
Module storage_types

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Auto-generated docs-only module listing all (public and private) defined storage types for this pallet.

§Warning: Doc-Only

Members of this module cannot be used directly and are only provided for documentation purposes.

To see the actual storage type, find a struct with the same name at the root of the pallet, in the list of Type Definitions.


  • The active era information, it holds index and start.
  • Map from all locked “stash” accounts to the controller account.
  • A mapping from still-bonded eras to the first session index of that era.
  • The amount of currency given to reporters of a slash event which was canceled by extraordinary circumstances (e.g. governance).
  • The threshold for when users can start calling chill_other for other validators / nominators. The threshold is compared to the actual number of validators / nominators (CountFor*) in the system compared to the configured max (Max*Count).
  • History of claimed paged rewards by era and validator.
  • The current era index.
  • The last planned session scheduled by the session pallet.
  • A bounded list of the “electable” stashes that resulted from a successful election.
  • Rewards for the last Config::HistoryDepth eras. If reward hasn’t been set or has been removed then 0 reward is returned.
  • Summary of validator exposure at a given era.
  • Paginated exposure of a validator at given era.
  • The session index at which the era start for the last Config::HistoryDepth eras.
  • The total amount staked for the last Config::HistoryDepth eras. If total hasn’t been set or has been removed then 0 stake is returned.
  • Exposure of validator at era with the preferences of validators.
  • The total validator era payout for the last Config::HistoryDepth eras.
  • Mode of era forcing.
  • Any validators that may never be slashed or forcibly kicked. It’s a Vec since they’re easy to initialize and the performance hit is minimal (we expect no more than four invulnerables) and restricted to testnets.
  • Map from all (unlocked) “controller” accounts to the info regarding the staking.
  • The maximum nominator count before we stop allowing new validators to join.
  • Maximum staked rewards, i.e. the percentage of the era inflation that is used for stake rewards. See Era payout.
  • The maximum validator count before we stop allowing new validators to join.
  • The minimum amount of commission that validators can set.
  • The minimum active bond to become and maintain the role of a nominator.
  • The minimum active bond to become and maintain the role of a validator.
  • The minimum active nominator stake of the last successful election.
  • Minimum number of staking participants before emergency conditions are imposed.
  • Keeps track of an ongoing multi-page election solution request.
  • All slashing events on nominators, mapped by era to the highest slash value of the era.
  • The map from nominator stash key to their nomination preferences, namely the validators that they wish to support.
  • Stores reported offences in a queue until they are processed in subsequent blocks.
  • Tracks the eras that contain offences in OffenceQueue, sorted from earliest to latest.
  • Where the reward payment should be made. Keyed by stash.
  • Tracks the currently processed offence record from the OffenceQueue.
  • The percentage of the slash that is distributed to reporters.
  • Slashing spans for stash accounts.
  • Records information about the maximum slash of a stash within a slashing span, as well as how much reward has been paid out.
  • All unapplied slashes that are queued for later.
  • The ideal number of active validators.
  • All slashing events on validators, mapped by era to the highest slash proportion and slash value of the era.
  • The map from (wannabe) validator stash key to the preferences of that validator.
  • Stakers whose funds are managed by other pallets.
  • Voter snapshot progress status.