// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Polkadot.
// Polkadot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Polkadot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Polkadot. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Interface to the Substrate Executor
use crate::error::ExecuteError;
use polkadot_primitives::{
ExecutorParam, ExecutorParams,
use sc_executor_common::{
wasm_runtime::{HeapAllocStrategy, WasmModule as _},
use sc_executor_wasmtime::{Config, DeterministicStackLimit, Semantics, WasmtimeRuntime};
use sp_core::storage::{ChildInfo, TrackedStorageKey};
use sp_externalities::MultiRemovalResults;
use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
// Memory configuration
// When Substrate Runtime is instantiated, a number of WASM pages are allocated for the Substrate
// Runtime instance's linear memory. The exact number of pages is a sum of whatever the WASM blob
// itself requests (by default at least enough to hold the data section as well as have some space
// left for the stack; this is, of course, overridable at link time when compiling the runtime)
// plus the number of pages specified in the `extra_heap_pages` passed to the executor.
// By default, rustc (or `lld` specifically) should allocate 1 MiB for the shadow stack, or 16
// pages. The data section for runtimes are typically rather small and can fit in a single digit
// number of WASM pages, so let's say an extra 16 pages. Thus let's assume that 32 pages or 2 MiB
// are used for these needs by default.
const EXTRA_HEAP_PAGES: u32 = 2048;
// They are used as base values for the execution environment parametrization.
// To overwrite them, add new ones to `EXECUTOR_PARAMS` in the `session_info` pallet and perform
// a runtime upgrade to make them active.
pub const DEFAULT_CONFIG: Config = Config {
allow_missing_func_imports: true,
cache_path: None,
semantics: Semantics {
heap_alloc_strategy: sc_executor_common::wasm_runtime::HeapAllocStrategy::Dynamic {
// Enable deterministic stack limit to pin down the exact number of items the wasmtime stack
// can contain before it traps with stack overflow.
// Here is how the values below were chosen.
// At the moment of writing, the default native stack size limit is 1 MiB. Assuming a
// logical item (see the docs about the field and the instrumentation algorithm) is 8 bytes,
// 1 MiB can fit 2x 65536 logical items.
// Since reaching the native stack limit is undesirable, we halve the logical item limit and
// also increase the native 256x. This hopefully should preclude wasm code from reaching
// the stack limit set by the wasmtime.
deterministic_stack_limit: Some(DeterministicStackLimit {
native_stack_max: DEFAULT_NATIVE_STACK_MAX,
canonicalize_nans: true,
// Rationale for turning the multi-threaded compilation off is to make the preparation time
// easily reproducible and as deterministic as possible.
// Currently the prepare queue doesn't distinguish between precheck and prepare requests.
// On the one hand, it simplifies the code, on the other, however, slows down compile times
// for execute requests. This behavior may change in future.
parallel_compilation: false,
// WASM extensions. Only those that are meaningful to us may be controlled here. By default,
// we're using WASM MVP, which means all the extensions are disabled. Nevertheless, some
// extensions (e.g., sign extension ops) are enabled by Wasmtime and cannot be disabled.
wasm_reference_types: false,
wasm_simd: false,
wasm_bulk_memory: false,
wasm_multi_value: false,
/// Executes the given PVF in the form of a compiled artifact and returns the result of
/// execution upon success.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure that the compiled artifact passed here was:
/// 1) produced by `prepare`,
/// 2) was not modified,
/// Failure to adhere to these requirements might lead to crashes and arbitrary code execution.
pub unsafe fn execute_artifact(
compiled_artifact_blob: &[u8],
executor_params: &ExecutorParams,
params: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, ExecuteError> {
let mut extensions = sp_externalities::Extensions::new();
let mut ext = ValidationExternalities(extensions);
match sc_executor::with_externalities_safe(&mut ext, || {
let runtime = create_runtime_from_artifact_bytes(compiled_artifact_blob, executor_params)?;
runtime.new_instance()?.call("validate_block", params)
}) {
Ok(Ok(ok)) => Ok(ok),
Ok(Err(err)) | Err(err) => Err(err),
/// Constructs the runtime for the given PVF, given the artifact bytes.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure that the compiled artifact passed here was:
/// 1) produced by `prepare`,
/// 2) was not modified,
/// Failure to adhere to these requirements might lead to crashes and arbitrary code execution.
pub unsafe fn create_runtime_from_artifact_bytes(
compiled_artifact_blob: &[u8],
executor_params: &ExecutorParams,
) -> Result<WasmtimeRuntime, WasmError> {
let mut config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.clone();
config.semantics = params_to_wasmtime_semantics(executor_params).0;
/// Takes the default config and overwrites any settings with existing executor parameters.
/// Returns the semantics as well as the stack limit (since we are guaranteed to have it).
pub fn params_to_wasmtime_semantics(par: &ExecutorParams) -> (Semantics, DeterministicStackLimit) {
let mut sem = DEFAULT_CONFIG.semantics.clone();
let mut stack_limit = sem
.expect("There is a comment to not change the default stack limit; it should always be available; qed")
for p in par.iter() {
match p {
ExecutorParam::MaxMemoryPages(max_pages) =>
sem.heap_alloc_strategy = HeapAllocStrategy::Dynamic {
maximum_pages: Some((*max_pages).saturating_add(DEFAULT_HEAP_PAGES_ESTIMATE)),
ExecutorParam::StackLogicalMax(slm) => stack_limit.logical_max = *slm,
ExecutorParam::StackNativeMax(snm) => stack_limit.native_stack_max = *snm,
ExecutorParam::WasmExtBulkMemory => sem.wasm_bulk_memory = true,
ExecutorParam::PrecheckingMaxMemory(_) |
ExecutorParam::PvfPrepTimeout(_, _) |
ExecutorParam::PvfExecTimeout(_, _) => (), /* Not used here */
sem.deterministic_stack_limit = Some(stack_limit.clone());
(sem, stack_limit)
/// Runs the prevalidation on the given code. Returns a [`RuntimeBlob`] if it succeeds.
pub fn prevalidate(code: &[u8]) -> Result<RuntimeBlob, sc_executor_common::error::WasmError> {
// Construct the runtime blob and do some basic checks for consistency.
let blob = RuntimeBlob::new(code)?;
// In the future this function should take care of any further prevalidation logic.
/// Runs preparation on the given runtime blob. If successful, it returns a serialized compiled
/// artifact which can then be used to pass into `Executor::execute` after writing it to the disk.
pub fn prepare(
blob: RuntimeBlob,
executor_params: &ExecutorParams,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, sc_executor_common::error::WasmError> {
let (semantics, _) = params_to_wasmtime_semantics(executor_params);
sc_executor_wasmtime::prepare_runtime_artifact(blob, &semantics)
/// Available host functions. We leave out:
/// 1. storage related stuff (PVF doesn't have a notion of a persistent storage/trie)
/// 2. tracing
/// 3. off chain workers (PVFs do not have such a notion)
/// 4. runtime tasks
/// 5. sandbox
type HostFunctions = (
/// The validation externalities that will panic on any storage related access. (PVFs should not
/// have a notion of a persistent storage/trie.)
struct ValidationExternalities(sp_externalities::Extensions);
impl sp_externalities::Externalities for ValidationExternalities {
fn storage(&mut self, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_hash(&mut self, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("storage_hash: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn child_storage_hash(&mut self, _: &ChildInfo, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("child_storage_hash: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn child_storage(&mut self, _: &ChildInfo, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("child_storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn kill_child_storage(
&mut self,
_child_info: &ChildInfo,
_maybe_limit: Option<u32>,
_maybe_cursor: Option<&[u8]>,
) -> MultiRemovalResults {
panic!("kill_child_storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn clear_prefix(
&mut self,
_prefix: &[u8],
_maybe_limit: Option<u32>,
_maybe_cursor: Option<&[u8]>,
) -> MultiRemovalResults {
panic!("clear_prefix: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn clear_child_prefix(
&mut self,
_child_info: &ChildInfo,
_prefix: &[u8],
_maybe_limit: Option<u32>,
_maybe_cursor: Option<&[u8]>,
) -> MultiRemovalResults {
panic!("clear_child_prefix: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn place_storage(&mut self, _: Vec<u8>, _: Option<Vec<u8>>) {
panic!("place_storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn place_child_storage(&mut self, _: &ChildInfo, _: Vec<u8>, _: Option<Vec<u8>>) {
panic!("place_child_storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_root(&mut self, _: sp_core::storage::StateVersion) -> Vec<u8> {
panic!("storage_root: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn child_storage_root(&mut self, _: &ChildInfo, _: sp_core::storage::StateVersion) -> Vec<u8> {
panic!("child_storage_root: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn next_child_storage_key(&mut self, _: &ChildInfo, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("next_child_storage_key: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn next_storage_key(&mut self, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("next_storage_key: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_append(&mut self, _key: Vec<u8>, _value: Vec<u8>) {
panic!("storage_append: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_start_transaction(&mut self) {
panic!("storage_start_transaction: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_rollback_transaction(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> {
panic!("storage_rollback_transaction: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_commit_transaction(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> {
panic!("storage_commit_transaction: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn wipe(&mut self) {
panic!("wipe: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn commit(&mut self) {
panic!("commit: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn read_write_count(&self) -> (u32, u32, u32, u32) {
panic!("read_write_count: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn reset_read_write_count(&mut self) {
panic!("reset_read_write_count: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn get_whitelist(&self) -> Vec<TrackedStorageKey> {
panic!("get_whitelist: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn set_whitelist(&mut self, _: Vec<TrackedStorageKey>) {
panic!("set_whitelist: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn set_offchain_storage(&mut self, _: &[u8], _: std::option::Option<&[u8]>) {
panic!("set_offchain_storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn get_read_and_written_keys(&self) -> Vec<(Vec<u8>, u32, u32, bool)> {
panic!("get_read_and_written_keys: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
impl sp_externalities::ExtensionStore for ValidationExternalities {
fn extension_by_type_id(&mut self, type_id: TypeId) -> Option<&mut dyn Any> {
fn register_extension_with_type_id(
&mut self,
type_id: TypeId,
extension: Box<dyn sp_externalities::Extension>,
) -> Result<(), sp_externalities::Error> {
self.0.register_with_type_id(type_id, extension)
fn deregister_extension_by_type_id(
&mut self,
type_id: TypeId,
) -> Result<(), sp_externalities::Error> {
if self.0.deregister(type_id) {
} else {
struct ReadRuntimeVersion;
impl sp_core::traits::ReadRuntimeVersion for ReadRuntimeVersion {
fn read_runtime_version(
wasm_code: &[u8],
_ext: &mut dyn sp_externalities::Externalities,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
let blob = RuntimeBlob::uncompress_if_needed(wasm_code)
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read the PVF runtime blob: {:?}", e))?;
match sc_executor::read_embedded_version(&blob)
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read the static section from the PVF blob: {:?}", e))?
Some(version) => {
use codec::Encode;
None => Err("runtime version section is not found".to_string()),