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// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! A Ledger implementation for stakers.
//! A [`StakingLedger`] encapsulates all the state and logic related to the stake of bonded
//! stakers, namely, it handles the following storage items:
//! * [`Bonded`]: mutates and reads the state of the controller <> stash bond map (to be deprecated
//! soon);
//! * [`Ledger`]: mutates and reads the state of all the stakers. The [`Ledger`] storage item stores
//! instances of [`StakingLedger`] keyed by the staker's controller account and should be mutated
//! and read through the [`StakingLedger`] API;
//! * [`Payee`]: mutates and reads the reward destination preferences for a bonded stash.
//! * Staking locks: mutates the locks for staking.
//! NOTE: All the storage operations related to the staking ledger (both reads and writes) *MUST* be
//! performed through the methods exposed by the [`StakingLedger`] implementation in order to ensure
//! state consistency.
use frame_support::{defensive, ensure, traits::Defensive};
use sp_runtime::DispatchResult;
use sp_staking::{StakingAccount, StakingInterface};
use crate::{
asset, BalanceOf, Bonded, Config, Error, Ledger, Pallet, Payee, RewardDestination,
StakingLedger, VirtualStakers,
#[cfg(any(feature = "runtime-benchmarks", test))]
use sp_runtime::traits::Zero;
impl<T: Config> StakingLedger<T> {
#[cfg(any(feature = "runtime-benchmarks", test))]
pub fn default_from(stash: T::AccountId) -> Self {
Self {
stash: stash.clone(),
total: Zero::zero(),
active: Zero::zero(),
unlocking: Default::default(),
legacy_claimed_rewards: Default::default(),
controller: Some(stash),
/// Returns a new instance of a staking ledger.
/// The [`Ledger`] storage is not mutated. In order to store, `StakingLedger::update` must be
/// called on the returned staking ledger.
/// Note: as the controller accounts are being deprecated, the stash account is the same as the
/// controller account.
pub fn new(stash: T::AccountId, stake: BalanceOf<T>) -> Self {
Self {
stash: stash.clone(),
active: stake,
total: stake,
unlocking: Default::default(),
legacy_claimed_rewards: Default::default(),
// controllers are deprecated and mapped 1-1 to stashes.
controller: Some(stash),
/// Returns the paired account, if any.
/// A "pair" refers to the tuple (stash, controller). If the input is a
/// [`StakingAccount::Stash`] variant, its pair account will be of type
/// [`StakingAccount::Controller`] and vice-versa.
/// This method is meant to abstract from the runtime development the difference between stash
/// and controller. This will be deprecated once the controller is fully deprecated as well.
pub(crate) fn paired_account(account: StakingAccount<T::AccountId>) -> Option<T::AccountId> {
match account {
StakingAccount::Stash(stash) => <Bonded<T>>::get(stash),
StakingAccount::Controller(controller) =>
<Ledger<T>>::get(&controller).map(|ledger| ledger.stash),
/// Returns whether a given account is bonded.
pub(crate) fn is_bonded(account: StakingAccount<T::AccountId>) -> bool {
match account {
StakingAccount::Stash(stash) => <Bonded<T>>::contains_key(stash),
StakingAccount::Controller(controller) => <Ledger<T>>::contains_key(controller),
/// Returns a staking ledger, if it is bonded and it exists in storage.
/// This getter can be called with either a controller or stash account, provided that the
/// account is properly wrapped in the respective [`StakingAccount`] variant. This is meant to
/// abstract the concept of controller/stash accounts from the caller.
/// Returns [`Error::BadState`] when a bond is in "bad state". A bond is in a bad state when a
/// stash has a controller which is bonding a ledger associated with another stash.
pub(crate) fn get(account: StakingAccount<T::AccountId>) -> Result<StakingLedger<T>, Error<T>> {
let (stash, controller) = match account.clone() {
StakingAccount::Stash(stash) =>
(stash.clone(), <Bonded<T>>::get(&stash).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotStash)?),
StakingAccount::Controller(controller) => (
.map(|l| l.stash)
let ledger = <Ledger<T>>::get(&controller)
.map(|mut ledger| {
ledger.controller = Some(controller.clone());
// if ledger bond is in a bad state, return error to prevent applying operations that may
// further spoil the ledger's state. A bond is in bad state when the bonded controller is
// associated with a different ledger (i.e. a ledger with a different stash).
// See <> for more details.
Bonded::<T>::get(&stash) == Some(controller) && ledger.stash == stash,
/// Returns the reward destination of a staking ledger, stored in [`Payee`].
/// Note: if the stash is not bonded and/or does not have an entry in [`Payee`], it returns the
/// default reward destination.
pub(crate) fn reward_destination(
account: StakingAccount<T::AccountId>,
) -> Option<RewardDestination<T::AccountId>> {
let stash = match account {
StakingAccount::Stash(stash) => Some(stash),
StakingAccount::Controller(controller) =>
if let Some(stash) = stash {
} else {
defensive!("fetched reward destination from unbonded stash {}", stash);
/// Returns the controller account of a staking ledger.
/// Note: it will fallback into querying the [`Bonded`] storage with the ledger stash if the
/// controller is not set in `self`, which most likely means that self was fetched directly from
/// [`Ledger`] instead of through the methods exposed in [`StakingLedger`]. If the ledger does
/// not exist in storage, it returns `None`.
pub(crate) fn controller(&self) -> Option<T::AccountId> {
self.controller.clone().or_else(|| {
defensive!("fetched a controller on a ledger instance without it.");
/// Inserts/updates a staking ledger account.
/// Bonds the ledger if it is not bonded yet, signalling that this is a new ledger. The staking
/// locks of the stash account are updated accordingly.
/// Note: To ensure lock consistency, all the [`Ledger`] storage updates should be made through
/// this helper function.
pub(crate) fn update(self) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
if !<Bonded<T>>::contains_key(&self.stash) {
return Err(Error::<T>::NotStash)
// We skip locking virtual stakers.
if !Pallet::<T>::is_virtual_staker(&self.stash) {
// for direct stakers, update lock on stash based on ledger.
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::NotEnoughFunds)?;
&self.controller().ok_or_else(|| {
defensive!("update called on a ledger that is not bonded.");
/// Bonds a ledger.
/// It sets the reward preferences for the bonded stash.
pub(crate) fn bond(self, payee: RewardDestination<T::AccountId>) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
if <Bonded<T>>::contains_key(&self.stash) {
return Err(Error::<T>::AlreadyBonded)
<Payee<T>>::insert(&self.stash, payee);
<Bonded<T>>::insert(&self.stash, &self.stash);
/// Sets the ledger Payee.
pub(crate) fn set_payee(self, payee: RewardDestination<T::AccountId>) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
if !<Bonded<T>>::contains_key(&self.stash) {
return Err(Error::<T>::NotStash)
<Payee<T>>::insert(&self.stash, payee);
/// Sets the ledger controller to its stash.
pub(crate) fn set_controller_to_stash(self) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
let controller = self.controller.as_ref()
.defensive_proof("Ledger's controller field didn't exist. The controller should have been fetched using StakingLedger.")
ensure!(self.stash != *controller, Error::<T>::AlreadyPaired);
// check if the ledger's stash is a controller of another ledger.
if let Some(bonded_ledger) = Ledger::<T>::get(&self.stash) {
// there is a ledger bonded by the stash. In this case, the stash of the bonded ledger
// should be the same as the ledger's stash. Otherwise fail to prevent data
// inconsistencies. See <> for more
// details.
ensure!(bonded_ledger.stash == self.stash, Error::<T>::BadState);
<Ledger<T>>::insert(&self.stash, &self);
<Bonded<T>>::insert(&self.stash, &self.stash);
/// Clears all data related to a staking ledger and its bond in both [`Ledger`] and [`Bonded`]
/// storage items and updates the stash staking lock.
pub(crate) fn kill(stash: &T::AccountId) -> DispatchResult {
let controller = <Bonded<T>>::get(stash).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotStash)?;
<Ledger<T>>::get(&controller).ok_or(Error::<T>::NotController).map(|ledger| {
// kill virtual staker if it exists.
if <VirtualStakers<T>>::take(&ledger.stash).is_none() {
// if not virtual staker, clear locks.
use {
codec::{Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen},
// This structs makes it easy to write tests to compare staking ledgers fetched from storage. This
// is required because the controller field is not stored in storage and it is private.
#[derive(frame_support::DebugNoBound, Clone, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen)]
pub struct StakingLedgerInspect<T: Config> {
pub stash: T::AccountId,
pub total: BalanceOf<T>,
pub active: BalanceOf<T>,
pub unlocking: frame_support::BoundedVec<UnlockChunk<BalanceOf<T>>, T::MaxUnlockingChunks>,
pub legacy_claimed_rewards: frame_support::BoundedVec<sp_staking::EraIndex, T::HistoryDepth>,
impl<T: Config> PartialEq<StakingLedgerInspect<T>> for StakingLedger<T> {
fn eq(&self, other: &StakingLedgerInspect<T>) -> bool {
self.stash == other.stash && == && == &&
self.unlocking == other.unlocking &&
self.legacy_claimed_rewards == other.legacy_claimed_rewards
impl<T: Config> codec::EncodeLike<StakingLedger<T>> for StakingLedgerInspect<T> {}