use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::HashSet, fmt, hash, sync::Arc, time::Instant};
use crate::LOG_TARGET;
use log::{trace, warn};
use sc_transaction_pool_api::{error, InPoolTransaction, PoolStatus};
use serde::Serialize;
use sp_core::hexdisplay::HexDisplay;
use sp_runtime::{
TransactionLongevity as Longevity, TransactionPriority as Priority, TransactionSource,
TransactionTag as Tag,
use super::{
future::{FutureTransactions, WaitingTransaction},
ready::{BestIterator, ReadyTransactions, TransactionRef},
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Imported<Hash, Ex> {
Ready {
hash: Hash,
promoted: Vec<Hash>,
failed: Vec<Hash>,
removed: Vec<Arc<Transaction<Hash, Ex>>>,
Future {
hash: Hash,
impl<Hash, Ex> Imported<Hash, Ex> {
pub fn hash(&self) -> &Hash {
use self::Imported::*;
match *self {
Ready { ref hash, .. } => hash,
Future { ref hash, .. } => hash,
pub struct PruneStatus<Hash, Ex> {
pub promoted: Vec<Imported<Hash, Ex>>,
pub failed: Vec<Hash>,
pub pruned: Vec<Arc<Transaction<Hash, Ex>>>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct TimedTransactionSource {
pub source: TransactionSource,
pub timestamp: Option<Instant>,
impl From<TimedTransactionSource> for TransactionSource {
fn from(value: TimedTransactionSource) -> Self {
impl TimedTransactionSource {
pub fn new_in_block(with_timestamp: bool) -> Self {
Self { source: TransactionSource::InBlock, timestamp: with_timestamp.then(Instant::now) }
pub fn new_external(with_timestamp: bool) -> Self {
Self { source: TransactionSource::External, timestamp: with_timestamp.then(Instant::now) }
pub fn new_local(with_timestamp: bool) -> Self {
Self { source: TransactionSource::Local, timestamp: with_timestamp.then(Instant::now) }
pub fn from_transaction_source(source: TransactionSource, with_timestamp: bool) -> Self {
Self { source, timestamp: with_timestamp.then(Instant::now) }
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct Transaction<Hash, Extrinsic> {
pub data: Extrinsic,
pub bytes: usize,
pub hash: Hash,
pub priority: Priority,
pub valid_till: Longevity,
pub requires: Vec<Tag>,
pub provides: Vec<Tag>,
pub propagate: bool,
pub source: TimedTransactionSource,
impl<Hash, Extrinsic> AsRef<Extrinsic> for Transaction<Hash, Extrinsic> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Extrinsic {
impl<Hash, Extrinsic> InPoolTransaction for Transaction<Hash, Extrinsic> {
type Transaction = Extrinsic;
type Hash = Hash;
fn data(&self) -> &Extrinsic {
fn hash(&self) -> &Hash {
fn priority(&self) -> &Priority {
fn longevity(&self) -> &Longevity {
fn requires(&self) -> &[Tag] {
fn provides(&self) -> &[Tag] {
fn is_propagable(&self) -> bool {
impl<Hash: Clone, Extrinsic: Clone> Transaction<Hash, Extrinsic> {
pub fn duplicate(&self) -> Self {
Self {
bytes: self.bytes,
hash: self.hash.clone(),
priority: self.priority,
source: self.source.clone(),
valid_till: self.valid_till,
requires: self.requires.clone(),
provides: self.provides.clone(),
propagate: self.propagate,
impl<Hash, Extrinsic> fmt::Debug for Transaction<Hash, Extrinsic>
Hash: fmt::Debug,
Extrinsic: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let join_tags = |tags: &[Tag]| {
.map(|tag| HexDisplay::from(tag).to_string())
.join(", ")
write!(fmt, "Transaction {{ ")?;
write!(fmt, "hash: {:?}, ", &self.hash)?;
write!(fmt, "priority: {:?}, ", &self.priority)?;
write!(fmt, "valid_till: {:?}, ", &self.valid_till)?;
write!(fmt, "bytes: {:?}, ", &self.bytes)?;
write!(fmt, "propagate: {:?}, ", &self.propagate)?;
write!(fmt, "source: {:?}, ", &self.source)?;
write!(fmt, "requires: [{}], ", join_tags(&self.requires))?;
write!(fmt, "provides: [{}], ", join_tags(&self.provides))?;
write!(fmt, "data: {:?}", &;
write!(fmt, "}}")?;
const RECENTLY_PRUNED_TAGS: usize = 2;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BasePool<Hash: hash::Hash + Eq, Ex> {
reject_future_transactions: bool,
future: FutureTransactions<Hash, Ex>,
ready: ReadyTransactions<Hash, Ex>,
recently_pruned: [HashSet<Tag>; RECENTLY_PRUNED_TAGS],
recently_pruned_index: usize,
impl<Hash: hash::Hash + Member + Serialize, Ex: std::fmt::Debug> Default for BasePool<Hash, Ex> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<Hash: hash::Hash + Member + Serialize, Ex: std::fmt::Debug> BasePool<Hash, Ex> {
pub fn new(reject_future_transactions: bool) -> Self {
Self {
future: Default::default(),
ready: Default::default(),
recently_pruned: Default::default(),
recently_pruned_index: 0,
pub fn clear_recently_pruned(&mut self) {
self.recently_pruned = Default::default();
self.recently_pruned_index = 0;
pub(crate) fn with_futures_enabled<T>(
&mut self,
closure: impl FnOnce(&mut Self, bool) -> T,
) -> T {
let previous = self.reject_future_transactions;
self.reject_future_transactions = false;
let return_value = closure(self, previous);
self.reject_future_transactions = previous;
pub fn is_imported(&self, tx_hash: &Hash) -> bool {
self.future.contains(tx_hash) || self.ready.contains(tx_hash)
pub fn import(&mut self, tx: Transaction<Hash, Ex>) -> error::Result<Imported<Hash, Ex>> {
if self.is_imported(&tx.hash) {
return Err(error::Error::AlreadyImported(Box::new(tx.hash)))
let tx = WaitingTransaction::new(tx, self.ready.provided_tags(), &self.recently_pruned);
target: LOG_TARGET,
"[{:?}] Importing {:?} to {}",
if tx.is_ready() { "ready" } else { "future" }
if !tx.is_ready() {
if self.reject_future_transactions {
return Err(error::Error::RejectedFutureTransaction)
let hash = tx.transaction.hash.clone();
return Ok(Imported::Future { hash })
fn import_to_ready(
&mut self,
tx: WaitingTransaction<Hash, Ex>,
) -> error::Result<Imported<Hash, Ex>> {
let hash = tx.transaction.hash.clone();
let mut promoted = vec![];
let mut failed = vec![];
let mut removed = vec![];
let mut first = true;
let mut to_import = vec![tx];
while let Some(tx) = to_import.pop() {
to_import.append(&mut self.future.satisfy_tags(&tx.transaction.provides));
let current_hash = tx.transaction.hash.clone();
let current_tx = tx.transaction.clone();
match self.ready.import(tx) {
Ok(mut replaced) => {
if !first {
promoted.retain(|hash| replaced.iter().all(|tx| *hash != tx.hash));
removed.append(&mut replaced);
Err(e @ error::Error::TooLowPriority { .. }) =>
if first {
trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "[{:?}] Error importing {first}: {:?}", current_tx.hash, e);
return Err(e)
} else {
trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "[{:?}] Error importing {first}: {:?}", current_tx.hash, e);
promoted.retain(|hash| *hash != current_hash);
Err(e) =>
if first {
trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "[{:?}] Error importing {first}: {:?}", current_tx.hash, e);
return Err(e)
} else {
trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "[{:?}] Error importing {first}: {:?}", current_tx.hash, e);
first = false;
if removed.iter().any(|tx| tx.hash == hash) {
trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "[{:?}] Cycle detected, bailing.", hash);
return Err(error::Error::CycleDetected)
Ok(Imported::Ready { hash, promoted, failed, removed })
pub fn ready(&self) -> BestIterator<Hash, Ex> {
pub fn futures(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Transaction<Hash, Ex>> {
pub fn by_hashes(&self, hashes: &[Hash]) -> Vec<Option<Arc<Transaction<Hash, Ex>>>> {
let ready = self.ready.by_hashes(hashes);
let future = self.future.by_hashes(hashes);
ready.into_iter().zip(future).map(|(a, b)| a.or(b)).collect()
pub fn ready_by_hash(&self, hash: &Hash) -> Option<Arc<Transaction<Hash, Ex>>> {
pub fn enforce_limits(
&mut self,
ready: &Limit,
future: &Limit,
) -> Vec<Arc<Transaction<Hash, Ex>>> {
let mut removed = vec![];
while ready.is_exceeded(self.ready.len(), self.ready.bytes()) {
let worst =
self.ready.fold::<Option<TransactionRef<Hash, Ex>>, _>(None, |worst, current| {
let transaction = ¤t.transaction;
.map(|worst| {
match worst.transaction.priority.cmp(&transaction.transaction.priority)
Ordering::Less => worst,
Ordering::Equal =>
if worst.insertion_id > transaction.insertion_id {
} else {
Ordering::Greater => transaction.clone(),
.or_else(|| Some(transaction.clone()))
if let Some(worst) = worst {
removed.append(&mut self.remove_subtree(&[worst.transaction.hash.clone()]))
} else {
while future.is_exceeded(self.future.len(), self.future.bytes()) {
let worst = self.future.fold(|worst, current| match worst {
None => Some(current.clone()),
Some(worst) => Some(
match (worst.transaction.source.timestamp, current.transaction.source.timestamp)
(Some(worst_timestamp), Some(current_timestamp)) => {
if worst_timestamp > current_timestamp {
} else {
_ =>
if worst.imported_at > current.imported_at {
} else {
if let Some(worst) = worst {
removed.append(&mut self.remove_subtree(&[worst.transaction.hash.clone()]))
} else {
pub fn remove_subtree(&mut self, hashes: &[Hash]) -> Vec<Arc<Transaction<Hash, Ex>>> {
let mut removed = self.ready.remove_subtree(hashes);
pub fn clear_future(&mut self) -> Vec<Arc<Transaction<Hash, Ex>>> {
pub fn prune_tags(&mut self, tags: impl IntoIterator<Item = Tag>) -> PruneStatus<Hash, Ex> {
let mut to_import = vec![];
let mut pruned = vec![];
let recently_pruned = &mut self.recently_pruned[self.recently_pruned_index];
self.recently_pruned_index = (self.recently_pruned_index + 1) % RECENTLY_PRUNED_TAGS;
let tags = tags.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let futures_removed = self.future.prune_tags(&tags);
for tag in tags {
to_import.append(&mut self.future.satisfy_tags(std::iter::once(&tag)));
pruned.append(&mut self.ready.prune_tags(tag.clone()));
let mut promoted = vec![];
let mut failed = vec![];
for tx in futures_removed {
for tx in to_import {
let hash = tx.transaction.hash.clone();
match self.import_to_ready(tx) {
Ok(res) => promoted.push(res),
Err(e) => {
target: LOG_TARGET,
"[{:?}] Failed to promote during pruning: {:?}", hash, e,
PruneStatus { pruned, failed, promoted }
pub fn status(&self) -> PoolStatus {
PoolStatus {
ready: self.ready.len(),
ready_bytes: self.ready.bytes(),
future: self.future.len(),
future_bytes: self.future.bytes(),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Limit {
pub count: usize,
pub total_bytes: usize,
impl Limit {
pub fn is_exceeded(&self, count: usize, bytes: usize) -> bool {
self.count < count || self.total_bytes < bytes
mod tests {
use super::*;
type Hash = u64;
fn pool() -> BasePool<Hash, Vec<u8>> {
fn default_tx() -> Transaction<Hash, Vec<u8>> {
Transaction {
data: vec![],
bytes: 1,
hash: 1u64,
priority: 5u64,
valid_till: 64u64,
requires: vec![],
provides: vec![],
propagate: true,
source: TimedTransactionSource::new_external(false),
fn prune_for_ready_works() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
provides: vec![vec![2]],
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 1);
let result = pool.prune_tags(vec![vec![2]]);
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(result.pruned.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(result.failed.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(result.promoted.len(), 0);
fn prune_for_future_works() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
requires: vec![vec![1]],
provides: vec![vec![2]],
hash: 0xaa,
assert_eq!(pool.futures().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 1);
let result = pool.prune_tags(vec![vec![2]]);
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(pool.futures().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(result.pruned.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(result.failed.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(result.failed[0], 0xaa);
assert_eq!(result.promoted.len(), 0);
fn should_import_transaction_to_ready() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
provides: vec![vec![1]],
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 1);
fn should_not_import_same_transaction_twice() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
provides: vec![vec![1]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
provides: vec![vec![1]],
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 1);
fn should_import_transaction_to_future_and_promote_it_later() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
requires: vec![vec![0]],
provides: vec![vec![1]],
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 0);
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![2u8].into(),
hash: 2,
provides: vec![vec![0]],
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 2);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 2);
fn should_promote_a_subgraph() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
requires: vec![vec![0]],
provides: vec![vec![1]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![3u8].into(),
hash: 3,
requires: vec![vec![2]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![2u8].into(),
hash: 2,
requires: vec![vec![1]],
provides: vec![vec![3], vec![2]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![4u8].into(),
hash: 4,
priority: 1_000u64,
requires: vec![vec![3], vec![4]],
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 0);
let res = pool
.import(Transaction {
data: vec![5u8].into(),
hash: 5,
provides: vec![vec![0], vec![4]],
let mut it = pool.ready().into_iter().map(|tx|[0]);
assert_eq!(, Some(5));
assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(2));
assert_eq!(, Some(4));
assert_eq!(, Some(3));
assert_eq!(, None);
Imported::Ready {
hash: 5,
promoted: vec![1, 2, 3, 4],
failed: vec![],
removed: vec![],
fn should_remove_conflicting_future() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![3u8].into(),
hash: 3,
requires: vec![vec![1]],
priority: 50u64,
provides: vec![vec![3]],
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 0);
let tx2 = Transaction {
data: vec![2u8].into(),
hash: 2,
requires: vec![vec![1]],
provides: vec![vec![3]],
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 2);
let res = pool
.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
hash: 1,
provides: vec![vec![1]],
Imported::Ready {
hash: 1,
promoted: vec![3],
failed: vec![],
removed: vec![tx2.into()]
let mut it = pool.ready().into_iter().map(|tx|[0]);
assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(3));
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 0);
fn should_handle_a_cycle() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
requires: vec![vec![0]],
provides: vec![vec![1]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![3u8].into(),
hash: 3,
requires: vec![vec![1]],
provides: vec![vec![2]],
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 0);
let tx2 = Transaction {
data: vec![2u8].into(),
hash: 2,
requires: vec![vec![2]],
provides: vec![vec![0]],
let mut it = pool.ready().into_iter().map(|tx|[0]);
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 3);
let res = pool
.import(Transaction {
data: vec![4u8].into(),
hash: 4,
priority: 50u64,
provides: vec![vec![0]],
let mut it = pool.ready().into_iter().map(|tx|[0]);
assert_eq!(, Some(4));
assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(3));
assert_eq!(, None);
Imported::Ready {
hash: 4,
promoted: vec![1, 3],
failed: vec![],
removed: vec![tx2.into()]
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 0);
fn should_handle_a_cycle_with_low_priority() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
requires: vec![vec![0]],
provides: vec![vec![1]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![3u8].into(),
hash: 3,
requires: vec![vec![1]],
provides: vec![vec![2]],
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 0);
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![2u8].into(),
hash: 2,
requires: vec![vec![2]],
provides: vec![vec![0]],
let mut it = pool.ready().into_iter().map(|tx|[0]);
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 3);
let err = pool
.import(Transaction {
data: vec![4u8].into(),
hash: 4,
priority: 1u64, provides: vec![vec![0]],
let mut it = pool.ready().into_iter().map(|tx|[0]);
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 0);
if let error::Error::CycleDetected = err {
} else {
assert!(false, "Invalid error kind: {:?}", err);
fn should_remove_invalid_transactions() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![5u8].into(),
hash: 5,
provides: vec![vec![0], vec![4]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
requires: vec![vec![0]],
provides: vec![vec![1]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![3u8].into(),
hash: 3,
requires: vec![vec![2]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![2u8].into(),
hash: 2,
requires: vec![vec![1]],
provides: vec![vec![3], vec![2]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![4u8].into(),
hash: 4,
priority: 1_000u64,
requires: vec![vec![3], vec![4]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![6u8].into(),
hash: 6,
priority: 1_000u64,
requires: vec![vec![11]],
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 5);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 1);
pool.remove_subtree(&[6, 1]);
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 0);
fn should_prune_ready_transactions() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![5u8].into(),
hash: 5,
requires: vec![vec![0]],
provides: vec![vec![100]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![1u8].into(),
provides: vec![vec![1]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![2u8].into(),
hash: 2,
requires: vec![vec![2]],
provides: vec![vec![3]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![3u8].into(),
hash: 3,
requires: vec![vec![1]],
provides: vec![vec![2]],
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![4u8].into(),
hash: 4,
priority: 1_000u64,
requires: vec![vec![3], vec![2]],
provides: vec![vec![4]],
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 4);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 1);
let result = pool.prune_tags(vec![vec![0], vec![2]]);
assert_eq!(result.pruned.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(result.failed.len(), 0);
Imported::Ready { hash: 5, promoted: vec![], failed: vec![], removed: vec![] }
assert_eq!(result.promoted.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(pool.ready.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(pool.ready().count(), 3);
fn transaction_debug() {
Transaction {
data: vec![4u8].into(),
hash: 4,
priority: 1_000u64,
requires: vec![vec![3], vec![2]],
provides: vec![vec![4]],
"Transaction { \
hash: 4, priority: 1000, valid_till: 64, bytes: 1, propagate: true, \
source: TimedTransactionSource { source: TransactionSource::External, timestamp: None }, requires: [03, 02], provides: [04], data: [4]}"
fn transaction_propagation() {
Transaction {
data: vec![4u8].into(),
hash: 4,
priority: 1_000u64,
requires: vec![vec![3], vec![2]],
provides: vec![vec![4]],
Transaction {
data: vec![4u8].into(),
hash: 4,
priority: 1_000u64,
requires: vec![vec![3], vec![2]],
provides: vec![vec![4]],
propagate: false,
fn should_reject_future_transactions() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.reject_future_transactions = true;
let err = pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![5u8].into(),
hash: 5,
requires: vec![vec![0]],
if let Err(error::Error::RejectedFutureTransaction) = err {
} else {
assert!(false, "Invalid error kind: {:?}", err);
fn should_clear_future_queue() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![5u8].into(),
hash: 5,
requires: vec![vec![0]],
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(pool.clear_future().len(), 1);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 0);
fn should_accept_future_transactions_when_explicitly_asked_to() {
let mut pool = pool();
pool.reject_future_transactions = true;
let flag_value = pool.with_futures_enabled(|pool, flag| {
pool.import(Transaction {
data: vec![5u8].into(),
hash: 5,
requires: vec![vec![0]],
assert_eq!(flag_value, true);
assert_eq!(pool.reject_future_transactions, true);
assert_eq!(pool.future.len(), 1);