// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.
// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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//! A utility abstraction to collect and send reputation changes.
use polkadot_node_network_protocol::{PeerId, UnifiedReputationChange};
use polkadot_node_subsystem::{
messages::{NetworkBridgeTxMessage, ReportPeerMessage},
use std::{collections::HashMap, time::Duration};
/// Default delay for sending reputation changes
pub const REPUTATION_CHANGE_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
const LOG_TARGET: &'static str = "parachain::reputation-aggregator";
type BatchReputationChange = HashMap<PeerId, i32>;
/// Collects reputation changes and sends them in one batch to relieve network channels
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ReputationAggregator {
send_immediately_if: fn(UnifiedReputationChange) -> bool,
by_peer: Option<BatchReputationChange>,
impl Default for ReputationAggregator {
fn default() -> Self {
Self::new(|rep| matches!(rep, UnifiedReputationChange::Malicious(_)))
impl ReputationAggregator {
/// New `ReputationAggregator`
/// # Arguments
/// * `send_immediately_if` - A function, takes `UnifiedReputationChange`,
/// results shows if we need to send the changes right away.
/// By default, it is used for sending `UnifiedReputationChange::Malicious` changes immediately
/// and for testing.
pub fn new(send_immediately_if: fn(UnifiedReputationChange) -> bool) -> Self {
Self { by_peer: Default::default(), send_immediately_if }
/// Sends collected reputation changes in a batch,
/// removing them from inner state
pub async fn send(
&mut self,
sender: &mut impl overseer::SubsystemSender<NetworkBridgeTxMessage>,
) {
if let Some(by_peer) = self.by_peer.take() {
/// Adds reputation change to inner state
/// or sends it right away if the change is dangerous
pub async fn modify(
&mut self,
sender: &mut impl overseer::SubsystemSender<NetworkBridgeTxMessage>,
peer_id: PeerId,
rep: UnifiedReputationChange,
) {
if rep.cost_or_benefit() < 0 {
gum::debug!(target: LOG_TARGET, peer = ?peer_id, ?rep, "Reduce reputation");
if (self.send_immediately_if)(rep) {
self.single_send(sender, peer_id, rep).await;
} else {
self.add(peer_id, rep);
async fn single_send(
sender: &mut impl overseer::SubsystemSender<NetworkBridgeTxMessage>,
peer_id: PeerId,
rep: UnifiedReputationChange,
) {
fn add(&mut self, peer_id: PeerId, rep: UnifiedReputationChange) {
let by_peer = self.by_peer.get_or_insert(HashMap::new());
add_reputation(by_peer, peer_id, rep)
/// Add a reputation change to an existing collection.
pub fn add_reputation(
acc: &mut BatchReputationChange,
peer_id: PeerId,
rep: UnifiedReputationChange,
) {
let cost = rep.cost_or_benefit();
acc.entry(peer_id).and_modify(|v| *v = v.saturating_add(cost)).or_insert(cost);