Trait pallet_nis::pallet::Config

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pub trait Config: Config {
Show 22 associated items type WeightInfo: WeightInfo; type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>; type PalletId: Get<PalletId>; type Currency: FunInspect<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::CurrencyBalance> + FunMutate<Self::AccountId> + FunBalanced<Self::AccountId> + FunHoldMutate<Self::AccountId, Reason = Self::RuntimeHoldReason>; type RuntimeHoldReason: From<HoldReason>; type CurrencyBalance: Balance + From<u64>; type FundOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>; type IgnoredIssuance: Get<<<Self as Config>::Currency as FunInspect<<Self as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>; type Counterpart: FunMutate<Self::AccountId>; type CounterpartAmount: ConvertBack<Perquintill, <Self::Counterpart as FunInspect<Self::AccountId>>::Balance>; type Deficit: OnUnbalanced<Debt<<Self as Config>::AccountId, <Self as Config>::Currency>>; type Target: Get<Perquintill>; type QueueCount: Get<u32>; type MaxQueueLen: Get<u32>; type FifoQueueLen: Get<u32>; type BasePeriod: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>; type MinBid: Get<<<Self as Config>::Currency as FunInspect<<Self as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>; type MinReceipt: Get<Perquintill>; type IntakePeriod: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>; type MaxIntakeWeight: Get<Weight>; type ThawThrottle: Get<(Perquintill, BlockNumberFor<Self>)>; type BenchmarkSetup: BenchmarkSetup;
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Configuration trait of this pallet.

The main purpose of this trait is to act as an interface between this pallet and the runtime in which it is embedded in. A type, function, or constant in this trait is essentially left to be configured by the runtime that includes this pallet.

Consequently, a runtime that wants to include this pallet must implement this trait.

Required Associated Types§


type WeightInfo: WeightInfo

Information on runtime weights.


type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>

Overarching event type.


type PalletId: Get<PalletId>

The treasury’s pallet id, used for deriving its sovereign account ID.


type Currency: FunInspect<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::CurrencyBalance> + FunMutate<Self::AccountId> + FunBalanced<Self::AccountId> + FunHoldMutate<Self::AccountId, Reason = Self::RuntimeHoldReason>

Currency type that this works on.


type RuntimeHoldReason: From<HoldReason>

Overarching hold reason.


type CurrencyBalance: Balance + From<u64>

Just the [Balance] type; we have this item to allow us to constrain it to From<u64>.


type FundOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>

Origin required for auto-funding the deficit.


type IgnoredIssuance: Get<<<Self as Config>::Currency as FunInspect<<Self as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>

The issuance to ignore. This is subtracted from the Currency’s total_issuance to get the issuance with which we determine the thawed value of a given proportion.


type Counterpart: FunMutate<Self::AccountId>

The accounting system for the fungible counterpart tokens.


type CounterpartAmount: ConvertBack<Perquintill, <Self::Counterpart as FunInspect<Self::AccountId>>::Balance>

The system to convert an overall proportion of issuance into a number of fungible counterpart tokens.

In general it’s best to use WithMaximumOf.


type Deficit: OnUnbalanced<Debt<<Self as Config>::AccountId, <Self as Config>::Currency>>

Unbalanced handler to account for funds created (in case of a higher total issuance over freezing period).


type Target: Get<Perquintill>

The target sum of all receipts’ proportions.


type QueueCount: Get<u32>

Number of duration queues in total. This sets the maximum duration supported, which is this value multiplied by Period.


type MaxQueueLen: Get<u32>

Maximum number of items that may be in each duration queue.

Must be larger than zero.


type FifoQueueLen: Get<u32>

Portion of the queue which is free from ordering and just a FIFO.

Must be no greater than MaxQueueLen.


type BasePeriod: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>

The base period for the duration queues. This is the common multiple across all supported freezing durations that can be bid upon.


type MinBid: Get<<<Self as Config>::Currency as FunInspect<<Self as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>

The minimum amount of funds that may be placed in a bid. Note that this does not actually limit the amount which may be represented in a receipt since bids may be split up by the system.

It should be at least big enough to ensure that there is no possible storage spam attack or queue-filling attack.


type MinReceipt: Get<Perquintill>

The minimum amount of funds which may intentionally be left remaining under a single receipt.


type IntakePeriod: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>

The number of blocks between consecutive attempts to dequeue bids and create receipts.

A larger value results in fewer storage hits each block, but a slower period to get to the target.


type MaxIntakeWeight: Get<Weight>

The maximum amount of bids that can consolidated into receipts in a single intake. A larger value here means less of the block available for transactions should there be a glut of bids.


type ThawThrottle: Get<(Perquintill, BlockNumberFor<Self>)>

The maximum proportion which may be thawed and the period over which it is reset.


type BenchmarkSetup: BenchmarkSetup

Setup the state for benchmarking.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
