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// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! This module contains helper methods to perform functionality associated with creating and
//! destroying collections for the NFTs pallet.
use crate::*;
use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*;
impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Pallet<T, I> {
/// Create a new collection with the given `collection`, `owner`, `admin`, `config`, `deposit`,
/// and `event`.
/// This function creates a new collection with the provided parameters. It reserves the
/// required deposit from the owner's account, sets the collection details, assigns admin roles,
/// and inserts the provided configuration. Finally, it emits the specified event upon success.
/// # Errors
/// This function returns a [`CollectionIdInUse`](crate::Error::CollectionIdInUse) error if the
/// collection ID is already in use.
pub fn do_create_collection(
collection: T::CollectionId,
owner: T::AccountId,
admin: T::AccountId,
config: CollectionConfigFor<T, I>,
deposit: DepositBalanceOf<T, I>,
event: Event<T, I>,
) -> DispatchResult {
ensure!(!Collection::<T, I>::contains_key(collection), Error::<T, I>::CollectionIdInUse);
T::Currency::reserve(&owner, deposit)?;
Collection::<T, I>::insert(
CollectionDetails {
owner: owner.clone(),
owner_deposit: deposit,
items: 0,
item_metadatas: 0,
item_configs: 0,
attributes: 0,
CollectionRoleOf::<T, I>::insert(
CollectionRole::Admin | CollectionRole::Freezer | CollectionRole::Issuer,
CollectionConfigOf::<T, I>::insert(&collection, config);
CollectionAccount::<T, I>::insert(&owner, &collection, ());
if let Some(max_supply) = config.max_supply {
Self::deposit_event(Event::CollectionMaxSupplySet { collection, max_supply });
/// Destroy the specified collection with the given `collection`, `witness`, and
/// `maybe_check_owner`.
/// This function destroys the specified collection if it exists and meets the necessary
/// conditions. It checks the provided `witness` against the actual collection details and
/// removes the collection along with its associated metadata, attributes, and configurations.
/// The necessary deposits are returned to the corresponding accounts, and the roles and
/// configurations for the collection are cleared. Finally, it emits the `Destroyed` event upon
/// successful destruction.
/// # Errors
/// This function returns a dispatch error in the following cases:
/// - If the collection ID is not found
/// ([`UnknownCollection`](crate::Error::UnknownCollection)).
/// - If the provided `maybe_check_owner` does not match the actual owner
/// ([`NoPermission`](crate::Error::NoPermission)).
/// - If the collection is not empty (contains items)
/// ([`CollectionNotEmpty`](crate::Error::CollectionNotEmpty)).
/// - If the `witness` does not match the actual collection details
/// ([`BadWitness`](crate::Error::BadWitness)).
pub fn do_destroy_collection(
collection: T::CollectionId,
witness: DestroyWitness,
maybe_check_owner: Option<T::AccountId>,
) -> Result<DestroyWitness, DispatchError> {
Collection::<T, I>::try_mutate_exists(collection, |maybe_details| {
let collection_details =
maybe_details.take().ok_or(Error::<T, I>::UnknownCollection)?;
if let Some(check_owner) = maybe_check_owner {
ensure!(collection_details.owner == check_owner, Error::<T, I>::NoPermission);
ensure!(collection_details.items == 0, Error::<T, I>::CollectionNotEmpty);
ensure!(collection_details.attributes == witness.attributes, Error::<T, I>::BadWitness);
collection_details.item_metadatas == witness.item_metadatas,
Error::<T, I>::BadWitness
collection_details.item_configs == witness.item_configs,
Error::<T, I>::BadWitness
for (_, metadata) in ItemMetadataOf::<T, I>::drain_prefix(&collection) {
if let Some(depositor) = metadata.deposit.account {
T::Currency::unreserve(&depositor, metadata.deposit.amount);
CollectionMetadataOf::<T, I>::remove(&collection);
for (_, (_, deposit)) in Attribute::<T, I>::drain_prefix((&collection,)) {
if !deposit.amount.is_zero() {
if let Some(account) = deposit.account {
T::Currency::unreserve(&account, deposit.amount);
CollectionAccount::<T, I>::remove(&collection_details.owner, &collection);
T::Currency::unreserve(&collection_details.owner, collection_details.owner_deposit);
CollectionConfigOf::<T, I>::remove(&collection);
let _ = ItemConfigOf::<T, I>::clear_prefix(&collection, witness.item_configs, None);
Self::deposit_event(Event::Destroyed { collection });
Ok(DestroyWitness {
item_metadatas: collection_details.item_metadatas,
item_configs: collection_details.item_configs,
attributes: collection_details.attributes,