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// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Implementation of the sequential-phragmen election method.
//! This method is ensured to achieve PJR, yet, it does not achieve a constant factor approximation
//! to the Maximin problem.
use crate::{
balancing, setup_inputs, BalancingConfig, CandidatePtr, ElectionResult, ExtendedBalance,
IdentifierT, PerThing128, VoteWeight, Voter,
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use sp_arithmetic::{
traits::{Bounded, Zero},
Rational128, Rounding,
/// The denominator used for loads. Since votes are collected as u64, the smallest ratio that we
/// might collect is `1/approval_stake` where approval stake is the sum of votes. Hence, some number
/// bigger than u64::MAX is needed. For maximum accuracy we simply use u128;
const DEN: ExtendedBalance = ExtendedBalance::max_value();
/// Execute sequential phragmen with potentially some rounds of `balancing`. The return type is list
/// of winners and a weight distribution vector of all voters who contribute to the winners.
/// - This function is a best effort to elect `rounds` members. Nonetheless, if less candidates are
/// available, it will only return what is available. It is the responsibility of the call site to
/// ensure they have provided enough members.
/// - If `balance` parameter is `Some(i, t)`, `i` iterations of balancing is with tolerance `t` is
/// performed.
/// - Returning winners are sorted based on desirability. Voters are unsorted. Nonetheless,
/// seq-phragmen is in general an un-ranked election and the desirability should not be
/// interpreted with any significance.
/// - The returning winners are zipped with their final backing stake. Yet, to get the exact final
/// weight distribution from the winner's point of view, one needs to build a support map. See
/// [`crate::SupportMap`] for more info. Note that this backing stake is computed in
/// ExtendedBalance and may be slightly different that what will be computed from the support map,
/// due to accuracy loss.
/// - The accuracy of the returning edge weight ratios can be configured via the `P` generic
/// argument.
/// - The returning weight distribution is _normalized_, meaning that it is guaranteed that the sum
/// of the ratios in each voter's distribution sums up to exactly `P::one()`.
/// This can only fail of the normalization fails. This can happen if for any of the resulting
/// assignments, `assignment.distribution.map(|p| p.deconstruct()).sum()` fails to fit inside
/// `UpperOf<P>`. A user of this crate may statically assert that this can never happen and safely
/// `expect` this to return `Ok`.
/// This can only fail if the normalization fails.
/// Note that rounding errors can potentially cause the output of this function to fail a t-PJR
/// check where t is the standard threshold. The underlying algorithm is sound, but the conversions
/// between numeric types can be lossy.
pub fn seq_phragmen<AccountId: IdentifierT, P: PerThing128>(
to_elect: usize,
candidates: Vec<AccountId>,
voters: Vec<(AccountId, VoteWeight, impl IntoIterator<Item = AccountId>)>,
balancing: Option<BalancingConfig>,
) -> Result<ElectionResult<AccountId, P>, crate::Error> {
let (candidates, voters) = setup_inputs(candidates, voters);
let (candidates, mut voters) = seq_phragmen_core::<AccountId>(to_elect, candidates, voters)?;
if let Some(ref config) = balancing {
// NOTE: might create zero-edges, but we will strip them again when we convert voter into
// assignment.
let _iters = balancing::balance::<AccountId>(&mut voters, config);
let mut winners = candidates
.filter(|c_ptr| c_ptr.borrow().elected)
// defensive only: seq-phragmen-core returns only up to rounds.
// sort winners based on desirability.
winners.sort_by_key(|c_ptr| c_ptr.borrow().round);
let mut assignments =
voters.into_iter().filter_map(|v| v.into_assignment()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let _ = assignments
.try_for_each(|a| a.try_normalize().map_err(|_| crate::Error::ArithmeticError))?;
let winners = winners
.map(|w_ptr| (w_ptr.borrow().who.clone(), w_ptr.borrow().backed_stake))
Ok(ElectionResult { winners, assignments })
/// Core implementation of seq-phragmen.
/// This is the internal implementation that works with the types defined in this crate. see
/// `seq_phragmen` for more information. This function is left public in case a crate needs to use
/// the implementation in a custom way.
/// This can only fail if the normalization fails.
// To create the inputs needed for this function, see [`crate::setup_inputs`].
pub fn seq_phragmen_core<AccountId: IdentifierT>(
to_elect: usize,
candidates: Vec<CandidatePtr<AccountId>>,
mut voters: Vec<Voter<AccountId>>,
) -> Result<(Vec<CandidatePtr<AccountId>>, Vec<Voter<AccountId>>), crate::Error> {
// we have already checked that we have more candidates than minimum_candidate_count.
let to_elect = to_elect.min(candidates.len());
// main election loop
for round in 0..to_elect {
// loop 1: initialize score
for c_ptr in &candidates {
let mut candidate = c_ptr.borrow_mut();
if !candidate.elected {
// 1 / approval_stake == (DEN / approval_stake) / DEN. If approval_stake is zero,
// then the ratio should be as large as possible, essentially `infinity`.
if candidate.approval_stake.is_zero() {
candidate.score = Bounded::max_value();
} else {
candidate.score = Rational128::from(DEN / candidate.approval_stake, DEN);
// loop 2: increment score
for voter in &voters {
for edge in &voter.edges {
let mut candidate = edge.candidate.borrow_mut();
if !candidate.elected && !candidate.approval_stake.is_zero() {
let temp_n = multiply_by_rational_with_rounding(
let temp_d = voter.load.d();
let temp = Rational128::from(temp_n, temp_d);
candidate.score = candidate.score.lazy_saturating_add(temp);
// loop 3: find the best
if let Some(winner_ptr) = candidates
.filter(|c| !c.borrow().elected)
.min_by_key(|c| c.borrow().score)
let mut winner = winner_ptr.borrow_mut();
// loop 3: update voter and edge load
winner.elected = true;
winner.round = round;
for voter in &mut voters {
for edge in &mut voter.edges {
if edge.who == winner.who {
edge.load = winner.score.lazy_saturating_sub(voter.load);
voter.load = winner.score;
} else {
// update backing stake of candidates and voters
for voter in &mut voters {
for edge in &mut voter.edges {
if edge.candidate.borrow().elected {
// update internal state.
edge.weight = multiply_by_rational_with_rounding(
// If result cannot fit in u128. Not much we can do about it.
} else {
edge.weight = 0
let mut candidate = edge.candidate.borrow_mut();
candidate.backed_stake = candidate.backed_stake.saturating_add(edge.weight);
// remove all zero edges. These can become phantom edges during normalization.
voter.edges.retain(|e| e.weight > 0);
// edge of all candidates that eventually have a non-zero weight must be elected.
debug_assert!(voter.edges.iter().all(|e| e.candidate.borrow().elected));
// inc budget to sum the budget.
voter.try_normalize_elected().map_err(|_| crate::Error::ArithmeticError)?;
Ok((candidates, voters))