// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.
// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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//! Extrinsics implementing the relay chain side of the Coretime interface.
//! <https://github.com/polkadot-fellows/RFCs/blob/main/text/0005-coretime-interface.md>
use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec};
use core::result;
use frame_support::{
traits::{defensive_prelude::*, Currency},
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
pub use pallet::*;
use pallet_broker::{CoreAssignment, CoreIndex as BrokerCoreIndex};
use polkadot_primitives::{Balance, BlockNumber, CoreIndex, Id as ParaId};
use sp_arithmetic::traits::SaturatedConversion;
use sp_runtime::traits::TryConvert;
use xcm::prelude::*;
use xcm_executor::traits::TransactAsset;
use crate::{
assigner_coretime::{self, PartsOf57600},
initializer::{OnNewSession, SessionChangeNotification},
origin::{ensure_parachain, Origin},
mod benchmarking;
pub mod migration;
const LOG_TARGET: &str = "runtime::parachains::coretime";
pub trait WeightInfo {
fn request_core_count() -> Weight;
fn request_revenue_at() -> Weight;
fn credit_account() -> Weight;
fn assign_core(s: u32) -> Weight;
/// A weight info that is only suitable for testing.
pub struct TestWeightInfo;
impl WeightInfo for TestWeightInfo {
fn request_core_count() -> Weight {
fn request_revenue_at() -> Weight {
fn credit_account() -> Weight {
fn assign_core(_s: u32) -> Weight {
/// Shorthand for the Balance type the runtime is using.
pub type BalanceOf<T> = <<T as on_demand::Config>::Currency as Currency<
<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId,
/// Broker pallet index on the coretime chain. Used to
/// construct remote calls. The codec index must correspond to the index of `Broker` in the
/// `construct_runtime` of the coretime chain.
#[derive(Encode, Decode)]
enum BrokerRuntimePallets {
#[codec(index = 50)]
/// Call encoding for the calls needed from the Broker pallet.
#[derive(Encode, Decode)]
enum CoretimeCalls {
#[codec(index = 1)]
#[codec(index = 3)]
SetLease(pallet_broker::TaskId, pallet_broker::Timeslice),
#[codec(index = 19)]
#[codec(index = 20)]
NotifyRevenue((BlockNumber, Balance)),
#[codec(index = 99)]
SwapLeases(ParaId, ParaId),
pub mod pallet {
use crate::configuration;
use sp_runtime::traits::TryConvert;
use xcm::latest::InteriorLocation;
use xcm_executor::traits::TransactAsset;
use super::*;
pub struct Pallet<T>(_);
pub trait Config: frame_system::Config + assigner_coretime::Config + on_demand::Config {
type RuntimeOrigin: From<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeOrigin>
+ Into<result::Result<Origin, <Self as Config>::RuntimeOrigin>>;
type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;
/// The ParaId of the coretime chain.
type BrokerId: Get<u32>;
/// The coretime chain pot location.
type BrokerPotLocation: Get<InteriorLocation>;
/// Something that provides the weight of this pallet.
type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
/// The XCM sender.
type SendXcm: SendXcm;
/// The asset transactor.
type AssetTransactor: TransactAsset;
/// AccountId to Location converter
type AccountToLocation: for<'a> TryConvert<&'a Self::AccountId, Location>;
/// Maximum weight for any XCM transact call that should be executed on the coretime chain.
/// Basically should be `max_weight(set_leases, reserve, notify_core_count)`.
type MaxXcmTransactWeight: Get<Weight>;
#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
pub enum Event<T: Config> {
/// The broker chain has asked for revenue information for a specific block.
RevenueInfoRequested { when: BlockNumberFor<T> },
/// A core has received a new assignment from the broker chain.
CoreAssigned { core: CoreIndex },
pub enum Error<T> {
/// The paraid making the call is not the coretime brokerage system parachain.
/// Requested revenue information `when` parameter was in the future from the current
/// block height.
/// Failed to transfer assets to the coretime chain
impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {}
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// Request the configuration to be updated with the specified number of cores. Warning:
/// Since this only schedules a configuration update, it takes two sessions to come into
/// effect.
/// - `origin`: Root or the Coretime Chain
/// - `count`: total number of cores
#[pallet::weight(<T as Config>::WeightInfo::request_core_count())]
pub fn request_core_count(origin: OriginFor<T>, count: u16) -> DispatchResult {
// Ignore requests not coming from the coretime chain or root.
Self::ensure_root_or_para(origin, <T as Config>::BrokerId::get().into())?;
/// Request to claim the instantaneous coretime sales revenue starting from the block it was
/// last claimed until and up to the block specified. The claimed amount value is sent back
/// to the Coretime chain in a `notify_revenue` message. At the same time, the amount is
/// teleported to the Coretime chain.
#[pallet::weight(<T as Config>::WeightInfo::request_revenue_at())]
pub fn request_revenue_at(origin: OriginFor<T>, when: BlockNumber) -> DispatchResult {
// Ignore requests not coming from the Coretime Chain or Root.
Self::ensure_root_or_para(origin, <T as Config>::BrokerId::get().into())?;
#[pallet::weight(<T as Config>::WeightInfo::credit_account())]
pub fn credit_account(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
who: T::AccountId,
amount: BalanceOf<T>,
) -> DispatchResult {
// Ignore requests not coming from the coretime chain or root.
Self::ensure_root_or_para(origin, <T as Config>::BrokerId::get().into())?;
on_demand::Pallet::<T>::credit_account(who, amount.saturated_into());
/// Receive instructions from the `ExternalBrokerOrigin`, detailing how a specific core is
/// to be used.
/// Parameters:
/// -`origin`: The `ExternalBrokerOrigin`, assumed to be the coretime chain.
/// -`core`: The core that should be scheduled.
/// -`begin`: The starting blockheight of the instruction.
/// -`assignment`: How the blockspace should be utilised.
/// -`end_hint`: An optional hint as to when this particular set of instructions will end.
// The broker pallet's `CoreIndex` definition is `u16` but on the relay chain it's `struct
// CoreIndex(u32)`
#[pallet::weight(<T as Config>::WeightInfo::assign_core(assignment.len() as u32))]
pub fn assign_core(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
core: BrokerCoreIndex,
begin: BlockNumberFor<T>,
assignment: Vec<(CoreAssignment, PartsOf57600)>,
end_hint: Option<BlockNumberFor<T>>,
) -> DispatchResult {
// Ignore requests not coming from the coretime chain or root.
Self::ensure_root_or_para(origin, T::BrokerId::get().into())?;
let core = u32::from(core).into();
<assigner_coretime::Pallet<T>>::assign_core(core, begin, assignment, end_hint)?;
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::CoreAssigned { core });
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// Ensure the origin is one of Root or the `para` itself.
fn ensure_root_or_para(
origin: <T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeOrigin,
id: ParaId,
) -> DispatchResult {
if let Ok(caller_id) = ensure_parachain(<T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin::from(origin.clone()))
// Check if matching para id...
ensure!(caller_id == id, Error::<T>::NotBroker);
} else {
// Check if root...
pub fn initializer_on_new_session(notification: &SessionChangeNotification<BlockNumberFor<T>>) {
let old_core_count = notification.prev_config.scheduler_params.num_cores;
let new_core_count = notification.new_config.scheduler_params.num_cores;
if new_core_count != old_core_count {
let core_count: u16 = new_core_count.saturated_into();
let message = Xcm(vec![
Instruction::UnpaidExecution {
weight_limit: WeightLimit::Unlimited,
check_origin: None,
if let Err(err) = send_xcm::<T::SendXcm>(
Location::new(0, [Junction::Parachain(T::BrokerId::get())]),
) {
log::error!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Sending `NotifyCoreCount` to coretime chain failed: {:?}", err);
/// Provide the amount of revenue accumulated from Instantaneous Coretime Sales from Relay-chain
/// block number last_until to until, not including until itself. last_until is defined as being
/// the until argument of the last notify_revenue message sent, or zero for the first call. If
/// revenue is None, this indicates that the information is no longer available. This explicitly
/// disregards the possibility of multiple parachains requesting and being notified of revenue
/// information.
/// The Relay-chain must be configured to ensure that only a single revenue information
/// destination exists.
pub fn notify_revenue(until: BlockNumber) -> DispatchResult {
let now = <frame_system::Pallet<T>>::block_number();
let until_bnf: BlockNumberFor<T> = until.into();
// When cannot be in the future.
ensure!(until_bnf <= now, Error::<T>::RequestedFutureRevenue);
let amount = <on_demand::Pallet<T>>::claim_revenue_until(until_bnf);
log::debug!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Revenue info requested: {:?}", amount);
let raw_revenue: Balance = amount.try_into().map_err(|_| {
log::error!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Converting on demand revenue for `NotifyRevenue` failed");
do_notify_revenue::<T>(until, raw_revenue).map_err(|err| {
log::error!(target: LOG_TARGET, "notify_revenue failed: {err:?}");
// Handle legacy swaps in coretime. Notifies coretime chain that a lease swap has occurred via
// XCM message. This function is meant to be used in an implementation of `OnSwap` trait.
pub fn on_legacy_lease_swap(one: ParaId, other: ParaId) {
let message = Xcm(vec![
Instruction::UnpaidExecution {
weight_limit: WeightLimit::Unlimited,
check_origin: None,
mk_coretime_call::<T>(crate::coretime::CoretimeCalls::SwapLeases(one, other)),
if let Err(err) = send_xcm::<T::SendXcm>(
Location::new(0, [Junction::Parachain(T::BrokerId::get())]),
) {
log::error!(target: LOG_TARGET, "Sending `SwapLeases` to coretime chain failed: {:?}", err);
impl<T: Config> OnNewSession<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
fn on_new_session(notification: &SessionChangeNotification<BlockNumberFor<T>>) {
fn mk_coretime_call<T: Config>(call: crate::coretime::CoretimeCalls) -> Instruction<()> {
Instruction::Transact {
origin_kind: OriginKind::Superuser,
fallback_max_weight: Some(T::MaxXcmTransactWeight::get()),
call: BrokerRuntimePallets::Broker(call).encode().into(),
fn do_notify_revenue<T: Config>(when: BlockNumber, raw_revenue: Balance) -> Result<(), XcmError> {
let dest = Junction::Parachain(T::BrokerId::get()).into_location();
let mut message = vec![Instruction::UnpaidExecution {
weight_limit: WeightLimit::Unlimited,
check_origin: None,
let asset = Asset { id: Location::here().into(), fun: Fungible(raw_revenue) };
let dummy_xcm_context = XcmContext { origin: None, message_id: [0; 32], topic: None };
if raw_revenue > 0 {
let on_demand_pot =
|err| {
target: LOG_TARGET,
"Failed to convert on-demand pot account to XCM location: {err:?}",
let withdrawn = T::AssetTransactor::withdraw_asset(&asset, &on_demand_pot, None)?;
T::AssetTransactor::can_check_out(&dest, &asset, &dummy_xcm_context)?;
let assets_reanchored = Into::<Assets>::into(withdrawn)
.reanchored(&dest, &Here.into())
.defensive_map_err(|_| XcmError::ReanchorFailed)?;
DepositAsset {
assets: Wild(AllCounted(1)),
beneficiary: T::BrokerPotLocation::get().into_location(),
message.push(mk_coretime_call::<T>(CoretimeCalls::NotifyRevenue((when, raw_revenue))));
send_xcm::<T::SendXcm>(dest.clone(), Xcm(message))?;
if raw_revenue > 0 {
T::AssetTransactor::check_out(&dest, &asset, &dummy_xcm_context);