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// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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//! Traits for the election operations.
use crate::{Assignment, IdentifierT, IndexAssignmentOf, PerThing128, VoteWeight};
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use codec::Encode;
use core::fmt::Debug;
use scale_info::TypeInfo;
use sp_arithmetic::traits::{Bounded, UniqueSaturatedInto};
use sp_npos_elections::{ElectionScore, Error, EvaluateSupport};
/// An opaque index-based, NPoS solution type.
pub trait NposSolution
Self: Sized + for<'a> TryFrom<&'a [IndexAssignmentOf<Self>], Error = Error>,
/// The maximum number of votes that are allowed.
const LIMIT: usize;
/// The voter type. Needs to be an index (convert to usize).
type VoterIndex: UniqueSaturatedInto<usize>
+ TryInto<usize>
+ TryFrom<usize>
+ Debug
+ Copy
+ Clone
+ Bounded
+ Encode
+ Ord
+ PartialOrd
+ TypeInfo;
/// The target type. Needs to be an index (convert to usize).
type TargetIndex: UniqueSaturatedInto<usize>
+ TryInto<usize>
+ TryFrom<usize>
+ Debug
+ Copy
+ Clone
+ Bounded
+ Encode
+ Ord
+ PartialOrd
+ TypeInfo;
/// The weight/accuracy type of each vote.
type Accuracy: PerThing128;
/// Get the length of all the voters that this type is encoding.
/// This is basically the same as the number of assignments, or number of active voters.
fn voter_count(&self) -> usize;
/// Get the total count of edges.
/// This is effectively in the range of {[`Self::voter_count`], [`Self::voter_count`] *
/// [`Self::LIMIT`]}.
fn edge_count(&self) -> usize;
/// Get the number of unique targets in the whole struct.
/// Once presented with a list of winners, this set and the set of winners must be
/// equal.
fn unique_targets(&self) -> Vec<Self::TargetIndex>;
/// Get the average edge count.
fn average_edge_count(&self) -> usize {
/// Compute the score of this solution type.
fn score<A, FS>(
stake_of: FS,
voter_at: impl Fn(Self::VoterIndex) -> Option<A>,
target_at: impl Fn(Self::TargetIndex) -> Option<A>,
) -> Result<ElectionScore, Error>
for<'r> FS: Fn(&'r A) -> VoteWeight,
A: IdentifierT,
let ratio = self.into_assignment(voter_at, target_at)?;
let staked =
sp_npos_elections::helpers::assignment_ratio_to_staked_normalized(ratio, stake_of)?;
let supports = sp_npos_elections::to_supports(&staked);
/// Remove a certain voter.
/// This will only search until the first instance of `to_remove`, and return true. If
/// no instance is found (no-op), then it returns false.
/// In other words, if this return true, exactly **one** element must have been removed self.
fn remove_voter(&mut self, to_remove: Self::VoterIndex) -> bool;
/// Build self from a list of assignments.
fn from_assignment<FV, FT, A>(
assignments: &[Assignment<A, Self::Accuracy>],
voter_index: FV,
target_index: FT,
) -> Result<Self, Error>
A: IdentifierT,
for<'r> FV: Fn(&'r A) -> Option<Self::VoterIndex>,
for<'r> FT: Fn(&'r A) -> Option<Self::TargetIndex>;
/// Convert self into a `Vec<Assignment<A, Self::Accuracy>>`
fn into_assignment<A: IdentifierT>(
voter_at: impl Fn(Self::VoterIndex) -> Option<A>,
target_at: impl Fn(Self::TargetIndex) -> Option<A>,
) -> Result<Vec<Assignment<A, Self::Accuracy>>, Error>;
/// Sort self by the means of the given function.
/// This might be helpful to allow for easier trimming.
fn sort<F>(&mut self, voter_stake: F)
F: FnMut(&Self::VoterIndex) -> VoteWeight;
/// Remove the least staked voter.
/// This is ONLY sensible to do if [`Self::sort`] has been called on the struct at least once.
fn remove_weakest_sorted<F>(&mut self, voter_stake: F) -> Option<Self::VoterIndex>
F: FnMut(&Self::VoterIndex) -> VoteWeight;
/// Make this solution corrupt. This should set the index of a voter to `Bounded::max_value()`.
/// Obviously, this is only useful for testing.
fn corrupt(&mut self);