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Auto-generated docs-only module listing all (public and private) defined storage types for this pallet.

§Warning: Doc-Only

Members of this module cannot be used directly and are only provided for documentation purposes.

To see the actual storage type, find a struct with the same name at the root of the pallet, in the list of Type Definitions.


  • One entry for each availability core. The i’th parachain belongs to the i’th core, with the remaining cores all being on demand parachain multiplexers.
  • One entry for each availability core. The VecDeque represents the assignments to be scheduled on that core. The value contained here will not be valid after the end of a block. Runtime APIs should be used to determine scheduled cores for the upcoming block.
  • The block number where the session start occurred. Used to track how many group rotations have occurred.
  • All the validator groups. One for each core. Indices are into ActiveValidators - not the broader set of Polkadot validators, but instead just the subset used for parachains during this session.