// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License
use crate::construct_runtime::{parse::PalletPath, Pallet};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::Ident;
pub fn expand_runtime_metadata(
runtime: &Ident,
pallet_declarations: &[Pallet],
scrate: &TokenStream,
extrinsic: &TokenStream,
system_path: &PalletPath,
) -> TokenStream {
let pallets = pallet_declarations
.filter_map(|pallet_declaration| {
pallet_declaration.find_part("Pallet").map(|_| {
let filtered_names: Vec<_> = pallet_declaration
.filter(|part| part.name() != "Pallet")
.map(|part| part.name())
(pallet_declaration, filtered_names)
.map(|(decl, filtered_names)| {
let name = &decl.name;
let index = &decl.index;
let storage = expand_pallet_metadata_storage(&filtered_names, runtime, decl);
let calls = expand_pallet_metadata_calls(&filtered_names, runtime, decl);
let view_functions = expand_pallet_metadata_view_functions(runtime, decl);
let event = expand_pallet_metadata_events(&filtered_names, runtime, decl);
let constants = expand_pallet_metadata_constants(runtime, decl);
let errors = expand_pallet_metadata_errors(runtime, decl);
let associated_types = expand_pallet_metadata_associated_types(runtime, decl);
let docs = expand_pallet_metadata_docs(runtime, decl);
let attr = decl.get_attributes();
let deprecation_info = expand_pallet_metadata_deprecation(runtime, decl);
quote! {
#scrate::__private::metadata_ir::PalletMetadataIR {
name: stringify!(#name),
index: #index,
storage: #storage,
calls: #calls,
view_functions: #view_functions,
event: #event,
constants: #constants,
error: #errors,
docs: #docs,
associated_types: #associated_types,
deprecation_info: #deprecation_info,
quote! {
impl #runtime {
fn metadata_ir() -> #scrate::__private::metadata_ir::MetadataIR {
// Each runtime must expose the `runtime_metadata()` to fetch the runtime API metadata.
// The function is implemented by calling `impl_runtime_apis!`.
// However, the `construct_runtime!` may be called without calling `impl_runtime_apis!`.
// Rely on the `Deref` trait to differentiate between a runtime that implements
// APIs (by macro impl_runtime_apis!) and a runtime that is simply created (by macro construct_runtime!).
// Both `InternalConstructRuntime` and `InternalImplRuntimeApis` expose a `runtime_metadata()` function.
// `InternalConstructRuntime` is implemented by the `construct_runtime!` for Runtime references (`& Runtime`),
// while `InternalImplRuntimeApis` is implemented by the `impl_runtime_apis!` for Runtime (`Runtime`).
// Therefore, the `Deref` trait will resolve the `runtime_metadata` from `impl_runtime_apis!`
// when both macros are called; and will resolve an empty `runtime_metadata` when only the `construct_runtime!`
// is called.
// `Deref` needs a reference for resolving the function call.
let rt = #runtime;
let ty = #scrate::__private::scale_info::meta_type::<#extrinsic>();
let address_ty = #scrate::__private::scale_info::meta_type::<
<#extrinsic as #scrate::traits::SignedTransactionBuilder>::Address
let call_ty = #scrate::__private::scale_info::meta_type::<
<#extrinsic as #scrate::traits::ExtrinsicCall>::Call
let signature_ty = #scrate::__private::scale_info::meta_type::<
<#extrinsic as #scrate::traits::SignedTransactionBuilder>::Signature
let extra_ty = #scrate::__private::scale_info::meta_type::<
<#extrinsic as #scrate::traits::SignedTransactionBuilder>::Extension
use #scrate::__private::metadata_ir::InternalImplRuntimeApis;
#scrate::__private::metadata_ir::MetadataIR {
pallets: #scrate::__private::vec![ #(#pallets),* ],
extrinsic: #scrate::__private::metadata_ir::ExtrinsicMetadataIR {
versions: <#extrinsic as #scrate::sp_runtime::traits::ExtrinsicMetadata>::VERSIONS.into_iter().map(|ref_version| *ref_version).collect(),
extensions: <
#extrinsic as #scrate::sp_runtime::traits::ExtrinsicMetadata
<#runtime as #system_path::Config>::RuntimeCall
.map(|meta| #scrate::__private::metadata_ir::TransactionExtensionMetadataIR {
identifier: meta.identifier,
ty: meta.ty,
implicit: meta.implicit,
ty: #scrate::__private::scale_info::meta_type::<#runtime>(),
apis: (&rt).runtime_metadata(),
outer_enums: #scrate::__private::metadata_ir::OuterEnumsIR {
call_enum_ty: #scrate::__private::scale_info::meta_type::<
<#runtime as #system_path::Config>::RuntimeCall
event_enum_ty: #scrate::__private::scale_info::meta_type::<RuntimeEvent>(),
error_enum_ty: #scrate::__private::scale_info::meta_type::<RuntimeError>(),
pub fn metadata() -> #scrate::__private::metadata::RuntimeMetadataPrefixed {
// Note: this always returns the V14 version. The runtime API function
// must be deprecated.
pub fn metadata_at_version(version: u32) -> Option<#scrate::__private::OpaqueMetadata> {
#scrate::__private::metadata_ir::into_version(#runtime::metadata_ir(), version).map(|prefixed| {
pub fn metadata_versions() -> #scrate::__private::Vec<u32> {
fn expand_pallet_metadata_storage(
filtered_names: &[&'static str],
runtime: &Ident,
decl: &Pallet,
) -> TokenStream {
if filtered_names.contains(&"Storage") {
let instance = decl.instance.as_ref().into_iter();
let path = &decl.path;
quote! {
Some(#path::Pallet::<#runtime #(, #path::#instance)*>::storage_metadata())
} else {
fn expand_pallet_metadata_calls(
filtered_names: &[&'static str],
runtime: &Ident,
decl: &Pallet,
) -> TokenStream {
if filtered_names.contains(&"Call") {
let instance = decl.instance.as_ref().into_iter();
let path = &decl.path;
quote! {
Some(#path::Pallet::<#runtime #(, #path::#instance)*>::call_functions())
} else {
fn expand_pallet_metadata_view_functions(runtime: &Ident, decl: &Pallet) -> TokenStream {
let path = &decl.path;
let instance = decl.instance.as_ref().into_iter();
quote! {
#path::Pallet::<#runtime #(, #path::#instance)*>::pallet_view_functions_metadata()
fn expand_pallet_metadata_events(
filtered_names: &[&'static str],
runtime: &Ident,
decl: &Pallet,
) -> TokenStream {
if filtered_names.contains(&"Event") {
let path = &decl.path;
let part_is_generic = !decl
.expect("Event part exists; qed")
let pallet_event = match (decl.instance.as_ref(), part_is_generic) {
(Some(inst), true) => quote!(#path::Event::<#runtime, #path::#inst>),
(Some(inst), false) => quote!(#path::Event::<#path::#inst>),
(None, true) => quote!(#path::Event::<#runtime>),
(None, false) => quote!(#path::Event),
quote! {
} else {
fn expand_pallet_metadata_deprecation(runtime: &Ident, decl: &Pallet) -> TokenStream {
let path = &decl.path;
let instance = decl.instance.as_ref().into_iter();
quote! { #path::Pallet::<#runtime #(, #path::#instance)*>::deprecation_info() }
fn expand_pallet_metadata_constants(runtime: &Ident, decl: &Pallet) -> TokenStream {
let path = &decl.path;
let instance = decl.instance.as_ref().into_iter();
quote! {
#path::Pallet::<#runtime #(, #path::#instance)*>::pallet_constants_metadata()
fn expand_pallet_metadata_errors(runtime: &Ident, decl: &Pallet) -> TokenStream {
let path = &decl.path;
let instance = decl.instance.as_ref().into_iter();
quote! {
#path::Pallet::<#runtime #(, #path::#instance)*>::error_metadata()
fn expand_pallet_metadata_docs(runtime: &Ident, decl: &Pallet) -> TokenStream {
let path = &decl.path;
let instance = decl.instance.as_ref().into_iter();
quote! {
#path::Pallet::<#runtime #(, #path::#instance)*>::pallet_documentation_metadata()
fn expand_pallet_metadata_associated_types(runtime: &Ident, decl: &Pallet) -> TokenStream {
let path = &decl.path;
let instance = decl.instance.as_ref().into_iter();
quote! {
#path::Pallet::<#runtime #(, #path::#instance)*>::pallet_associated_types_metadata()