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//! # XCM
//! XCM, or Cross-Consensus Messaging, is a **language** to communicate **intentions** between
//! **consensus systems**.
//! ## Overview
//! XCM is a standard, specification of which lives in the [xcm format repo](https://github.com/paritytech/xcm-format).
//! It's agnostic both in programming language and blockchain platform, which means it could be used
//! in Rust in Polkadot, or in Go or C++ in any other platform like Cosmos or Ethereum.
//! It enables different consensus systems to communicate with each other in an expressive manner.
//! Consensus systems include blockchains, smart contracts, and any other state machine that
//! achieves consensus in some way.
//! XCM is executed on a virtual machine called the XCVM.
//! Scripts can be written with the XCM language, which are often called XCMs, messages or XCM
//! programs. Each program is a series of instructions, which get executed one after the other by
//! the virtual machine. These instructions aim to encompass all major things users typically do in
//! consensus systems. There are instructions on asset transferring, teleporting, locking, among
//! others. New instructions are added and changes to the XCVM are made via the [RFC process](https://github.com/paritytech/xcm-format/blob/master/proposals/0032-process.md).
//! ## In Polkadot SDK
//! The Polkadot SDK allows for easily deploying sovereign blockchains from scratch, all very
//! customizable. Dealing with many heterogeneous blockchains can be cumbersome.
//! XCM allows all these blockchains to communicate with an agreed-upon language.
//! As long as an implementation of the XCVM is implemented, the same XCM program can be executed in
//! all blockchains and perform the same task.
//! ## Implementation
//! A ready-to-use Rust implementation lives in the [polkadot-sdk repo](https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot-sdk/tree/master/polkadot/xcm),
//! but will be moved to its own repo in the future.
//! Its main components are:
//! - [`xcm`](::xcm): The definition of the basic types and instructions.
//! - [`xcm_executor`]: An implementation of the virtual machine to execute instructions.
//! - [`pallet_xcm`]: A FRAME pallet for interacting with the executor.
//! - [`xcm_builder`]: A collection of types to configure the executor.
//! - [`xcm_simulator`]: A playground for trying out different XCM programs and executor
//! configurations.
//! ## Example
//! To perform the very usual operation of transferring assets, the following XCM program can be
//! used:
#![doc = docify::embed!("src/polkadot_sdk/xcm.rs", example_transfer)]
//! ## Get started
//! To learn how it works and to get started, go to the [XCM docs](xcm_docs).
mod tests {
use xcm::latest::prelude::*;
fn example_transfer() {
let _transfer_program = Xcm::<()>(vec![
WithdrawAsset((Here, 100u128).into()),
BuyExecution { fees: (Here, 100u128).into(), weight_limit: Unlimited },
DepositAsset {
assets: All.into(),
beneficiary: AccountId32 { id: [0u8; 32].into(), network: None }.into(),