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Cumulus parachain inherent

The ParachainInherentData is the data that is passed by the collator to the parachain runtime. The runtime will use this data to execute messages from other parachains/the relay chain or to read data from the relay chain state. When the parachain is validated by a parachain validator on the relay chain, this data is checked for correctnes. If the data passed by the collator to the runtime isn’t correct, the parachain candidate is considered invalid.

Use ParachainInherentData::create_at to create the ParachainInherentData at a given relay chain block to include it in a parachain block.


  • This struct provides ability to extend a message queue chain (MQC) and compute a new head.
  • Inherent data provider that supplies mocked validation data.
  • Parameters for how the Mock inherent data provider should inject XCM messages. In addition to the messages themselves, some information about the parachain’s configuration is also required so that the MQC heads can be read out of the parachain’s storage, and the corresponding relay data mocked.
  • The inherent data that is passed by the collator to the parachain runtime.
