mod call;
mod composite;
mod config;
mod constants;
mod doc_only;
mod documentation;
mod error;
mod event;
mod genesis_build;
mod genesis_config;
mod hooks;
mod inherent;
mod instances;
mod origin;
mod pallet_struct;
mod storage;
mod tasks;
mod tt_default_parts;
mod type_value;
mod validate_unsigned;
mod warnings;
use crate::pallet::Def;
use quote::ToTokens;
pub fn merge_where_clauses(clauses: &[&Option<syn::WhereClause>]) -> Option<syn::WhereClause> {
let mut clauses = clauses.iter().filter_map(|f| f.as_ref());
let mut res =;
for other in clauses {
pub fn expand(mut def: Def) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let metadata_docs = documentation::expand_documentation(&mut def);
let constants = constants::expand_constants(&mut def);
let pallet_struct = pallet_struct::expand_pallet_struct(&mut def);
let config = config::expand_config(&mut def);
let associated_types = config::expand_config_metadata(&def);
let call = call::expand_call(&mut def);
let tasks = tasks::expand_tasks(&mut def);
let error = error::expand_error(&mut def);
let event = event::expand_event(&mut def);
let storages = storage::expand_storages(&mut def);
let inherents = inherent::expand_inherents(&mut def);
let instances = instances::expand_instances(&mut def);
let hooks = hooks::expand_hooks(&mut def);
let genesis_build = genesis_build::expand_genesis_build(&mut def);
let genesis_config = genesis_config::expand_genesis_config(&mut def);
let type_values = type_value::expand_type_values(&mut def);
let origins = origin::expand_origins(&mut def);
let validate_unsigned = validate_unsigned::expand_validate_unsigned(&mut def);
let tt_default_parts = tt_default_parts::expand_tt_default_parts(&mut def);
let doc_only = doc_only::expand_doc_only(&mut def);
let composites = composite::expand_composites(&mut def);
#[doc = r"The `pallet` module in each FRAME pallet hosts the most important items needed
to construct this pallet.
The main components of this pallet are:
- [`Pallet`], which implements all of the dispatchable extrinsics of the pallet, among
other public functions.
- The subset of the functions that are dispatchable can be identified either in the
[`dispatchables`] module or in the [`Call`] enum.
- [`storage_types`], which contains the list of all types that are representing a
storage item. Otherwise, all storage items are listed among [*Type Definitions*](#types).
- [`Config`], which contains the configuration trait of this pallet.
- [`Event`] and [`Error`], which are listed among the [*Enums*](#enums).
let new_items = quote::quote!(
.expect("This is checked by parsing")