
Type Alias PalletAsHaulBlobExporter

pub type PalletAsHaulBlobExporter<T, I> = HaulBlobExporter<DummyHaulBlob, <T as Config<I>>::BridgedNetwork, <T as Config<I>>::DestinationVersion, <T as Config<I>>::MessageExportPrice>;
Expand description

An easy way to access HaulBlobExporter.

Aliased Type§

struct PalletAsHaulBlobExporter<T, I>(/* private fields */);

Trait Implementations


impl<Bridge, BridgedNetwork, DestinationVersion, Price> ExportXcm for HaulBlobExporter<Bridge, BridgedNetwork, DestinationVersion, Price>
where Bridge: HaulBlob, BridgedNetwork: Get<Location>, DestinationVersion: GetVersion, Price: Get<Assets>,

ExportXcm implementation for HaulBlobExporter.

§Type Parameters

- Bridge: Implements `HaulBlob`.
- BridgedNetwork: The relative location of the bridged consensus system with the expected `GlobalConsensus` junction.
- DestinationVersion: Implements `GetVersion` for retrieving XCM version for the destination.
- Price: potential fees for exporting.

type Ticket = (Vec<u8>, [u8; 32])

Intermediate value which connects the two phases of the export operation.

fn validate( network: NetworkId, _channel: u32, universal_source: &mut Option<Junctions>, destination: &mut Option<Junctions>, message: &mut Option<Xcm<()>>, ) -> Result<((Vec<u8>, [u8; 32]), Assets), SendError>

Check whether the given message is deliverable to the given destination on network, spoofing its source as universal_source and if so determine the cost which will be paid by this chain to do so, returning a Ticket token which can be used to enact delivery. Read more

fn deliver(_: (Vec<u8>, [u8; 32])) -> Result<[u8; 32], SendError>

Actually carry out the delivery operation for a previously validated message sending. Read more