// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use alloc::{collections::btree_set::BTreeSet, vec::Vec};
use codec::{Decode, DecodeWithMemTracking, Encode};
use core::iter::{DoubleEndedIterator, IntoIterator};
use hash_db::{HashDB, Hasher};
use scale_info::TypeInfo;
// Note that `LayoutV1` usage here (proof compaction) is compatible
// with `LayoutV0`.
use crate::LayoutV1 as Layout;
/// Error associated with the `storage_proof` module.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, TypeInfo)]
pub enum StorageProofError {
/// The proof contains duplicate nodes.
/// A proof that some set of key-value pairs are included in the storage trie. The proof contains
/// the storage values so that the partial storage backend can be reconstructed by a verifier that
/// does not already have access to the key-value pairs.
/// The proof consists of the set of serialized nodes in the storage trie accessed when looking up
/// the keys covered by the proof. Verifying the proof requires constructing the partial trie from
/// the serialized nodes and performing the key lookups.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, DecodeWithMemTracking, TypeInfo)]
pub struct StorageProof {
trie_nodes: BTreeSet<Vec<u8>>,
impl StorageProof {
/// Constructs a storage proof from a subset of encoded trie nodes in a storage backend.
pub fn new(trie_nodes: impl IntoIterator<Item = Vec<u8>>) -> Self {
StorageProof { trie_nodes: BTreeSet::from_iter(trie_nodes) }
/// Constructs a storage proof from a subset of encoded trie nodes in a storage backend.
/// Returns an error if the provided subset of encoded trie nodes contains duplicates.
pub fn new_with_duplicate_nodes_check(
trie_nodes: impl IntoIterator<Item = Vec<u8>>,
) -> Result<Self, StorageProofError> {
let mut trie_nodes_set = BTreeSet::new();
for node in trie_nodes {
if !trie_nodes_set.insert(node) {
return Err(StorageProofError::DuplicateNodes);
Ok(StorageProof { trie_nodes: trie_nodes_set })
/// Returns a new empty proof.
/// An empty proof is capable of only proving trivial statements (ie. that an empty set of
/// key-value pairs exist in storage).
pub fn empty() -> Self {
StorageProof { trie_nodes: BTreeSet::new() }
/// Returns whether this is an empty proof.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the number of nodes in the proof.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Convert into an iterator over encoded trie nodes in lexicographical order constructed
/// from the proof.
pub fn into_iter_nodes(self) -> impl Sized + DoubleEndedIterator<Item = Vec<u8>> {
/// Create an iterator over encoded trie nodes in lexicographical order constructed
/// from the proof.
pub fn iter_nodes(&self) -> impl Sized + DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &Vec<u8>> {
/// Convert into plain node vector.
pub fn into_nodes(self) -> BTreeSet<Vec<u8>> {
/// Creates a [`MemoryDB`](crate::MemoryDB) from `Self`.
pub fn into_memory_db<H: Hasher>(self) -> crate::MemoryDB<H> {
/// Creates a [`MemoryDB`](crate::MemoryDB) from `Self` reference.
pub fn to_memory_db<H: Hasher>(&self) -> crate::MemoryDB<H> {
/// Merges multiple storage proofs covering potentially different sets of keys into one proof
/// covering all keys. The merged proof output may be smaller than the aggregate size of the
/// input proofs due to deduplication of trie nodes.
pub fn merge(proofs: impl IntoIterator<Item = Self>) -> Self {
let trie_nodes = proofs
.flat_map(|proof| proof.into_iter_nodes())
Self { trie_nodes }
/// Encode as a compact proof with default trie layout.
pub fn into_compact_proof<H: Hasher>(
root: H::Out,
) -> Result<CompactProof, crate::CompactProofError<H::Out, crate::Error<H::Out>>> {
let db = self.into_memory_db();
crate::encode_compact::<Layout<H>, crate::MemoryDB<H>>(&db, &root)
/// Encode as a compact proof with default trie layout.
pub fn to_compact_proof<H: Hasher>(
root: H::Out,
) -> Result<CompactProof, crate::CompactProofError<H::Out, crate::Error<H::Out>>> {
let db = self.to_memory_db();
crate::encode_compact::<Layout<H>, crate::MemoryDB<H>>(&db, &root)
/// Returns the estimated encoded size of the compact proof.
/// Running this operation is a slow operation (build the whole compact proof) and should only
/// be in non sensitive path.
/// Return `None` on error.
pub fn encoded_compact_size<H: Hasher>(self, root: H::Out) -> Option<usize> {
let compact_proof = self.into_compact_proof::<H>(root);
compact_proof.ok().map(|p| p.encoded_size())
impl<H: Hasher> From<StorageProof> for crate::MemoryDB<H> {
fn from(proof: StorageProof) -> Self {
impl<H: Hasher> From<&StorageProof> for crate::MemoryDB<H> {
fn from(proof: &StorageProof) -> Self {
let mut db = crate::MemoryDB::default();
proof.iter_nodes().for_each(|n| {
db.insert(crate::EMPTY_PREFIX, &n);
/// Storage proof in compact form.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo)]
pub struct CompactProof {
pub encoded_nodes: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
impl CompactProof {
/// Return an iterator on the compact encoded nodes.
pub fn iter_compact_encoded_nodes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &[u8]> {
/// Decode to a full storage_proof.
pub fn to_storage_proof<H: Hasher>(
expected_root: Option<&H::Out>,
) -> Result<(StorageProof, H::Out), crate::CompactProofError<H::Out, crate::Error<H::Out>>> {
let mut db = crate::MemoryDB::<H>::new(&[]);
let root = crate::decode_compact::<Layout<H>, _, _>(
&mut db,
StorageProof::new(db.drain().into_iter().filter_map(|kv| {
if (kv.1).1 > 0 {
} else {
/// Convert self into a [`MemoryDB`](crate::MemoryDB).
/// `expected_root` is the expected root of this compact proof.
/// Returns the memory db and the root of the trie.
pub fn to_memory_db<H: Hasher>(
expected_root: Option<&H::Out>,
) -> Result<(crate::MemoryDB<H>, H::Out), crate::CompactProofError<H::Out, crate::Error<H::Out>>>
let mut db = crate::MemoryDB::<H>::new(&[]);
let root = crate::decode_compact::<Layout<H>, _, _>(
&mut db,
Ok((db, root))
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{tests::create_storage_proof, StorageProof};
type Hasher = sp_core::Blake2Hasher;
type Layout = crate::LayoutV1<Hasher>;
const TEST_DATA: &[(&[u8], &[u8])] =
&[(b"key1", &[1; 64]), (b"key2", &[2; 64]), (b"key3", &[3; 64]), (b"key11", &[4; 64])];
fn proof_with_duplicate_nodes_is_rejected() {
let (raw_proof, _root) = create_storage_proof::<Layout>(TEST_DATA);
fn invalid_compact_proof_does_not_panic_when_decoding() {
let invalid_proof = CompactProof { encoded_nodes: vec![vec![135]] };
let result = invalid_proof.to_memory_db::<Hasher>(None);