// Copyright 2019-2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Parity Bridges Common.
// Parity Bridges Common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Parity Bridges Common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Parity Bridges Common. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use crate::{
error::{Error, Result},
AccountIdOf, AccountKeyPairOf, BlockNumberOf, Chain, ChainWithGrandpa, ChainWithTransactions,
HashOf, HeaderIdOf, HeaderOf, NonceOf, SignedBlockOf, SimpleRuntimeVersion, Subscription,
TransactionTracker, UnsignedTransaction,
use async_trait::async_trait;
use bp_runtime::{StorageDoubleMapKeyProvider, StorageMapKeyProvider};
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use frame_support::weights::Weight;
use sp_core::{
storage::{StorageData, StorageKey},
Bytes, Pair,
use sp_runtime::{traits::Header as _, transaction_validity::TransactionValidity};
use sp_trie::StorageProof;
use sp_version::RuntimeVersion;
use std::fmt::Debug;
/// Relay uses the `Client` to communicate with the node, connected to Substrate
/// chain `C`.
pub trait Client<C: Chain>: 'static + Send + Sync + Clone + Debug {
/// Returns error if client has no connected peers or it believes it is far
/// behind the chain tip.
async fn ensure_synced(&self) -> Result<()>;
/// Reconnects the client.
async fn reconnect(&self) -> Result<()>;
/// Return hash of the genesis block.
fn genesis_hash(&self) -> HashOf<C>;
/// Get header hash by number.
async fn header_hash_by_number(&self, number: BlockNumberOf<C>) -> Result<HashOf<C>>;
/// Get header by hash.
async fn header_by_hash(&self, hash: HashOf<C>) -> Result<HeaderOf<C>>;
/// Get header by number.
async fn header_by_number(&self, number: BlockNumberOf<C>) -> Result<HeaderOf<C>> {
/// Get block by hash.
async fn block_by_hash(&self, hash: HashOf<C>) -> Result<SignedBlockOf<C>>;
/// Get best finalized header hash.
async fn best_finalized_header_hash(&self) -> Result<HashOf<C>>;
/// Get best finalized header number.
async fn best_finalized_header_number(&self) -> Result<BlockNumberOf<C>> {
/// Get best finalized header.
async fn best_finalized_header(&self) -> Result<HeaderOf<C>> {
/// Get best header.
async fn best_header(&self) -> Result<HeaderOf<C>>;
/// Get best header hash.
async fn best_header_hash(&self) -> Result<HashOf<C>> {
/// Subscribe to new best headers.
async fn subscribe_best_headers(&self) -> Result<Subscription<HeaderOf<C>>>;
/// Subscribe to new finalized headers.
async fn subscribe_finalized_headers(&self) -> Result<Subscription<HeaderOf<C>>>;
/// Subscribe to GRANDPA finality justifications.
async fn subscribe_grandpa_finality_justifications(&self) -> Result<Subscription<Bytes>>
C: ChainWithGrandpa;
/// Generates a proof of key ownership for the given authority in the given set.
async fn generate_grandpa_key_ownership_proof(
at: HashOf<C>,
set_id: sp_consensus_grandpa::SetId,
authority_id: sp_consensus_grandpa::AuthorityId,
) -> Result<Option<sp_consensus_grandpa::OpaqueKeyOwnershipProof>>;
/// Subscribe to BEEFY finality justifications.
async fn subscribe_beefy_finality_justifications(&self) -> Result<Subscription<Bytes>>;
/// Return `tokenDecimals` property from the set of chain properties.
async fn token_decimals(&self) -> Result<Option<u64>>;
/// Get runtime version of the connected chain.
async fn runtime_version(&self) -> Result<RuntimeVersion>;
/// Get partial runtime version, to use when signing transactions.
async fn simple_runtime_version(&self) -> Result<SimpleRuntimeVersion>;
/// Returns `true` if version guard can be started.
/// There's no reason to run version guard when version mode is set to `Auto`. It can
/// lead to relay shutdown when chain is upgraded, even though we have explicitly
/// said that we don't want to shutdown.
fn can_start_version_guard(&self) -> bool;
/// Read raw value from runtime storage.
async fn raw_storage_value(
at: HashOf<C>,
storage_key: StorageKey,
) -> Result<Option<StorageData>>;
/// Read and decode value from runtime storage.
async fn storage_value<T: Decode + 'static>(
at: HashOf<C>,
storage_key: StorageKey,
) -> Result<Option<T>> {
self.raw_storage_value(at, storage_key.clone())
.map(|encoded_value| {
T::decode(&mut &encoded_value.0[..]).map_err(|e| {
Error::failed_to_read_storage_value::<C>(at, storage_key, e.into())
/// Read and decode value from runtime storage map.
/// `pallet_prefix` is the name of the pallet (used in `construct_runtime`), which
/// "contains" the storage map.
async fn storage_map_value<T: StorageMapKeyProvider>(
at: HashOf<C>,
pallet_prefix: &str,
storage_key: &T::Key,
) -> Result<Option<T::Value>> {
self.storage_value(at, T::final_key(pallet_prefix, storage_key)).await
/// Read and decode value from runtime storage double map.
/// `pallet_prefix` is the name of the pallet (used in `construct_runtime`), which
/// "contains" the storage double map.
async fn storage_double_map_value<T: StorageDoubleMapKeyProvider>(
at: HashOf<C>,
pallet_prefix: &str,
key1: &T::Key1,
key2: &T::Key2,
) -> Result<Option<T::Value>> {
self.storage_value(at, T::final_key(pallet_prefix, key1, key2)).await
/// Returns pending extrinsics from transaction pool.
async fn pending_extrinsics(&self) -> Result<Vec<Bytes>>;
/// Submit unsigned extrinsic for inclusion in a block.
/// Note: The given transaction needs to be SCALE encoded beforehand.
async fn submit_unsigned_extrinsic(&self, transaction: Bytes) -> Result<HashOf<C>>;
/// Submit an extrinsic signed by given account.
/// All calls of this method are synchronized, so there can't be more than one active
/// `submit_signed_extrinsic()` call. This guarantees that no nonces collision may happen
/// if all client instances are clones of the same initial `Client`.
/// Note: The given transaction needs to be SCALE encoded beforehand.
async fn submit_signed_extrinsic(
signer: &AccountKeyPairOf<C>,
prepare_extrinsic: impl FnOnce(HeaderIdOf<C>, NonceOf<C>) -> Result<UnsignedTransaction<C>>
+ Send
+ 'static,
) -> Result<HashOf<C>>
C: ChainWithTransactions,
AccountIdOf<C>: From<<AccountKeyPairOf<C> as Pair>::Public>;
/// Does exactly the same as `submit_signed_extrinsic`, but keeps watching for extrinsic status
/// after submission.
async fn submit_and_watch_signed_extrinsic(
signer: &AccountKeyPairOf<C>,
prepare_extrinsic: impl FnOnce(HeaderIdOf<C>, NonceOf<C>) -> Result<UnsignedTransaction<C>>
+ Send
+ 'static,
) -> Result<TransactionTracker<C, Self>>
C: ChainWithTransactions,
AccountIdOf<C>: From<<AccountKeyPairOf<C> as Pair>::Public>;
/// Validate transaction at given block.
async fn validate_transaction<SignedTransaction: Encode + Send + 'static>(
at: HashOf<C>,
transaction: SignedTransaction,
) -> Result<TransactionValidity>;
/// Returns weight of the given transaction.
async fn estimate_extrinsic_weight<SignedTransaction: Encode + Send + 'static>(
at: HashOf<C>,
transaction: SignedTransaction,
) -> Result<Weight>;
/// Execute runtime call at given block.
async fn raw_state_call<Args: Encode + Send>(
at: HashOf<C>,
method: String,
arguments: Args,
) -> Result<Bytes>;
/// Execute runtime call at given block, provided the input and output types.
/// It also performs the input encode and output decode.
async fn state_call<Args: Encode + Send, Ret: Decode>(
at: HashOf<C>,
method: String,
arguments: Args,
) -> Result<Ret> {
let encoded_arguments = arguments.encode();
let encoded_output = self.raw_state_call(at, method.clone(), arguments).await?;
Ret::decode(&mut &encoded_output.0[..]).map_err(|e| {
Error::failed_state_call::<C>(at, method, Bytes(encoded_arguments), e.into())
/// Returns storage proof of given storage keys and state root.
async fn prove_storage(
at: HashOf<C>,
keys: Vec<StorageKey>,
) -> Result<(StorageProof, HashOf<C>)>;