// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.
// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Polkadot. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! The scheduler module for parachains and parathreads.
//! This module is responsible for two main tasks:
//! - Partitioning validators into groups and assigning groups to parachains and parathreads
//! - Scheduling parachains and parathreads
//! It aims to achieve these tasks with these goals in mind:
//! - It should be possible to know at least a block ahead-of-time, ideally more, which validators
//! are going to be assigned to which parachains.
//! - Parachains that have a candidate pending availability in this fork of the chain should not be
//! assigned.
//! - Validator assignments should not be gameable. Malicious cartels should not be able to
//! manipulate the scheduler to assign themselves as desired.
//! - High or close to optimal throughput of parachains and parathreads. Work among validator groups
//! should be balanced.
//! The Scheduler manages resource allocation using the concept of "Availability Cores".
//! There will be one availability core for each parachain, and a fixed number of cores
//! used for multiplexing parathreads. Validators will be partitioned into groups, with the same
//! number of groups as availability cores. Validator groups will be assigned to different
//! availability cores over time.
use crate::{configuration, initializer::SessionChangeNotification, paras};
use alloc::{
collections::{btree_map::BTreeMap, btree_set::BTreeSet, vec_deque::VecDeque},
use frame_support::{pallet_prelude::*, traits::Defensive};
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::BlockNumberFor;
pub use polkadot_core_primitives::v2::BlockNumber;
use polkadot_primitives::{
CoreIndex, GroupIndex, GroupRotationInfo, Id as ParaId, ScheduledCore, SchedulerParams,
use sp_runtime::traits::One;
pub mod common;
use common::{Assignment, AssignmentProvider};
pub use pallet::*;
mod tests;
const LOG_TARGET: &str = "runtime::parachains::scheduler";
pub mod migration;
pub mod pallet {
use super::*;
const STORAGE_VERSION: StorageVersion = StorageVersion::new(3);
pub struct Pallet<T>(_);
pub trait Config: frame_system::Config + configuration::Config + paras::Config {
type AssignmentProvider: AssignmentProvider<BlockNumberFor<Self>>;
/// All the validator groups. One for each core. Indices are into `ActiveValidators` - not the
/// broader set of Polkadot validators, but instead just the subset used for parachains during
/// this session.
/// Bound: The number of cores is the sum of the numbers of parachains and parathread
/// multiplexers. Reasonably, 100-1000. The dominant factor is the number of validators: safe
/// upper bound at 10k.
pub type ValidatorGroups<T> = StorageValue<_, Vec<Vec<ValidatorIndex>>, ValueQuery>;
/// The block number where the session start occurred. Used to track how many group rotations
/// have occurred.
/// Note that in the context of parachains modules the session change is signaled during
/// the block and enacted at the end of the block (at the finalization stage, to be exact).
/// Thus for all intents and purposes the effect of the session change is observed at the
/// block following the session change, block number of which we save in this storage value.
pub type SessionStartBlock<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, BlockNumberFor<T>, ValueQuery>;
/// One entry for each availability core. The `VecDeque` represents the assignments to be
/// scheduled on that core.
pub type ClaimQueue<T> = StorageValue<_, BTreeMap<CoreIndex, VecDeque<Assignment>>, ValueQuery>;
/// Availability timeout status of a core.
pub(crate) struct AvailabilityTimeoutStatus<BlockNumber> {
/// Is the core already timed out?
/// If this is true the core will be freed at this block.
pub timed_out: bool,
/// When does this core timeout.
/// The block number the core times out. If `timed_out` is true, this will correspond to
/// now (current block number).
pub live_until: BlockNumber,
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// Called by the initializer to initialize the scheduler pallet.
pub(crate) fn initializer_initialize(_now: BlockNumberFor<T>) -> Weight {
/// Called by the initializer to finalize the scheduler pallet.
pub(crate) fn initializer_finalize() {}
/// Called by the initializer to note that a new session has started.
pub(crate) fn initializer_on_new_session(
notification: &SessionChangeNotification<BlockNumberFor<T>>,
) {
let SessionChangeNotification { validators, new_config, .. } = notification;
let config = new_config;
let assigner_cores = config.scheduler_params.num_cores;
let n_cores = core::cmp::max(
match config.scheduler_params.max_validators_per_core {
Some(x) if x != 0 => validators.len() as u32 / x,
_ => 0,
// shuffle validators into groups.
if n_cores == 0 || validators.is_empty() {
} else {
let group_base_size = validators
.checked_div(n_cores as usize)
.defensive_proof("n_cores should not be 0")
let n_larger_groups = validators
.checked_rem(n_cores as usize)
.defensive_proof("n_cores should not be 0")
// Groups contain indices into the validators from the session change notification,
// which are already shuffled.
let mut groups: Vec<Vec<ValidatorIndex>> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..n_larger_groups {
let offset = (group_base_size + 1) * i;
(0..group_base_size + 1)
.map(|j| offset + j)
.map(|j| ValidatorIndex(j as _))
for i in 0..(n_cores as usize - n_larger_groups) {
let offset = (n_larger_groups * (group_base_size + 1)) + (i * group_base_size);
.map(|j| offset + j)
.map(|j| ValidatorIndex(j as _))
// Resize and populate claim queue.
let now = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number() + One::one();
/// Get the validators in the given group, if the group index is valid for this session.
pub(crate) fn group_validators(group_index: GroupIndex) -> Option<Vec<ValidatorIndex>> {
ValidatorGroups::<T>::get().get(group_index.0 as usize).map(|g| g.clone())
/// Get the number of cores.
pub(crate) fn num_availability_cores() -> usize {
/// Expected claim queue len. Can be different than the real length if for example we don't have
/// assignments for a core.
fn expected_claim_queue_len(config: &SchedulerParams<BlockNumberFor<T>>) -> u32 {
core::cmp::min(config.num_cores, Self::num_availability_cores() as u32)
/// Get the group assigned to a specific core by index at the current block number. Result
/// undefined if the core index is unknown or the block number is less than the session start
/// index.
pub(crate) fn group_assigned_to_core(
core: CoreIndex,
at: BlockNumberFor<T>,
) -> Option<GroupIndex> {
let config = configuration::ActiveConfig::<T>::get();
let session_start_block = SessionStartBlock::<T>::get();
if at < session_start_block {
return None
let validator_groups = ValidatorGroups::<T>::get();
if core.0 as usize >= validator_groups.len() {
return None
let rotations_since_session_start: BlockNumberFor<T> =
(at - session_start_block) / config.scheduler_params.group_rotation_frequency;
let rotations_since_session_start =
<BlockNumberFor<T> as TryInto<u32>>::try_into(rotations_since_session_start)
// Error case can only happen if rotations occur only once every u32::max(),
// so functionally no difference in behavior.
let group_idx =
(core.0 as usize + rotations_since_session_start as usize) % validator_groups.len();
Some(GroupIndex(group_idx as u32))
/// Returns a predicate that should be used for timing out occupied cores.
/// This only ever times out cores that have been occupied across a group rotation boundary.
pub(crate) fn availability_timeout_predicate(
) -> impl Fn(BlockNumberFor<T>) -> AvailabilityTimeoutStatus<BlockNumberFor<T>> {
let config = configuration::ActiveConfig::<T>::get();
let now = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number();
let rotation_info = Self::group_rotation_info(now);
let next_rotation = rotation_info.next_rotation_at();
let times_out = Self::availability_timeout_check_required();
move |pending_since| {
let time_out_at = if times_out {
// We are at the beginning of the rotation, here availability period is relevant.
// Note: blocks backed in this rotation will never time out here as backed_in +
// config.paras_availability_period will always be > now for these blocks, as
// otherwise above condition would not be true.
pending_since + config.scheduler_params.paras_availability_period
} else {
next_rotation + config.scheduler_params.paras_availability_period
AvailabilityTimeoutStatus { timed_out: time_out_at <= now, live_until: time_out_at }
/// Is evaluation of `availability_timeout_predicate` necessary at the current block?
/// This can be used to avoid calling `availability_timeout_predicate` for each core in case
/// this function returns false.
pub(crate) fn availability_timeout_check_required() -> bool {
let config = configuration::ActiveConfig::<T>::get();
let now = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number() + One::one();
let rotation_info = Self::group_rotation_info(now);
let current_window =
rotation_info.last_rotation_at() + config.scheduler_params.paras_availability_period;
now < current_window
/// Returns a helper for determining group rotation.
pub(crate) fn group_rotation_info(
now: BlockNumberFor<T>,
) -> GroupRotationInfo<BlockNumberFor<T>> {
let session_start_block = SessionStartBlock::<T>::get();
let group_rotation_frequency = configuration::ActiveConfig::<T>::get()
GroupRotationInfo { session_start_block, now, group_rotation_frequency }
/// Return the next thing that will be scheduled on this core assuming it is currently
/// occupied and the candidate occupying it became available.
pub(crate) fn next_up_on_available(core: CoreIndex) -> Option<ScheduledCore> {
// Since this is being called from a runtime API, we need to workaround for #64.
if Self::on_chain_storage_version() == StorageVersion::new(2) {
.and_then(|a| a.front().map(|entry| entry.assignment.para_id()))
} else {
.and_then(|a| a.front().map(|assignment| assignment.para_id()))
.map(|para_id| ScheduledCore { para_id, collator: None })
// Since this is being called from a runtime API, we need to workaround for #64.
pub(crate) fn get_claim_queue() -> BTreeMap<CoreIndex, VecDeque<Assignment>> {
if Self::on_chain_storage_version() == StorageVersion::new(2) {
.map(|(core_index, entries)| {
(core_index, entries.into_iter().map(|e| e.assignment).collect())
} else {
/// For each core that isn't part of the `except_for` set, pop the first item of the claim queue
/// and fill the queue from the assignment provider.
pub(crate) fn advance_claim_queue(except_for: &BTreeSet<CoreIndex>) {
let config = configuration::ActiveConfig::<T>::get();
let expected_claim_queue_len = Self::expected_claim_queue_len(&config.scheduler_params);
// Extra sanity, config should already never be smaller than 1:
let n_lookahead = config.scheduler_params.lookahead.max(1);
for core_idx in 0..expected_claim_queue_len {
let core_idx = CoreIndex::from(core_idx);
if !except_for.contains(&core_idx) {
let core_idx = CoreIndex::from(core_idx);
if let Some(dropped_para) = Self::pop_front_of_claim_queue(&core_idx) {
Self::fill_claim_queue(core_idx, n_lookahead);
// on new session
fn maybe_resize_claim_queue() {
let cq = ClaimQueue::<T>::get();
let Some((old_max_core, _)) = cq.last_key_value() else { return };
let config = configuration::ActiveConfig::<T>::get();
let new_core_count = Self::expected_claim_queue_len(&config.scheduler_params);
if new_core_count < (old_max_core.0 + 1) {
ClaimQueue::<T>::mutate(|cq| {
let to_remove: Vec<_> =
cq.range(CoreIndex(new_core_count)..=*old_max_core).map(|(k, _)| *k).collect();
for key in to_remove {
if let Some(dropped_assignments) = cq.remove(&key) {
// Populate the claim queue. To be called on new session, after all the other modules were
// initialized.
fn populate_claim_queue_after_session_change() {
let config = configuration::ActiveConfig::<T>::get();
// Extra sanity, config should already never be smaller than 1:
let n_lookahead = config.scheduler_params.lookahead.max(1);
let expected_claim_queue_len = Self::expected_claim_queue_len(&config.scheduler_params);
for core_idx in 0..expected_claim_queue_len {
let core_idx = CoreIndex::from(core_idx);
Self::fill_claim_queue(core_idx, n_lookahead);
/// Push some assignments back to the provider.
fn push_back_to_assignment_provider(
assignments: impl core::iter::DoubleEndedIterator<Item = Assignment>,
) {
// Push back in reverse order so that when we pop from the provider again,
// the entries in the claim queue are in the same order as they are right
// now.
for assignment in assignments.rev() {
fn fill_claim_queue(core_idx: CoreIndex, n_lookahead: u32) {
ClaimQueue::<T>::mutate(|la| {
let cq = la.entry(core_idx).or_default();
let mut n_lookahead_used = cq.len() as u32;
// If the claim queue used to be empty, we need to double the first assignment.
// Otherwise, the para will only be able to get the collation in right at the next block
// (synchronous backing).
// Only do this if the configured lookahead is greater than 1. Otherwise, it doesn't
// make sense.
if n_lookahead_used == 0 && n_lookahead > 1 {
if let Some(assignment) = T::AssignmentProvider::pop_assignment_for_core(core_idx) {
n_lookahead_used += 2;
for _ in n_lookahead_used..n_lookahead {
if let Some(assignment) = T::AssignmentProvider::pop_assignment_for_core(core_idx) {
} else {
// If we didn't end up pushing anything, remove the entry. We don't want to waste the
// space if we've no assignments.
if cq.is_empty() {
fn pop_front_of_claim_queue(core_idx: &CoreIndex) -> Option<Assignment> {
ClaimQueue::<T>::mutate(|cq| cq.get_mut(core_idx)?.pop_front())
#[cfg(any(feature = "try-runtime", test))]
fn claim_queue_len() -> usize {
ClaimQueue::<T>::get().iter().map(|la_vec| la_vec.1.len()).sum()
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"), test))]
pub(crate) fn claim_queue_is_empty() -> bool {
Self::claim_queue_len() == 0
pub(crate) fn set_validator_groups(validator_groups: Vec<Vec<ValidatorIndex>>) {
pub(crate) fn set_claim_queue(claim_queue: BTreeMap<CoreIndex, VecDeque<Assignment>>) {