
Trait pallet_revive::evm::runtime::EthExtra

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pub trait EthExtra {
    type Config: Config + Config;
    type Extension: TransactionExtension<<Self::Config as Config>::RuntimeCall>;

    // Required method
    fn get_eth_extension(
        nonce: <Self::Config as Config>::Nonce,
        tip: <<Self::Config as Config>::Currency as Inspect<<Self::Config as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance,
    ) -> Self::Extension;

    // Provided method
    fn try_into_checked_extrinsic(
        payload: Vec<u8>,
        gas_limit: Weight,
        storage_deposit_limit: <<Self::Config as Config>::Currency as Inspect<<Self::Config as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance,
        encoded_len: usize,
    ) -> Result<CheckedExtrinsic<<Self::Config as Config>::AccountId, <Self::Config as Config>::RuntimeCall, Self::Extension>, InvalidTransaction>
       where <Self::Config as Config>::Nonce: TryFrom<U256>,
             <<Self::Config as Config>::Currency as Inspect<<Self::Config as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance: Into<U256> + TryFrom<U256>,
             MomentOf<Self::Config>: Into<U256>,
             <Self::Config as Config>::RuntimeCall: Dispatchable<Info = DispatchInfo> + From<Call<Self::Config>>,
             <<Self::Config as Config>::OnChargeTransaction as OnChargeTransaction<Self::Config>>::Balance: Into<<<Self::Config as Config>::Currency as Inspect<<Self::Config as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance> { ... }
Expand description

EthExtra convert an unsigned crate::Call::eth_transact into a [CheckedExtrinsic].

Required Associated Types§


type Config: Config + Config

The Runtime configuration.


type Extension: TransactionExtension<<Self::Config as Config>::RuntimeCall>

The Runtime’s transaction extension. It should include at least:

  • [frame_system::CheckNonce] to ensure that the nonce from the Ethereum transaction is correct.

Required Methods§


fn get_eth_extension( nonce: <Self::Config as Config>::Nonce, tip: <<Self::Config as Config>::Currency as Inspect<<Self::Config as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, ) -> Self::Extension

Get the transaction extension to apply to an unsigned crate::Call::eth_transact extrinsic.

  • nonce: The nonce extracted from the Ethereum transaction.
  • tip: The transaction tip calculated from the Ethereum transaction.

Provided Methods§


fn try_into_checked_extrinsic( payload: Vec<u8>, gas_limit: Weight, storage_deposit_limit: <<Self::Config as Config>::Currency as Inspect<<Self::Config as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, encoded_len: usize, ) -> Result<CheckedExtrinsic<<Self::Config as Config>::AccountId, <Self::Config as Config>::RuntimeCall, Self::Extension>, InvalidTransaction>
where <Self::Config as Config>::Nonce: TryFrom<U256>, <<Self::Config as Config>::Currency as Inspect<<Self::Config as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance: Into<U256> + TryFrom<U256>, MomentOf<Self::Config>: Into<U256>, <Self::Config as Config>::RuntimeCall: Dispatchable<Info = DispatchInfo> + From<Call<Self::Config>>, <<Self::Config as Config>::OnChargeTransaction as OnChargeTransaction<Self::Config>>::Balance: Into<<<Self::Config as Config>::Currency as Inspect<<Self::Config as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>,

Convert the unsigned crate::Call::eth_transact into a [CheckedExtrinsic]. and ensure that the fees from the Ethereum transaction correspond to the fees computed from the encoded_len, the injected gas_limit and storage_deposit_limit.

  • payload: The RLP-encoded Ethereum transaction.
  • gas_limit: The gas limit for the extrinsic
  • storage_deposit_limit: The storage deposit limit for the extrinsic,
  • encoded_len: The encoded length of the extrinsic.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
