// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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// GNU General Public License for more details.
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//! Ed25519 keys.
use crate::PeerId;
use core::{cmp, fmt, hash};
use ed25519_dalek::{self as ed25519, Signer as _, Verifier as _};
use libp2p_identity::ed25519 as libp2p_ed25519;
use litep2p::crypto::ed25519 as litep2p_ed25519;
use zeroize::Zeroize;
/// An Ed25519 keypair.
pub struct Keypair(ed25519::SigningKey);
impl Keypair {
/// Generate a new random Ed25519 keypair.
pub fn generate() -> Keypair {
/// Convert the keypair into a byte array by concatenating the bytes
/// of the secret scalar and the compressed public point,
/// an informal standard for encoding Ed25519 keypairs.
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 64] {
/// Try to parse a keypair from the [binary format](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8032#section-5.1.5)
/// produced by [`Keypair::to_bytes`], zeroing the input on success.
/// Note that this binary format is the same as `ed25519_dalek`'s and `ed25519_zebra`'s.
pub fn try_from_bytes(kp: &mut [u8]) -> Result<Keypair, DecodingError> {
let bytes = <[u8; 64]>::try_from(&*kp)
.map_err(|e| DecodingError::KeypairParseError(Box::new(e)))?;
.map(|k| {
.map_err(|e| DecodingError::KeypairParseError(Box::new(e)))
/// Sign a message using the private key of this keypair.
pub fn sign(&self, msg: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
/// Get the public key of this keypair.
pub fn public(&self) -> PublicKey {
/// Get the secret key of this keypair.
pub fn secret(&self) -> SecretKey {
impl fmt::Debug for Keypair {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("Keypair").field("public", &self.0.verifying_key()).finish()
impl From<litep2p_ed25519::Keypair> for Keypair {
fn from(kp: litep2p_ed25519::Keypair) -> Self {
Self::try_from_bytes(&mut kp.to_bytes())
.expect("ed25519_dalek in substrate & litep2p to use the same format")
impl From<Keypair> for litep2p_ed25519::Keypair {
fn from(kp: Keypair) -> Self {
Self::try_from_bytes(&mut kp.to_bytes())
.expect("ed25519_dalek in substrate & litep2p to use the same format")
impl From<libp2p_ed25519::Keypair> for Keypair {
fn from(kp: libp2p_ed25519::Keypair) -> Self {
Self::try_from_bytes(&mut kp.to_bytes())
.expect("ed25519_dalek in substrate & libp2p to use the same format")
impl From<Keypair> for libp2p_ed25519::Keypair {
fn from(kp: Keypair) -> Self {
Self::try_from_bytes(&mut kp.to_bytes())
.expect("ed25519_dalek in substrate & libp2p to use the same format")
/// Demote an Ed25519 keypair to a secret key.
impl From<Keypair> for SecretKey {
fn from(kp: Keypair) -> SecretKey {
/// Promote an Ed25519 secret key into a keypair.
impl From<SecretKey> for Keypair {
fn from(sk: SecretKey) -> Keypair {
let signing = ed25519::SigningKey::from_bytes(&sk.0);
/// An Ed25519 public key.
#[derive(Eq, Clone)]
pub struct PublicKey(ed25519::VerifyingKey);
impl fmt::Debug for PublicKey {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str("PublicKey(compressed): ")?;
for byte in self.0.as_bytes() {
write!(f, "{byte:x}")?;
impl cmp::PartialEq for PublicKey {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl hash::Hash for PublicKey {
fn hash<H: hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl cmp::PartialOrd for PublicKey {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
impl cmp::Ord for PublicKey {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {
impl PublicKey {
/// Verify the Ed25519 signature on a message using the public key.
pub fn verify(&self, msg: &[u8], sig: &[u8]) -> bool {
ed25519::Signature::try_from(sig).and_then(|s| self.0.verify(msg, &s)).is_ok()
/// Convert the public key to a byte array in compressed form, i.e.
/// where one coordinate is represented by a single bit.
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
/// Try to parse a public key from a byte array containing the actual key as produced by
/// `to_bytes`.
pub fn try_from_bytes(k: &[u8]) -> Result<PublicKey, DecodingError> {
let k =
<[u8; 32]>::try_from(k).map_err(|e| DecodingError::PublicKeyParseError(Box::new(e)))?;
.map_err(|e| DecodingError::PublicKeyParseError(Box::new(e)))
/// Convert public key to `PeerId`.
pub fn to_peer_id(&self) -> PeerId {
impl From<litep2p_ed25519::PublicKey> for PublicKey {
fn from(k: litep2p_ed25519::PublicKey) -> Self {
.expect("ed25519_dalek in substrate & litep2p to use the same format")
impl From<PublicKey> for litep2p_ed25519::PublicKey {
fn from(k: PublicKey) -> Self {
.expect("ed25519_dalek in substrate & litep2p to use the same format")
impl From<libp2p_ed25519::PublicKey> for PublicKey {
fn from(k: libp2p_ed25519::PublicKey) -> Self {
.expect("ed25519_dalek in substrate & libp2p to use the same format")
impl From<PublicKey> for libp2p_ed25519::PublicKey {
fn from(k: PublicKey) -> Self {
.expect("ed25519_dalek in substrate & libp2p to use the same format")
/// An Ed25519 secret key.
pub struct SecretKey(ed25519::SecretKey);
/// View the bytes of the secret key.
impl AsRef<[u8]> for SecretKey {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl fmt::Debug for SecretKey {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "SecretKey")
impl SecretKey {
/// Generate a new Ed25519 secret key.
pub fn generate() -> SecretKey {
let signing = ed25519::SigningKey::generate(&mut rand::rngs::OsRng);
/// Try to parse an Ed25519 secret key from a byte slice
/// containing the actual key, zeroing the input on success.
/// If the bytes do not constitute a valid Ed25519 secret key, an error is
/// returned.
pub fn try_from_bytes(mut sk_bytes: impl AsMut<[u8]>) -> Result<SecretKey, DecodingError> {
let sk_bytes = sk_bytes.as_mut();
let secret = <[u8; 32]>::try_from(&*sk_bytes)
.map_err(|e| DecodingError::SecretKeyParseError(Box::new(e)))?;
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
impl Drop for SecretKey {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl From<litep2p_ed25519::SecretKey> for SecretKey {
fn from(sk: litep2p_ed25519::SecretKey) -> Self {
Self::try_from_bytes(&mut sk.to_bytes()).expect("Ed25519 key to be 32 bytes length")
impl From<SecretKey> for litep2p_ed25519::SecretKey {
fn from(sk: SecretKey) -> Self {
Self::try_from_bytes(&mut sk.to_bytes())
.expect("litep2p `SecretKey` to accept 32 bytes as Ed25519 key")
impl From<libp2p_ed25519::SecretKey> for SecretKey {
fn from(sk: libp2p_ed25519::SecretKey) -> Self {
Self::try_from_bytes(&mut sk.as_ref().to_owned())
.expect("Ed25519 key to be 32 bytes length")
impl From<SecretKey> for libp2p_ed25519::SecretKey {
fn from(sk: SecretKey) -> Self {
Self::try_from_bytes(&mut sk.to_bytes())
.expect("libp2p `SecretKey` to accept 32 bytes as Ed25519 key")
/// Error when decoding `ed25519`-related types.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum DecodingError {
#[error("failed to parse Ed25519 keypair: {0}")]
KeypairParseError(Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>),
#[error("failed to parse Ed25519 secret key: {0}")]
SecretKeyParseError(Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>),
#[error("failed to parse Ed25519 public key: {0}")]
PublicKeyParseError(Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use quickcheck::*;
fn eq_keypairs(kp1: &Keypair, kp2: &Keypair) -> bool {
kp1.public() == kp2.public() && kp1.0.to_bytes() == kp2.0.to_bytes()
fn ed25519_keypair_encode_decode() {
fn prop() -> bool {
let kp1 = Keypair::generate();
let mut kp1_enc = kp1.to_bytes();
let kp2 = Keypair::try_from_bytes(&mut kp1_enc).unwrap();
eq_keypairs(&kp1, &kp2) && kp1_enc.iter().all(|b| *b == 0)
QuickCheck::new().tests(10).quickcheck(prop as fn() -> _);
fn ed25519_keypair_from_secret() {
fn prop() -> bool {
let kp1 = Keypair::generate();
let mut sk = kp1.0.to_bytes();
let kp2 = Keypair::from(SecretKey::try_from_bytes(&mut sk).unwrap());
eq_keypairs(&kp1, &kp2) && sk == [0u8; 32]
QuickCheck::new().tests(10).quickcheck(prop as fn() -> _);
fn ed25519_signature() {
let kp = Keypair::generate();
let pk = kp.public();
let msg = "hello world".as_bytes();
let sig = kp.sign(msg);
assert!(pk.verify(msg, &sig));
let mut invalid_sig = sig.clone();
invalid_sig[3..6].copy_from_slice(&[10, 23, 42]);
assert!(!pk.verify(msg, &invalid_sig));
let invalid_msg = "h3ll0 w0rld".as_bytes();
assert!(!pk.verify(invalid_msg, &sig));
fn substrate_kp_to_libs() {
let kp = Keypair::generate();
let kp_bytes = kp.to_bytes();
let kp1: libp2p_ed25519::Keypair = kp.clone().into();
let kp2: litep2p_ed25519::Keypair = kp.clone().into();
let kp3 = libp2p_ed25519::Keypair::try_from_bytes(&mut kp_bytes.clone()).unwrap();
let kp4 = litep2p_ed25519::Keypair::try_from_bytes(&mut kp_bytes.clone()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(kp_bytes, kp1.to_bytes());
assert_eq!(kp_bytes, kp2.to_bytes());
let msg = "hello world".as_bytes();
let sig = kp.sign(msg);
let sig1 = kp1.sign(msg);
let sig2 = kp2.sign(msg);
let sig3 = kp3.sign(msg);
let sig4 = kp4.sign(msg);
assert_eq!(sig, sig1);
assert_eq!(sig, sig2);
assert_eq!(sig, sig3);
assert_eq!(sig, sig4);
let pk1 = kp1.public();
let pk2 = kp2.public();
let pk3 = kp3.public();
let pk4 = kp4.public();
assert!(pk1.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk2.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk3.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk4.verify(msg, &sig));
fn litep2p_kp_to_substrate_kp() {
let kp = litep2p_ed25519::Keypair::generate();
let kp1: Keypair = kp.clone().into();
let kp2 = Keypair::try_from_bytes(&mut kp.to_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(kp.to_bytes(), kp1.to_bytes());
let msg = "hello world".as_bytes();
let sig = kp.sign(msg);
let sig1 = kp1.sign(msg);
let sig2 = kp2.sign(msg);
assert_eq!(sig, sig1);
assert_eq!(sig, sig2);
let pk1 = kp1.public();
let pk2 = kp2.public();
assert!(pk1.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk2.verify(msg, &sig));
fn libp2p_kp_to_substrate_kp() {
let kp = libp2p_ed25519::Keypair::generate();
let kp1: Keypair = kp.clone().into();
let kp2 = Keypair::try_from_bytes(&mut kp.to_bytes()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(kp.to_bytes(), kp1.to_bytes());
let msg = "hello world".as_bytes();
let sig = kp.sign(msg);
let sig1 = kp1.sign(msg);
let sig2 = kp2.sign(msg);
assert_eq!(sig, sig1);
assert_eq!(sig, sig2);
let pk1 = kp1.public();
let pk2 = kp2.public();
assert!(pk1.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk2.verify(msg, &sig));
fn substrate_pk_to_libs() {
let kp = Keypair::generate();
let pk = kp.public();
let pk_bytes = pk.to_bytes();
let pk1: libp2p_ed25519::PublicKey = pk.clone().into();
let pk2: litep2p_ed25519::PublicKey = pk.clone().into();
let pk3 = libp2p_ed25519::PublicKey::try_from_bytes(&pk_bytes).unwrap();
let pk4 = litep2p_ed25519::PublicKey::try_from_bytes(&pk_bytes).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pk_bytes, pk1.to_bytes());
assert_eq!(pk_bytes, pk2.to_bytes());
let msg = "hello world".as_bytes();
let sig = kp.sign(msg);
assert!(pk.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk1.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk2.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk3.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk4.verify(msg, &sig));
fn litep2p_pk_to_substrate_pk() {
let kp = litep2p_ed25519::Keypair::generate();
let pk = kp.public();
let pk_bytes = pk.clone().to_bytes();
let pk1: PublicKey = pk.clone().into();
let pk2 = PublicKey::try_from_bytes(&pk_bytes).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pk_bytes, pk1.to_bytes());
let msg = "hello world".as_bytes();
let sig = kp.sign(msg);
assert!(pk.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk1.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk2.verify(msg, &sig));
fn libp2p_pk_to_substrate_pk() {
let kp = libp2p_ed25519::Keypair::generate();
let pk = kp.public();
let pk_bytes = pk.clone().to_bytes();
let pk1: PublicKey = pk.clone().into();
let pk2 = PublicKey::try_from_bytes(&pk_bytes).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pk_bytes, pk1.to_bytes());
let msg = "hello world".as_bytes();
let sig = kp.sign(msg);
assert!(pk.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk1.verify(msg, &sig));
assert!(pk2.verify(msg, &sig));
fn substrate_sk_to_libs() {
let sk = SecretKey::generate();
let sk_bytes = sk.to_bytes();
let sk1: libp2p_ed25519::SecretKey = sk.clone().into();
let sk2: litep2p_ed25519::SecretKey = sk.clone().into();
let sk3 = libp2p_ed25519::SecretKey::try_from_bytes(&mut sk_bytes.clone()).unwrap();
let sk4 = litep2p_ed25519::SecretKey::try_from_bytes(&mut sk_bytes.clone()).unwrap();
let kp: Keypair = sk.into();
let kp1: libp2p_ed25519::Keypair = sk1.into();
let kp2: litep2p_ed25519::Keypair = sk2.into();
let kp3: libp2p_ed25519::Keypair = sk3.into();
let kp4: litep2p_ed25519::Keypair = sk4.into();
let msg = "hello world".as_bytes();
let sig = kp.sign(msg);
assert_eq!(sig, kp1.sign(msg));
assert_eq!(sig, kp2.sign(msg));
assert_eq!(sig, kp3.sign(msg));
assert_eq!(sig, kp4.sign(msg));
fn litep2p_sk_to_substrate_sk() {
let sk = litep2p_ed25519::SecretKey::generate();
let sk1: SecretKey = sk.clone().into();
let sk2 = SecretKey::try_from_bytes(&mut sk.to_bytes()).unwrap();
let kp: litep2p_ed25519::Keypair = sk.into();
let kp1: Keypair = sk1.into();
let kp2: Keypair = sk2.into();
let msg = "hello world".as_bytes();
let sig = kp.sign(msg);
assert_eq!(sig, kp1.sign(msg));
assert_eq!(sig, kp2.sign(msg));
fn libp2p_sk_to_substrate_sk() {
let sk = libp2p_ed25519::SecretKey::generate();
let sk_bytes = sk.as_ref().to_owned();
let sk1: SecretKey = sk.clone().into();
let sk2 = SecretKey::try_from_bytes(sk_bytes).unwrap();
let kp: libp2p_ed25519::Keypair = sk.into();
let kp1: Keypair = sk1.into();
let kp2: Keypair = sk2.into();
let msg = "hello world".as_bytes();
let sig = kp.sign(msg);
assert_eq!(sig, kp1.sign(msg));
assert_eq!(sig, kp2.sign(msg));