// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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//! Communication streams for the BEEFY networking protocols.
pub mod notification;
pub mod request_response;
pub(crate) mod gossip;
pub(crate) mod peers;
pub(crate) mod beefy_protocol_name {
use array_bytes::bytes2hex;
use sc_network::ProtocolName;
/// BEEFY votes gossip protocol name suffix.
const GOSSIP_NAME: &str = "/beefy/2";
/// BEEFY justifications protocol name suffix.
const JUSTIFICATIONS_NAME: &str = "/beefy/justifications/1";
/// Name of the votes gossip protocol used by BEEFY.
/// Must be registered towards the networking in order for BEEFY voter to properly function.
pub fn gossip_protocol_name<Hash: AsRef<[u8]>>(
genesis_hash: Hash,
fork_id: Option<&str>,
) -> ProtocolName {
let genesis_hash = genesis_hash.as_ref();
if let Some(fork_id) = fork_id {
format!("/{}/{}{}", bytes2hex("", genesis_hash), fork_id, GOSSIP_NAME).into()
} else {
format!("/{}{}", bytes2hex("", genesis_hash), GOSSIP_NAME).into()
/// Name of the BEEFY justifications request-response protocol.
pub fn justifications_protocol_name<Hash: AsRef<[u8]>>(
genesis_hash: Hash,
fork_id: Option<&str>,
) -> ProtocolName {
let genesis_hash = genesis_hash.as_ref();
if let Some(fork_id) = fork_id {
format!("/{}/{}{}", bytes2hex("", genesis_hash), fork_id, JUSTIFICATIONS_NAME).into()
} else {
format!("/{}{}", bytes2hex("", genesis_hash), JUSTIFICATIONS_NAME).into()
/// Returns the configuration value to put in
/// [`sc_network::config::FullNetworkConfiguration`].
/// For standard protocol name see [`beefy_protocol_name::gossip_protocol_name`].
pub fn beefy_peers_set_config<
B: sp_runtime::traits::Block,
N: sc_network::NetworkBackend<B, <B as sp_runtime::traits::Block>::Hash>,
gossip_protocol_name: sc_network::ProtocolName,
metrics: sc_network::service::NotificationMetrics,
peer_store_handle: std::sync::Arc<dyn sc_network::peer_store::PeerStoreProvider>,
) -> (N::NotificationProtocolConfig, Box<dyn sc_network::NotificationService>) {
let (cfg, notification_service) = N::notification_config(
1024 * 1024,
sc_network::config::SetConfig {
in_peers: 25,
out_peers: 25,
reserved_nodes: Vec::new(),
non_reserved_mode: sc_network::config::NonReservedPeerMode::Accept,
(cfg, notification_service)
// cost scalars for reporting peers.
mod cost {
use sc_network::ReputationChange as Rep;
// Message that's for an outdated round.
pub(super) const OUTDATED_MESSAGE: Rep = Rep::new(-50, "BEEFY: Past message");
// Message that's from the future relative to our current set-id.
pub(super) const FUTURE_MESSAGE: Rep = Rep::new(-100, "BEEFY: Future message");
// Vote message containing bad signature.
pub(super) const BAD_SIGNATURE: Rep = Rep::new(-100, "BEEFY: Bad signature");
// Message received with vote from voter not in validator set.
pub(super) const UNKNOWN_VOTER: Rep = Rep::new(-150, "BEEFY: Unknown voter");
// Message containing invalid proof.
pub(super) const INVALID_PROOF: Rep = Rep::new(-5000, "BEEFY: Invalid commit");
// Reputation cost per signature checked for invalid proof.
pub(super) const PER_SIGNATURE_CHECKED: i32 = -25;
// Reputation cost per byte for un-decodable message.
pub(super) const PER_UNDECODABLE_BYTE: i32 = -5;
// On-demand request was refused by peer.
pub(super) const REFUSAL_RESPONSE: Rep = Rep::new(-100, "BEEFY: Proof request refused");
// On-demand request for a proof that can't be found in the backend.
pub(super) const UNKNOWN_PROOF_REQUEST: Rep = Rep::new(-150, "BEEFY: Unknown proof request");
// benefit scalars for reporting peers.
mod benefit {
use sc_network::ReputationChange as Rep;
pub(super) const VOTE_MESSAGE: Rep = Rep::new(100, "BEEFY: Round vote message");
pub(super) const NOT_INTERESTED: Rep = Rep::new(10, "BEEFY: Not interested in round");
pub(super) const VALIDATED_PROOF: Rep = Rep::new(100, "BEEFY: Justification");
mod tests {
use super::*;
use sp_core::H256;
fn beefy_protocols_names() {
use beefy_protocol_name::{gossip_protocol_name, justifications_protocol_name};
// Create protocol name using random genesis hash.
let genesis_hash = H256::random();
let genesis_hex = array_bytes::bytes2hex("", genesis_hash);
let expected_gossip_name = format!("/{}/beefy/2", genesis_hex);
let gossip_proto_name = gossip_protocol_name(&genesis_hash, None);
assert_eq!(gossip_proto_name.to_string(), expected_gossip_name);
let expected_justif_name = format!("/{}/beefy/justifications/1", genesis_hex);
let justif_proto_name = justifications_protocol_name(&genesis_hash, None);
assert_eq!(justif_proto_name.to_string(), expected_justif_name);
// Create protocol name using hardcoded genesis hash. Verify exact representation.
let genesis_hash = [
50, 4, 60, 123, 58, 106, 216, 246, 194, 188, 139, 193, 33, 212, 202, 171, 9, 55, 123,
94, 8, 43, 12, 251, 187, 57, 173, 19, 188, 74, 205, 147,
let genesis_hex = "32043c7b3a6ad8f6c2bc8bc121d4caab09377b5e082b0cfbbb39ad13bc4acd93";
let expected_gossip_name = format!("/{}/beefy/2", genesis_hex);
let gossip_proto_name = gossip_protocol_name(&genesis_hash, None);
assert_eq!(gossip_proto_name.to_string(), expected_gossip_name);
let expected_justif_name = format!("/{}/beefy/justifications/1", genesis_hex);
let justif_proto_name = justifications_protocol_name(&genesis_hash, None);
assert_eq!(justif_proto_name.to_string(), expected_justif_name);