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// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! # Wasm builder is a utility for building a project as a Wasm binary
//! The Wasm builder is a tool that integrates the process of building the WASM binary of your
//! project into the main `cargo` build process.
//! ## Project setup
//! A project that should be compiled as a Wasm binary needs to:
//! 1. Add a `` file.
//! 2. Add `wasm-builder` as dependency into `build-dependencies`.
//! The `` file needs to contain the following code:
//! ```no_run
//! use substrate_wasm_builder::WasmBuilder;
//! fn main() {
//! // Builds the WASM binary using the recommended defaults.
//! // If you need more control, you can call `new` or `init_with_defaults`.
//! WasmBuilder::build_using_defaults();
//! }
//! ```
//! As the final step, you need to add the following to your project:
//! ```ignore
//! include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
//! ```
//! This will include the generated Wasm binary as two constants `WASM_BINARY` and
//! `WASM_BINARY_BLOATY`. The former is a compact Wasm binary and the latter is the Wasm binary as
//! being generated by the compiler. Both variables have `Option<&'static [u8]>` as type.
//! Additionally it will create the `WASM_BINARY_PATH` which is the path to the WASM blob on the
//! filesystem.
//! ### Feature
//! Wasm builder supports to enable cargo features while building the Wasm binary. By default it
//! will enable all features in the wasm build that are enabled for the native build except the
//! `default` and `std` features. Besides that, wasm builder supports the special `runtime-wasm`
//! feature. This `runtime-wasm` feature will be enabled by the wasm builder when it compiles the
//! Wasm binary. If this feature is not present, it will not be enabled.
//! ## Environment variables
//! By using environment variables, you can configure which Wasm binaries are built and how:
//! - `SUBSTRATE_RUNTIME_TARGET` - Sets the target for building runtime. Supported values are `wasm`
//! or `riscv` (experimental, do not use it in production!). By default the target is equal to
//! `wasm`.
//! - `SKIP_WASM_BUILD` - Skips building any Wasm binary. This is useful when only native should be
//! recompiled. If this is the first run and there doesn't exist a Wasm binary, this will set both
//! variables to `None`.
//! - `WASM_BUILD_TYPE` - Sets the build type for building Wasm binaries. Supported values are
//! `release` or `debug`. By default the build type is equal to the build type used by the main
//! build.
//! - `FORCE_WASM_BUILD` - Can be set to force a Wasm build. On subsequent calls the value of the
//! variable needs to change. As wasm-builder instructs `cargo` to watch for file changes this
//! environment variable should only be required in certain circumstances.
//! - `WASM_BUILD_RUSTFLAGS` - Extend `RUSTFLAGS` given to `cargo build` while building the wasm
//! binary.
//! - `WASM_BUILD_NO_COLOR` - Disable color output of the wasm build.
//! - `WASM_TARGET_DIRECTORY` - Will copy any build Wasm binary to the given directory. The path
//! needs to be absolute.
//! - `WASM_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN` - The toolchain that should be used to build the Wasm binaries. The
//! format needs to be the same as used by cargo, e.g. `nightly-2024-12-26`.
//! - `WASM_BUILD_WORKSPACE_HINT` - Hint the workspace that is being built. This is normally not
//! required as we walk up from the target directory until we find a `Cargo.toml`. If the target
//! directory is changed for the build, this environment variable can be used to point to the
//! actual workspace.
//! - `WASM_BUILD_STD` - Sets whether the Rust's standard library crates (`core` and `alloc`) will
//! also be built. This is necessary to make sure the standard library crates only use the exact
//! WASM feature set that our executor supports. Enabled by default for RISC-V target and WASM
//! target (but only if Rust < 1.84). Disabled by default for WASM target and Rust >= 1.84.
//! - `WASM_BUILD_CARGO_ARGS` - This can take a string as space separated list of `cargo` arguments.
//! It was added specifically for the use case of enabling JSON diagnostic messages during the
//! build phase, to be used by IDEs that parse them, but it might be useful for other cases too.
//! - `CARGO_NET_OFFLINE` - If `true`, `--offline` will be passed to all processes launched to
//! prevent network access. Useful in offline environments.
//! Each project can be skipped individually by using the environment variable
//! `SKIP_PROJECT_NAME_WASM_BUILD`. Where `PROJECT_NAME` needs to be replaced by the name of the
//! cargo project, e.g. `kitchensink-runtime` will be `NODE_RUNTIME`.
//! ## Prerequisites:
//! Wasm builder requires the following prerequisites for building the Wasm binary:
//! - Rust >= 1.68 and Rust < 1.84:
//! - `wasm32-unknown-unknown` target
//! - `rust-src` component
//! - Rust >= 1.84:
//! - `wasm32v1-none` target
//! If a specific Rust is installed with `rustup`, it is important that the WASM
//! target is installed as well. For example if installing the Rust from
//! 26.12.2024 using `rustup install nightly-2024-12-26`, the WASM target
//! (`wasm32-unknown-unknown` or `wasm32v1-none`) needs to be installed as well
//! `rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly-2024-12-26`.
//! To install the `rust-src` component, use `rustup component add rust-src
//! --toolchain nightly-2024-12-26`.
use prerequisites::DummyCrate;
use std::{
env, fs,
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use version::Version;
mod builder;
#[cfg(feature = "metadata-hash")]
mod metadata_hash;
mod prerequisites;
mod version;
mod wasm_project;
pub use builder::{WasmBuilder, WasmBuilderSelectProject};
/// Environment variable that tells us to skip building the wasm binary.
/// Environment variable that tells us whether we should avoid network requests
/// Environment variable to force a certain build type when building the wasm binary.
/// Expects "debug", "release" or "production" as value.
/// When unset the WASM binary uses the same build type as the main cargo build with
/// the exception of a debug build: In this case the wasm build defaults to `release` in
/// order to avoid a slowdown when not explicitly requested.
/// Environment variable to extend the `RUSTFLAGS` variable given to the wasm build.
/// Environment variable to set the target directory to copy the final wasm binary.
/// The directory needs to be an absolute path.
/// Environment variable to disable color output of the wasm build.
/// Environment variable to set the toolchain used to compile the wasm binary.
/// Environment variable that makes sure the WASM build is triggered.
/// Environment variable that hints the workspace we are building.
/// Environment variable to set whether we'll build `core`/`alloc`.
/// Environment variable to set additional cargo arguments that might be useful
/// during the build phase.
/// The target to use for the runtime. Valid values are `wasm` (default) or `riscv`.
/// Write to the given `file` if the `content` is different.
fn write_file_if_changed(file: impl AsRef<Path>, content: impl AsRef<str>) {
if fs::read_to_string(file.as_ref()).ok().as_deref() != Some(content.as_ref()) {
fs::write(file.as_ref(), content.as_ref())
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Writing `{}` can not fail!", file.as_ref().display()));
/// Copy `src` to `dst` if the `dst` does not exist or is different.
fn copy_file_if_changed(src: PathBuf, dst: PathBuf) {
let src_file = fs::read_to_string(&src).ok();
let dst_file = fs::read_to_string(&dst).ok();
if src_file != dst_file {
fs::copy(&src, &dst).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
panic!("Copying `{}` to `{}` can not fail; qed", src.display(), dst.display())
/// Get a cargo command that should be used to invoke the compilation.
fn get_cargo_command(target: RuntimeTarget) -> CargoCommand {
let env_cargo =
CargoCommand::new(&env::var("CARGO").expect("`CARGO` env variable is always set by cargo"));
let default_cargo = CargoCommand::new("cargo");
let wasm_toolchain = env::var(WASM_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN).ok();
// First check if the user requested a specific toolchain
if let Some(cmd) =|t| CargoCommand::new_with_args("rustup", &["run", &t, "cargo"]))
} else if env_cargo.supports_substrate_runtime_env(target) {
} else if default_cargo.supports_substrate_runtime_env(target) {
} else {
// If no command before provided us with a cargo that supports our Substrate wasm env, we
// try to search one with rustup. If that fails as well, we return the default cargo and let
// the perquisites check fail.
/// Get the newest rustup command that supports compiling a runtime.
/// Stable versions are always favored over nightly versions even if the nightly versions are
/// newer.
fn get_rustup_command(target: RuntimeTarget) -> Option<CargoCommand> {
let output = Command::new("rustup").args(&["toolchain", "list"]).output().ok()?.stdout;
let lines = output.as_slice().lines();
let mut versions = Vec::new();
for line in lines.filter_map(|l| l.ok()) {
// Split by a space to get rid of e.g. " (default)" at the end.
let rustup_version = line.split(" ").next().unwrap();
let cmd = CargoCommand::new_with_args("rustup", &["run", &rustup_version, "cargo"]);
if !cmd.supports_substrate_runtime_env(target) {
let Some(cargo_version) = cmd.version() else { continue };
versions.push((cargo_version, rustup_version.to_string()));
// Sort by the parsed version to get the latest version (greatest version) at the end of the
// vec.
versions.sort_by_key(|v| v.0);
let version = &versions.last()?.1;
Some(CargoCommand::new_with_args("rustup", &["run", &version, "cargo"]))
/// Wraps a specific command which represents a cargo invocation.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct CargoCommand {
program: String,
args: Vec<String>,
version: Option<Version>,
impl CargoCommand {
fn new(program: &str) -> Self {
let version = Self::extract_version(program, &[]);
CargoCommand { program: program.into(), args: Vec::new(), version }
fn new_with_args(program: &str, args: &[&str]) -> Self {
let version = Self::extract_version(program, args);
CargoCommand {
program: program.into(),
args: args.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect(),
fn command(&self) -> Command {
let mut cmd = Command::new(&self.program);
fn extract_version(program: &str, args: &[&str]) -> Option<Version> {
let version = Command::new(program)
.and_then(|o| String::from_utf8(o.stdout).ok())?;
/// Returns the version of this cargo command or `None` if it failed to extract the version.
fn version(&self) -> Option<Version> {
/// Returns whether this version of the toolchain supports nightly features.
fn supports_nightly_features(&self) -> bool {
self.version.map_or(false, |version| version.is_nightly) ||
/// Check if the supplied cargo command supports our runtime environment.
fn supports_substrate_runtime_env(&self, target: RuntimeTarget) -> bool {
match target {
RuntimeTarget::Wasm => self.supports_substrate_runtime_env_wasm(),
RuntimeTarget::Riscv => true,
/// Check if the supplied cargo command supports our Substrate wasm environment.
/// This means that either the cargo version is at minimum 1.68.0 or this is a nightly cargo.
/// Assumes that cargo version matches the rustc version.
fn supports_substrate_runtime_env_wasm(&self) -> bool {
// `RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP` tells a stable compiler to behave like a nightly. So, when this env
// variable is set, we can assume that whatever rust compiler we have, it is a nightly
// compiler. For "more" information, see:
if env::var("RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP").is_ok() {
return true
let Some(version) = self.version() else { return false };
// Check if major and minor are greater or equal than 1.68 or this is a nightly.
version.major > 1 || (version.major == 1 && version.minor >= 68) || version.is_nightly
/// Returns whether this version of the toolchain supports the `wasm32v1-none` target.
fn supports_wasm32v1_none_target(&self) -> bool {
self.version.map_or(false, |version| {
// Check if major and minor are greater or equal than 1.84.
version.major > 1 || (version.major == 1 && version.minor >= 84)
/// Returns whether the `wasm32v1-none` target is installed in this version of the toolchain.
fn is_wasm32v1_none_target_installed(&self) -> bool {
let dummy_crate = DummyCrate::new(self, RuntimeTarget::Wasm, true);
/// Returns whether the `wasm32v1-none` target is available in this version of the toolchain.
fn is_wasm32v1_none_target_available(&self) -> bool {
// Check if major and minor are greater or equal than 1.84 and that the `wasm32v1-none`
// target is installed for this toolchain.
self.supports_wasm32v1_none_target() && self.is_wasm32v1_none_target_installed()
/// Wraps a [`CargoCommand`] and the version of `rustc` the cargo command uses.
struct CargoCommandVersioned {
command: CargoCommand,
version: String,
impl CargoCommandVersioned {
fn new(command: CargoCommand, version: String) -> Self {
Self { command, version }
/// Returns the `rustc` version.
fn rustc_version(&self) -> &str {
impl std::ops::Deref for CargoCommandVersioned {
type Target = CargoCommand;
fn deref(&self) -> &CargoCommand {
/// Returns `true` when color output is enabled.
fn color_output_enabled() -> bool {
/// Fetches a boolean environment variable. Will exit the process if the value is invalid.
fn get_bool_environment_variable(name: &str) -> Option<bool> {
let value = env::var_os(name)?;
// We're comparing `OsString`s here so we can't use a `match`.
if value == "1" {
} else if value == "0" {
} else {
"the '{name}' environment variable has an invalid value; it must be either '1' or '0'",
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum RuntimeTarget {
impl RuntimeTarget {
/// Creates a new instance.
fn new() -> Self {
let Some(value) = env::var_os(RUNTIME_TARGET) else {
return Self::Wasm;
if value == "wasm" {
} else if value == "riscv" {
} else {
"RUNTIME_TARGET environment variable must be set to either \"wasm\" or \"riscv\""
/// Figures out the target parameter value for rustc.
fn rustc_target(self, cargo_command: &CargoCommand) -> String {
match self {
RuntimeTarget::Wasm =>
if cargo_command.is_wasm32v1_none_target_available() {
} else {
RuntimeTarget::Riscv => {
let path = polkavm_linker::target_json_32_path().expect("riscv not found");
/// Figures out the target directory name used by cargo.
fn rustc_target_dir(self, cargo_command: &CargoCommand) -> &'static str {
match self {
RuntimeTarget::Wasm =>
if cargo_command.is_wasm32v1_none_target_available() {
} else {
RuntimeTarget::Riscv => "riscv32emac-unknown-none-polkavm",
/// Figures out the build-std argument.
fn rustc_target_build_std(self, cargo_command: &CargoCommand) -> Option<&'static str> {
if !crate::get_bool_environment_variable(crate::WASM_BUILD_STD).unwrap_or_else(
|| match self {
RuntimeTarget::Wasm => !cargo_command.is_wasm32v1_none_target_available(),
RuntimeTarget::Riscv => true,
) {
return None;
// This is a nightly-only flag.
// We only build `core` and `alloc` crates since wasm-builder disables `std` featue for
// runtime. Thus the runtime is `#![no_std]` crate.