macro_rules! impl_ensure_origin_with_arg_ignoring_arg {
( impl < { O: .., I: 'static, $( $bound:tt )* }> EnsureOriginWithArg<O, $t_param:ty> for $name:ty {} ) => { ... };
( impl < { O: .. , $( $bound:tt )* }> EnsureOriginWithArg<O, $t_param:ty> for $name:ty {} ) => { ... };
( impl < { $( $bound:tt )* } > EnsureOriginWithArg<$o_param:ty, $t_param:ty> for $name:ty {} ) => { ... };
Expand description
Simple macro to explicitly implement EnsureOriginWithArg to be used on any type which
implements EnsureOrigin. This is quick and dirty, so you must use the type parameters O
(the origin type), T
(the argument type) and AccountId
(if you are using the O: ..
The argument is ignored, much like in AsEnsureOriginWithArg.