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// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
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// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Traits for dealing with validation and validators.
use crate::{dispatch::Parameter, weights::Weight};
use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec};
use codec::{Codec, Decode, MaxEncodedLen};
use sp_runtime::{
traits::{Convert, Zero},
BoundToRuntimeAppPublic, ConsensusEngineId, Permill, RuntimeAppPublic,
use sp_staking::SessionIndex;
/// A trait for online node inspection in a session.
/// Something that can give information about the current validator set.
pub trait ValidatorSet<AccountId> {
/// Type for representing validator id in a session.
type ValidatorId: Parameter + MaxEncodedLen;
/// A type for converting `AccountId` to `ValidatorId`.
type ValidatorIdOf: Convert<AccountId, Option<Self::ValidatorId>>;
/// Returns current session index.
fn session_index() -> SessionIndex;
/// Returns the active set of validators.
fn validators() -> Vec<Self::ValidatorId>;
/// [`ValidatorSet`] combined with an identification.
pub trait ValidatorSetWithIdentification<AccountId>: ValidatorSet<AccountId> {
/// Full identification of `ValidatorId`.
type Identification: Parameter;
/// A type for converting `ValidatorId` to `Identification`.
type IdentificationOf: Convert<Self::ValidatorId, Option<Self::Identification>>;
/// A trait for finding the author of a block header based on the `PreRuntime` digests contained
/// within it.
pub trait FindAuthor<Author> {
/// Find the author of a block based on the pre-runtime digests.
fn find_author<'a, I>(digests: I) -> Option<Author>
I: 'a + IntoIterator<Item = (ConsensusEngineId, &'a [u8])>;
impl<A> FindAuthor<A> for () {
fn find_author<'a, I>(_: I) -> Option<A>
I: 'a + IntoIterator<Item = (ConsensusEngineId, &'a [u8])>,
/// A trait for verifying the seal of a header and returning the author.
pub trait VerifySeal<Header, Author> {
/// Verify a header and return the author, if any.
fn verify_seal(header: &Header) -> Result<Option<Author>, &'static str>;
/// A session handler for specific key type.
pub trait OneSessionHandler<ValidatorId>: BoundToRuntimeAppPublic {
/// The key type expected.
type Key: Decode + RuntimeAppPublic;
/// The given validator set will be used for the genesis session.
/// It is guaranteed that the given validator set will also be used
/// for the second session, therefore the first call to `on_new_session`
/// should provide the same validator set.
fn on_genesis_session<'a, I: 'a>(validators: I)
I: Iterator<Item = (&'a ValidatorId, Self::Key)>,
ValidatorId: 'a;
/// Session set has changed; act appropriately. Note that this can be called
/// before initialization of your module.
/// `changed` is true when at least one of the session keys
/// or the underlying economic identities/distribution behind one the
/// session keys has changed, false otherwise.
/// The `validators` are the validators of the incoming session, and `queued_validators`
/// will follow.
fn on_new_session<'a, I: 'a>(changed: bool, validators: I, queued_validators: I)
I: Iterator<Item = (&'a ValidatorId, Self::Key)>,
ValidatorId: 'a;
/// A notification for end of the session.
/// Note it is triggered before any `SessionManager::end_session` handlers,
/// so we can still affect the validator set.
fn on_before_session_ending() {}
/// A validator got disabled. Act accordingly until a new session begins.
fn on_disabled(_validator_index: u32);
/// Something that can estimate at which block the next session rotation will happen (i.e. a new
/// session starts).
/// The accuracy of the estimates is dependent on the specific implementation, but in order to get
/// the best estimate possible these methods should be called throughout the duration of the session
/// (rather than calling once and storing the result).
/// This should be the same logical unit that dictates `ShouldEndSession` to the session module. No
/// assumptions are made about the scheduling of the sessions.
pub trait EstimateNextSessionRotation<BlockNumber> {
/// Return the average length of a session.
/// This may or may not be accurate.
fn average_session_length() -> BlockNumber;
/// Return an estimate of the current session progress.
/// None should be returned if the estimation fails to come to an answer.
fn estimate_current_session_progress(now: BlockNumber) -> (Option<Permill>, Weight);
/// Return the block number at which the next session rotation is estimated to happen.
/// None should be returned if the estimation fails to come to an answer.
fn estimate_next_session_rotation(now: BlockNumber) -> (Option<BlockNumber>, Weight);
impl<BlockNumber: Zero> EstimateNextSessionRotation<BlockNumber> for () {
fn average_session_length() -> BlockNumber {
fn estimate_current_session_progress(_: BlockNumber) -> (Option<Permill>, Weight) {
(None, Zero::zero())
fn estimate_next_session_rotation(_: BlockNumber) -> (Option<BlockNumber>, Weight) {
(None, Zero::zero())
/// Something that can estimate at which block scheduling of the next session will happen (i.e when
/// we will try to fetch new validators).
/// This only refers to the point when we fetch the next session details and not when we enact them
/// (for enactment there's `EstimateNextSessionRotation`). With `pallet-session` this should be
/// triggered whenever `SessionManager::new_session` is called.
/// For example, if we are using a staking module this would be the block when the session module
/// would ask staking what the next validator set will be, as such this must always be implemented
/// by the session module.
pub trait EstimateNextNewSession<BlockNumber> {
/// Return the average length of a session.
/// This may or may not be accurate.
fn average_session_length() -> BlockNumber;
/// Return the block number at which the next new session is estimated to happen.
/// None should be returned if the estimation fails to come to an answer.
fn estimate_next_new_session(_: BlockNumber) -> (Option<BlockNumber>, Weight);
impl<BlockNumber: Zero> EstimateNextNewSession<BlockNumber> for () {
fn average_session_length() -> BlockNumber {
fn estimate_next_new_session(_: BlockNumber) -> (Option<BlockNumber>, Weight) {
(None, Zero::zero())
/// Something which can compute and check proofs of
/// a historical key owner and return full identification data of that
/// key owner.
pub trait KeyOwnerProofSystem<Key> {
/// The proof of membership itself.
type Proof: Codec;
/// The full identification of a key owner and the stash account.
type IdentificationTuple: Codec;
/// Prove membership of a key owner in the current block-state.
/// This should typically only be called off-chain, since it may be
/// computationally heavy.
/// Returns `Some` iff the key owner referred to by the given `key` is a
/// member of the current set.
fn prove(key: Key) -> Option<Self::Proof>;
/// Check a proof of membership on-chain. Return `Some` iff the proof is
/// valid and recent enough to check.
fn check_proof(key: Key, proof: Self::Proof) -> Option<Self::IdentificationTuple>;
impl<Key> KeyOwnerProofSystem<Key> for () {
// The proof and identification tuples is any bottom type to guarantee that the methods of this
// implementation can never be called or return anything other than `None`.
type Proof = sp_core::Void;
type IdentificationTuple = sp_core::Void;
fn prove(_key: Key) -> Option<Self::Proof> {
fn check_proof(_key: Key, _proof: Self::Proof) -> Option<Self::IdentificationTuple> {
/// Trait to be used by block producing consensus engine modules to determine
/// how late the current block is (e.g. in a slot-based proposal mechanism how
/// many slots were skipped since the previous block).
pub trait Lateness<N> {
/// Returns a generic measure of how late the current block is compared to
/// its parent.
fn lateness(&self) -> N;
impl<N: Zero> Lateness<N> for () {
fn lateness(&self) -> N {
/// Implementors of this trait provide information about whether or not some validator has
/// been registered with them. The [Session module](../../pallet_session/index.html) is an
/// implementor.
pub trait ValidatorRegistration<ValidatorId> {
/// Returns true if the provided validator ID has been registered with the implementing runtime
/// module
fn is_registered(id: &ValidatorId) -> bool;
/// Trait used to check whether a given validator is currently disabled and should not be
/// participating in consensus (e.g. because they equivocated).
pub trait DisabledValidators {
/// Returns true if the given validator is disabled.
fn is_disabled(index: u32) -> bool;
/// Returns all disabled validators
fn disabled_validators() -> Vec<u32>;
impl DisabledValidators for () {
fn is_disabled(_index: u32) -> bool {
fn disabled_validators() -> Vec<u32> {