// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use crate::*;
use frame_support::defensive;
/// Controls validator disabling
pub trait DisablingStrategy<T: Config> {
/// Make a disabling decision. Returning a [`DisablingDecision`]
fn decision(
offender_stash: &T::ValidatorId,
offender_slash_severity: OffenceSeverity,
currently_disabled: &Vec<(u32, OffenceSeverity)>,
) -> DisablingDecision;
/// Helper struct representing a decision coming from a given [`DisablingStrategy`] implementing
/// `decision`
/// `disable` is the index of the validator to disable,
/// `reenable` is the index of the validator to re-enable.
pub struct DisablingDecision {
pub disable: Option<u32>,
pub reenable: Option<u32>,
impl<T: Config> DisablingStrategy<T> for () {
fn decision(
_offender_stash: &T::ValidatorId,
_offender_slash_severity: OffenceSeverity,
_currently_disabled: &Vec<(u32, OffenceSeverity)>,
) -> DisablingDecision {
DisablingDecision { disable: None, reenable: None }
/// Calculate the disabling limit based on the number of validators and the disabling limit factor.
/// This is a sensible default implementation for the disabling limit factor for most disabling
/// strategies.
/// Disabling limit factor n=2 -> 1/n = 1/2 = 50% of validators can be disabled
fn factor_based_disable_limit(validators_len: usize, disabling_limit_factor: usize) -> usize {
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
defensive!("DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR should not be 0");
/// Implementation of [`DisablingStrategy`] using factor_based_disable_limit which disables
/// validators from the active set up to a threshold. `DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR` is the factor of the
/// maximum disabled validators in the active set. E.g. setting this value to `3` means no more than
/// 1/3 of the validators in the active set can be disabled in an era.
/// By default a factor of 3 is used which is the byzantine threshold.
pub struct UpToLimitDisablingStrategy<const DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR: usize = 3>;
impl<const DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR: usize> UpToLimitDisablingStrategy<DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR> {
/// Disabling limit calculated from the total number of validators in the active set. When
/// reached no more validators will be disabled.
pub fn disable_limit(validators_len: usize) -> usize {
factor_based_disable_limit(validators_len, DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR)
impl<T: Config, const DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR: usize> DisablingStrategy<T>
for UpToLimitDisablingStrategy<DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR>
fn decision(
offender_stash: &T::ValidatorId,
_offender_slash_severity: OffenceSeverity,
currently_disabled: &Vec<(u32, OffenceSeverity)>,
) -> DisablingDecision {
let active_set = Validators::<T>::get();
// We don't disable more than the limit
if currently_disabled.len() >= Self::disable_limit(active_set.len()) {
"Won't disable: reached disabling limit {:?}",
return DisablingDecision { disable: None, reenable: None }
let offender_idx = if let Some(idx) = active_set.iter().position(|i| i == offender_stash) {
idx as u32
} else {
log!(debug, "Won't disable: offender not in active set",);
return DisablingDecision { disable: None, reenable: None }
log!(debug, "Will disable {:?}", offender_idx);
DisablingDecision { disable: Some(offender_idx), reenable: None }
/// Implementation of [`DisablingStrategy`] which disables validators from the active set up to a
/// limit (factor_based_disable_limit) and if the limit is reached and the new offender is higher
/// (bigger punishment/severity) then it re-enables the lowest offender to free up space for the new
/// offender.
/// This strategy is not based on cumulative severity of offences but only on the severity of the
/// highest offence. Offender first committing a 25% offence and then a 50% offence will be treated
/// the same as an offender committing 50% offence.
/// An extension of [`UpToLimitDisablingStrategy`].
pub struct UpToLimitWithReEnablingDisablingStrategy<const DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR: usize = 3>;
impl<const DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR: usize>
/// Disabling limit calculated from the total number of validators in the active set. When
/// reached re-enabling logic might kick in.
pub fn disable_limit(validators_len: usize) -> usize {
factor_based_disable_limit(validators_len, DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR)
impl<T: Config, const DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR: usize> DisablingStrategy<T>
for UpToLimitWithReEnablingDisablingStrategy<DISABLING_LIMIT_FACTOR>
fn decision(
offender_stash: &T::ValidatorId,
offender_slash_severity: OffenceSeverity,
currently_disabled: &Vec<(u32, OffenceSeverity)>,
) -> DisablingDecision {
let active_set = Validators::<T>::get();
// We don't disable validators that are not in the active set
let offender_idx = if let Some(idx) = active_set.iter().position(|i| i == offender_stash) {
idx as u32
} else {
log!(debug, "Won't disable: offender not in active set",);
return DisablingDecision { disable: None, reenable: None }
// Check if offender is already disabled
if let Some((_, old_severity)) =
currently_disabled.iter().find(|(idx, _)| *idx == offender_idx)
if offender_slash_severity > *old_severity {
log!(debug, "Offender already disabled but with lower severity, will disable again to refresh severity of {:?}", offender_idx);
return DisablingDecision { disable: Some(offender_idx), reenable: None };
} else {
log!(debug, "Offender already disabled with higher or equal severity");
return DisablingDecision { disable: None, reenable: None };
// We don't disable more than the limit (but we can re-enable a smaller offender to make
// space)
if currently_disabled.len() >= Self::disable_limit(active_set.len()) {
"Reached disabling limit {:?}, checking for re-enabling",
// Find the smallest offender to re-enable that is not higher than
// offender_slash_severity
if let Some((smallest_idx, _)) = currently_disabled
.filter(|(_, severity)| *severity <= offender_slash_severity)
.min_by_key(|(_, severity)| *severity)
log!(debug, "Will disable {:?} and re-enable {:?}", offender_idx, smallest_idx);
return DisablingDecision {
disable: Some(offender_idx),
reenable: Some(*smallest_idx),
} else {
log!(debug, "No smaller offender found to re-enable");
return DisablingDecision { disable: None, reenable: None }
} else {
// If we are not at the limit, just disable the new offender and dont re-enable anyone
log!(debug, "Will disable {:?}", offender_idx);
return DisablingDecision { disable: Some(offender_idx), reenable: None }