

  • followSubscription: An opaque string that was returned by chainHead_v1_follow.
  • hash: String containing a hexadecimal-encoded hash of the header of the block whose storage to fetch.
  • items: Array of objects. The structure of these objects is found below.
  • childTrie: null for main storage look-ups, or a string containing the hexadecimal-encoded key of the child trie of the "default" namespace.

Each element in items must be an object containing the following fields:

  • key: String containing the hexadecimal-encoded key to fetch in the storage.
  • type: String equal to one of: value, hash, closestDescendantMerkleValue, descendantsValues, descendantsHashes.

Return value: A JSON object.

The JSON object returned by this function has one the following formats:


    "result": "started",
    "operationId": ...
    "discardedItems": ...

This return value indicates that the request has successfully started.


  • operationId is a string containing an opaque value representing the operation.
  • discardedItems is an integer indicating the number of items at the back of the array of the items parameters that couldn't be processed.

If the list the JSON-RPC server is overloaded, it might refuse to accept new storage requests. In that situation, the JSON-RPC server will discard some or all the items passed as parameter. The number of items discarded is indicated in discardedItems. When that happens, the JSON-RPC client should try again after an on-going chainHead_v1_storage, chainHead_v1_body, or chainHead_v1_call operation finishes.

The JSON-RPC server must accept at least 16 concurrent operations for any given chainHead_v1_follow subscription. In other words, as long as the JSON-RPC client makes sure that no more than 16 operations are in progress at any given item, it is guaranteed that all of its operations will be accepted by the JSON-RPC server. For this purpose, each item requested through chainHead_v1_storage counts as one operation, and each call to chainHead_v1_body and chainHead_v1_call counts as one operation.


    "result": "limitReached"

This return value indicates that all the items would be discarded, or that the provided followSubscription is invalid or stale.


For each item in items, the JSON-RPC server must start obtaining the value of the entry with the given key from the storage, either from the main trie or from childTrie. If type is descendantsValues or descendantsHashes, then it must also obtain the values of all the descendants of the entry.

For the purpose of storage requests, the trie root hash of the child tries of the storage can be found in the main trie at keys starting the bytes of the ASCII string :child_storage:. This behaviour is consistent with all the other storage-request-alike mechanisms of Polkadot and Substrate-based chains, such as host functions or libp2p network requests.

The progress of the operation is indicated through operationStorageItems, operationWaitingForContinue, operationStorageDone, operationInaccessible, or operationError notifications generated on the corresponding chainHead_v1_follow subscription.

The operation continues even if the target block is unpinned with chainHead_v1_unpin.

This function should be seen as a complement to chainHead_v1_follow, allowing the JSON-RPC client to retrieve more information about a block that has been reported. Use archive_unstable_storage if instead you want to retrieve the storage of an arbitrary block.

{"event": "operationStorageItems"} notifications will be generated. Each notification contains a list of items. The list of items, concatenated together, forms the result.

If the type of an item is value, and key is associated with a storage value in the trie, then the result will include an item that contains this storage value. If key is not associated with a storage value in the trie, then the result will not include such item.

If the type of an item is hash, the behavior is similar to a type equal to value, except that the cryptographic hash of the value is included in the result rather than the value itself. The hashing algorithm used is the one of the chain, which is typically blake2b. This can lead to significantly less bandwidth usage and can be used in order to compare the value of an item with a known hash and querying the full value only if it differs.

If the type of an item is descendantsValues or descendantsHashes, then the result will contain zero or more items whose key starts with the key of this item.

If the type of an item is closestDescendantMerkleValue, then the so-called trie Merkle value of the key can be found in the result. If key doesn't exist in the trie, then the Merkle value of the closest descendant of key (including branch nodes) is provided. If key doesn't have any descendant in the trie, then the result will not contain any relevant item.

If items contains multiple identical or overlapping queries, the JSON-RPC server can choose whether to merge or not the items in the result. For example, if the request contains two items with the same key, one with hash and one with value, the JSON-RPC server can choose whether to generate two item objects, one with the value and one with the hash, or only a single item object with both hash and value set. The JSON-RPC server is encouraged to notify as soon as possible of the information at its disposal, without waiting for missing information.

It is allowed (but discouraged) for the JSON-RPC server to provide the same information multiple times in the result, for example providing the value field of the same key twice. Forcing the JSON-RPC server to de-duplicate items in the result might lead to unnecessary overhead.

If a {"event": "operationWaitingForContinue"} notification is generated, the subscription will not generate any more notification unless the JSON-RPC client calls the chainHead_v1_continue JSON-RPC function. The JSON-RPC server is encouraged to generate this event after having sent a certain number of bytes to the JSON-RPC client in order to avoid head-of-line-blocking issues.

Possible errors

  • If the networking part of the behaviour fails, then a {"event": "operationInaccessible"} notification is generated (as explained above).

  • If the followSubscription is invalid or stale, then "result": "limitReached" is returned (as explained above).

  • A JSON-RPC error with error code -32801 is generated if the block hash passed as parameter doesn't correspond to any block that has been reported by chainHead_v1_follow, or the block hash has been unpinned.

  • A JSON-RPC error with error code -32602 is generated if one of the parameters doesn't correspond to the expected type (similarly to a missing parameter or an invalid parameter type).