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// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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///! Traits and default implementation for paying transaction fees in assets.
use super::*;
use crate::Config;
use codec::FullCodec;
use core::{fmt::Debug, marker::PhantomData};
use frame_support::{
fungibles::{Balanced, Credit, Inspect},
Balance, ConversionToAssetBalance, Fortitude::Polite, Precision::Exact,
use scale_info::TypeInfo;
use sp_runtime::{
traits::{DispatchInfoOf, MaybeSerializeDeserialize, One, PostDispatchInfoOf},
/// Handle withdrawing, refunding and depositing of transaction fees.
pub trait OnChargeAssetTransaction<T: Config> {
/// The underlying integer type in which fees are calculated.
type Balance: Balance;
/// The type used to identify the assets used for transaction payment.
type AssetId: FullCodec
+ DecodeWithMemTracking
+ Clone
+ MaybeSerializeDeserialize
+ Debug
+ Default
+ Eq
+ TypeInfo;
/// The type used to store the intermediate values between pre- and post-dispatch.
type LiquidityInfo;
/// Before the transaction is executed the payment of the transaction fees needs to be secured.
/// Note: The `fee` already includes the `tip`.
fn withdraw_fee(
who: &T::AccountId,
call: &T::RuntimeCall,
dispatch_info: &DispatchInfoOf<T::RuntimeCall>,
asset_id: Self::AssetId,
fee: Self::Balance,
tip: Self::Balance,
) -> Result<Self::LiquidityInfo, TransactionValidityError>;
/// Ensure payment of the transaction fees can be withdrawn.
/// Note: The `fee` already includes the `tip`.
fn can_withdraw_fee(
who: &T::AccountId,
call: &T::RuntimeCall,
dispatch_info: &DispatchInfoOf<T::RuntimeCall>,
asset_id: Self::AssetId,
fee: Self::Balance,
tip: Self::Balance,
) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>;
/// After the transaction was executed the actual fee can be calculated.
/// This function should refund any overpaid fees and optionally deposit
/// the corrected amount.
/// Note: The `fee` already includes the `tip`.
/// Returns the fee and tip in the asset used for payment as (fee, tip).
fn correct_and_deposit_fee(
who: &T::AccountId,
dispatch_info: &DispatchInfoOf<T::RuntimeCall>,
post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<T::RuntimeCall>,
corrected_fee: Self::Balance,
tip: Self::Balance,
already_withdrawn: Self::LiquidityInfo,
) -> Result<(AssetBalanceOf<T>, AssetBalanceOf<T>), TransactionValidityError>;
/// Allows specifying what to do with the withdrawn asset fees.
pub trait HandleCredit<AccountId, B: Balanced<AccountId>> {
/// Implement to determine what to do with the withdrawn asset fees.
/// Default for `CreditOf` from the assets pallet is to burn and
/// decrease total issuance.
fn handle_credit(credit: Credit<AccountId, B>);
/// Default implementation that just drops the credit according to the `OnDrop` in the underlying
/// imbalance type.
impl<A, B: Balanced<A>> HandleCredit<A, B> for () {
fn handle_credit(_credit: Credit<A, B>) {}
/// Implements the asset transaction for a balance to asset converter (implementing
/// [`ConversionToAssetBalance`]) and a credit handler (implementing [`HandleCredit`]).
/// The credit handler is given the complete fee in terms of the asset used for the transaction.
pub struct FungiblesAdapter<CON, HC>(PhantomData<(CON, HC)>);
/// Default implementation for a runtime instantiating this pallet, a balance to asset converter and
/// a credit handler.
impl<T, CON, HC> OnChargeAssetTransaction<T> for FungiblesAdapter<CON, HC>
T: Config,
CON: ConversionToAssetBalance<BalanceOf<T>, AssetIdOf<T>, AssetBalanceOf<T>>,
HC: HandleCredit<T::AccountId, T::Fungibles>,
AssetIdOf<T>: FullCodec + Clone + MaybeSerializeDeserialize + Debug + Default + Eq + TypeInfo,
type Balance = BalanceOf<T>;
type AssetId = AssetIdOf<T>;
type LiquidityInfo = Credit<T::AccountId, T::Fungibles>;
/// Withdraw the predicted fee from the transaction origin.
/// Note: The `fee` already includes the `tip`.
fn withdraw_fee(
who: &T::AccountId,
_call: &T::RuntimeCall,
_info: &DispatchInfoOf<T::RuntimeCall>,
asset_id: Self::AssetId,
fee: Self::Balance,
_tip: Self::Balance,
) -> Result<Self::LiquidityInfo, TransactionValidityError> {
// We don't know the precision of the underlying asset. Because the converted fee could be
// less than one (e.g. 0.5) but gets rounded down by integer division we introduce a minimum
// fee.
let min_converted_fee = if fee.is_zero() { Zero::zero() } else { One::one() };
let converted_fee = CON::to_asset_balance(fee, asset_id.clone())
.map_err(|_| TransactionValidityError::from(InvalidTransaction::Payment))?
let can_withdraw = <T::Fungibles as Inspect<T::AccountId>>::can_withdraw(
if can_withdraw != WithdrawConsequence::Success {
return Err(InvalidTransaction::Payment.into())
<T::Fungibles as Balanced<T::AccountId>>::withdraw(
.map_err(|_| TransactionValidityError::from(InvalidTransaction::Payment))
/// Ensure payment of the transaction fees can be withdrawn.
/// Note: The `fee` already includes the `tip`.
fn can_withdraw_fee(
who: &T::AccountId,
_call: &T::RuntimeCall,
_info: &DispatchInfoOf<T::RuntimeCall>,
asset_id: Self::AssetId,
fee: Self::Balance,
_tip: Self::Balance,
) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError> {
// We don't know the precision of the underlying asset. Because the converted fee could be
// less than one (e.g. 0.5) but gets rounded down by integer division we introduce a minimum
// fee.
let min_converted_fee = if fee.is_zero() { Zero::zero() } else { One::one() };
let converted_fee = CON::to_asset_balance(fee, asset_id.clone())
.map_err(|_| TransactionValidityError::from(InvalidTransaction::Payment))?
let can_withdraw =
<T::Fungibles as Inspect<T::AccountId>>::can_withdraw(asset_id, who, converted_fee);
if can_withdraw != WithdrawConsequence::Success {
return Err(InvalidTransaction::Payment.into())
/// Hand the fee and the tip over to the `[HandleCredit]` implementation.
/// Since the predicted fee might have been too high, parts of the fee may be refunded.
/// Note: The `corrected_fee` already includes the `tip`.
/// Returns the fee and tip in the asset used for payment as (fee, tip).
fn correct_and_deposit_fee(
who: &T::AccountId,
_dispatch_info: &DispatchInfoOf<T::RuntimeCall>,
_post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<T::RuntimeCall>,
corrected_fee: Self::Balance,
tip: Self::Balance,
paid: Self::LiquidityInfo,
) -> Result<(AssetBalanceOf<T>, AssetBalanceOf<T>), TransactionValidityError> {
let min_converted_fee = if corrected_fee.is_zero() { Zero::zero() } else { One::one() };
// Convert the corrected fee and tip into the asset used for payment.
let converted_fee = CON::to_asset_balance(corrected_fee, paid.asset())
.map_err(|_| -> TransactionValidityError { InvalidTransaction::Payment.into() })?
let converted_tip = CON::to_asset_balance(tip, paid.asset())
.map_err(|_| -> TransactionValidityError { InvalidTransaction::Payment.into() })?;
// Calculate how much refund we should return.
let (final_fee, refund) = paid.split(converted_fee);
// Refund to the account that paid the fees. If this fails, the account might have dropped
// below the existential balance. In that case we don't refund anything.
let _ = <T::Fungibles as Balanced<T::AccountId>>::resolve(who, refund);
// Handle the final fee, e.g. by transferring to the block author or burning.
Ok((converted_fee, converted_tip))