// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Traits for dealing with a single non-fungible collection of items.
//! This assumes a single level namespace identified by `Inspect::ItemId`, and could
//! reasonably be implemented by pallets which wants to expose a single collection of NFT-like
//! objects.
//! For an NFT API which has dual-level namespacing, the traits in `nonfungibles` are better to
//! use.
use super::nonfungibles;
use crate::{dispatch::DispatchResult, traits::Get};
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use sp_runtime::TokenError;
/// Trait for providing an interface to a read-only NFT-like set of items.
pub trait Inspect<AccountId> {
/// Type for identifying an item.
type ItemId;
/// Returns the owner of `item`, or `None` if the item doesn't exist or has no
/// owner.
fn owner(item: &Self::ItemId) -> Option<AccountId>;
/// Returns the attribute value of `item` corresponding to `key`.
/// By default this is `None`; no attributes are defined.
fn attribute(_item: &Self::ItemId, _key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
/// Returns the strongly-typed attribute value of `item` corresponding to `key`.
/// By default this just attempts to use `attribute`.
fn typed_attribute<K: Encode, V: Decode>(item: &Self::ItemId, key: &K) -> Option<V> {
key.using_encoded(|d| Self::attribute(item, d))
.and_then(|v| V::decode(&mut &v[..]).ok())
/// Returns `true` if the `item` may be transferred.
/// Default implementation is that all items are transferable.
fn can_transfer(_item: &Self::ItemId) -> bool {
/// Interface for enumerating items in existence or owned by a given account over a collection
/// of NFTs.
pub trait InspectEnumerable<AccountId>: Inspect<AccountId> {
/// The iterator type for [`Self::items`].
type ItemsIterator: Iterator<Item = Self::ItemId>;
/// The iterator type for [`Self::owned`].
type OwnedIterator: Iterator<Item = Self::ItemId>;
/// Returns an iterator of the items within a `collection` in existence.
fn items() -> Self::ItemsIterator;
/// Returns an iterator of the items of all collections owned by `who`.
fn owned(who: &AccountId) -> Self::OwnedIterator;
/// Trait for providing an interface for NFT-like items which may be minted, burned and/or have
/// attributes set on them.
pub trait Mutate<AccountId>: Inspect<AccountId> {
/// Mint some `item` to be owned by `who`.
/// By default, this is not a supported operation.
fn mint_into(_item: &Self::ItemId, _who: &AccountId) -> DispatchResult {
/// Burn some `item`.
/// By default, this is not a supported operation.
fn burn(_item: &Self::ItemId, _maybe_check_owner: Option<&AccountId>) -> DispatchResult {
/// Set attribute `value` of `item`'s `key`.
/// By default, this is not a supported operation.
fn set_attribute(_item: &Self::ItemId, _key: &[u8], _value: &[u8]) -> DispatchResult {
/// Attempt to set the strongly-typed attribute `value` of `item`'s `key`.
/// By default this just attempts to use `set_attribute`.
fn set_typed_attribute<K: Encode, V: Encode>(
item: &Self::ItemId,
key: &K,
value: &V,
) -> DispatchResult {
key.using_encoded(|k| value.using_encoded(|v| Self::set_attribute(item, k, v)))
/// Trait for providing a non-fungible set of items which can only be transferred.
pub trait Transfer<AccountId>: Inspect<AccountId> {
/// Transfer `item` into `destination` account.
fn transfer(item: &Self::ItemId, destination: &AccountId) -> DispatchResult;
/// Convert a `fungibles` trait implementation into a `fungible` trait implementation by identifying
/// a single item.
pub struct ItemOf<
F: nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>,
A: Get<<F as nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>>::CollectionId>,
>(core::marker::PhantomData<(F, A, AccountId)>);
F: nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>,
A: Get<<F as nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>>::CollectionId>,
> Inspect<AccountId> for ItemOf<F, A, AccountId>
type ItemId = <F as nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>>::ItemId;
fn owner(item: &Self::ItemId) -> Option<AccountId> {
<F as nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>>::owner(&A::get(), item)
fn attribute(item: &Self::ItemId, key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
<F as nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>>::attribute(&A::get(), item, key)
fn typed_attribute<K: Encode, V: Decode>(item: &Self::ItemId, key: &K) -> Option<V> {
<F as nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>>::typed_attribute(&A::get(), item, key)
fn can_transfer(item: &Self::ItemId) -> bool {
<F as nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>>::can_transfer(&A::get(), item)
F: nonfungibles::InspectEnumerable<AccountId>,
A: Get<<F as nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>>::CollectionId>,
> InspectEnumerable<AccountId> for ItemOf<F, A, AccountId>
type ItemsIterator = <F as nonfungibles::InspectEnumerable<AccountId>>::ItemsIterator;
type OwnedIterator =
<F as nonfungibles::InspectEnumerable<AccountId>>::OwnedInCollectionIterator;
fn items() -> Self::ItemsIterator {
<F as nonfungibles::InspectEnumerable<AccountId>>::items(&A::get())
fn owned(who: &AccountId) -> Self::OwnedIterator {
<F as nonfungibles::InspectEnumerable<AccountId>>::owned_in_collection(&A::get(), who)
F: nonfungibles::Mutate<AccountId>,
A: Get<<F as nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>>::CollectionId>,
> Mutate<AccountId> for ItemOf<F, A, AccountId>
fn mint_into(item: &Self::ItemId, who: &AccountId) -> DispatchResult {
<F as nonfungibles::Mutate<AccountId>>::mint_into(&A::get(), item, who)
fn burn(item: &Self::ItemId, maybe_check_owner: Option<&AccountId>) -> DispatchResult {
<F as nonfungibles::Mutate<AccountId>>::burn(&A::get(), item, maybe_check_owner)
fn set_attribute(item: &Self::ItemId, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> DispatchResult {
<F as nonfungibles::Mutate<AccountId>>::set_attribute(&A::get(), item, key, value)
fn set_typed_attribute<K: Encode, V: Encode>(
item: &Self::ItemId,
key: &K,
value: &V,
) -> DispatchResult {
<F as nonfungibles::Mutate<AccountId>>::set_typed_attribute(&A::get(), item, key, value)
F: nonfungibles::Transfer<AccountId>,
A: Get<<F as nonfungibles::Inspect<AccountId>>::CollectionId>,
> Transfer<AccountId> for ItemOf<F, A, AccountId>
fn transfer(item: &Self::ItemId, destination: &AccountId) -> DispatchResult {
<F as nonfungibles::Transfer<AccountId>>::transfer(&A::get(), item, destination)