// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Generates the extern host functions and the implementation for these host functions.
//! The extern host functions will be called by the bare function interface from the Wasm side.
//! The implementation of these host functions will be called on the host side from the Wasm
//! executor. These implementations call the bare function interface.
use crate::utils::{
create_exchangeable_host_function_ident, create_function_ident_with_version,
create_host_function_ident, generate_crate_access, get_function_argument_names,
get_function_argument_names_and_types_without_ref, get_function_argument_types,
get_function_argument_types_ref_and_mut, get_function_argument_types_without_ref,
get_function_arguments, get_runtime_interface, RuntimeInterfaceFunction,
use syn::{
spanned::Spanned, Error, Ident, ItemTrait, Pat, Result, ReturnType, Signature, TraitItemFn,
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use inflector::Inflector;
use std::iter::Iterator;
/// Generate the extern host functions for wasm and the `HostFunctions` struct that provides the
/// implementations for the host functions on the host.
pub fn generate(trait_def: &ItemTrait, is_wasm_only: bool) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let trait_name = &trait_def.ident;
let extern_host_function_impls = get_runtime_interface(trait_def)?
.try_fold(TokenStream::new(), |mut t, (version, method)| {
t.extend(generate_extern_host_function(method, version, trait_name)?);
Ok::<_, Error>(t)
let exchangeable_host_functions = get_runtime_interface(trait_def)?
.try_fold(TokenStream::new(), |mut t, (_, m)| {
Ok::<_, Error>(t)
let host_functions_struct = generate_host_functions_struct(trait_def, is_wasm_only)?;
Ok(quote! {
/// The implementations of the extern host functions. This special implementation module
/// is required to change the extern host functions signature to
/// `unsafe fn name(args) -> ret` to make the function implementations exchangeable.
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
mod extern_host_function_impls {
use super::*;
/// Generate the extern host function for the given method.
fn generate_extern_host_function(
method: &TraitItemFn,
version: u32,
trait_name: &Ident,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let crate_ = generate_crate_access();
let args = get_function_arguments(&method.sig);
let arg_types = get_function_argument_types_without_ref(&method.sig);
let arg_types2 = get_function_argument_types_without_ref(&method.sig);
let arg_names = get_function_argument_names(&method.sig);
let arg_names2 = get_function_argument_names(&method.sig);
let arg_names3 = get_function_argument_names(&method.sig);
let function = &method.sig.ident;
let ext_function = create_host_function_ident(&method.sig.ident, version, trait_name);
let doc_string = format!(
" Default extern host function implementation for [`super::{}`].",
let return_value = &method.sig.output;
let cfg_attrs = method.attrs.iter().filter(|a| a.path().is_ident("cfg"));
let ffi_return_value = match method.sig.output {
ReturnType::Default => quote!(),
ReturnType::Type(_, ref ty) => quote! {
-> <#ty as #crate_::RIType>::FFIType
let convert_return_value = match return_value {
ReturnType::Default => quote!(),
ReturnType::Type(_, ref ty) => quote! {
<#ty as #crate_::wasm::FromFFIValue>::from_ffi_value(result)
Ok(quote! {
#[doc = #doc_string]
pub fn #function ( #( #args ),* ) #return_value {
#[cfg_attr(any(target_arch = "riscv32", target_arch = "riscv64"), #crate_::polkavm::polkavm_import(abi = #crate_::polkavm::polkavm_abi))]
extern "C" {
pub fn #ext_function (
#( #arg_names: <#arg_types as #crate_::RIType>::FFIType ),*
) #ffi_return_value;
// Generate all wrapped ffi values.
let #arg_names2 = <#arg_types2 as #crate_::wasm::IntoFFIValue>::into_ffi_value(
let result = unsafe { #ext_function( #( #arg_names3.get() ),* ) };
/// Generate the host exchangeable function for the given method.
fn generate_exchangeable_host_function(method: &TraitItemFn) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let crate_ = generate_crate_access();
let arg_types = get_function_argument_types(&method.sig);
let function = &method.sig.ident;
let exchangeable_function = create_exchangeable_host_function_ident(&method.sig.ident);
let doc_string = format!(" Exchangeable host function used by [`{}`].", method.sig.ident);
let output = &method.sig.output;
let cfg_attrs = method.attrs.iter().filter(|a| a.path().is_ident("cfg"));
Ok(quote! {
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
#[doc = #doc_string]
pub static #exchangeable_function : #crate_::wasm::ExchangeableFunction<
fn ( #( #arg_types ),* ) #output
> = #crate_::wasm::ExchangeableFunction::new(extern_host_function_impls::#function);
/// Generate the `HostFunctions` struct that implements `wasm-interface::HostFunctions` to provide
/// implementations for the extern host functions.
fn generate_host_functions_struct(
trait_def: &ItemTrait,
is_wasm_only: bool,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let crate_ = generate_crate_access();
let mut host_function_impls = Vec::new();
let mut register_bodies = Vec::new();
let mut append_hf_bodies = Vec::new();
for (version, method) in get_runtime_interface(trait_def)?.all_versions() {
let (implementation, register_body, append_hf_body) =
generate_host_function_implementation(&trait_def.ident, method, version, is_wasm_only)?;
Ok(quote! {
/// Provides implementations for the extern host functions.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub struct HostFunctions;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::HostFunctions for HostFunctions {
fn host_functions() -> Vec<&'static dyn #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::Function> {
let mut host_functions_list = Vec::new();
#crate_::sp_wasm_interface::if_wasmtime_is_enabled! {
fn register_static<T>(registry: &mut T) -> core::result::Result<(), T::Error>
where T: #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::HostFunctionRegistry
/// Generates the host function struct that implements `wasm_interface::Function` and returns a
/// static reference to this struct.
/// When calling from wasm into the host, we will call the `execute` function that calls the native
/// implementation of the function.
fn generate_host_function_implementation(
trait_name: &Ident,
method: &RuntimeInterfaceFunction,
version: u32,
is_wasm_only: bool,
) -> Result<(TokenStream, TokenStream, TokenStream)> {
let name = create_host_function_ident(&method.sig.ident, version, trait_name).to_string();
let struct_name = Ident::new(&name.to_pascal_case(), Span::call_site());
let crate_ = generate_crate_access();
let signature = generate_wasm_interface_signature_for_host_function(&method.sig)?;
let fn_name = create_function_ident_with_version(&method.sig.ident, version);
let ref_and_mut = get_function_argument_types_ref_and_mut(&method.sig);
// List of variable names containing WASM FFI-compatible arguments.
let mut ffi_names = Vec::new();
// List of `$name: $ty` tokens containing WASM FFI-compatible arguments.
let mut ffi_args_prototype = Vec::new();
// List of variable names containing arguments already converted into native Rust types.
// Also includes the preceding `&` or `&mut`. To be used to call the actual implementation of
// the host function.
let mut host_names_with_ref = Vec::new();
// List of code snippets to copy over the results returned from a host function through
// any `&mut` arguments back into WASM's linear memory.
let mut copy_data_into_ref_mut_args = Vec::new();
// List of code snippets to convert dynamic FFI args (`Value` enum) into concrete static FFI
// types (`u32`, etc.).
let mut convert_args_dynamic_ffi_to_static_ffi = Vec::new();
// List of code snippets to convert static FFI args (`u32`, etc.) into native Rust types.
let mut convert_args_static_ffi_to_host = Vec::new();
for ((host_name, host_ty), ref_and_mut) in
let ffi_name = generate_ffi_value_var_name(&host_name)?;
let host_name_ident = match *host_name {
Pat::Ident(ref pat_ident) => pat_ident.ident.clone(),
_ => unreachable!("`generate_ffi_value_var_name` above would return an error on `Pat` != `Ident`; qed"),
let ffi_ty = quote! { <#host_ty as #crate_::RIType>::FFIType };
ffi_args_prototype.push(quote! { #ffi_name: #ffi_ty });
ffi_names.push(quote! { #ffi_name });
let convert_arg_error = format!(
"could not marshal the '{}' argument through the WASM FFI boundary while executing '{}' from interface '{}'",
convert_args_static_ffi_to_host.push(quote! {
let mut #host_name = <#host_ty as #crate_::host::FromFFIValue>::from_ffi_value(__function_context__, #ffi_name)
.map_err(|err| format!("{}: {}", err, #convert_arg_error))?;
let ref_and_mut_tokens =
ref_and_mut.map(|(token_ref, token_mut)| quote!(#token_ref #token_mut));
host_names_with_ref.push(quote! { #ref_and_mut_tokens #host_name });
if ref_and_mut.map(|(_, token_mut)| token_mut.is_some()).unwrap_or(false) {
copy_data_into_ref_mut_args.push(quote! {
<#host_ty as #crate_::host::IntoPreallocatedFFIValue>::into_preallocated_ffi_value(
let arg_count_mismatch_error = format!(
"missing argument '{}': number of arguments given to '{}' from interface '{}' does not match the expected number of arguments",
convert_args_dynamic_ffi_to_static_ffi.push(quote! {
let #ffi_name = args.next().ok_or_else(|| #arg_count_mismatch_error.to_owned())?;
let #ffi_name: #ffi_ty = #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::TryFromValue::try_from_value(#ffi_name)
.ok_or_else(|| #convert_arg_error.to_owned())?;
let ffi_return_ty = match &method.sig.output {
ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => quote! { <#ty as #crate_::RIType>::FFIType },
ReturnType::Default => quote! { () },
let convert_return_value_host_to_static_ffi = match &method.sig.output {
ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => quote! {
let __result__ = <#ty as #crate_::host::IntoFFIValue>::into_ffi_value(
ReturnType::Default => quote! {
let __result__ = Ok(__result__);
let convert_return_value_static_ffi_to_dynamic_ffi = match &method.sig.output {
ReturnType::Type(_, _) => quote! {
let __result__ = Ok(Some(#crate_::sp_wasm_interface::IntoValue::into_value(__result__)));
ReturnType::Default => quote! {
let __result__ = Ok(None);
if is_wasm_only {
host_names_with_ref.push(quote! {
let cfg_attrs: Vec<_> =
method.attrs.iter().filter(|a| a.path().is_ident("cfg")).cloned().collect();
if version > 1 && !cfg_attrs.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::new(
"Conditional compilation is not supported for versioned functions",
let implementation = quote! {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
struct #struct_name;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl #struct_name {
fn call(
__function_context__: &mut dyn #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::FunctionContext,
) -> std::result::Result<#ffi_return_ty, String> {
let __result__ = #fn_name(#(#host_names_with_ref),*);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::Function for #struct_name {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
fn signature(&self) -> #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::Signature {
fn execute(
__function_context__: &mut dyn #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::FunctionContext,
args: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::Value>,
) -> std::result::Result<Option<#crate_::sp_wasm_interface::Value>, String> {
let __result__ = Self::call(
let register_body = quote! {
|mut caller: #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::wasmtime::Caller<T::State>, #(#ffi_args_prototype),*|
-> std::result::Result<#ffi_return_ty, #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::anyhow::Error>
T::with_function_context(caller, move |__function_context__| {
let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
match result {
Ok(result) => result,
Err(panic) => {
let message =
if let Some(message) = panic.downcast_ref::<String>() {
format!("host code panicked while being called by the runtime: {}", message)
} else if let Some(message) = panic.downcast_ref::<&'static str>() {
format!("host code panicked while being called by the runtime: {}", message)
} else {
"host code panicked while being called by the runtime".to_owned()
return Err(#crate_::sp_wasm_interface::anyhow::Error::msg(message));
let append_hf_body = quote! {
host_functions_list.push(&#struct_name as &dyn #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::Function);
Ok((implementation, register_body, append_hf_body))
/// Generate the `wasm_interface::Signature` for the given host function `sig`.
fn generate_wasm_interface_signature_for_host_function(sig: &Signature) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let crate_ = generate_crate_access();
let return_value = match &sig.output {
ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => quote! {
Some( <<#ty as #crate_::RIType>::FFIType as #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::IntoValue>::VALUE_TYPE )
ReturnType::Default => quote!(None),
let arg_types = get_function_argument_types_without_ref(sig).map(|ty| {
quote! {
<<#ty as #crate_::RIType>::FFIType as #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::IntoValue>::VALUE_TYPE
Ok(quote! {
#crate_::sp_wasm_interface::Signature {
args: std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(&[ #( #arg_types ),* ][..]),
return_value: #return_value,
/// Generate the variable name that stores the FFI value.
fn generate_ffi_value_var_name(pat: &Pat) -> Result<Ident> {
match pat {
Pat::Ident(pat_ident) =>
if let Some(by_ref) = pat_ident.by_ref {
Err(Error::new(by_ref.span(), "`ref` not supported!"))
} else if let Some(sub_pattern) = &pat_ident.subpat {
Err(Error::new(sub_pattern.0.span(), "Not supported!"))
} else {
Ok(Ident::new(&format!("{}_ffi_value", pat_ident.ident), Span::call_site()))
_ => Err(Error::new(pat.span(), "Not supported as variable name!")),