use relay_substrate_client::{AccountKeyPairOf, ChainWithTransactions};
use structopt::StructOpt;
use strum::{EnumString, VariantNames};
use relay_substrate_client::{ChainRuntimeVersion, ChainWithRuntimeVersion, SimpleRuntimeVersion};
use crate::TransactionParams;
#[doc = "Runtime version params."]
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, EnumString, VariantNames)]
pub enum RuntimeVersionType {
macro_rules! declare_chain_runtime_version_params_cli_schema {
($chain:ident, $chain_prefix:ident) => {
bp_runtime::paste::item! {
#[doc = $chain " runtime version params."]
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct [<$chain RuntimeVersionParams>] {
#[doc = "The type of runtime version for chain " $chain]
#[structopt(long, default_value = "Bundle")]
pub [<$chain_prefix _version_mode>]: RuntimeVersionType,
#[doc = "The custom sepc_version for chain " $chain]
pub [<$chain_prefix _spec_version>]: Option<u32>,
#[doc = "The custom transaction_version for chain " $chain]
pub [<$chain_prefix _transaction_version>]: Option<u32>,
impl [<$chain RuntimeVersionParams>] {
pub fn into_runtime_version(
bundle_runtime_version: Option<SimpleRuntimeVersion>,
) -> anyhow::Result<ChainRuntimeVersion> {
Ok(match self.[<$chain_prefix _version_mode>] {
RuntimeVersionType::Auto => ChainRuntimeVersion::Auto,
RuntimeVersionType::Custom => {
let custom_spec_version = self.[<$chain_prefix _spec_version>]
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg(format!("The {}-spec-version is required when choose custom mode", stringify!($chain_prefix))))?;
let custom_transaction_version = self.[<$chain_prefix _transaction_version>]
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg(format!("The {}-transaction-version is required when choose custom mode", stringify!($chain_prefix))))?;
SimpleRuntimeVersion {
spec_version: custom_spec_version,
transaction_version: custom_transaction_version
RuntimeVersionType::Bundle => match bundle_runtime_version {
Some(runtime_version) => ChainRuntimeVersion::Custom(runtime_version),
None => {
return Err(anyhow::format_err!("Cannot use bundled runtime version of {}: it is not known to the relay", stringify!($chain_prefix)));
macro_rules! declare_chain_connection_params_cli_schema {
($chain:ident, $chain_prefix:ident) => {
bp_runtime::paste::item! {
#[doc = $chain " connection params."]
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct [<$chain ConnectionParams>] {
#[doc = "WS endpoint of " $chain ": full URI. Overrides all other connection string components (host, port, path, secure)."]
pub [<$chain_prefix _uri>]: Option<String>,
#[doc = "WS endpoint of " $chain ": host component."]
#[structopt(long, default_value = "")]
pub [<$chain_prefix _host>]: String,
#[doc = "WS endpoint of " $chain ": port component."]
#[structopt(long, default_value = "9944")]
pub [<$chain_prefix _port>]: u16,
#[doc = "WS endpoint of " $chain ": path component."]
pub [<$chain_prefix _path>]: Option<String>,
#[doc = "Use secure websocket connection."]
pub [<$chain_prefix _secure>]: bool,
#[doc = "Custom runtime version"]
pub [<$chain_prefix _runtime_version>]: [<$chain RuntimeVersionParams>],
impl [<$chain ConnectionParams>] {
pub async fn into_client<Chain: ChainWithRuntimeVersion>(
) -> anyhow::Result<$crate::cli::DefaultClient<Chain>> {
let chain_runtime_version = self
.[<$chain_prefix _runtime_version>]
Ok(relay_substrate_client::new(relay_substrate_client::ConnectionParams {
uri: self.[<$chain_prefix _uri>],
host: self.[<$chain_prefix _host>],
port: self.[<$chain_prefix _port>],
path: self.[<$chain_prefix _path>],
secure: self.[<$chain_prefix _secure>],
macro_rules! declare_chain_signing_params_cli_schema {
($chain:ident, $chain_prefix:ident) => {
bp_runtime::paste::item! {
#[doc = $chain " signing params."]
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct [<$chain SigningParams>] {
#[doc = "The SURI of secret key to use when transactions are submitted to the " $chain " node."]
pub [<$chain_prefix _signer>]: Option<String>,
#[doc = "The password for the SURI of secret key to use when transactions are submitted to the " $chain " node."]
pub [<$chain_prefix _signer_password>]: Option<String>,
#[doc = "Path to the file, that contains SURI of secret key to use when transactions are submitted to the " $chain " node. Can be overridden with " $chain_prefix "_signer option."]
pub [<$chain_prefix _signer_file>]: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,
#[doc = "Path to the file, that password for the SURI of secret key to use when transactions are submitted to the " $chain " node. Can be overridden with " $chain_prefix "_signer_password option."]
pub [<$chain_prefix _signer_password_file>]: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,
#[doc = "Transactions mortality period, in blocks. MUST be a power of two in [4; 65536] range. MAY NOT be larger than `BlockHashCount` parameter of the chain system module."]
pub [<$chain_prefix _transactions_mortality>]: Option<u32>,
impl [<$chain SigningParams>] {
pub fn transactions_mortality(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Option<u32>> {
self.[<$chain_prefix _transactions_mortality>]
.map(|transactions_mortality| {
if !(4..=65536).contains(&transactions_mortality)
|| !transactions_mortality.is_power_of_two()
"Transactions mortality {} is not a power of two in a [4; 65536] range",
} else {
pub fn to_keypair<Chain: ChainWithTransactions>(&self) -> anyhow::Result<AccountKeyPairOf<Chain>> {
let suri = match (self.[<$chain_prefix _signer>].as_ref(), self.[<$chain_prefix _signer_file>].as_ref()) {
(Some(suri), _) => suri.to_owned(),
(None, Some(suri_file)) => std::fs::read_to_string(suri_file)
.map_err(|err| anyhow::format_err!(
"Failed to read SURI from file {:?}: {}",
(None, None) => return Err(anyhow::format_err!(
"One of options must be specified: '{}' or '{}'",
stringify!([<$chain_prefix _signer>]),
stringify!([<$chain_prefix _signer_file>]),
let suri_password = match (
self.[<$chain_prefix _signer_password>].as_ref(),
self.[<$chain_prefix _signer_password_file>].as_ref(),
) {
(Some(suri_password), _) => Some(suri_password.to_owned()),
(None, Some(suri_password_file)) => std::fs::read_to_string(suri_password_file)
.map_err(|err| anyhow::format_err!(
"Failed to read SURI password from file {:?}: {}",
_ => None,
use sp_core::crypto::Pair;
).map_err(|e| anyhow::format_err!("{:?}", e))
pub fn transaction_params<Chain: ChainWithTransactions>(
) -> anyhow::Result<TransactionParams<AccountKeyPairOf<Chain>>> {
Ok(TransactionParams {
mortality: self.transactions_mortality()?,
signer: self.to_keypair::<Chain>()?,
macro_rules! declare_chain_cli_schema {
($chain:ident, $chain_prefix:ident) => {
$crate::declare_chain_runtime_version_params_cli_schema!($chain, $chain_prefix);
$crate::declare_chain_connection_params_cli_schema!($chain, $chain_prefix);
$crate::declare_chain_signing_params_cli_schema!($chain, $chain_prefix);
declare_chain_cli_schema!(Source, source);
declare_chain_cli_schema!(Target, target);