
Module impls

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Auxiliary struct/enums for parachain runtimes. Taken from polkadot/runtime/common (at a21cd64) and adapted for parachains.


  • Allow checking in assets that exists.
  • Asset filter that allows all assets from a certain location.
  • A HandleCredit implementation that naively transfers the fees to the block author. Will drop and burn the assets in case the transfer fails.
  • Fungible implementation of OnUnbalanced that deals with the fees by combining tip and fee and passing the result on to ToStakingPot.
  • Allow checking in assets that have issuance > 0.
  • Implements OnUnbalanced::on_unbalanced to teleport slashed assets to relay chain treasury account.
  • ToStakingPotDeprecated
    Implementation of OnUnbalanced that deposits the fees into a staking pot for later payout.

Type Aliases§

  • Type alias to conveniently refer to frame_system’s Config::AccountId.
  • Type alias to conveniently refer to the Currency::Balance associated type.
  • Type alias to conveniently refer to the Currency::NegativeImbalance associated type.