — a 33% reduction, saving approximately 169 MiB of data.

Performance data is based on this patch, with logs available here.




No compatibility issues identified.

Prior Art and References


Unresolved Questions

