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// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Bridges Common.
// Parity Bridges Common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Bridges Common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Bridges Common. If not, see <>.
//! Weight-related utilities.
use crate::weights::{BridgeWeight, WeightInfo};
use bp_runtime::Size;
use frame_support::weights::{RuntimeDbWeight, Weight};
/// Size of the regular parachain head.
/// It's not that we are expecting all parachain heads to share the same size or that we would
/// reject all heads that have larger/lesser size. It is about head size that we use in benchmarks.
/// Relayer would need to pay additional fee for extra bytes.
/// 384 is a bit larger (1.3 times) than the size of the randomly chosen Polkadot block.
pub const DEFAULT_PARACHAIN_HEAD_SIZE: u32 = 384;
/// Number of extra bytes (excluding size of storage value itself) of storage proof, built at
/// some generic chain.
pub const EXTRA_STORAGE_PROOF_SIZE: u32 = 1024;
/// Extended weight info.
pub trait WeightInfoExt: WeightInfo {
// Our configuration assumes that the runtime has special signed extensions used to:
// 1) boost priority of `submit_parachain_heads` transactions;
// 2) slash relayer if he submits an invalid transaction.
// We read and update storage values of other pallets (`pallet-bridge-relayers` and
// balances/assets pallet). So we need to add this weight to the weight of our call.
// Hence two following methods.
/// Extra weight that is added to the `submit_finality_proof` call weight by signed extensions
/// that are declared at runtime level.
fn submit_parachain_heads_overhead_from_runtime() -> Weight;
/// Storage proof overhead, that is included in every storage proof.
/// The relayer would pay some extra fee for additional proof bytes, since they mean
/// more hashing operations.
fn expected_extra_storage_proof_size() -> u32;
/// Weight of the parachain heads delivery extrinsic.
fn submit_parachain_heads_weight(
db_weight: RuntimeDbWeight,
proof: &impl Size,
parachains_count: u32,
) -> Weight {
// weight of the `submit_parachain_heads` with exactly `parachains_count` parachain
// heads of the default size (`DEFAULT_PARACHAIN_HEAD_SIZE`)
let base_weight = Self::submit_parachain_heads_with_n_parachains(parachains_count);
// overhead because of extra storage proof bytes
let expected_proof_size = parachains_count
let actual_proof_size = proof.size();
let proof_size_overhead = Self::storage_proof_size_overhead(
// potential pruning weight (refunded if hasn't happened)
let pruning_weight =
Self::parachain_head_pruning_weight(db_weight).saturating_mul(parachains_count as u64);
/// Returns weight of single parachain head storage update.
/// This weight only includes db write operations that happens if parachain head is actually
/// updated. All extra weights (weight of storage proof validation, additional checks, ...) is
/// not included.
fn parachain_head_storage_write_weight(db_weight: RuntimeDbWeight) -> Weight {
// it's just a couple of operations - we need to write the hash (`ImportedParaHashes`) and
// the head itself (`ImportedParaHeads`. Pruning is not included here
/// Returns weight of single parachain head pruning.
fn parachain_head_pruning_weight(db_weight: RuntimeDbWeight) -> Weight {
// it's just one write operation, we don't want any benchmarks for that
/// Returns weight that needs to be accounted when storage proof of given size is received.
fn storage_proof_size_overhead(extra_proof_bytes: u32) -> Weight {
let extra_byte_weight = (Self::submit_parachain_heads_with_16kb_proof() -
Self::submit_parachain_heads_with_1kb_proof()) /
(15 * 1024);
extra_byte_weight.saturating_mul(extra_proof_bytes as u64)
impl WeightInfoExt for () {
fn submit_parachain_heads_overhead_from_runtime() -> Weight {
fn expected_extra_storage_proof_size() -> u32 {
impl<T: frame_system::Config> WeightInfoExt for BridgeWeight<T> {
fn submit_parachain_heads_overhead_from_runtime() -> Weight {
fn expected_extra_storage_proof_size() -> u32 {