The TransferArgsOpts are the options passed into createTransferTransaction.

interface TransferArgsOpts {
    assetTransferType?: string;
    customXcmOnDest?: string;
    dryRunCall?: boolean;
    feesTransferType?: string;
    format?: T;
    keepAlive?: boolean;
    paysWithFeeDest?: string;
    paysWithFeeOrigin?: string;
    remoteReserveAssetTransferTypeLocation?: string;
    remoteReserveFeesTransferTypeLocation?: string;
    sendersAddr?: string;
    transferAll?: boolean;
    transferLiquidToken?: boolean;
    weightLimit?: {
        proofSize?: string;
        refTime?: string;
    xcmFeeAsset?: string;
    xcmPalletOverride?: XcmPallet;
    xcmVersion?: number;

Type Parameters


assetTransferType?: string

The XCM TransferType used to transfer assets. Provided to construct transferAssetsUsingTypeAndThen transactions.

customXcmOnDest?: string

Optional custom XCM message to be executed on destination chain. Should be provided if a custom xcm message is needed after transfering assets. Defaults to Xcm(vec![DepositAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(assets.len())), beneficiary }])

dryRunCall?: boolean

Optionally allows for dry running the constructed tx in order get the estimated fees and execution result.

feesTransferType?: string

The XCM TransferType used to pay fees for an XCM transfer. Provided to construct transferAssetsUsingTypeAndThen transactions.

format?: T

Option that specifies the format in which to return a transaction. It can either be a payload, call, or submittable.

Note: A submittable will return a SubmittableExtrinsic polkadot-js type, whereas a payload or call will return a hex.

keepAlive?: boolean

For creating local asset transfers, this will allow for a transferKeepAlive as opposed to a transfer.

paysWithFeeDest?: string

AssetId to pay fee's on the destination parachain.

paysWithFeeOrigin?: string

AssetId to pay fee's on the current common good parachain. Polkadot AssetHub: default DOT Kusama AssetHub: default KSM

remoteReserveAssetTransferTypeLocation?: string

The RemoteReserve location for an XCM transfer. Should be provided when specifying an assetTransferType of RemoteReserve.

remoteReserveFeesTransferTypeLocation?: string

The RemoteReserve location for an XCM transfers' fees. Should be provided when specfying a feesTransferType of RemoteReserve.

sendersAddr?: string

The SS58 Address the tx will be sent from. This is specifically used for the format payload. It is necessary because the payload will need information such as the nonce.

transferAll?: boolean

For creating local asset transfers, this will allow for a transferAll call as opposed to a transfer call.

transferLiquidToken?: boolean

Boolean to declare if this will transfer liquidity tokens. Default is false.

weightLimit?: {
    proofSize?: string;
    refTime?: string;

Option for applying a custom weightLimit. If not inputted it will default to Unlimited.

Type declaration

  • Optional proofSize?: string

    Provided when creating limited txs, represents the amount of storage in bytes that can be used by the tx

  • Optional refTime?: string

    Provided when creating limited txs, represents the allowed amount of computation time the tx can use

xcmFeeAsset?: string

Optional assetId that will be used to pay for fees. Used with the dryRunCall option to determine fees in the specified asset.

xcmPalletOverride?: XcmPallet

Optionally sets the pallet to be used for the current tx.

xcmVersion?: number

Set the xcmVersion for message construction. If this is not present a supported version will be queried, and if there is no supported version a safe version will be queried.