Approve an item to be transferred by a delegated third-party account.
Destroy a single item.
Allows to buy an item if it’s up for sale.
Cancel the prior approval for the transfer of an item by a delegate.
Clear an attribute for a collection or item.
Clear the metadata for a collection.
Clear the metadata for an item.
Issue a new collection of non-fungible items from a public origin.
Destroy a collection of fungible items.
Issue a new collection of non-fungible items from a privileged origin.
Alter the attributes of a given item.
Disallow further unprivileged transfer of an item.
Disallow further unprivileged transfers for a whole collection.
Mint an item of a particular collection.
Reevaluate the deposits on some items.
Set (or reset) the acceptance of ownership for a particular account.
Set an attribute for a collection or item.
Set the maximum amount of items a collection could have.
Set the metadata for a collection.
Set the metadata for an item.
Set (or reset) the price for an item.
Change the Issuer, Admin and Freezer of a collection.
Re-allow unprivileged transfer of an item.
Re-allow unprivileged transfers for a whole collection.
Move an item from the sender account to another.
Change the Owner of a collection.