// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// limitations under the License.
//! Implements tree backend, cached header metadata and algorithms
//! to compute routes efficiently over the tree of headers.
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use schnellru::{ByLength, LruMap};
use sp_core::U256;
use sp_runtime::{
traits::{Block as BlockT, Header, NumberFor, One},
/// Set to the expected max difference between `best` and `finalized` blocks at sync.
pub(crate) const LRU_CACHE_SIZE: u32 = 5_000;
/// Get the lowest common ancestor between two blocks in the tree.
/// This implementation is efficient because our trees have very few and
/// small branches, and because of our current query pattern:
/// lca(best, final), lca(best + 1, final), lca(best + 2, final), etc.
/// The first call is O(h) but the others are O(1).
pub fn lowest_common_ancestor<Block: BlockT, T: HeaderMetadata<Block> + ?Sized>(
backend: &T,
id_one: Block::Hash,
id_two: Block::Hash,
) -> Result<HashAndNumber<Block>, T::Error> {
let mut header_one = backend.header_metadata(id_one)?;
if header_one.parent == id_two {
return Ok(HashAndNumber { hash: id_two, number: header_one.number - One::one() })
let mut header_two = backend.header_metadata(id_two)?;
if header_two.parent == id_one {
return Ok(HashAndNumber { hash: id_one, number: header_one.number })
let mut orig_header_one = header_one.clone();
let mut orig_header_two = header_two.clone();
// We move through ancestor links as much as possible, since ancestor >= parent.
while header_one.number > header_two.number {
let ancestor_one = backend.header_metadata(header_one.ancestor)?;
if ancestor_one.number >= header_two.number {
header_one = ancestor_one;
} else {
while header_one.number < header_two.number {
let ancestor_two = backend.header_metadata(header_two.ancestor)?;
if ancestor_two.number >= header_one.number {
header_two = ancestor_two;
} else {
// Then we move the remaining path using parent links.
while header_one.hash != header_two.hash {
if header_one.number > header_two.number {
header_one = backend.header_metadata(header_one.parent)?;
} else {
header_two = backend.header_metadata(header_two.parent)?;
// Update cached ancestor links.
if orig_header_one.number > header_one.number {
orig_header_one.ancestor = header_one.hash;
backend.insert_header_metadata(orig_header_one.hash, orig_header_one);
if orig_header_two.number > header_one.number {
orig_header_two.ancestor = header_one.hash;
backend.insert_header_metadata(orig_header_two.hash, orig_header_two);
Ok(HashAndNumber { hash: header_one.hash, number: header_one.number })
/// Compute a tree-route between two blocks. See tree-route docs for more details.
pub fn tree_route<Block: BlockT, T: HeaderMetadata<Block> + ?Sized>(
backend: &T,
from: Block::Hash,
to: Block::Hash,
) -> Result<TreeRoute<Block>, T::Error> {
let mut from = backend.header_metadata(from)?;
let mut to = backend.header_metadata(to)?;
let mut to_branch =
while to.number > from.number {
to_branch.push(HashAndNumber { number: to.number, hash: to.hash });
to = backend.header_metadata(to.parent)?;
let mut from_branch =
while from.number > to.number {
from_branch.push(HashAndNumber { number: from.number, hash: from.hash });
from = backend.header_metadata(from.parent)?;
// numbers are equal now. walk backwards until the block is the same
while to.hash != from.hash {
to_branch.push(HashAndNumber { number: to.number, hash: to.hash });
to = backend.header_metadata(to.parent)?;
from_branch.push(HashAndNumber { number: from.number, hash: from.hash });
from = backend.header_metadata(from.parent)?;
// add the pivot block. and append the reversed to-branch
// (note that it's reverse order originals)
let pivot = from_branch.len();
from_branch.reserve_exact(to_branch.len() + 1);
from_branch.push(HashAndNumber { number: to.number, hash: to.hash });
Ok(TreeRoute { route: from_branch, pivot })
/// Hash and number of a block.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct HashAndNumber<Block: BlockT> {
/// The number of the block.
pub number: NumberFor<Block>,
/// The hash of the block.
pub hash: Block::Hash,
impl<Block: BlockT> Eq for HashAndNumber<Block> {}
impl<Block: BlockT> PartialEq for HashAndNumber<Block> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.number.eq(&other.number) && self.hash.eq(&other.hash)
impl<Block: BlockT> Ord for HashAndNumber<Block> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
match self.number.cmp(&other.number) {
std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => self.hash.cmp(&other.hash),
result => result,
impl<Block: BlockT> PartialOrd for HashAndNumber<Block> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
/// A tree-route from one block to another in the chain.
/// All blocks prior to the pivot in the vector is the reverse-order unique ancestry
/// of the first block, the block at the pivot index is the common ancestor,
/// and all blocks after the pivot is the ancestry of the second block, in
/// order.
/// The ancestry sets will include the given blocks, and thus the tree-route is
/// never empty.
/// ```text
/// Tree route from R1 to E2. Retracted is [R1, R2, R3], Common is C, enacted [E1, E2]
/// <- R3 <- R2 <- R1
/// /
/// C
/// \-> E1 -> E2
/// ```
/// ```text
/// Tree route from C to E2. Retracted empty. Common is C, enacted [E1, E2]
/// C -> E1 -> E2
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TreeRoute<Block: BlockT> {
route: Vec<HashAndNumber<Block>>,
pivot: usize,
impl<Block: BlockT> TreeRoute<Block> {
/// Creates a new `TreeRoute`.
/// To preserve the structure safety invariants it is required that `pivot < route.len()`.
pub fn new(route: Vec<HashAndNumber<Block>>, pivot: usize) -> Result<Self, String> {
if pivot < route.len() {
Ok(TreeRoute { route, pivot })
} else {
"TreeRoute pivot ({}) should be less than route length ({})",
/// Get a slice of all retracted blocks in reverse order (towards common ancestor).
pub fn retracted(&self) -> &[HashAndNumber<Block>] {
/// Convert into all retracted blocks in reverse order (towards common ancestor).
pub fn into_retracted(mut self) -> Vec<HashAndNumber<Block>> {
/// Get the common ancestor block. This might be one of the two blocks of the
/// route.
pub fn common_block(&self) -> &HashAndNumber<Block> {
"tree-routes are computed between blocks; \
which are included in the route; \
thus it is never empty; qed",
/// Get a slice of enacted blocks (descendants of the common ancestor)
pub fn enacted(&self) -> &[HashAndNumber<Block>] {
&self.route[self.pivot + 1..]
/// Returns the last block.
pub fn last(&self) -> Option<&HashAndNumber<Block>> {
/// Handles header metadata: hash, number, parent hash, etc.
pub trait HeaderMetadata<Block: BlockT> {
/// Error used in case the header metadata is not found.
type Error: std::error::Error;
fn header_metadata(
hash: Block::Hash,
) -> Result<CachedHeaderMetadata<Block>, Self::Error>;
fn insert_header_metadata(
hash: Block::Hash,
header_metadata: CachedHeaderMetadata<Block>,
fn remove_header_metadata(&self, hash: Block::Hash);
/// Caches header metadata in an in-memory LRU cache.
pub struct HeaderMetadataCache<Block: BlockT> {
cache: Mutex<LruMap<Block::Hash, CachedHeaderMetadata<Block>>>,
impl<Block: BlockT> HeaderMetadataCache<Block> {
/// Creates a new LRU header metadata cache with `capacity`.
pub fn new(capacity: u32) -> Self {
HeaderMetadataCache { cache: Mutex::new(LruMap::new(ByLength::new(capacity))) }
impl<Block: BlockT> Default for HeaderMetadataCache<Block> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<Block: BlockT> HeaderMetadataCache<Block> {
pub fn header_metadata(&self, hash: Block::Hash) -> Option<CachedHeaderMetadata<Block>> {
pub fn insert_header_metadata(&self, hash: Block::Hash, metadata: CachedHeaderMetadata<Block>) {
self.cache.lock().insert(hash, metadata);
pub fn remove_header_metadata(&self, hash: Block::Hash) {
/// Cached header metadata. Used to efficiently traverse the tree.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CachedHeaderMetadata<Block: BlockT> {
/// Hash of the header.
pub hash: Block::Hash,
/// Block number.
pub number: NumberFor<Block>,
/// Hash of parent header.
pub parent: Block::Hash,
/// Block state root.
pub state_root: Block::Hash,
/// Hash of an ancestor header. Used to jump through the tree.
ancestor: Block::Hash,
impl<Block: BlockT> From<&Block::Header> for CachedHeaderMetadata<Block> {
fn from(header: &Block::Header) -> Self {
CachedHeaderMetadata {
hash: header.hash(),
number: *header.number(),
parent: *header.parent_hash(),
state_root: *header.state_root(),
ancestor: *header.parent_hash(),