#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
#![recursion_limit = "1024"]
extern crate alloc;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
use pallet_asset_rate::AssetKindFactory;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
use pallet_treasury::ArgumentsFactory;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
use polkadot_sdk::sp_core::crypto::FromEntropy;
use polkadot_sdk::*;
use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec};
use codec::{Decode, DecodeWithMemTracking, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
use frame_election_provider_support::{
bounds::{ElectionBounds, ElectionBoundsBuilder},
onchain, BalancingConfig, ElectionDataProvider, SequentialPhragmen, VoteWeight,
use frame_support::{
dispatch::{DispatchClass, DispatchInfo},
dynamic_params::{dynamic_pallet_params, dynamic_params},
genesis_builder_helper::{build_state, get_preset},
instances::{Instance1, Instance2},
Balanced, Credit, HoldConsideration, ItemOf, NativeFromLeft, NativeOrWithId, UnionOf,
imbalance::{ResolveAssetTo, ResolveTo},
GetSalary, PayFromAccount,
AsEnsureOriginWithArg, ConstBool, ConstU128, ConstU16, ConstU32, ConstU64,
ConstantStoragePrice, Contains, Currency, EitherOfDiverse, EnsureOriginWithArg,
EqualPrivilegeOnly, Imbalance, InsideBoth, InstanceFilter, KeyOwnerProofSystem,
LinearStoragePrice, LockIdentifier, Nothing, OnUnbalanced, VariantCountOf, WithdrawReasons,
BlockExecutionWeight, ExtrinsicBaseWeight, RocksDbWeight, WEIGHT_REF_TIME_PER_SECOND,
ConstantMultiplier, IdentityFee, Weight,
BoundedVec, PalletId,
use frame_system::{
limits::{BlockLength, BlockWeights},
EnsureRoot, EnsureRootWithSuccess, EnsureSigned, EnsureSignedBy, EnsureWithSuccess,
pub use node_primitives::{AccountId, Signature};
use node_primitives::{AccountIndex, Balance, BlockNumber, Hash, Moment, Nonce};
use pallet_asset_conversion::{AccountIdConverter, Ascending, Chain, WithFirstAsset};
use pallet_asset_conversion_tx_payment::SwapAssetAdapter;
use pallet_broker::{CoreAssignment, CoreIndex, CoretimeInterface, PartsOf57600};
use pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::{GeometricDepositBase, SolutionAccuracyOf};
use pallet_identity::legacy::IdentityInfo;
use pallet_im_online::sr25519::AuthorityId as ImOnlineId;
use pallet_nfts::PalletFeatures;
use pallet_nis::WithMaximumOf;
use pallet_nomination_pools::PoolId;
use pallet_revive::{evm::runtime::EthExtra, AddressMapper};
use pallet_session::historical as pallet_session_historical;
use sp_core::U256;
use sp_runtime::traits::TransactionExtension;
use pallet_broker::TaskId;
pub use pallet_transaction_payment::{CurrencyAdapter, Multiplier, TargetedFeeAdjustment};
use pallet_transaction_payment::{FeeDetails, RuntimeDispatchInfo};
use pallet_tx_pause::RuntimeCallNameOf;
use sp_api::impl_runtime_apis;
use sp_authority_discovery::AuthorityId as AuthorityDiscoveryId;
use sp_consensus_beefy::{
ecdsa_crypto::{AuthorityId as BeefyId, Signature as BeefySignature},
use sp_consensus_grandpa::AuthorityId as GrandpaId;
use sp_core::{crypto::KeyTypeId, OpaqueMetadata, H160};
use sp_inherents::{CheckInherentsResult, InherentData};
use sp_runtime::{
generic, impl_opaque_keys, str_array as s,
self, AccountIdConversion, BlakeTwo256, Block as BlockT, Bounded, ConvertInto,
MaybeConvert, NumberFor, OpaqueKeys, SaturatedConversion, StaticLookup,
transaction_validity::{TransactionPriority, TransactionSource, TransactionValidity},
ApplyExtrinsicResult, FixedPointNumber, FixedU128, MultiSignature, MultiSigner, Perbill,
Percent, Permill, Perquintill, RuntimeDebug,
use sp_std::{borrow::Cow, prelude::*};
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
use sp_version::NativeVersion;
use sp_version::RuntimeVersion;
use static_assertions::const_assert;
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
pub use frame_system::Call as SystemCall;
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
pub use pallet_balances::Call as BalancesCall;
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
pub use pallet_staking::StakerStatus;
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
pub use pallet_sudo::Call as SudoCall;
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
pub use sp_runtime::BuildStorage;
pub mod impls;
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
use impls::AllianceIdentityVerifier;
use impls::{AllianceProposalProvider, Author};
pub mod constants;
use constants::{currency::*, time::*};
use sp_runtime::generic::Era;
mod voter_bags;
pub mod assets_api;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/wasm_binary.rs"));
pub const CALL_PARAMS_MAX_SIZE: usize = 244;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub fn wasm_binary_unwrap() -> &'static [u8] {
"Development wasm binary is not available. This means the client is built with \
`SKIP_WASM_BUILD` flag and it is only usable for production chains. Please rebuild with \
the flag disabled.",
pub const VERSION: RuntimeVersion = RuntimeVersion {
spec_name: alloc::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("node"),
impl_name: alloc::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("substrate-node"),
authoring_version: 10,
spec_version: 268,
impl_version: 0,
transaction_version: 2,
system_version: 1,
pub const BABE_GENESIS_EPOCH_CONFIG: sp_consensus_babe::BabeEpochConfiguration =
sp_consensus_babe::BabeEpochConfiguration {
allowed_slots: sp_consensus_babe::AllowedSlots::PrimaryAndSecondaryPlainSlots,
#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
pub fn native_version() -> NativeVersion {
NativeVersion { runtime_version: VERSION, can_author_with: Default::default() }
type NegativeImbalance = <Balances as Currency<AccountId>>::NegativeImbalance;
pub struct DealWithFees;
impl OnUnbalanced<NegativeImbalance> for DealWithFees {
fn on_unbalanceds(mut fees_then_tips: impl Iterator<Item = NegativeImbalance>) {
if let Some(fees) = fees_then_tips.next() {
let mut split = fees.ration(80, 20);
if let Some(tips) = fees_then_tips.next() {
tips.ration_merge_into(80, 20, &mut split);
const AVERAGE_ON_INITIALIZE_RATIO: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(10);
const NORMAL_DISPATCH_RATIO: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(75);
Weight::from_parts(WEIGHT_REF_TIME_PER_SECOND.saturating_mul(2), u64::MAX);
parameter_types! {
pub const BlockHashCount: BlockNumber = 2400;
pub const Version: RuntimeVersion = VERSION;
pub RuntimeBlockLength: BlockLength =
BlockLength::max_with_normal_ratio(5 * 1024 * 1024, NORMAL_DISPATCH_RATIO);
pub RuntimeBlockWeights: BlockWeights = BlockWeights::builder()
.for_class(DispatchClass::all(), |weights| {
weights.base_extrinsic = ExtrinsicBaseWeight::get();
.for_class(DispatchClass::Normal, |weights| {
.for_class(DispatchClass::Operational, |weights| {
weights.max_total = Some(MAXIMUM_BLOCK_WEIGHT);
weights.reserved = Some(
pub MaxCollectivesProposalWeight: Weight = Perbill::from_percent(50) * RuntimeBlockWeights::get().max_block;
const_assert!(NORMAL_DISPATCH_RATIO.deconstruct() >= AVERAGE_ON_INITIALIZE_RATIO.deconstruct());
pub struct SafeModeWhitelistedCalls;
impl Contains<RuntimeCall> for SafeModeWhitelistedCalls {
fn contains(call: &RuntimeCall) -> bool {
match call {
RuntimeCall::System(_) | RuntimeCall::SafeMode(_) | RuntimeCall::TxPause(_) => true,
_ => false,
pub struct TxPauseWhitelistedCalls;
impl Contains<RuntimeCallNameOf<Runtime>> for TxPauseWhitelistedCalls {
fn contains(full_name: &RuntimeCallNameOf<Runtime>) -> bool {
match (full_name.0.as_slice(), full_name.1.as_slice()) {
(b"Balances", b"transfer_keep_alive") => true,
_ => false,
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
pub struct AssetRateArguments;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
impl AssetKindFactory<NativeOrWithId<u32>> for AssetRateArguments {
fn create_asset_kind(seed: u32) -> NativeOrWithId<u32> {
if seed % 2 > 0 {
} else {
NativeOrWithId::WithId(seed / 2)
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
pub struct PalletTreasuryArguments;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
impl ArgumentsFactory<NativeOrWithId<u32>, AccountId> for PalletTreasuryArguments {
fn create_asset_kind(seed: u32) -> NativeOrWithId<u32> {
if seed % 2 > 0 {
} else {
NativeOrWithId::WithId(seed / 2)
fn create_beneficiary(seed: [u8; 32]) -> AccountId {
AccountId::from_entropy(&mut seed.as_slice()).unwrap()
impl pallet_tx_pause::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type PauseOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type UnpauseOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type WhitelistedCalls = TxPauseWhitelistedCalls;
type MaxNameLen = ConstU32<256>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_tx_pause::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const EnterDuration: BlockNumber = 4 * HOURS;
pub const EnterDepositAmount: Balance = 2_000_000 * DOLLARS;
pub const ExtendDuration: BlockNumber = 2 * HOURS;
pub const ExtendDepositAmount: Balance = 1_000_000 * DOLLARS;
pub const ReleaseDelay: u32 = 2 * DAYS;
impl pallet_safe_mode::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason;
type WhitelistedCalls = SafeModeWhitelistedCalls;
type EnterDuration = EnterDuration;
type EnterDepositAmount = EnterDepositAmount;
type ExtendDuration = ExtendDuration;
type ExtendDepositAmount = ExtendDepositAmount;
type ForceEnterOrigin = EnsureRootWithSuccess<AccountId, ConstU32<9>>;
type ForceExtendOrigin = EnsureRootWithSuccess<AccountId, ConstU32<11>>;
type ForceExitOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type ForceDepositOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type ReleaseDelay = ReleaseDelay;
type Notify = ();
type WeightInfo = pallet_safe_mode::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
impl frame_system::Config for Runtime {
type BaseCallFilter = InsideBoth<SafeMode, TxPause>;
type BlockWeights = RuntimeBlockWeights;
type BlockLength = RuntimeBlockLength;
type DbWeight = RocksDbWeight;
type Nonce = Nonce;
type Hash = Hash;
type AccountId = AccountId;
type Lookup = Indices;
type Block = Block;
type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount;
type Version = Version;
type AccountData = pallet_balances::AccountData<Balance>;
type SystemWeightInfo = frame_system::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type SS58Prefix = ConstU16<42>;
type MaxConsumers = ConstU32<16>;
type MultiBlockMigrator = MultiBlockMigrations;
impl pallet_insecure_randomness_collective_flip::Config for Runtime {}
impl pallet_example_tasks::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeTask = RuntimeTask;
type WeightInfo = pallet_example_tasks::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
impl pallet_example_mbm::Config for Runtime {}
impl pallet_utility::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type PalletsOrigin = OriginCaller;
type WeightInfo = pallet_utility::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const DepositBase: Balance = deposit(1, 88);
pub const DepositFactor: Balance = deposit(0, 32);
impl pallet_multisig::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type Currency = Balances;
type DepositBase = DepositBase;
type DepositFactor = DepositFactor;
type MaxSignatories = ConstU32<100>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_multisig::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type BlockNumberProvider = frame_system::Pallet<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const ProxyDepositBase: Balance = deposit(1, 8);
pub const ProxyDepositFactor: Balance = deposit(0, 33);
pub const AnnouncementDepositBase: Balance = deposit(1, 8);
pub const AnnouncementDepositFactor: Balance = deposit(0, 66);
pub enum ProxyType {
impl Default for ProxyType {
fn default() -> Self {
impl InstanceFilter<RuntimeCall> for ProxyType {
fn filter(&self, c: &RuntimeCall) -> bool {
match self {
ProxyType::Any => true,
ProxyType::NonTransfer => !matches!(
RuntimeCall::Balances(..) |
RuntimeCall::Assets(..) |
RuntimeCall::Uniques(..) |
RuntimeCall::Nfts(..) |
RuntimeCall::Vesting(pallet_vesting::Call::vested_transfer { .. }) |
RuntimeCall::Indices(pallet_indices::Call::transfer { .. })
ProxyType::Governance => matches!(
RuntimeCall::Democracy(..) |
RuntimeCall::Council(..) |
RuntimeCall::Society(..) |
RuntimeCall::TechnicalCommittee(..) |
RuntimeCall::Elections(..) |
ProxyType::Staking => {
matches!(c, RuntimeCall::Staking(..) | RuntimeCall::FastUnstake(..))
fn is_superset(&self, o: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, o) {
(x, y) if x == y => true,
(ProxyType::Any, _) => true,
(_, ProxyType::Any) => false,
(ProxyType::NonTransfer, _) => true,
_ => false,
impl pallet_proxy::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type Currency = Balances;
type ProxyType = ProxyType;
type ProxyDepositBase = ProxyDepositBase;
type ProxyDepositFactor = ProxyDepositFactor;
type MaxProxies = ConstU32<32>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_proxy::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type MaxPending = ConstU32<32>;
type CallHasher = BlakeTwo256;
type AnnouncementDepositBase = AnnouncementDepositBase;
type AnnouncementDepositFactor = AnnouncementDepositFactor;
type BlockNumberProvider = frame_system::Pallet<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub MaximumSchedulerWeight: Weight = Perbill::from_percent(80) *
impl pallet_scheduler::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin;
type PalletsOrigin = OriginCaller;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type MaximumWeight = MaximumSchedulerWeight;
type ScheduleOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type MaxScheduledPerBlock = ConstU32<512>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
type MaxScheduledPerBlock = ConstU32<50>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_scheduler::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type OriginPrivilegeCmp = EqualPrivilegeOnly;
type Preimages = Preimage;
type BlockNumberProvider = frame_system::Pallet<Runtime>;
impl pallet_glutton::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type AdminOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_glutton::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const PreimageHoldReason: RuntimeHoldReason =
impl pallet_preimage::Config for Runtime {
type WeightInfo = pallet_preimage::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type ManagerOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type Consideration = HoldConsideration<
parameter_types! {
pub const EpochDuration: u64 = EPOCH_DURATION_IN_SLOTS;
pub const ExpectedBlockTime: Moment = MILLISECS_PER_BLOCK;
pub const ReportLongevity: u64 =
BondingDuration::get() as u64 * SessionsPerEra::get() as u64 * EpochDuration::get();
impl pallet_babe::Config for Runtime {
type EpochDuration = EpochDuration;
type ExpectedBlockTime = ExpectedBlockTime;
type EpochChangeTrigger = pallet_babe::ExternalTrigger;
type DisabledValidators = Session;
type WeightInfo = ();
type MaxAuthorities = MaxAuthorities;
type MaxNominators = MaxNominators;
type KeyOwnerProof = sp_session::MembershipProof;
type EquivocationReportSystem =
pallet_babe::EquivocationReportSystem<Self, Offences, Historical, ReportLongevity>;
parameter_types! {
pub const IndexDeposit: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
impl pallet_indices::Config for Runtime {
type AccountIndex = AccountIndex;
type Currency = Balances;
type Deposit = IndexDeposit;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type WeightInfo = pallet_indices::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const ExistentialDeposit: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
pub const MaxLocks: u32 = 50;
pub const MaxReserves: u32 = 50;
impl pallet_balances::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason;
type RuntimeFreezeReason = RuntimeFreezeReason;
type MaxLocks = MaxLocks;
type MaxReserves = MaxReserves;
type ReserveIdentifier = [u8; 8];
type Balance = Balance;
type DustRemoval = ();
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit;
type AccountStore = frame_system::Pallet<Runtime>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_balances::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type FreezeIdentifier = RuntimeFreezeReason;
type MaxFreezes = VariantCountOf<RuntimeFreezeReason>;
type DoneSlashHandler = ();
parameter_types! {
pub const TransactionByteFee: Balance = 10 * MILLICENTS;
pub const OperationalFeeMultiplier: u8 = 5;
pub const TargetBlockFullness: Perquintill = Perquintill::from_percent(25);
pub AdjustmentVariable: Multiplier = Multiplier::saturating_from_rational(1, 100_000);
pub MinimumMultiplier: Multiplier = Multiplier::saturating_from_rational(1, 1_000_000_000u128);
pub MaximumMultiplier: Multiplier = Bounded::max_value();
impl pallet_transaction_payment::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type OnChargeTransaction = CurrencyAdapter<Balances, DealWithFees>;
type OperationalFeeMultiplier = OperationalFeeMultiplier;
type WeightToFee = IdentityFee<Balance>;
type LengthToFee = ConstantMultiplier<Balance, TransactionByteFee>;
type FeeMultiplierUpdate = TargetedFeeAdjustment<
type WeightInfo = pallet_transaction_payment::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
pub type AssetsFreezerInstance = pallet_assets_freezer::Instance1;
impl pallet_assets_freezer::Config<AssetsFreezerInstance> for Runtime {
type RuntimeFreezeReason = RuntimeFreezeReason;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
impl pallet_asset_conversion_tx_payment::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type AssetId = NativeOrWithId<u32>;
type OnChargeAssetTransaction = SwapAssetAdapter<
ResolveAssetTo<TreasuryAccount, NativeAndAssets>,
type WeightInfo = pallet_asset_conversion_tx_payment::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkHelper = AssetConversionTxHelper;
impl pallet_skip_feeless_payment::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
parameter_types! {
pub const MinimumPeriod: Moment = SLOT_DURATION / 2;
impl pallet_timestamp::Config for Runtime {
type Moment = Moment;
type OnTimestampSet = Babe;
type MinimumPeriod = MinimumPeriod;
type WeightInfo = pallet_timestamp::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
impl pallet_authorship::Config for Runtime {
type FindAuthor = pallet_session::FindAccountFromAuthorIndex<Self, Babe>;
type EventHandler = (Staking, ImOnline);
impl_opaque_keys! {
pub struct SessionKeys {
pub grandpa: Grandpa,
pub babe: Babe,
pub im_online: ImOnline,
pub authority_discovery: AuthorityDiscovery,
pub mixnet: Mixnet,
pub beefy: Beefy,
#[cfg(feature = "staking-playground")]
pub mod staking_playground {
use super::*;
pub struct AliceAsOnlyValidator;
impl pallet_session::SessionManager<AccountId> for AliceAsOnlyValidator {
fn end_session(end_index: sp_staking::SessionIndex) {
<Staking as pallet_session::SessionManager<AccountId>>::end_session(end_index)
fn new_session(new_index: sp_staking::SessionIndex) -> Option<Vec<AccountId>> {
<Staking as pallet_session::SessionManager<AccountId>>::new_session(new_index).map(
|_ignored_validators| {
fn new_session_genesis(new_index: sp_staking::SessionIndex) -> Option<Vec<AccountId>> {
<Staking as pallet_session::SessionManager<AccountId>>::new_session_genesis(new_index)
.map(|_ignored_validators| {
fn start_session(start_index: sp_staking::SessionIndex) {
<Staking as pallet_session::SessionManager<AccountId>>::start_session(start_index)
impl pallet_session::historical::SessionManager<AccountId, ()> for AliceAsOnlyValidator {
fn end_session(end_index: sp_staking::SessionIndex) {
<Staking as pallet_session::historical::SessionManager<AccountId, ()>>::end_session(
fn new_session(new_index: sp_staking::SessionIndex) -> Option<Vec<(AccountId, ())>> {
<Staking as pallet_session::historical::SessionManager<AccountId, ()>>::new_session(
.map(|_ignored| {
vec![(sp_keyring::Sr25519Keyring::AliceStash.to_account_id().into(), ())]
fn new_session_genesis(
new_index: sp_staking::SessionIndex,
) -> Option<Vec<(AccountId, ())>> {
<Staking as pallet_session::historical::SessionManager<
.map(|_ignored| {
fn start_session(start_index: sp_staking::SessionIndex) {
<Staking as pallet_session::historical::SessionManager<AccountId, ()>>::start_session(
impl pallet_session::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type ValidatorId = <Self as frame_system::Config>::AccountId;
type ValidatorIdOf = pallet_staking::StashOf<Self>;
type ShouldEndSession = Babe;
type NextSessionRotation = Babe;
type SessionHandler = <SessionKeys as OpaqueKeys>::KeyTypeIdProviders;
type Keys = SessionKeys;
type DisablingStrategy = pallet_session::disabling::UpToLimitWithReEnablingDisablingStrategy;
type WeightInfo = pallet_session::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "staking-playground"))]
type SessionManager = pallet_session::historical::NoteHistoricalRoot<Self, Staking>;
#[cfg(feature = "staking-playground")]
type SessionManager = pallet_session::historical::NoteHistoricalRoot<
impl pallet_session::historical::Config for Runtime {
type FullIdentification = ();
type FullIdentificationOf = pallet_staking::NullIdentity;
pallet_staking_reward_curve::build! {
const REWARD_CURVE: PiecewiseLinear<'static> = curve!(
min_inflation: 0_025_000,
max_inflation: 0_100_000,
ideal_stake: 0_500_000,
falloff: 0_050_000,
max_piece_count: 40,
test_precision: 0_005_000,
#[cfg(not(feature = "staking-playground"))]
parameter_types! {
pub const SessionsPerEra: sp_staking::SessionIndex = 6;
#[cfg(feature = "staking-playground")]
parameter_types! {
pub const SessionsPerEra: sp_staking::SessionIndex = 2;
parameter_types! {
pub const BondingDuration: sp_staking::EraIndex = 24 * 28;
pub const SlashDeferDuration: sp_staking::EraIndex = 24 * 7; pub const RewardCurve: &'static PiecewiseLinear<'static> = &REWARD_CURVE;
pub const MaxNominators: u32 = 64;
pub const MaxControllersInDeprecationBatch: u32 = 5900;
pub OffchainRepeat: BlockNumber = 5;
pub HistoryDepth: u32 = 84;
const MAX_QUOTA_NOMINATIONS: u32 = 16;
pub struct StakingBenchmarkingConfig;
impl pallet_staking::BenchmarkingConfig for StakingBenchmarkingConfig {
type MaxNominators = ConstU32<5000>;
type MaxValidators = ConstU32<1000>;
use frame_election_provider_support::{BoundedSupportsOf, ElectionProvider, PageIndex};
pub struct MultiElectionProvider;
impl ElectionProvider for MultiElectionProvider {
type AccountId = <MultiBlock as ElectionProvider>::AccountId;
type BlockNumber = <MultiBlock as ElectionProvider>::BlockNumber;
type DataProvider = <MultiBlock as ElectionProvider>::DataProvider;
type Error = <MultiBlock as ElectionProvider>::Error;
type Pages = <MultiBlock as ElectionProvider>::Pages;
type MaxBackersPerWinner = <MultiBlock as ElectionProvider>::MaxBackersPerWinner;
type MaxWinnersPerPage = <MultiBlock as ElectionProvider>::MaxWinnersPerPage;
fn elect(page: PageIndex) -> Result<BoundedSupportsOf<Self>, Self::Error> {
if page == 0 && !cfg!(feature = "runtime-benchmarks") {
let _ = ElectionProviderMultiPhase::elect(page);
fn ongoing() -> bool {
impl pallet_staking::Config for Runtime {
type OldCurrency = Balances;
type Currency = Balances;
type CurrencyBalance = Balance;
type UnixTime = Timestamp;
type CurrencyToVote = sp_staking::currency_to_vote::U128CurrencyToVote;
type RewardRemainder = ResolveTo<TreasuryAccount, Balances>;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason;
type Slash = ResolveTo<TreasuryAccount, Balances>; type Reward = (); type SessionsPerEra = SessionsPerEra;
type BondingDuration = BondingDuration;
type SlashDeferDuration = SlashDeferDuration;
type AdminOrigin = EitherOfDiverse<
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionAtLeast<AccountId, CouncilCollective, 3, 4>,
type SessionInterface = Self;
type EraPayout = pallet_staking::ConvertCurve<RewardCurve>;
type NextNewSession = Session;
type MaxExposurePageSize = multi_block_impls::MaxExposurePageSize;
type MaxValidatorSet = multi_block_impls::MaxWinnersPerPage;
type ElectionProvider = MultiElectionProvider;
type GenesisElectionProvider = onchain::OnChainExecution<OnChainSeqPhragmen>;
type VoterList = VoterList;
type NominationsQuota = pallet_staking::FixedNominationsQuota<MAX_QUOTA_NOMINATIONS>;
type TargetList = pallet_staking::UseValidatorsMap<Self>;
type MaxUnlockingChunks = ConstU32<32>;
type MaxControllersInDeprecationBatch = MaxControllersInDeprecationBatch;
type HistoryDepth = HistoryDepth;
type EventListeners = (NominationPools, DelegatedStaking);
type WeightInfo = pallet_staking::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type BenchmarkingConfig = StakingBenchmarkingConfig;
type MaxInvulnerables = ConstU32<20>;
type MaxDisabledValidators = ConstU32<100>;
type Filter = Nothing;
impl pallet_fast_unstake::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type ControlOrigin = frame_system::EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type BatchSize = ConstU32<64>;
type Deposit = ConstU128<{ DOLLARS }>;
type Currency = Balances;
type Staking = Staking;
type MaxErasToCheckPerBlock = ConstU32<1>;
type WeightInfo = ();
pub struct NposSolution16::<
VoterIndex = u32,
TargetIndex = u16,
Accuracy = sp_runtime::PerU16,
MaxVoters = ConstU32<22500>,
pub(crate) mod multi_block_impls {
use super::*;
use pallet_election_provider_multi_block as multi_block;
use pallet_election_provider_multi_phase as multi_phase;
pub struct MultiBlockSolution::<
VoterIndex = u16,
TargetIndex = u16,
Accuracy = sp_runtime::Percent,
MaxVoters = ConstU32<{22500 / Pages::get()}>,
parameter_types! {
pub const Pages: u32 = 32;
pub VoterSnapshotPerBlock: u32 = 22500 / Pages::get();
pub TargetSnapshotPerBlock: u32 = 1000;
pub SignedPhase: u32 = 3 * EPOCH_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS / 4;
pub SignedValidation: u32 = Pages::get() * 2;
pub UnsignedPhase: u32 = EPOCH_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS / 4;
pub MaxWinnersPerPage: u32 = 1000;
pub MaxBackersPerWinner: u32 = 128;
pub MaxExposurePageSize: u32 = 32;
impl multi_block::unsigned::miner::MinerConfig for Runtime {
type AccountId = AccountId;
type Hash = Hash;
type MaxBackersPerWinner = <Self as multi_block::verifier::Config>::MaxBackersPerWinner;
type MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal =
<Self as multi_block::verifier::Config>::MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal;
type MaxWinnersPerPage = <Self as multi_block::verifier::Config>::MaxWinnersPerPage;
type MaxVotesPerVoter =
<<Self as multi_block::Config>::DataProvider as ElectionDataProvider>::MaxVotesPerVoter;
type MaxLength = MinerMaxLength;
type Solver = <Runtime as multi_block::unsigned::Config>::OffchainSolver;
type Pages = Pages;
type Solution = MultiBlockSolution;
type VoterSnapshotPerBlock = <Runtime as multi_block::Config>::VoterSnapshotPerBlock;
type TargetSnapshotPerBlock = <Runtime as multi_block::Config>::TargetSnapshotPerBlock;
impl multi_block::Config for Runtime {
type AdminOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type DataProvider = Staking;
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
type Fallback = multi_block::Continue<Self>;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type Fallback = onchain::OnChainExecution<OnChainSeqPhragmen>;
type Lookahead = ConstU32<5>;
type Pages = Pages;
type SignedValidationPhase = SignedValidation;
type SignedPhase = SignedPhase;
type UnsignedPhase = UnsignedPhase;
type TargetSnapshotPerBlock = TargetSnapshotPerBlock;
type VoterSnapshotPerBlock = VoterSnapshotPerBlock;
type Verifier = MultiBlockVerifier;
type MinerConfig = Self;
type WeightInfo = multi_block::weights::AllZeroWeights;
impl multi_block::verifier::Config for Runtime {
type MaxBackersPerWinner = MaxBackersPerWinner;
type MaxWinnersPerPage = MaxWinnersPerPage;
type MaxBackersPerWinnerFinal = ConstU32<{ u32::MAX }>;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type SolutionDataProvider = MultiBlockSigned;
type SolutionImprovementThreshold = ();
type WeightInfo = multi_block::weights::AllZeroWeights;
parameter_types! {
pub const BailoutGraceRatio: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(50);
impl multi_block::signed::Config for Runtime {
type BailoutGraceRatio = BailoutGraceRatio;
type DepositBase = SignedFixedDeposit;
type DepositPerPage = SignedDepositByte;
type MaxSubmissions = ConstU32<8>;
type RewardBase = SignedRewardBase;
type EstimateCallFee = TransactionPayment;
type Currency = Balances;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason;
type WeightInfo = multi_block::weights::AllZeroWeights;
impl multi_block::unsigned::Config for Runtime {
type OffchainSolver = <Runtime as multi_phase::Config>::Solver;
type MinerTxPriority = <Runtime as multi_phase::Config>::MinerTxPriority;
type OffchainRepeat = ConstU32<5>;
type WeightInfo = multi_block::weights::AllZeroWeights;
parameter_types! {
pub const SignedPhase: u32 = EPOCH_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS / 2;
pub const UnsignedPhase: u32 = EPOCH_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS / 2;
pub const SignedRewardBase: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
pub const SignedFixedDeposit: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
pub const SignedDepositIncreaseFactor: Percent = Percent::from_percent(10);
pub const SignedDepositByte: Balance = 1 * CENTS;
pub const MultiPhaseUnsignedPriority: TransactionPriority = StakingUnsignedPriority::get() - 1u64;
pub MinerMaxWeight: Weight = RuntimeBlockWeights::get()
.max_extrinsic.expect("Normal extrinsics have a weight limit configured; qed")
pub MinerMaxLength: u32 = Perbill::from_rational(9u32, 10) *
parameter_types! {
pub ElectionBoundsMultiPhase: ElectionBounds = ElectionBoundsBuilder::default()
pub ElectionBoundsOnChain: ElectionBounds = ElectionBoundsBuilder::default()
pub MaxNominations: u32 = <NposSolution16 as frame_election_provider_support::NposSolution>::LIMIT as u32;
pub struct ElectionProviderBenchmarkConfig;
impl pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::BenchmarkingConfig for ElectionProviderBenchmarkConfig {
const VOTERS: [u32; 2] = [1000, 2000];
const TARGETS: [u32; 2] = [500, 1000];
const ACTIVE_VOTERS: [u32; 2] = [500, 800];
const DESIRED_TARGETS: [u32; 2] = [200, 400];
const SNAPSHOT_MAXIMUM_VOTERS: u32 = 1000;
const MINER_MAXIMUM_VOTERS: u32 = 1000;
const MAXIMUM_TARGETS: u32 = 300;
pub const MINER_MAX_ITERATIONS: u32 = 10;
pub struct OffchainRandomBalancing;
impl Get<Option<BalancingConfig>> for OffchainRandomBalancing {
fn get() -> Option<BalancingConfig> {
use sp_runtime::traits::TrailingZeroInput;
let iterations = match MINER_MAX_ITERATIONS {
0 => 0,
max => {
let seed = sp_io::offchain::random_seed();
let random = <u32>::decode(&mut TrailingZeroInput::new(&seed))
.expect("input is padded with zeroes; qed") %
random as usize
let config = BalancingConfig { iterations, tolerance: 0 };
pub struct OnChainSeqPhragmen;
impl onchain::Config for OnChainSeqPhragmen {
type Sort = ConstBool<true>;
type System = Runtime;
type Solver = SequentialPhragmen<
type DataProvider = <Runtime as pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::Config>::DataProvider;
type WeightInfo = frame_election_provider_support::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type Bounds = ElectionBoundsOnChain;
type MaxBackersPerWinner =
<Runtime as pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::Config>::MaxBackersPerWinner;
type MaxWinnersPerPage = multi_block_impls::MaxWinnersPerPage;
impl pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::MinerConfig for Runtime {
type AccountId = AccountId;
type MaxLength = MinerMaxLength;
type MaxWeight = MinerMaxWeight;
type Solution = NposSolution16;
type MaxVotesPerVoter =
<<Self as pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::Config>::DataProvider as ElectionDataProvider>::MaxVotesPerVoter;
type MaxWinners = multi_block_impls::MaxWinnersPerPage;
type MaxBackersPerWinner = multi_block_impls::MaxBackersPerWinner;
fn solution_weight(v: u32, t: u32, a: u32, d: u32) -> Weight {
<Self as pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::Config>::WeightInfo
>::submit_unsigned(v, t, a, d)
impl pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type EstimateCallFee = TransactionPayment;
type SignedPhase = SignedPhase;
type UnsignedPhase = UnsignedPhase;
type BetterSignedThreshold = ();
type OffchainRepeat = OffchainRepeat;
type MinerTxPriority = MultiPhaseUnsignedPriority;
type MinerConfig = Self;
type SignedMaxSubmissions = ConstU32<10>;
type SignedRewardBase = SignedRewardBase;
type SignedDepositBase =
GeometricDepositBase<Balance, SignedFixedDeposit, SignedDepositIncreaseFactor>;
type SignedDepositByte = SignedDepositByte;
type SignedMaxRefunds = ConstU32<3>;
type SignedDepositWeight = ();
type SignedMaxWeight = MinerMaxWeight;
type SlashHandler = (); type RewardHandler = (); type DataProvider = Staking;
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
type Fallback = frame_election_provider_support::NoElection<(
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type Fallback = onchain::OnChainExecution<OnChainSeqPhragmen>;
type GovernanceFallback = onchain::OnChainExecution<OnChainSeqPhragmen>;
type Solver = SequentialPhragmen<AccountId, SolutionAccuracyOf<Self>, OffchainRandomBalancing>;
type ForceOrigin = EnsureRootOrHalfCouncil;
type MaxWinners = multi_block_impls::MaxWinnersPerPage;
type MaxBackersPerWinner = multi_block_impls::MaxBackersPerWinner;
type ElectionBounds = ElectionBoundsMultiPhase;
type BenchmarkingConfig = ElectionProviderBenchmarkConfig;
type WeightInfo = pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::weights::SubstrateWeight<Self>;
parameter_types! {
pub const BagThresholds: &'static [u64] = &voter_bags::THRESHOLDS;
type VoterBagsListInstance = pallet_bags_list::Instance1;
impl pallet_bags_list::Config<VoterBagsListInstance> for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type ScoreProvider = Staking;
type BagThresholds = BagThresholds;
type Score = VoteWeight;
type WeightInfo = pallet_bags_list::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const DelegatedStakingPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/dlstk");
pub const SlashRewardFraction: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(1);
impl pallet_delegated_staking::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type PalletId = DelegatedStakingPalletId;
type Currency = Balances;
type OnSlash = ();
type SlashRewardFraction = SlashRewardFraction;
type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason;
type CoreStaking = Staking;
parameter_types! {
pub const PostUnbondPoolsWindow: u32 = 4;
pub const NominationPoolsPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/nopls");
pub const MaxPointsToBalance: u8 = 10;
use sp_runtime::traits::{Convert, Keccak256};
pub struct BalanceToU256;
impl Convert<Balance, sp_core::U256> for BalanceToU256 {
fn convert(balance: Balance) -> sp_core::U256 {
pub struct U256ToBalance;
impl Convert<sp_core::U256, Balance> for U256ToBalance {
fn convert(n: sp_core::U256) -> Balance {
impl pallet_nomination_pools::Config for Runtime {
type WeightInfo = ();
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type RuntimeFreezeReason = RuntimeFreezeReason;
type RewardCounter = FixedU128;
type BalanceToU256 = BalanceToU256;
type U256ToBalance = U256ToBalance;
type StakeAdapter =
pallet_nomination_pools::adapter::DelegateStake<Self, Staking, DelegatedStaking>;
type PostUnbondingPoolsWindow = PostUnbondPoolsWindow;
type MaxMetadataLen = ConstU32<256>;
type MaxUnbonding = ConstU32<8>;
type PalletId = NominationPoolsPalletId;
type MaxPointsToBalance = MaxPointsToBalance;
type AdminOrigin = EitherOfDiverse<
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionAtLeast<AccountId, CouncilCollective, 3, 4>,
type BlockNumberProvider = System;
type Filter = Nothing;
parameter_types! {
pub const VoteLockingPeriod: BlockNumber = 30 * DAYS;
impl pallet_conviction_voting::Config for Runtime {
type WeightInfo = pallet_conviction_voting::weights::SubstrateWeight<Self>;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type VoteLockingPeriod = VoteLockingPeriod;
type MaxVotes = ConstU32<512>;
type MaxTurnout = frame_support::traits::TotalIssuanceOf<Balances, Self::AccountId>;
type Polls = Referenda;
type BlockNumberProvider = System;
parameter_types! {
pub const AlarmInterval: BlockNumber = 1;
pub const SubmissionDeposit: Balance = 100 * DOLLARS;
pub const UndecidingTimeout: BlockNumber = 28 * DAYS;
pub struct TracksInfo;
impl pallet_referenda::TracksInfo<Balance, BlockNumber> for TracksInfo {
type Id = u16;
type RuntimeOrigin = <RuntimeOrigin as frame_support::traits::OriginTrait>::PalletsOrigin;
fn tracks(
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Cow<'static, pallet_referenda::Track<Self::Id, Balance, BlockNumber>>>
fn track_for(id: &Self::RuntimeOrigin) -> Result<Self::Id, ()> {
.find(|(o, _)| id == o)
.map(|(_, track_id)| *track_id)
impl pallet_referenda::Config for Runtime {
type WeightInfo = pallet_referenda::weights::SubstrateWeight<Self>;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Scheduler = Scheduler;
type Currency = pallet_balances::Pallet<Self>;
type SubmitOrigin = EnsureSigned<AccountId>;
type CancelOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type KillOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type Slash = ();
type Votes = pallet_conviction_voting::VotesOf<Runtime>;
type Tally = pallet_conviction_voting::TallyOf<Runtime>;
type SubmissionDeposit = SubmissionDeposit;
type MaxQueued = ConstU32<100>;
type UndecidingTimeout = UndecidingTimeout;
type AlarmInterval = AlarmInterval;
type Tracks = TracksInfo;
type Preimages = Preimage;
type BlockNumberProvider = System;
impl pallet_referenda::Config<pallet_referenda::Instance2> for Runtime {
type WeightInfo = pallet_referenda::weights::SubstrateWeight<Self>;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Scheduler = Scheduler;
type Currency = pallet_balances::Pallet<Self>;
type SubmitOrigin = EnsureSigned<AccountId>;
type CancelOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type KillOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type Slash = ();
type Votes = pallet_ranked_collective::Votes;
type Tally = pallet_ranked_collective::TallyOf<Runtime>;
type SubmissionDeposit = SubmissionDeposit;
type MaxQueued = ConstU32<100>;
type UndecidingTimeout = UndecidingTimeout;
type AlarmInterval = AlarmInterval;
type Tracks = TracksInfo;
type Preimages = Preimage;
type BlockNumberProvider = System;
impl pallet_ranked_collective::Config for Runtime {
type WeightInfo = pallet_ranked_collective::weights::SubstrateWeight<Self>;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type AddOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type RemoveOrigin = Self::DemoteOrigin;
type PromoteOrigin = EnsureRootWithSuccess<AccountId, ConstU16<65535>>;
type DemoteOrigin = EnsureRootWithSuccess<AccountId, ConstU16<65535>>;
type ExchangeOrigin = EnsureRootWithSuccess<AccountId, ConstU16<65535>>;
type Polls = RankedPolls;
type MinRankOfClass = traits::Identity;
type VoteWeight = pallet_ranked_collective::Geometric;
type MemberSwappedHandler = (CoreFellowship, Salary);
type MaxMemberCount = ();
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkSetup = (CoreFellowship, Salary);
impl pallet_remark::Config for Runtime {
type WeightInfo = pallet_remark::weights::SubstrateWeight<Self>;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
impl pallet_root_testing::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
parameter_types! {
pub const LaunchPeriod: BlockNumber = 28 * 24 * 60 * MINUTES;
pub const VotingPeriod: BlockNumber = 28 * 24 * 60 * MINUTES;
pub const FastTrackVotingPeriod: BlockNumber = 3 * 24 * 60 * MINUTES;
pub const MinimumDeposit: Balance = 100 * DOLLARS;
pub const EnactmentPeriod: BlockNumber = 30 * 24 * 60 * MINUTES;
pub const CooloffPeriod: BlockNumber = 28 * 24 * 60 * MINUTES;
pub const MaxProposals: u32 = 100;
impl pallet_democracy::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type EnactmentPeriod = EnactmentPeriod;
type LaunchPeriod = LaunchPeriod;
type VotingPeriod = VotingPeriod;
type VoteLockingPeriod = EnactmentPeriod; type MinimumDeposit = MinimumDeposit;
type ExternalOrigin =
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionAtLeast<AccountId, CouncilCollective, 1, 2>;
type ExternalMajorityOrigin =
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionAtLeast<AccountId, CouncilCollective, 3, 4>;
type ExternalDefaultOrigin =
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionAtLeast<AccountId, CouncilCollective, 1, 1>;
type SubmitOrigin = EnsureSigned<AccountId>;
type FastTrackOrigin =
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionAtLeast<AccountId, TechnicalCollective, 2, 3>;
type InstantOrigin =
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionAtLeast<AccountId, TechnicalCollective, 1, 1>;
type InstantAllowed = ConstBool<true>;
type FastTrackVotingPeriod = FastTrackVotingPeriod;
type CancellationOrigin =
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionAtLeast<AccountId, CouncilCollective, 2, 3>;
type CancelProposalOrigin = EitherOfDiverse<
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionAtLeast<AccountId, TechnicalCollective, 1, 1>,
type BlacklistOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type VetoOrigin = pallet_collective::EnsureMember<AccountId, TechnicalCollective>;
type CooloffPeriod = CooloffPeriod;
type Slash = Treasury;
type Scheduler = Scheduler;
type PalletsOrigin = OriginCaller;
type MaxVotes = ConstU32<100>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_democracy::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type MaxProposals = MaxProposals;
type Preimages = Preimage;
type MaxDeposits = ConstU32<100>;
type MaxBlacklisted = ConstU32<100>;
parameter_types! {
pub const CouncilMotionDuration: BlockNumber = 5 * DAYS;
pub const CouncilMaxProposals: u32 = 100;
pub const CouncilMaxMembers: u32 = 100;
pub const ProposalDepositOffset: Balance = ExistentialDeposit::get() + ExistentialDeposit::get();
pub const ProposalHoldReason: RuntimeHoldReason =
type CouncilCollective = pallet_collective::Instance1;
impl pallet_collective::Config<CouncilCollective> for Runtime {
type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin;
type Proposal = RuntimeCall;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type MotionDuration = CouncilMotionDuration;
type MaxProposals = CouncilMaxProposals;
type MaxMembers = CouncilMaxMembers;
type DefaultVote = pallet_collective::PrimeDefaultVote;
type WeightInfo = pallet_collective::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type SetMembersOrigin = EnsureRoot<Self::AccountId>;
type MaxProposalWeight = MaxCollectivesProposalWeight;
type DisapproveOrigin = EnsureRoot<Self::AccountId>;
type KillOrigin = EnsureRoot<Self::AccountId>;
type Consideration = HoldConsideration<
pallet_collective::deposit::Linear<ConstU32<2>, ProposalDepositOffset>,
parameter_types! {
pub const CandidacyBond: Balance = 10 * DOLLARS;
pub const VotingBondBase: Balance = deposit(1, 64);
pub const VotingBondFactor: Balance = deposit(0, 32);
pub const TermDuration: BlockNumber = 7 * DAYS;
pub const DesiredMembers: u32 = 13;
pub const DesiredRunnersUp: u32 = 7;
pub const MaxVotesPerVoter: u32 = 16;
pub const MaxVoters: u32 = 256;
pub const MaxCandidates: u32 = 128;
pub const ElectionsPhragmenPalletId: LockIdentifier = *b"phrelect";
const_assert!(DesiredMembers::get() <= CouncilMaxMembers::get());
impl pallet_elections_phragmen::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type PalletId = ElectionsPhragmenPalletId;
type Currency = Balances;
type ChangeMembers = Council;
type InitializeMembers = Council;
type CurrencyToVote = sp_staking::currency_to_vote::U128CurrencyToVote;
type CandidacyBond = CandidacyBond;
type VotingBondBase = VotingBondBase;
type VotingBondFactor = VotingBondFactor;
type LoserCandidate = ();
type KickedMember = ();
type DesiredMembers = DesiredMembers;
type DesiredRunnersUp = DesiredRunnersUp;
type TermDuration = TermDuration;
type MaxVoters = MaxVoters;
type MaxVotesPerVoter = MaxVotesPerVoter;
type MaxCandidates = MaxCandidates;
type WeightInfo = pallet_elections_phragmen::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const TechnicalMotionDuration: BlockNumber = 5 * DAYS;
pub const TechnicalMaxProposals: u32 = 100;
pub const TechnicalMaxMembers: u32 = 100;
type TechnicalCollective = pallet_collective::Instance2;
impl pallet_collective::Config<TechnicalCollective> for Runtime {
type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin;
type Proposal = RuntimeCall;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type MotionDuration = TechnicalMotionDuration;
type MaxProposals = TechnicalMaxProposals;
type MaxMembers = TechnicalMaxMembers;
type DefaultVote = pallet_collective::PrimeDefaultVote;
type WeightInfo = pallet_collective::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type SetMembersOrigin = EnsureRoot<Self::AccountId>;
type MaxProposalWeight = MaxCollectivesProposalWeight;
type DisapproveOrigin = EnsureRoot<Self::AccountId>;
type KillOrigin = EnsureRoot<Self::AccountId>;
type Consideration = ();
type EnsureRootOrHalfCouncil = EitherOfDiverse<
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionMoreThan<AccountId, CouncilCollective, 1, 2>,
impl pallet_membership::Config<pallet_membership::Instance1> for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type AddOrigin = EnsureRootOrHalfCouncil;
type RemoveOrigin = EnsureRootOrHalfCouncil;
type SwapOrigin = EnsureRootOrHalfCouncil;
type ResetOrigin = EnsureRootOrHalfCouncil;
type PrimeOrigin = EnsureRootOrHalfCouncil;
type MembershipInitialized = TechnicalCommittee;
type MembershipChanged = TechnicalCommittee;
type MaxMembers = TechnicalMaxMembers;
type WeightInfo = pallet_membership::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const SpendPeriod: BlockNumber = 1 * DAYS;
pub const Burn: Permill = Permill::from_percent(50);
pub const TipCountdown: BlockNumber = 1 * DAYS;
pub const TipFindersFee: Percent = Percent::from_percent(20);
pub const TipReportDepositBase: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
pub const DataDepositPerByte: Balance = 1 * CENTS;
pub const TreasuryPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/trsry");
pub const MaximumReasonLength: u32 = 300;
pub const MaxApprovals: u32 = 100;
pub const MaxBalance: Balance = Balance::max_value();
pub const SpendPayoutPeriod: BlockNumber = 30 * DAYS;
impl pallet_treasury::Config for Runtime {
type PalletId = TreasuryPalletId;
type Currency = Balances;
type RejectOrigin = EitherOfDiverse<
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionMoreThan<AccountId, CouncilCollective, 1, 2>,
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type SpendPeriod = SpendPeriod;
type Burn = Burn;
type BurnDestination = ();
type SpendFunds = Bounties;
type WeightInfo = pallet_treasury::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type MaxApprovals = MaxApprovals;
type SpendOrigin = EnsureWithSuccess<EnsureRoot<AccountId>, AccountId, MaxBalance>;
type AssetKind = NativeOrWithId<u32>;
type Beneficiary = AccountId;
type BeneficiaryLookup = Indices;
type Paymaster = PayAssetFromAccount<NativeAndAssets, TreasuryAccount>;
type BalanceConverter = AssetRate;
type PayoutPeriod = SpendPayoutPeriod;
type BlockNumberProvider = System;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkHelper = PalletTreasuryArguments;
impl pallet_asset_rate::Config for Runtime {
type CreateOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type RemoveOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type UpdateOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type Currency = Balances;
type AssetKind = NativeOrWithId<u32>;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type WeightInfo = pallet_asset_rate::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkHelper = AssetRateArguments;
parameter_types! {
pub const BountyCuratorDeposit: Permill = Permill::from_percent(50);
pub const BountyValueMinimum: Balance = 5 * DOLLARS;
pub const BountyDepositBase: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
pub const CuratorDepositMultiplier: Permill = Permill::from_percent(50);
pub const CuratorDepositMin: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
pub const CuratorDepositMax: Balance = 100 * DOLLARS;
pub const BountyDepositPayoutDelay: BlockNumber = 1 * DAYS;
pub const BountyUpdatePeriod: BlockNumber = 14 * DAYS;
impl pallet_bounties::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type BountyDepositBase = BountyDepositBase;
type BountyDepositPayoutDelay = BountyDepositPayoutDelay;
type BountyUpdatePeriod = BountyUpdatePeriod;
type CuratorDepositMultiplier = CuratorDepositMultiplier;
type CuratorDepositMin = CuratorDepositMin;
type CuratorDepositMax = CuratorDepositMax;
type BountyValueMinimum = BountyValueMinimum;
type DataDepositPerByte = DataDepositPerByte;
type MaximumReasonLength = MaximumReasonLength;
type WeightInfo = pallet_bounties::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type ChildBountyManager = ChildBounties;
type OnSlash = Treasury;
parameter_types! {
pub MessageQueueServiceWeight: Option<Weight> = Some(Perbill::from_percent(20) * RuntimeBlockWeights::get().max_block);
impl pallet_message_queue::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type WeightInfo = ();
type MessageProcessor = pallet_message_queue::mock_helpers::NoopMessageProcessor<u32>;
type Size = u32;
type QueueChangeHandler = ();
type QueuePausedQuery = ();
type HeapSize = ConstU32<{ 64 * 1024 }>;
type MaxStale = ConstU32<128>;
type ServiceWeight = MessageQueueServiceWeight;
type IdleMaxServiceWeight = ();
parameter_types! {
pub const ChildBountyValueMinimum: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
impl pallet_child_bounties::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type MaxActiveChildBountyCount = ConstU32<5>;
type ChildBountyValueMinimum = ChildBountyValueMinimum;
type WeightInfo = pallet_child_bounties::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
impl pallet_tips::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type DataDepositPerByte = DataDepositPerByte;
type MaximumReasonLength = MaximumReasonLength;
type Tippers = Elections;
type TipCountdown = TipCountdown;
type TipFindersFee = TipFindersFee;
type TipReportDepositBase = TipReportDepositBase;
type MaxTipAmount = ConstU128<{ 500 * DOLLARS }>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_tips::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type OnSlash = Treasury;
parameter_types! {
pub const DepositPerItem: Balance = deposit(1, 0);
pub const DepositPerByte: Balance = deposit(0, 1);
pub const DefaultDepositLimit: Balance = deposit(1024, 1024 * 1024);
pub Schedule: pallet_contracts::Schedule<Runtime> = Default::default();
pub CodeHashLockupDepositPercent: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(30);
impl pallet_contracts::Config for Runtime {
type Time = Timestamp;
type Randomness = RandomnessCollectiveFlip;
type Currency = Balances;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type CallFilter = Nothing;
type DepositPerItem = DepositPerItem;
type DepositPerByte = DepositPerByte;
type DefaultDepositLimit = DefaultDepositLimit;
type CallStack = [pallet_contracts::Frame<Self>; 5];
type WeightPrice = pallet_transaction_payment::Pallet<Self>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_contracts::weights::SubstrateWeight<Self>;
type ChainExtension = ();
type Schedule = Schedule;
type AddressGenerator = pallet_contracts::DefaultAddressGenerator;
type MaxCodeLen = ConstU32<{ 123 * 1024 }>;
type MaxStorageKeyLen = ConstU32<128>;
type UnsafeUnstableInterface = ConstBool<false>;
type UploadOrigin = EnsureSigned<Self::AccountId>;
type InstantiateOrigin = EnsureSigned<Self::AccountId>;
type MaxDebugBufferLen = ConstU32<{ 2 * 1024 * 1024 }>;
type MaxTransientStorageSize = ConstU32<{ 1 * 1024 * 1024 }>;
type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason;
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
type Migrations = ();
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type Migrations = pallet_contracts::migration::codegen::BenchMigrations;
type MaxDelegateDependencies = ConstU32<32>;
type CodeHashLockupDepositPercent = CodeHashLockupDepositPercent;
type Debug = ();
type Environment = ();
type ApiVersion = ();
type Xcm = ();
impl pallet_revive::Config for Runtime {
type Time = Timestamp;
type Currency = Balances;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type CallFilter = Nothing;
type DepositPerItem = DepositPerItem;
type DepositPerByte = DepositPerByte;
type WeightPrice = pallet_transaction_payment::Pallet<Self>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_revive::weights::SubstrateWeight<Self>;
type ChainExtension = ();
type AddressMapper = pallet_revive::AccountId32Mapper<Self>;
type RuntimeMemory = ConstU32<{ 128 * 1024 * 1024 }>;
type PVFMemory = ConstU32<{ 512 * 1024 * 1024 }>;
type UnsafeUnstableInterface = ConstBool<false>;
type UploadOrigin = EnsureSigned<Self::AccountId>;
type InstantiateOrigin = EnsureSigned<Self::AccountId>;
type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason;
type CodeHashLockupDepositPercent = CodeHashLockupDepositPercent;
type Xcm = ();
type ChainId = ConstU64<420_420_420>;
type NativeToEthRatio = ConstU32<1_000_000>; type EthGasEncoder = ();
type FindAuthor = <Runtime as pallet_authorship::Config>::FindAuthor;
impl pallet_sudo::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type WeightInfo = pallet_sudo::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const ImOnlineUnsignedPriority: TransactionPriority = TransactionPriority::max_value();
pub const StakingUnsignedPriority: TransactionPriority = TransactionPriority::max_value() / 2;
pub const MaxAuthorities: u32 = 1000;
pub const MaxKeys: u32 = 10_000;
pub const MaxPeerInHeartbeats: u32 = 10_000;
impl<LocalCall> frame_system::offchain::CreateTransaction<LocalCall> for Runtime
RuntimeCall: From<LocalCall>,
type Extension = TxExtension;
fn create_transaction(call: RuntimeCall, extension: TxExtension) -> UncheckedExtrinsic {
generic::UncheckedExtrinsic::new_transaction(call, extension).into()
impl<LocalCall> frame_system::offchain::CreateSignedTransaction<LocalCall> for Runtime
RuntimeCall: From<LocalCall>,
fn create_signed_transaction<
C: frame_system::offchain::AppCrypto<Self::Public, Self::Signature>,
call: RuntimeCall,
public: <Signature as traits::Verify>::Signer,
account: AccountId,
nonce: Nonce,
) -> Option<UncheckedExtrinsic> {
let tip = 0;
let period =
BlockHashCount::get().checked_next_power_of_two().map(|c| c / 2).unwrap_or(2) as u64;
let current_block = System::block_number()
let era = Era::mortal(period, current_block);
let tx_ext: TxExtension = (
tip, None,
let raw_payload = SignedPayload::new(call, tx_ext)
.map_err(|e| {
log::warn!("Unable to create signed payload: {:?}", e);
let signature = raw_payload.using_encoded(|payload| C::sign(payload, public))?;
let address = Indices::unlookup(account);
let (call, tx_ext, _) = raw_payload.deconstruct();
let transaction =
generic::UncheckedExtrinsic::new_signed(call, address, signature, tx_ext).into();
impl<LocalCall> frame_system::offchain::CreateInherent<LocalCall> for Runtime
RuntimeCall: From<LocalCall>,
fn create_inherent(call: RuntimeCall) -> UncheckedExtrinsic {
impl frame_system::offchain::SigningTypes for Runtime {
type Public = <Signature as traits::Verify>::Signer;
type Signature = Signature;
impl<C> frame_system::offchain::CreateTransactionBase<C> for Runtime
RuntimeCall: From<C>,
type Extrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
impl pallet_im_online::Config for Runtime {
type AuthorityId = ImOnlineId;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type NextSessionRotation = Babe;
type ValidatorSet = Historical;
type ReportUnresponsiveness = Offences;
type UnsignedPriority = ImOnlineUnsignedPriority;
type WeightInfo = pallet_im_online::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type MaxKeys = MaxKeys;
type MaxPeerInHeartbeats = MaxPeerInHeartbeats;
impl pallet_offences::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type IdentificationTuple = pallet_session::historical::IdentificationTuple<Self>;
type OnOffenceHandler = Staking;
impl pallet_authority_discovery::Config for Runtime {
type MaxAuthorities = MaxAuthorities;
parameter_types! {
pub const MaxSetIdSessionEntries: u32 = BondingDuration::get() * SessionsPerEra::get();
impl pallet_grandpa::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type WeightInfo = ();
type MaxAuthorities = MaxAuthorities;
type MaxNominators = MaxNominators;
type MaxSetIdSessionEntries = MaxSetIdSessionEntries;
type KeyOwnerProof = sp_session::MembershipProof;
type EquivocationReportSystem =
pallet_grandpa::EquivocationReportSystem<Self, Offences, Historical, ReportLongevity>;
parameter_types! {
pub const BasicDeposit: Balance = deposit(1, 17);
pub const ByteDeposit: Balance = deposit(0, 1);
pub const UsernameDeposit: Balance = deposit(0, 32);
pub const SubAccountDeposit: Balance = 2 * DOLLARS; pub const MaxSubAccounts: u32 = 100;
pub const MaxAdditionalFields: u32 = 100;
pub const MaxRegistrars: u32 = 20;
impl pallet_identity::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type BasicDeposit = BasicDeposit;
type ByteDeposit = ByteDeposit;
type UsernameDeposit = UsernameDeposit;
type SubAccountDeposit = SubAccountDeposit;
type MaxSubAccounts = MaxSubAccounts;
type IdentityInformation = IdentityInfo<MaxAdditionalFields>;
type MaxRegistrars = MaxRegistrars;
type Slashed = Treasury;
type ForceOrigin = EnsureRootOrHalfCouncil;
type RegistrarOrigin = EnsureRootOrHalfCouncil;
type OffchainSignature = Signature;
type SigningPublicKey = <Signature as traits::Verify>::Signer;
type UsernameAuthorityOrigin = EnsureRoot<Self::AccountId>;
type PendingUsernameExpiration = ConstU32<{ 7 * DAYS }>;
type UsernameGracePeriod = ConstU32<{ 30 * DAYS }>;
type MaxSuffixLength = ConstU32<7>;
type MaxUsernameLength = ConstU32<32>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_identity::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const ConfigDepositBase: Balance = 5 * DOLLARS;
pub const FriendDepositFactor: Balance = 50 * CENTS;
pub const MaxFriends: u16 = 9;
pub const RecoveryDeposit: Balance = 5 * DOLLARS;
impl pallet_recovery::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type WeightInfo = pallet_recovery::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type BlockNumberProvider = System;
type Currency = Balances;
type ConfigDepositBase = ConfigDepositBase;
type FriendDepositFactor = FriendDepositFactor;
type MaxFriends = MaxFriends;
type RecoveryDeposit = RecoveryDeposit;
parameter_types! {
pub const GraceStrikes: u32 = 10;
pub const SocietyVotingPeriod: BlockNumber = 80 * HOURS;
pub const ClaimPeriod: BlockNumber = 80 * HOURS;
pub const PeriodSpend: Balance = 500 * DOLLARS;
pub const MaxLockDuration: BlockNumber = 36 * 30 * DAYS;
pub const ChallengePeriod: BlockNumber = 7 * DAYS;
pub const MaxPayouts: u32 = 10;
pub const MaxBids: u32 = 10;
pub const SocietyPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/socie");
impl pallet_society::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type PalletId = SocietyPalletId;
type Currency = Balances;
type Randomness = RandomnessCollectiveFlip;
type GraceStrikes = GraceStrikes;
type PeriodSpend = PeriodSpend;
type VotingPeriod = SocietyVotingPeriod;
type ClaimPeriod = ClaimPeriod;
type MaxLockDuration = MaxLockDuration;
type FounderSetOrigin =
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionMoreThan<AccountId, CouncilCollective, 1, 2>;
type ChallengePeriod = ChallengePeriod;
type MaxPayouts = MaxPayouts;
type MaxBids = MaxBids;
type BlockNumberProvider = System;
type WeightInfo = pallet_society::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const MinVestedTransfer: Balance = 100 * DOLLARS;
pub UnvestedFundsAllowedWithdrawReasons: WithdrawReasons =
WithdrawReasons::except(WithdrawReasons::TRANSFER | WithdrawReasons::RESERVE);
impl pallet_vesting::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type BlockNumberToBalance = ConvertInto;
type MinVestedTransfer = MinVestedTransfer;
type WeightInfo = pallet_vesting::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type UnvestedFundsAllowedWithdrawReasons = UnvestedFundsAllowedWithdrawReasons;
type BlockNumberProvider = System;
const MAX_VESTING_SCHEDULES: u32 = 28;
impl pallet_mmr::Config for Runtime {
const INDEXING_PREFIX: &'static [u8] = b"mmr";
type Hashing = Keccak256;
type LeafData = pallet_mmr::ParentNumberAndHash<Self>;
type OnNewRoot = pallet_beefy_mmr::DepositBeefyDigest<Runtime>;
type BlockHashProvider = pallet_mmr::DefaultBlockHashProvider<Runtime>;
type WeightInfo = ();
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkHelper = ();
parameter_types! {
pub LeafVersion: MmrLeafVersion = MmrLeafVersion::new(0, 0);
impl pallet_beefy_mmr::Config for Runtime {
type LeafVersion = LeafVersion;
type BeefyAuthorityToMerkleLeaf = pallet_beefy_mmr::BeefyEcdsaToEthereum;
type LeafExtra = Vec<u8>;
type BeefyDataProvider = ();
type WeightInfo = ();
parameter_types! {
pub const LotteryPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/lotto");
pub const MaxCalls: u32 = 10;
pub const MaxGenerateRandom: u32 = 10;
impl pallet_lottery::Config for Runtime {
type PalletId = LotteryPalletId;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type Currency = Balances;
type Randomness = RandomnessCollectiveFlip;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type ManagerOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type MaxCalls = MaxCalls;
type ValidateCall = Lottery;
type MaxGenerateRandom = MaxGenerateRandom;
type WeightInfo = pallet_lottery::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const AssetDeposit: Balance = 100 * DOLLARS;
pub const ApprovalDeposit: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
pub const StringLimit: u32 = 50;
pub const MetadataDepositBase: Balance = 10 * DOLLARS;
pub const MetadataDepositPerByte: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
impl pallet_assets::Config<Instance1> for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Balance = u128;
type AssetId = u32;
type AssetIdParameter = codec::Compact<u32>;
type Currency = Balances;
type CreateOrigin = AsEnsureOriginWithArg<EnsureSigned<AccountId>>;
type ForceOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type AssetDeposit = AssetDeposit;
type AssetAccountDeposit = ConstU128<DOLLARS>;
type MetadataDepositBase = MetadataDepositBase;
type MetadataDepositPerByte = MetadataDepositPerByte;
type ApprovalDeposit = ApprovalDeposit;
type StringLimit = StringLimit;
type Holder = ();
type Freezer = ();
type Extra = ();
type CallbackHandle = ();
type WeightInfo = pallet_assets::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type RemoveItemsLimit = ConstU32<1000>;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkHelper = ();
ord_parameter_types! {
pub const AssetConversionOrigin: AccountId = AccountIdConversion::<AccountId>::into_account_truncating(&AssetConversionPalletId::get());
impl pallet_assets::Config<Instance2> for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Balance = u128;
type AssetId = u32;
type AssetIdParameter = codec::Compact<u32>;
type Currency = Balances;
type CreateOrigin = AsEnsureOriginWithArg<EnsureSignedBy<AssetConversionOrigin, AccountId>>;
type ForceOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type AssetDeposit = AssetDeposit;
type AssetAccountDeposit = ConstU128<DOLLARS>;
type MetadataDepositBase = MetadataDepositBase;
type MetadataDepositPerByte = MetadataDepositPerByte;
type ApprovalDeposit = ApprovalDeposit;
type StringLimit = StringLimit;
type Holder = ();
type Freezer = ();
type Extra = ();
type WeightInfo = pallet_assets::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type RemoveItemsLimit = ConstU32<1000>;
type CallbackHandle = ();
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkHelper = ();
parameter_types! {
pub const AssetConversionPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/ascon");
pub const PoolSetupFee: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS; pub const MintMinLiquidity: Balance = 100; pub const LiquidityWithdrawalFee: Permill = Permill::from_percent(0);
pub const Native: NativeOrWithId<u32> = NativeOrWithId::Native;
pub type NativeAndAssets =
UnionOf<Balances, Assets, NativeFromLeft, NativeOrWithId<u32>, AccountId>;
impl pallet_asset_conversion::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Balance = u128;
type HigherPrecisionBalance = sp_core::U256;
type AssetKind = NativeOrWithId<u32>;
type Assets = NativeAndAssets;
type PoolId = (Self::AssetKind, Self::AssetKind);
type PoolLocator = Chain<
AccountIdConverter<AssetConversionPalletId, Self::PoolId>,
AccountIdConverter<AssetConversionPalletId, Self::PoolId>,
type PoolAssetId = <Self as pallet_assets::Config<Instance2>>::AssetId;
type PoolAssets = PoolAssets;
type PoolSetupFee = PoolSetupFee;
type PoolSetupFeeAsset = Native;
type PoolSetupFeeTarget = ResolveAssetTo<AssetConversionOrigin, Self::Assets>;
type PalletId = AssetConversionPalletId;
type LPFee = ConstU32<3>; type LiquidityWithdrawalFee = LiquidityWithdrawalFee;
type WeightInfo = pallet_asset_conversion::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type MaxSwapPathLength = ConstU32<4>;
type MintMinLiquidity = MintMinLiquidity;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkHelper = ();
pub type NativeAndAssetsFreezer =
UnionOf<Balances, AssetsFreezer, NativeFromLeft, NativeOrWithId<u32>, AccountId>;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
pub struct AssetRewardsBenchmarkHelper;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
impl pallet_asset_rewards::benchmarking::BenchmarkHelper<NativeOrWithId<u32>>
for AssetRewardsBenchmarkHelper
fn staked_asset() -> NativeOrWithId<u32> {
fn reward_asset() -> NativeOrWithId<u32> {
parameter_types! {
pub const StakingRewardsPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/stkrd");
pub const CreationHoldReason: RuntimeHoldReason =
pub const StakePoolCreationDeposit: Balance = deposit(1, 135);
impl pallet_asset_rewards::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeFreezeReason = RuntimeFreezeReason;
type AssetId = NativeOrWithId<u32>;
type Balance = Balance;
type Assets = NativeAndAssets;
type PalletId = StakingRewardsPalletId;
type CreatePoolOrigin = EnsureSigned<AccountId>;
type WeightInfo = ();
type AssetsFreezer = NativeAndAssetsFreezer;
type Consideration = HoldConsideration<
ConstantStoragePrice<StakePoolCreationDeposit, Balance>,
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkHelper = AssetRewardsBenchmarkHelper;
impl pallet_asset_conversion_ops::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type PriorAccountIdConverter = pallet_asset_conversion::AccountIdConverterNoSeed<(
type AssetsRefund = <Runtime as pallet_asset_conversion::Config>::Assets;
type PoolAssetsRefund = <Runtime as pallet_asset_conversion::Config>::PoolAssets;
type PoolAssetsTeam = <Runtime as pallet_asset_conversion::Config>::PoolAssets;
type DepositAsset = Balances;
type WeightInfo = pallet_asset_conversion_ops::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const QueueCount: u32 = 300;
pub const MaxQueueLen: u32 = 1000;
pub const FifoQueueLen: u32 = 500;
pub const NisBasePeriod: BlockNumber = 30 * DAYS;
pub const MinBid: Balance = 100 * DOLLARS;
pub const MinReceipt: Perquintill = Perquintill::from_percent(1);
pub const IntakePeriod: BlockNumber = 10;
pub MaxIntakeWeight: Weight = MAXIMUM_BLOCK_WEIGHT / 10;
pub const ThawThrottle: (Perquintill, BlockNumber) = (Perquintill::from_percent(25), 5);
pub Target: Perquintill = Perquintill::zero();
pub const NisPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/nis ");
impl pallet_nis::Config for Runtime {
type WeightInfo = pallet_nis::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type CurrencyBalance = Balance;
type FundOrigin = frame_system::EnsureSigned<AccountId>;
type Counterpart = ItemOf<Assets, ConstU32<9u32>, AccountId>;
type CounterpartAmount = WithMaximumOf<ConstU128<21_000_000_000_000_000_000u128>>;
type Deficit = ();
type IgnoredIssuance = ();
type Target = Target;
type PalletId = NisPalletId;
type QueueCount = QueueCount;
type MaxQueueLen = MaxQueueLen;
type FifoQueueLen = FifoQueueLen;
type BasePeriod = NisBasePeriod;
type MinBid = MinBid;
type MinReceipt = MinReceipt;
type IntakePeriod = IntakePeriod;
type MaxIntakeWeight = MaxIntakeWeight;
type ThawThrottle = ThawThrottle;
type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkSetup = SetupAsset;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
pub struct SetupAsset;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
impl pallet_nis::BenchmarkSetup for SetupAsset {
fn create_counterpart_asset() {
let owner = AccountId::from([0u8; 32]);
let _ = Assets::force_create(
parameter_types! {
pub const CollectionDeposit: Balance = 100 * DOLLARS;
pub const ItemDeposit: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
pub const ApprovalsLimit: u32 = 20;
pub const ItemAttributesApprovalsLimit: u32 = 20;
pub const MaxTips: u32 = 10;
pub const MaxDeadlineDuration: BlockNumber = 12 * 30 * DAYS;
impl pallet_uniques::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type CollectionId = u32;
type ItemId = u32;
type Currency = Balances;
type ForceOrigin = frame_system::EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type CollectionDeposit = CollectionDeposit;
type ItemDeposit = ItemDeposit;
type MetadataDepositBase = MetadataDepositBase;
type AttributeDepositBase = MetadataDepositBase;
type DepositPerByte = MetadataDepositPerByte;
type StringLimit = ConstU32<128>;
type KeyLimit = ConstU32<32>;
type ValueLimit = ConstU32<64>;
type WeightInfo = pallet_uniques::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type Helper = ();
type CreateOrigin = AsEnsureOriginWithArg<EnsureSigned<AccountId>>;
type Locker = ();
parameter_types! {
pub const Budget: Balance = 10_000 * DOLLARS;
pub TreasuryAccount: AccountId = Treasury::account_id();
pub struct SalaryForRank;
impl GetSalary<u16, AccountId, Balance> for SalaryForRank {
fn get_salary(a: u16, _: &AccountId) -> Balance {
Balance::from(a) * 1000 * DOLLARS
impl pallet_salary::Config for Runtime {
type WeightInfo = ();
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Paymaster = PayFromAccount<Balances, TreasuryAccount>;
type Members = RankedCollective;
type Salary = SalaryForRank;
type RegistrationPeriod = ConstU32<200>;
type PayoutPeriod = ConstU32<200>;
type Budget = Budget;
impl pallet_core_fellowship::Config for Runtime {
type WeightInfo = ();
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Members = RankedCollective;
type Balance = Balance;
type ParamsOrigin = frame_system::EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type InductOrigin = pallet_core_fellowship::EnsureInducted<Runtime, (), 1>;
type ApproveOrigin = EnsureRootWithSuccess<AccountId, ConstU16<9>>;
type PromoteOrigin = EnsureRootWithSuccess<AccountId, ConstU16<9>>;
type FastPromoteOrigin = Self::PromoteOrigin;
type EvidenceSize = ConstU32<16_384>;
type MaxRank = ConstU32<9>;
parameter_types! {
pub const NftFractionalizationPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"fraction");
pub NewAssetSymbol: BoundedVec<u8, StringLimit> = (*b"FRAC").to_vec().try_into().unwrap();
pub NewAssetName: BoundedVec<u8, StringLimit> = (*b"Frac").to_vec().try_into().unwrap();
impl pallet_nft_fractionalization::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Deposit = AssetDeposit;
type Currency = Balances;
type NewAssetSymbol = NewAssetSymbol;
type NewAssetName = NewAssetName;
type StringLimit = StringLimit;
type NftCollectionId = <Self as pallet_nfts::Config>::CollectionId;
type NftId = <Self as pallet_nfts::Config>::ItemId;
type AssetBalance = <Self as pallet_balances::Config>::Balance;
type AssetId = <Self as pallet_assets::Config<Instance1>>::AssetId;
type Assets = Assets;
type Nfts = Nfts;
type PalletId = NftFractionalizationPalletId;
type WeightInfo = pallet_nft_fractionalization::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkHelper = ();
parameter_types! {
pub Features: PalletFeatures = PalletFeatures::all_enabled();
pub const MaxAttributesPerCall: u32 = 10;
impl pallet_nfts::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type CollectionId = u32;
type ItemId = u32;
type Currency = Balances;
type ForceOrigin = frame_system::EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type CollectionDeposit = CollectionDeposit;
type ItemDeposit = ItemDeposit;
type MetadataDepositBase = MetadataDepositBase;
type AttributeDepositBase = MetadataDepositBase;
type DepositPerByte = MetadataDepositPerByte;
type StringLimit = ConstU32<256>;
type KeyLimit = ConstU32<64>;
type ValueLimit = ConstU32<256>;
type ApprovalsLimit = ApprovalsLimit;
type ItemAttributesApprovalsLimit = ItemAttributesApprovalsLimit;
type MaxTips = MaxTips;
type MaxDeadlineDuration = MaxDeadlineDuration;
type MaxAttributesPerCall = MaxAttributesPerCall;
type Features = Features;
type OffchainSignature = Signature;
type OffchainPublic = <Signature as traits::Verify>::Signer;
type WeightInfo = pallet_nfts::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type Helper = ();
type CreateOrigin = AsEnsureOriginWithArg<EnsureSigned<AccountId>>;
type Locker = ();
type BlockNumberProvider = frame_system::Pallet<Runtime>;
impl pallet_transaction_storage::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type FeeDestination = ();
type WeightInfo = pallet_transaction_storage::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type MaxBlockTransactions =
ConstU32<{ pallet_transaction_storage::DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_TRANSACTIONS }>;
type MaxTransactionSize =
ConstU32<{ pallet_transaction_storage::DEFAULT_MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE }>;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
pub struct VerifySignatureBenchmarkHelper;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
impl pallet_verify_signature::BenchmarkHelper<MultiSignature, AccountId>
for VerifySignatureBenchmarkHelper
fn create_signature(_entropy: &[u8], msg: &[u8]) -> (MultiSignature, AccountId) {
use sp_io::crypto::{sr25519_generate, sr25519_sign};
use sp_runtime::traits::IdentifyAccount;
let public = sr25519_generate(0.into(), None);
let who_account: AccountId = MultiSigner::Sr25519(public).into_account().into();
let signature = MultiSignature::Sr25519(sr25519_sign(0.into(), &public, msg).unwrap());
(signature, who_account)
impl pallet_verify_signature::Config for Runtime {
type Signature = MultiSignature;
type AccountIdentifier = MultiSigner;
type WeightInfo = pallet_verify_signature::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type BenchmarkHelper = VerifySignatureBenchmarkHelper;
impl pallet_whitelist::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type RuntimeCall = RuntimeCall;
type WhitelistOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type DispatchWhitelistedOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type Preimages = Preimage;
type WeightInfo = pallet_whitelist::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const MigrationSignedDepositPerItem: Balance = 1 * CENTS;
pub const MigrationSignedDepositBase: Balance = 20 * DOLLARS;
pub const MigrationMaxKeyLen: u32 = 512;
impl pallet_state_trie_migration::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type ControlOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type Currency = Balances;
type RuntimeHoldReason = RuntimeHoldReason;
type MaxKeyLen = MigrationMaxKeyLen;
type SignedDepositPerItem = MigrationSignedDepositPerItem;
type SignedDepositBase = MigrationSignedDepositBase;
type SignedFilter = EnsureSigned<Self::AccountId>;
type WeightInfo = ();
parameter_types! {
pub const AllianceMotionDuration: BlockNumber = ALLIANCE_MOTION_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS;
pub const AllianceMaxProposals: u32 = 100;
pub const AllianceMaxMembers: u32 = 100;
type AllianceCollective = pallet_collective::Instance3;
impl pallet_collective::Config<AllianceCollective> for Runtime {
type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin;
type Proposal = RuntimeCall;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type MotionDuration = AllianceMotionDuration;
type MaxProposals = AllianceMaxProposals;
type MaxMembers = AllianceMaxMembers;
type DefaultVote = pallet_collective::PrimeDefaultVote;
type WeightInfo = pallet_collective::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type SetMembersOrigin = EnsureRoot<Self::AccountId>;
type MaxProposalWeight = MaxCollectivesProposalWeight;
type DisapproveOrigin = EnsureRoot<Self::AccountId>;
type KillOrigin = EnsureRoot<Self::AccountId>;
type Consideration = ();
parameter_types! {
pub const MaxFellows: u32 = AllianceMaxMembers::get();
pub const MaxAllies: u32 = 100;
pub const AllyDeposit: Balance = 10 * DOLLARS;
pub const RetirementPeriod: BlockNumber = ALLIANCE_MOTION_DURATION_IN_BLOCKS + (1 * DAYS);
impl pallet_alliance::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Proposal = RuntimeCall;
type AdminOrigin = EitherOfDiverse<
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionMoreThan<AccountId, AllianceCollective, 2, 3>,
type MembershipManager = EitherOfDiverse<
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionMoreThan<AccountId, AllianceCollective, 2, 3>,
type AnnouncementOrigin = EitherOfDiverse<
pallet_collective::EnsureProportionMoreThan<AccountId, AllianceCollective, 2, 3>,
type Currency = Balances;
type Slashed = Treasury;
type InitializeMembers = AllianceMotion;
type MembershipChanged = AllianceMotion;
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
type IdentityVerifier = AllianceIdentityVerifier;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type IdentityVerifier = ();
type ProposalProvider = AllianceProposalProvider;
type MaxProposals = AllianceMaxProposals;
type MaxFellows = MaxFellows;
type MaxAllies = MaxAllies;
type MaxUnscrupulousItems = ConstU32<100>;
type MaxWebsiteUrlLength = ConstU32<255>;
type MaxAnnouncementsCount = ConstU32<100>;
type MaxMembersCount = AllianceMaxMembers;
type AllyDeposit = AllyDeposit;
type WeightInfo = pallet_alliance::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
type RetirementPeriod = RetirementPeriod;
impl frame_benchmarking_pallet_pov::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
parameter_types! {
pub StatementCost: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
pub StatementByteCost: Balance = 100 * MILLICENTS;
pub const MinAllowedStatements: u32 = 4;
pub const MaxAllowedStatements: u32 = 10;
pub const MinAllowedBytes: u32 = 1024;
pub const MaxAllowedBytes: u32 = 4096;
impl pallet_statement::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type StatementCost = StatementCost;
type ByteCost = StatementByteCost;
type MinAllowedStatements = MinAllowedStatements;
type MaxAllowedStatements = MaxAllowedStatements;
type MinAllowedBytes = MinAllowedBytes;
type MaxAllowedBytes = MaxAllowedBytes;
parameter_types! {
pub MbmServiceWeight: Weight = Perbill::from_percent(80) * RuntimeBlockWeights::get().max_block;
impl pallet_migrations::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
type Migrations = ();
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
type Migrations = pallet_migrations::mock_helpers::MockedMigrations;
type CursorMaxLen = ConstU32<65_536>;
type IdentifierMaxLen = ConstU32<256>;
type MigrationStatusHandler = ();
type FailedMigrationHandler = frame_support::migrations::FreezeChainOnFailedMigration;
type MaxServiceWeight = MbmServiceWeight;
type WeightInfo = pallet_migrations::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;
parameter_types! {
pub const BrokerPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/broke");
pub const MinimumCreditPurchase: Balance = 100 * MILLICENTS;
pub struct IntoAuthor;
impl OnUnbalanced<Credit<AccountId, Balances>> for IntoAuthor {
fn on_nonzero_unbalanced(credit: Credit<AccountId, Balances>) {
if let Some(author) = Authorship::author() {
let _ = <Balances as Balanced<_>>::resolve(&author, credit);
pub struct CoretimeProvider;
impl CoretimeInterface for CoretimeProvider {
type AccountId = AccountId;
type Balance = Balance;
type RelayChainBlockNumberProvider = System;
fn request_core_count(_count: CoreIndex) {}
fn request_revenue_info_at(_when: u32) {}
fn credit_account(_who: Self::AccountId, _amount: Self::Balance) {}
fn assign_core(
_core: CoreIndex,
_begin: u32,
_assignment: Vec<(CoreAssignment, PartsOf57600)>,
_end_hint: Option<u32>,
) {
pub struct SovereignAccountOf;
impl MaybeConvert<TaskId, AccountId> for SovereignAccountOf {
fn maybe_convert(task: TaskId) -> Option<AccountId> {
let mut account: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
impl pallet_broker::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type Currency = Balances;
type OnRevenue = IntoAuthor;
type TimeslicePeriod = ConstU32<2>;
type MaxLeasedCores = ConstU32<5>;
type MaxReservedCores = ConstU32<5>;
type Coretime = CoretimeProvider;
type ConvertBalance = traits::Identity;
type WeightInfo = ();
type PalletId = BrokerPalletId;
type AdminOrigin = EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type SovereignAccountOf = SovereignAccountOf;
type MaxAutoRenewals = ConstU32<10>;
type PriceAdapter = pallet_broker::CenterTargetPrice<Balance>;
type MinimumCreditPurchase = MinimumCreditPurchase;
parameter_types! {
pub const MixnetNumCoverToCurrentBlocks: BlockNumber = 3;
pub const MixnetNumRequestsToCurrentBlocks: BlockNumber = 3;
pub const MixnetNumCoverToPrevBlocks: BlockNumber = 3;
pub const MixnetNumRegisterStartSlackBlocks: BlockNumber = 3;
pub const MixnetNumRegisterEndSlackBlocks: BlockNumber = 3;
pub const MixnetRegistrationPriority: TransactionPriority = ImOnlineUnsignedPriority::get() - 1;
impl pallet_mixnet::Config for Runtime {
type MaxAuthorities = MaxAuthorities;
type MaxExternalAddressSize = ConstU32<128>;
type MaxExternalAddressesPerMixnode = ConstU32<16>;
type NextSessionRotation = Babe;
type NumCoverToCurrentBlocks = MixnetNumCoverToCurrentBlocks;
type NumRequestsToCurrentBlocks = MixnetNumRequestsToCurrentBlocks;
type NumCoverToPrevBlocks = MixnetNumCoverToPrevBlocks;
type NumRegisterStartSlackBlocks = MixnetNumRegisterStartSlackBlocks;
type NumRegisterEndSlackBlocks = MixnetNumRegisterEndSlackBlocks;
type RegistrationPriority = MixnetRegistrationPriority;
type MinMixnodes = ConstU32<7>; }
#[dynamic_params(RuntimeParameters, pallet_parameters::Parameters::<Runtime>)]
pub mod dynamic_params {
use super::*;
#[codec(index = 0)]
pub mod storage {
#[codec(index = 0)]
pub static BaseDeposit: Balance = 1 * DOLLARS;
#[codec(index = 1)]
pub static ByteDeposit: Balance = 1 * CENTS;
#[codec(index = 1)]
pub mod referenda {
#[codec(index = 0)]
pub static Tracks: BoundedVec<
pallet_referenda::Track<u16, Balance, BlockNumber>,
> = BoundedVec::truncate_from(vec![pallet_referenda::Track {
id: 0u16,
info: pallet_referenda::TrackInfo {
name: s("root"),
max_deciding: 1,
decision_deposit: 10,
prepare_period: 4,
decision_period: 4,
confirm_period: 2,
min_enactment_period: 4,
min_approval: pallet_referenda::Curve::LinearDecreasing {
length: Perbill::from_percent(100),
floor: Perbill::from_percent(50),
ceil: Perbill::from_percent(100),
min_support: pallet_referenda::Curve::LinearDecreasing {
length: Perbill::from_percent(100),
floor: Perbill::from_percent(0),
ceil: Perbill::from_percent(100),
#[codec(index = 1)]
pub static Origins: BoundedVec<(OriginCaller, u16), ConstU32<100>> =
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
impl Default for RuntimeParameters {
fn default() -> Self {
Some(1 * DOLLARS),
pub struct DynamicParametersManagerOrigin;
impl EnsureOriginWithArg<RuntimeOrigin, RuntimeParametersKey> for DynamicParametersManagerOrigin {
type Success = ();
fn try_origin(
origin: RuntimeOrigin,
key: &RuntimeParametersKey,
) -> Result<Self::Success, RuntimeOrigin> {
match key {
RuntimeParametersKey::Storage(_) => {
frame_system::ensure_root(origin.clone()).map_err(|_| origin)?;
return Ok(())
RuntimeParametersKey::Referenda(_) => {
frame_system::ensure_root(origin.clone()).map_err(|_| origin)?;
return Ok(())
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
fn try_successful_origin(_key: &RuntimeParametersKey) -> Result<RuntimeOrigin, ()> {
impl pallet_parameters::Config for Runtime {
type RuntimeParameters = RuntimeParameters;
type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
type AdminOrigin = DynamicParametersManagerOrigin;
type WeightInfo = ();
mod runtime {
use super::*;
pub struct Runtime;
pub type System = frame_system::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Utility = pallet_utility::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Babe = pallet_babe::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Timestamp = pallet_timestamp::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Authorship = pallet_authorship::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Indices = pallet_indices::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Balances = pallet_balances::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type TransactionPayment = pallet_transaction_payment::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type AssetConversionTxPayment = pallet_asset_conversion_tx_payment::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type ElectionProviderMultiPhase = pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Staking = pallet_staking::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Session = pallet_session::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Democracy = pallet_democracy::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Council = pallet_collective::Pallet<Runtime, Instance1>;
pub type TechnicalCommittee = pallet_collective::Pallet<Runtime, Instance2>;
pub type Elections = pallet_elections_phragmen::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type TechnicalMembership = pallet_membership::Pallet<Runtime, Instance1>;
pub type Grandpa = pallet_grandpa::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Treasury = pallet_treasury::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type AssetRate = pallet_asset_rate::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Contracts = pallet_contracts::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Sudo = pallet_sudo::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type ImOnline = pallet_im_online::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type AuthorityDiscovery = pallet_authority_discovery::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Offences = pallet_offences::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Historical = pallet_session_historical::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type RandomnessCollectiveFlip = pallet_insecure_randomness_collective_flip::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Identity = pallet_identity::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Society = pallet_society::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Recovery = pallet_recovery::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Vesting = pallet_vesting::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Scheduler = pallet_scheduler::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Glutton = pallet_glutton::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Preimage = pallet_preimage::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Proxy = pallet_proxy::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Multisig = pallet_multisig::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Bounties = pallet_bounties::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Tips = pallet_tips::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Assets = pallet_assets::Pallet<Runtime, Instance1>;
pub type PoolAssets = pallet_assets::Pallet<Runtime, Instance2>;
pub type Beefy = pallet_beefy::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Mmr = pallet_mmr::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type MmrLeaf = pallet_beefy_mmr::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Lottery = pallet_lottery::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Nis = pallet_nis::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Uniques = pallet_uniques::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Nfts = pallet_nfts::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type NftFractionalization = pallet_nft_fractionalization::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Salary = pallet_salary::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type CoreFellowship = pallet_core_fellowship::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type TransactionStorage = pallet_transaction_storage::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type VoterList = pallet_bags_list::Pallet<Runtime, Instance1>;
pub type StateTrieMigration = pallet_state_trie_migration::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type ChildBounties = pallet_child_bounties::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Referenda = pallet_referenda::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Remark = pallet_remark::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type RootTesting = pallet_root_testing::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type ConvictionVoting = pallet_conviction_voting::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Whitelist = pallet_whitelist::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type AllianceMotion = pallet_collective::Pallet<Runtime, Instance3>;
pub type Alliance = pallet_alliance::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type NominationPools = pallet_nomination_pools::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type RankedPolls = pallet_referenda::Pallet<Runtime, Instance2>;
pub type RankedCollective = pallet_ranked_collective::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type AssetConversion = pallet_asset_conversion::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type FastUnstake = pallet_fast_unstake::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type MessageQueue = pallet_message_queue::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Pov = frame_benchmarking_pallet_pov::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type TxPause = pallet_tx_pause::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type SafeMode = pallet_safe_mode::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Statement = pallet_statement::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type MultiBlockMigrations = pallet_migrations::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Broker = pallet_broker::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type TasksExample = pallet_example_tasks::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Mixnet = pallet_mixnet::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Parameters = pallet_parameters::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type SkipFeelessPayment = pallet_skip_feeless_payment::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type PalletExampleMbms = pallet_example_mbm::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type AssetConversionMigration = pallet_asset_conversion_ops::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type Revive = pallet_revive::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type VerifySignature = pallet_verify_signature::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type DelegatedStaking = pallet_delegated_staking::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type AssetRewards = pallet_asset_rewards::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type AssetsFreezer = pallet_assets_freezer::Pallet<Runtime, Instance1>;
pub type MultiBlock = pallet_election_provider_multi_block::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type MultiBlockVerifier = pallet_election_provider_multi_block::verifier::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type MultiBlockUnsigned = pallet_election_provider_multi_block::unsigned::Pallet<Runtime>;
pub type MultiBlockSigned = pallet_election_provider_multi_block::signed::Pallet<Runtime>;
impl TryFrom<RuntimeCall> for pallet_revive::Call<Runtime> {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: RuntimeCall) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
RuntimeCall::Revive(call) => Ok(call),
_ => Err(()),
pub type Address = sp_runtime::MultiAddress<AccountId, AccountIndex>;
pub type Header = generic::Header<BlockNumber, BlakeTwo256>;
pub type Block = generic::Block<Header, UncheckedExtrinsic>;
pub type SignedBlock = generic::SignedBlock<Block>;
pub type BlockId = generic::BlockId<Block>;
pub type TxExtension = (
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct EthExtraImpl;
impl EthExtra for EthExtraImpl {
type Config = Runtime;
type Extension = TxExtension;
fn get_eth_extension(nonce: u32, tip: Balance) -> Self::Extension {
pallet_asset_conversion_tx_payment::ChargeAssetTxPayment::<Runtime>::from(tip, None)
pub type UncheckedExtrinsic =
pallet_revive::evm::runtime::UncheckedExtrinsic<Address, Signature, EthExtraImpl>;
pub type UncheckedSignaturePayload =
generic::UncheckedSignaturePayload<Address, Signature, TxExtension>;
pub type SignedPayload = generic::SignedPayload<RuntimeCall, TxExtension>;
pub type CheckedExtrinsic = generic::CheckedExtrinsic<AccountId, RuntimeCall, TxExtension>;
pub type Executive = frame_executive::Executive<
type Migrations = (
pallet_identity::migration::versioned::V0ToV1<Runtime, IDENTITY_MIGRATION_KEY_LIMIT>,
type EventRecord = frame_system::EventRecord<
<Runtime as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent,
<Runtime as frame_system::Config>::Hash,
parameter_types! {
pub const BeefySetIdSessionEntries: u32 = BondingDuration::get() * SessionsPerEra::get();
impl pallet_beefy::Config for Runtime {
type BeefyId = BeefyId;
type MaxAuthorities = MaxAuthorities;
type MaxNominators = ConstU32<0>;
type MaxSetIdSessionEntries = BeefySetIdSessionEntries;
type OnNewValidatorSet = MmrLeaf;
type AncestryHelper = MmrLeaf;
type WeightInfo = ();
type KeyOwnerProof = sp_session::MembershipProof;
type EquivocationReportSystem =
pallet_beefy::EquivocationReportSystem<Self, Offences, Historical, ReportLongevity>;
mod mmr {
use super::*;
pub use pallet_mmr::primitives::*;
pub type Leaf = <<Runtime as pallet_mmr::Config>::LeafData as LeafDataProvider>::LeafData;
pub type Hash = <Hashing as sp_runtime::traits::Hash>::Output;
pub type Hashing = <Runtime as pallet_mmr::Config>::Hashing;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
pub struct AssetConversionTxHelper;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
> for AssetConversionTxHelper
fn create_asset_id_parameter(seed: u32) -> (NativeOrWithId<u32>, NativeOrWithId<u32>) {
(NativeOrWithId::WithId(seed), NativeOrWithId::WithId(seed))
fn setup_balances_and_pool(asset_id: NativeOrWithId<u32>, account: AccountId) {
use frame_support::{assert_ok, traits::fungibles::Mutate};
let NativeOrWithId::WithId(asset_idx) = asset_id.clone() else { unimplemented!() };
account.clone().into(), true, 1,
let lp_provider = account.clone();
let _ = Balances::deposit_creating(&lp_provider, ((u64::MAX as u128) * 100).into());
((u64::MAX as u128) * 100).into()
let token_native = alloc::boxed::Box::new(NativeOrWithId::Native);
let token_second = alloc::boxed::Box::new(asset_id);
u64::MAX.into(), u64::MAX.into(), 1, 1, lp_provider,
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
mod benches {
[frame_benchmarking, BaselineBench::<Runtime>]
[frame_benchmarking_pallet_pov, Pov]
[pallet_alliance, Alliance]
[pallet_assets, Assets]
[pallet_babe, Babe]
[pallet_bags_list, VoterList]
[pallet_balances, Balances]
[pallet_beefy_mmr, MmrLeaf]
[pallet_bounties, Bounties]
[pallet_broker, Broker]
[pallet_child_bounties, ChildBounties]
[pallet_collective, Council]
[pallet_conviction_voting, ConvictionVoting]
[pallet_contracts, Contracts]
[pallet_revive, Revive]
[pallet_core_fellowship, CoreFellowship]
[pallet_example_tasks, TasksExample]
[pallet_democracy, Democracy]
[pallet_asset_conversion, AssetConversion]
[pallet_asset_rewards, AssetRewards]
[pallet_asset_conversion_tx_payment, AssetConversionTxPayment]
[pallet_transaction_payment, TransactionPayment]
[pallet_election_provider_multi_phase, ElectionProviderMultiPhase]
[pallet_election_provider_multi_block, MultiBlock]
[pallet_election_provider_multi_block::verifier, MultiBlockVerifier]
[pallet_election_provider_multi_block::unsigned, MultiBlockUnsigned]
[pallet_election_provider_multi_block::signed, MultiBlockSigned]
[pallet_election_provider_support_benchmarking, EPSBench::<Runtime>]
[pallet_elections_phragmen, Elections]
[pallet_fast_unstake, FastUnstake]
[pallet_nis, Nis]
[pallet_parameters, Parameters]
[pallet_grandpa, Grandpa]
[pallet_identity, Identity]
[pallet_im_online, ImOnline]
[pallet_indices, Indices]
[pallet_lottery, Lottery]
[pallet_membership, TechnicalMembership]
[pallet_message_queue, MessageQueue]
[pallet_migrations, MultiBlockMigrations]
[pallet_mmr, Mmr]
[pallet_multisig, Multisig]
[pallet_nomination_pools, NominationPoolsBench::<Runtime>]
[pallet_offences, OffencesBench::<Runtime>]
[pallet_preimage, Preimage]
[pallet_proxy, Proxy]
[pallet_ranked_collective, RankedCollective]
[pallet_referenda, Referenda]
[pallet_recovery, Recovery]
[pallet_remark, Remark]
[pallet_salary, Salary]
[pallet_scheduler, Scheduler]
[pallet_glutton, Glutton]
[pallet_session, SessionBench::<Runtime>]
[pallet_society, Society]
[pallet_staking, Staking]
[pallet_state_trie_migration, StateTrieMigration]
[pallet_sudo, Sudo]
[frame_system, SystemBench::<Runtime>]
[frame_system_extensions, SystemExtensionsBench::<Runtime>]
[pallet_timestamp, Timestamp]
[pallet_tips, Tips]
[pallet_transaction_storage, TransactionStorage]
[pallet_treasury, Treasury]
[pallet_asset_rate, AssetRate]
[pallet_uniques, Uniques]
[pallet_nfts, Nfts]
[pallet_nft_fractionalization, NftFractionalization]
[pallet_utility, Utility]
[pallet_vesting, Vesting]
[pallet_whitelist, Whitelist]
[pallet_tx_pause, TxPause]
[pallet_safe_mode, SafeMode]
[pallet_example_mbm, PalletExampleMbms]
[pallet_asset_conversion_ops, AssetConversionMigration]
[pallet_verify_signature, VerifySignature]
impl_runtime_apis! {
impl sp_api::Core<Block> for Runtime {
fn version() -> RuntimeVersion {
fn execute_block(block: Block) {
fn initialize_block(header: &<Block as BlockT>::Header) -> sp_runtime::ExtrinsicInclusionMode {
impl sp_api::Metadata<Block> for Runtime {
fn metadata() -> OpaqueMetadata {
fn metadata_at_version(version: u32) -> Option<OpaqueMetadata> {
fn metadata_versions() -> alloc::vec::Vec<u32> {
impl frame_support::view_functions::runtime_api::RuntimeViewFunction<Block> for Runtime {
fn execute_view_function(id: frame_support::view_functions::ViewFunctionId, input: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, frame_support::view_functions::ViewFunctionDispatchError> {
Runtime::execute_view_function(id, input)
impl sp_block_builder::BlockBuilder<Block> for Runtime {
fn apply_extrinsic(extrinsic: <Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic) -> ApplyExtrinsicResult {
fn finalize_block() -> <Block as BlockT>::Header {
fn inherent_extrinsics(data: InherentData) -> Vec<<Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic> {
fn check_inherents(block: Block, data: InherentData) -> CheckInherentsResult {
impl sp_transaction_pool::runtime_api::TaggedTransactionQueue<Block> for Runtime {
fn validate_transaction(
source: TransactionSource,
tx: <Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic,
block_hash: <Block as BlockT>::Hash,
) -> TransactionValidity {
Executive::validate_transaction(source, tx, block_hash)
impl sp_statement_store::runtime_api::ValidateStatement<Block> for Runtime {
fn validate_statement(
source: sp_statement_store::runtime_api::StatementSource,
statement: sp_statement_store::Statement,
) -> Result<sp_statement_store::runtime_api::ValidStatement, sp_statement_store::runtime_api::InvalidStatement> {
Statement::validate_statement(source, statement)
impl sp_offchain::OffchainWorkerApi<Block> for Runtime {
fn offchain_worker(header: &<Block as BlockT>::Header) {
impl sp_consensus_grandpa::GrandpaApi<Block> for Runtime {
fn grandpa_authorities() -> sp_consensus_grandpa::AuthorityList {
fn current_set_id() -> sp_consensus_grandpa::SetId {
fn submit_report_equivocation_unsigned_extrinsic(
equivocation_proof: sp_consensus_grandpa::EquivocationProof<
<Block as BlockT>::Hash,
key_owner_proof: sp_consensus_grandpa::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof,
) -> Option<()> {
let key_owner_proof = key_owner_proof.decode()?;
fn generate_key_ownership_proof(
_set_id: sp_consensus_grandpa::SetId,
authority_id: GrandpaId,
) -> Option<sp_consensus_grandpa::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof> {
use codec::Encode;
Historical::prove((sp_consensus_grandpa::KEY_TYPE, authority_id))
.map(|p| p.encode())
impl pallet_nomination_pools_runtime_api::NominationPoolsApi<Block, AccountId, Balance> for Runtime {
fn pending_rewards(who: AccountId) -> Balance {
fn points_to_balance(pool_id: PoolId, points: Balance) -> Balance {
NominationPools::api_points_to_balance(pool_id, points)
fn balance_to_points(pool_id: PoolId, new_funds: Balance) -> Balance {
NominationPools::api_balance_to_points(pool_id, new_funds)
fn pool_pending_slash(pool_id: PoolId) -> Balance {
fn member_pending_slash(member: AccountId) -> Balance {
fn pool_needs_delegate_migration(pool_id: PoolId) -> bool {
fn member_needs_delegate_migration(member: AccountId) -> bool {
fn member_total_balance(member: AccountId) -> Balance {
fn pool_balance(pool_id: PoolId) -> Balance {
fn pool_accounts(pool_id: PoolId) -> (AccountId, AccountId) {
impl pallet_staking_runtime_api::StakingApi<Block, Balance, AccountId> for Runtime {
fn nominations_quota(balance: Balance) -> u32 {
fn eras_stakers_page_count(era: sp_staking::EraIndex, account: AccountId) -> sp_staking::Page {
Staking::api_eras_stakers_page_count(era, account)
fn pending_rewards(era: sp_staking::EraIndex, account: AccountId) -> bool {
Staking::api_pending_rewards(era, account)
impl sp_consensus_babe::BabeApi<Block> for Runtime {
fn configuration() -> sp_consensus_babe::BabeConfiguration {
let epoch_config = Babe::epoch_config().unwrap_or(BABE_GENESIS_EPOCH_CONFIG);
sp_consensus_babe::BabeConfiguration {
slot_duration: Babe::slot_duration(),
epoch_length: EpochDuration::get(),
c: epoch_config.c,
authorities: Babe::authorities().to_vec(),
randomness: Babe::randomness(),
allowed_slots: epoch_config.allowed_slots,
fn current_epoch_start() -> sp_consensus_babe::Slot {
fn current_epoch() -> sp_consensus_babe::Epoch {
fn next_epoch() -> sp_consensus_babe::Epoch {
fn generate_key_ownership_proof(
_slot: sp_consensus_babe::Slot,
authority_id: sp_consensus_babe::AuthorityId,
) -> Option<sp_consensus_babe::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof> {
use codec::Encode;
Historical::prove((sp_consensus_babe::KEY_TYPE, authority_id))
.map(|p| p.encode())
fn submit_report_equivocation_unsigned_extrinsic(
equivocation_proof: sp_consensus_babe::EquivocationProof<<Block as BlockT>::Header>,
key_owner_proof: sp_consensus_babe::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof,
) -> Option<()> {
let key_owner_proof = key_owner_proof.decode()?;
impl sp_authority_discovery::AuthorityDiscoveryApi<Block> for Runtime {
fn authorities() -> Vec<AuthorityDiscoveryId> {
impl frame_system_rpc_runtime_api::AccountNonceApi<Block, AccountId, Nonce> for Runtime {
fn account_nonce(account: AccountId) -> Nonce {
impl assets_api::AssetsApi<
> for Runtime
fn account_balances(account: AccountId) -> Vec<(u32, Balance)> {
impl pallet_contracts::ContractsApi<Block, AccountId, Balance, BlockNumber, Hash, EventRecord> for Runtime
fn call(
origin: AccountId,
dest: AccountId,
value: Balance,
gas_limit: Option<Weight>,
storage_deposit_limit: Option<Balance>,
input_data: Vec<u8>,
) -> pallet_contracts::ContractExecResult<Balance, EventRecord> {
let gas_limit = gas_limit.unwrap_or(RuntimeBlockWeights::get().max_block);
fn instantiate(
origin: AccountId,
value: Balance,
gas_limit: Option<Weight>,
storage_deposit_limit: Option<Balance>,
code: pallet_contracts::Code<Hash>,
data: Vec<u8>,
salt: Vec<u8>,
) -> pallet_contracts::ContractInstantiateResult<AccountId, Balance, EventRecord>
let gas_limit = gas_limit.unwrap_or(RuntimeBlockWeights::get().max_block);
fn upload_code(
origin: AccountId,
code: Vec<u8>,
storage_deposit_limit: Option<Balance>,
determinism: pallet_contracts::Determinism,
) -> pallet_contracts::CodeUploadResult<Hash, Balance>
fn get_storage(
address: AccountId,
key: Vec<u8>,
) -> pallet_contracts::GetStorageResult {
impl pallet_revive::ReviveApi<Block, AccountId, Balance, Nonce, BlockNumber> for Runtime
fn balance(address: H160) -> U256 {
fn block_gas_limit() -> U256 {
fn gas_price() -> U256 {
fn nonce(address: H160) -> Nonce {
let account = <Runtime as pallet_revive::Config>::AddressMapper::to_account_id(&address);
fn eth_transact(tx: pallet_revive::evm::GenericTransaction) -> Result<pallet_revive::EthTransactInfo<Balance>, pallet_revive::EthTransactError>
let blockweights: BlockWeights = <Runtime as frame_system::Config>::BlockWeights::get();
let tx_fee = |pallet_call, mut dispatch_info: DispatchInfo| {
let call = RuntimeCall::Revive(pallet_call);
dispatch_info.extension_weight = EthExtraImpl::get_eth_extension(0, 0u32.into()).weight(&call);
let uxt: UncheckedExtrinsic = sp_runtime::generic::UncheckedExtrinsic::new_bare(call).into();
uxt.encoded_size() as u32,
Revive::bare_eth_transact(tx, blockweights.max_block, tx_fee)
fn call(
origin: AccountId,
dest: H160,
value: Balance,
gas_limit: Option<Weight>,
storage_deposit_limit: Option<Balance>,
input_data: Vec<u8>,
) -> pallet_revive::ContractResult<pallet_revive::ExecReturnValue, Balance> {
fn instantiate(
origin: AccountId,
value: Balance,
gas_limit: Option<Weight>,
storage_deposit_limit: Option<Balance>,
code: pallet_revive::Code,
data: Vec<u8>,
salt: Option<[u8; 32]>,
) -> pallet_revive::ContractResult<pallet_revive::InstantiateReturnValue, Balance>
fn upload_code(
origin: AccountId,
code: Vec<u8>,
storage_deposit_limit: Option<Balance>,
) -> pallet_revive::CodeUploadResult<Balance>
fn get_storage(
address: H160,
key: [u8; 32],
) -> pallet_revive::GetStorageResult {
fn trace_block(
block: Block,
config: pallet_revive::evm::TracerConfig
) -> Vec<(u32, pallet_revive::evm::CallTrace)> {
use pallet_revive::tracing::trace;
let mut tracer = config.build(Revive::evm_gas_from_weight);
let mut traces = vec![];
let (header, extrinsics) = block.deconstruct();
for (index, ext) in extrinsics.into_iter().enumerate() {
trace(&mut tracer, || {
let _ = Executive::apply_extrinsic(ext);
if let Some(tx_trace) = tracer.collect_traces().pop() {
traces.push((index as u32, tx_trace));
fn trace_tx(
block: Block,
tx_index: u32,
config: pallet_revive::evm::TracerConfig
) -> Option<pallet_revive::evm::CallTrace> {
use pallet_revive::tracing::trace;
let mut tracer = config.build(Revive::evm_gas_from_weight);
let (header, extrinsics) = block.deconstruct();
for (index, ext) in extrinsics.into_iter().enumerate() {
if index as u32 == tx_index {
trace(&mut tracer, || {
let _ = Executive::apply_extrinsic(ext);
} else {
let _ = Executive::apply_extrinsic(ext);
fn trace_call(
tx: pallet_revive::evm::GenericTransaction,
config: pallet_revive::evm::TracerConfig)
-> Result<pallet_revive::evm::CallTrace, pallet_revive::EthTransactError>
use pallet_revive::tracing::trace;
let mut tracer = config.build(Revive::evm_gas_from_weight);
let result = trace(&mut tracer, || Self::eth_transact(tx));
if let Some(trace) = tracer.collect_traces().pop() {
} else if let Err(err) = result {
} else {
impl pallet_transaction_payment_rpc_runtime_api::TransactionPaymentApi<
> for Runtime {
fn query_info(uxt: <Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic, len: u32) -> RuntimeDispatchInfo<Balance> {
TransactionPayment::query_info(uxt, len)
fn query_fee_details(uxt: <Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic, len: u32) -> FeeDetails<Balance> {
TransactionPayment::query_fee_details(uxt, len)
fn query_weight_to_fee(weight: Weight) -> Balance {
fn query_length_to_fee(length: u32) -> Balance {
impl pallet_asset_conversion::AssetConversionApi<
> for Runtime
fn quote_price_exact_tokens_for_tokens(asset1: NativeOrWithId<u32>, asset2: NativeOrWithId<u32>, amount: Balance, include_fee: bool) -> Option<Balance> {
AssetConversion::quote_price_exact_tokens_for_tokens(asset1, asset2, amount, include_fee)
fn quote_price_tokens_for_exact_tokens(asset1: NativeOrWithId<u32>, asset2: NativeOrWithId<u32>, amount: Balance, include_fee: bool) -> Option<Balance> {
AssetConversion::quote_price_tokens_for_exact_tokens(asset1, asset2, amount, include_fee)
fn get_reserves(asset1: NativeOrWithId<u32>, asset2: NativeOrWithId<u32>) -> Option<(Balance, Balance)> {
AssetConversion::get_reserves(asset1, asset2).ok()
impl pallet_transaction_payment_rpc_runtime_api::TransactionPaymentCallApi<Block, Balance, RuntimeCall>
for Runtime
fn query_call_info(call: RuntimeCall, len: u32) -> RuntimeDispatchInfo<Balance> {
TransactionPayment::query_call_info(call, len)
fn query_call_fee_details(call: RuntimeCall, len: u32) -> FeeDetails<Balance> {
TransactionPayment::query_call_fee_details(call, len)
fn query_weight_to_fee(weight: Weight) -> Balance {
fn query_length_to_fee(length: u32) -> Balance {
impl pallet_nfts_runtime_api::NftsApi<Block, AccountId, u32, u32> for Runtime {
fn owner(collection: u32, item: u32) -> Option<AccountId> {
<Nfts as Inspect<AccountId>>::owner(&collection, &item)
fn collection_owner(collection: u32) -> Option<AccountId> {
<Nfts as Inspect<AccountId>>::collection_owner(&collection)
fn attribute(
collection: u32,
item: u32,
key: Vec<u8>,
) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
<Nfts as Inspect<AccountId>>::attribute(&collection, &item, &key)
fn custom_attribute(
account: AccountId,
collection: u32,
item: u32,
key: Vec<u8>,
) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
<Nfts as Inspect<AccountId>>::custom_attribute(
fn system_attribute(
collection: u32,
item: Option<u32>,
key: Vec<u8>,
) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
<Nfts as Inspect<AccountId>>::system_attribute(&collection, item.as_ref(), &key)
fn collection_attribute(collection: u32, key: Vec<u8>) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
<Nfts as Inspect<AccountId>>::collection_attribute(&collection, &key)
impl sp_consensus_beefy::BeefyApi<Block, BeefyId> for Runtime {
fn beefy_genesis() -> Option<BlockNumber> {
fn validator_set() -> Option<sp_consensus_beefy::ValidatorSet<BeefyId>> {
fn submit_report_double_voting_unsigned_extrinsic(
equivocation_proof: sp_consensus_beefy::DoubleVotingProof<
key_owner_proof: sp_consensus_beefy::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof,
) -> Option<()> {
let key_owner_proof = key_owner_proof.decode()?;
fn submit_report_fork_voting_unsigned_extrinsic(
<Block as BlockT>::Header,
key_owner_proof: sp_consensus_beefy::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof,
) -> Option<()> {
fn submit_report_future_block_voting_unsigned_extrinsic(
equivocation_proof: sp_consensus_beefy::FutureBlockVotingProof<BlockNumber, BeefyId>,
key_owner_proof: sp_consensus_beefy::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof,
) -> Option<()> {
fn generate_key_ownership_proof(
_set_id: sp_consensus_beefy::ValidatorSetId,
authority_id: BeefyId,
) -> Option<sp_consensus_beefy::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof> {
Historical::prove((sp_consensus_beefy::KEY_TYPE, authority_id))
.map(|p| p.encode())
fn generate_ancestry_proof(
prev_block_number: BlockNumber,
best_known_block_number: Option<BlockNumber>,
) -> Option<sp_runtime::OpaqueValue> {
use sp_consensus_beefy::AncestryHelper;
MmrLeaf::generate_proof(prev_block_number, best_known_block_number)
.map(|p| p.encode())
impl pallet_mmr::primitives::MmrApi<
> for Runtime {
fn mmr_root() -> Result<mmr::Hash, mmr::Error> {
fn mmr_leaf_count() -> Result<mmr::LeafIndex, mmr::Error> {
fn generate_proof(
block_numbers: Vec<BlockNumber>,
best_known_block_number: Option<BlockNumber>,
) -> Result<(Vec<mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf>, mmr::LeafProof<mmr::Hash>), mmr::Error> {
Mmr::generate_proof(block_numbers, best_known_block_number).map(
|(leaves, proof)| {
.map(|leaf| mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf::from_leaf(&leaf))
fn verify_proof(leaves: Vec<mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf>, proof: mmr::LeafProof<mmr::Hash>)
-> Result<(), mmr::Error>
let leaves = leaves.into_iter().map(|leaf|
.ok_or(mmr::Error::Verify)).collect::<Result<Vec<mmr::Leaf>, mmr::Error>>()?;
Mmr::verify_leaves(leaves, proof)
fn verify_proof_stateless(
root: mmr::Hash,
leaves: Vec<mmr::EncodableOpaqueLeaf>,
proof: mmr::LeafProof<mmr::Hash>
) -> Result<(), mmr::Error> {
let nodes = leaves.into_iter().map(|leaf|mmr::DataOrHash::Data(leaf.into_opaque_leaf())).collect();
pallet_mmr::verify_leaves_proof::<mmr::Hashing, _>(root, nodes, proof)
impl sp_mixnet::runtime_api::MixnetApi<Block> for Runtime {
fn session_status() -> sp_mixnet::types::SessionStatus {
fn prev_mixnodes() -> Result<Vec<sp_mixnet::types::Mixnode>, sp_mixnet::types::MixnodesErr> {
fn current_mixnodes() -> Result<Vec<sp_mixnet::types::Mixnode>, sp_mixnet::types::MixnodesErr> {
fn maybe_register(session_index: sp_mixnet::types::SessionIndex, mixnode: sp_mixnet::types::Mixnode) -> bool {
Mixnet::maybe_register(session_index, mixnode)
impl sp_session::SessionKeys<Block> for Runtime {
fn generate_session_keys(seed: Option<Vec<u8>>) -> Vec<u8> {
fn decode_session_keys(
encoded: Vec<u8>,
) -> Option<Vec<(Vec<u8>, KeyTypeId)>> {
impl pallet_asset_rewards::AssetRewards<Block, Balance> for Runtime {
fn pool_creation_cost() -> Balance {
#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
impl frame_try_runtime::TryRuntime<Block> for Runtime {
fn on_runtime_upgrade(checks: frame_try_runtime::UpgradeCheckSelect) -> (Weight, Weight) {
let weight = Executive::try_runtime_upgrade(checks).unwrap();
(weight, RuntimeBlockWeights::get().max_block)
fn execute_block(
block: Block,
state_root_check: bool,
signature_check: bool,
select: frame_try_runtime::TryStateSelect
) -> Weight {
Executive::try_execute_block(block, state_root_check, signature_check, select).unwrap()
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
impl frame_benchmarking::Benchmark<Block> for Runtime {
fn benchmark_metadata(extra: bool) -> (
) {
use frame_benchmarking::{baseline, BenchmarkList};
use frame_support::traits::StorageInfoTrait;
use pallet_session_benchmarking::Pallet as SessionBench;
use pallet_offences_benchmarking::Pallet as OffencesBench;
use pallet_election_provider_support_benchmarking::Pallet as EPSBench;
use frame_system_benchmarking::Pallet as SystemBench;
use frame_system_benchmarking::extensions::Pallet as SystemExtensionsBench;
use baseline::Pallet as BaselineBench;
use pallet_nomination_pools_benchmarking::Pallet as NominationPoolsBench;
let mut list = Vec::<BenchmarkList>::new();
list_benchmarks!(list, extra);
let storage_info = AllPalletsWithSystem::storage_info();
(list, storage_info)
fn dispatch_benchmark(
config: frame_benchmarking::BenchmarkConfig
) -> Result<Vec<frame_benchmarking::BenchmarkBatch>, alloc::string::String> {
use frame_benchmarking::{baseline, BenchmarkBatch};
use sp_storage::TrackedStorageKey;
use pallet_session_benchmarking::Pallet as SessionBench;
use pallet_offences_benchmarking::Pallet as OffencesBench;
use pallet_election_provider_support_benchmarking::Pallet as EPSBench;
use frame_system_benchmarking::Pallet as SystemBench;
use frame_system_benchmarking::extensions::Pallet as SystemExtensionsBench;
use baseline::Pallet as BaselineBench;
use pallet_nomination_pools_benchmarking::Pallet as NominationPoolsBench;
impl pallet_session_benchmarking::Config for Runtime {}
impl pallet_offences_benchmarking::Config for Runtime {}
impl pallet_election_provider_support_benchmarking::Config for Runtime {}
impl frame_system_benchmarking::Config for Runtime {}
impl baseline::Config for Runtime {}
impl pallet_nomination_pools_benchmarking::Config for Runtime {}
use frame_support::traits::WhitelistedStorageKeys;
let mut whitelist: Vec<TrackedStorageKey> = AllPalletsWithSystem::whitelisted_storage_keys();
let treasury_key = frame_system::Account::<Runtime>::hashed_key_for(Treasury::account_id());
let mut batches = Vec::<BenchmarkBatch>::new();
let params = (&config, &whitelist);
add_benchmarks!(params, batches);
impl sp_genesis_builder::GenesisBuilder<Block> for Runtime {
fn build_state(config: Vec<u8>) -> sp_genesis_builder::Result {
fn get_preset(id: &Option<sp_genesis_builder::PresetId>) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
get_preset::<RuntimeGenesisConfig>(id, |_| None)
fn preset_names() -> Vec<sp_genesis_builder::PresetId> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use frame_election_provider_support::NposSolution;
use frame_system::offchain::CreateSignedTransaction;
use sp_runtime::UpperOf;
fn validate_transaction_submitter_bounds() {
fn is_submit_signed_transaction<T>()
T: CreateSignedTransaction<RuntimeCall>,
fn perbill_as_onchain_accuracy() {
type OnChainAccuracy =
<<Runtime as pallet_election_provider_multi_phase::MinerConfig>::Solution as NposSolution>::Accuracy;
let maximum_chain_accuracy: Vec<UpperOf<OnChainAccuracy>> = (0..MaxNominations::get())
.map(|_| <UpperOf<OnChainAccuracy>>::from(OnChainAccuracy::one().deconstruct()))
let _: UpperOf<OnChainAccuracy> =
maximum_chain_accuracy.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| acc.checked_add(*x).unwrap());
fn call_size() {
let size = core::mem::size_of::<RuntimeCall>();
"size of RuntimeCall {} is more than {CALL_PARAMS_MAX_SIZE} bytes.
Some calls have too big arguments, use Box to reduce the size of RuntimeCall.
If the limit is too strong, maybe consider increase the limit.",