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// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! # Multi-Block Migration v1
//! This module showcases a simple migration that iterates over the values in the
//! [`v0::MyMap`](`crate::migrations::v1::v0::MyMap`) storage map, transforms them,
//! and inserts them into the [`MyMap`](`crate::pallet::MyMap`) storage map.
extern crate alloc;
use crate::pallet::{Config, MyMap};
use frame_support::{
migrations::{MigrationId, SteppedMigration, SteppedMigrationError},
#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
use alloc::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
mod benchmarks;
mod tests;
pub mod weights;
/// Module containing the OLD (v0) storage items.
/// Before running this migration, the storage alias defined here represents the
/// `on_chain` storage.
// This module is public only for the purposes of linking it in the documentation. It is not
// intended to be used by any other code.
pub mod v0 {
use super::Config;
use crate::pallet::Pallet;
use frame_support::{storage_alias, Blake2_128Concat};
/// The storage item that is being migrated from.
pub type MyMap<T: Config> = StorageMap<Pallet<T>, Blake2_128Concat, u32, u32>;
/// Migrates the items of the [`crate::MyMap`] map from `u32` to `u64`.
/// The `step` function will be called once per block. It is very important that this function
/// *never* panics and never uses more weight than it got in its meter. The migrations should also
/// try to make maximal progress per step, so that the total time it takes to migrate stays low.
pub struct LazyMigrationV1<T: Config, W: weights::WeightInfo>(PhantomData<(T, W)>);
impl<T: Config, W: weights::WeightInfo> SteppedMigration for LazyMigrationV1<T, W> {
type Cursor = u32;
// Without the explicit length here the construction of the ID would not be infallible.
type Identifier = MigrationId<18>;
/// The identifier of this migration. Which should be globally unique.
fn id() -> Self::Identifier {
MigrationId { pallet_id: *PALLET_MIGRATIONS_ID, version_from: 0, version_to: 1 }
/// The actual logic of the migration.
/// This function is called repeatedly until it returns `Ok(None)`, indicating that the
/// migration is complete. Ideally, the migration should be designed in such a way that each
/// step consumes as much weight as possible. However, this is simplified to perform one stored
/// value mutation per block.
fn step(
mut cursor: Option<Self::Cursor>,
meter: &mut WeightMeter,
) -> Result<Option<Self::Cursor>, SteppedMigrationError> {
let required = W::step();
// If there is not enough weight for a single step, return an error. This case can be
// problematic if it is the first migration that ran in this block. But there is nothing
// that we can do about it here.
if meter.remaining().any_lt(required) {
return Err(SteppedMigrationError::InsufficientWeight { required });
// We loop here to do as much progress as possible per step.
loop {
if meter.try_consume(required).is_err() {
let mut iter = if let Some(last_key) = cursor {
// If a cursor is provided, start iterating from the stored value
// corresponding to the last key processed in the previous step.
// Note that this only works if the old and the new map use the same way to hash
// storage keys.
} else {
// If no cursor is provided, start iterating from the beginning.
// If there's a next item in the iterator, perform the migration.
if let Some((last_key, value)) = {
// Migrate the inner value: u32 -> u64.
let value = value as u64;
// We can just insert here since the old and the new map share the same key-space.
// Otherwise it would have to invert the concat hash function and re-hash it.
MyMap::<T>::insert(last_key, value);
cursor = Some(last_key) // Return the processed key as the new cursor.
} else {
cursor = None; // Signal that the migration is complete (no more items to process).
#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
fn pre_upgrade() -> Result<Vec<u8>, frame_support::sp_runtime::TryRuntimeError> {
use codec::Encode;
// Return the state of the storage before the migration.
Ok(v0::MyMap::<T>::iter().collect::<BTreeMap<_, _>>().encode())
#[cfg(feature = "try-runtime")]
fn post_upgrade(prev: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), frame_support::sp_runtime::TryRuntimeError> {
use codec::Decode;
// Check the state of the storage after the migration.
let prev_map = BTreeMap::<u32, u32>::decode(&mut &prev[..])
.expect("Failed to decode the previous storage state");
// Check the len of prev and post are the same.
"Migration failed: the number of items in the storage after the migration is not the same as before"
for (key, value) in prev_map {
let new_value =
MyMap::<T>::get(key).expect("Failed to get the value after the migration");
value as u64, new_value,
"Migration failed: the value after the migration is not the same as before"